THE FLIGHT The Technology Of Scientology And Dianetics This will be most obviously the longest chapter in this book. I was asked by Fred Hare 15 years ago to write down the technology of Scientology and Dianetics and to rewrite all the books because Scientology is defined as not as a text- book science but as a consecutive set of research papers, tapes and bulletins. To put it all down in a clear, concise order was an idea which L. Ron Hubbard, its supposed founder, had in 1965. He thought he could find a writer who wrote well, put him in a room for 6 - 7 months and that would be the end of that. So, I and another individual were approached with this particular task, which we were supposed to do for the love of mankind. I refused. There are supposedly 25 million words of chat involved in this research line endeavour and how they come to those numbers is beyond my imagination. I calculate it to be closer to 21 million words which I'll have to boil down here in this chapter. We will only be covering what is essential, need- to-know and must-know information in the technology. There are separate chapters after this review of the technology covering the philosophy, the church, the owners of the church, the hidden secrets and the tragedy. The majority of the book is about to unfold here in these next 400 pages. If you understand subjectively what I will state here in this chapter, get your own confusions and aberrations cleared up on the areas mentioned (in other words, get your own case, fixations or electrical energy run off yourself where you are no longer confused or swayed in these areas), then you can understand this information. If you understand this information, you can apply it and help other people in a very lasting fashion. Although I have seen an almost unlimited quantity of lip service towards doing so, it seems that no one else can quite arrive with a complete understanding of this technology, whether it be Hubbard himself, or the tens of thousands of people which have studied this subject intensely. I would suspect you could trace their inability to comprehend and apply this technology to their own unrun cases: their own aberrations and ignorance on the subject matter addressed. It is ironic that it is their ignorance of areas outside of Scientology and Dianetics technology which throws them off of their studies into delusions. I have attempted to cover all extraneous areas outside of the technology which might effect it in this one volume so that when exception occurs in the application of the technology, the individual will not be thrown off course, off guard or be overwhelmed by extraneous information. 44 Extraneous information inevitably comes across ones path if one pursues the application of this particular conglomeration of wisdom. An individual's ignorance is generally the result of living in a culture rampant with tremendous ignorance, thus people trying to study, learn and understand Scientology and Dianetics are alluded by two almost impossible factors. They are already ignorant and already aberrated. They aren't up to knowing that, much less suspecting it, much less perceiving it. In other words, people are ignorant and they are aberrated; that is, if given an opportunity of going from A to B, they will go to C instead. One logical path out of this paradox is the multiple-pass approach on a subject matter clearing up the aberration and the ignorance as one goes. You just read the material over and over. As far as a complete and accurate assimilation of the technology, this path would not work until all this aberration is gone. The bootstrap-limited approach(teaching people about Scientology and Dianetics prior to them having all of their aberration run off) has proven historically unworkable. Not only because people do the wrong things, but there is no way they will ever rise above being dumb and ignorant and prefer truth and sanity until their aberrations are gone. They would simply see no point in it. These particular ideas (in fact every idea in this book) can be subjected to objective tests and be found to be true. The model way or the ideal way happens to be the only workable way. Someone had to have their case completed first before they could understand and apply the technology. This oversimplification is only one in the issue of why no one can understand and apply the technology with any degree of consistency, accuracy and success. The other issue is, in spite of these determinates of why data can't be transmitted, knowing the materials objectively has no relationship to understanding. Once the information is known personally, it can be applied. Knowingness is a personal matter. Operating on another person's knowingness has very limited workability. It is only valuable to absorb, digest and work with other peoples' knowingness in order to develop ones own. There is no record of all this information being assimilated and developed as a personal knowingness which the existence of the church or the study of the religion. These three determinates: (1) peoples' affinity and unawareness for remaining aberrated, (2) their own unawareness of their high degree of ignorance, and (3) their complete lack of any personal knowingness -- add up to failure on not only the average student, but every student that has adventured on this particular road of truth. 99% of something is not a whole. Even if someone had attained 90% understanding, which some Public Relations Officer somewhere might promote as an idea, would be a complete asininity. There is no way anyone could have absorbed more than 10% because there are no records within the church of anyone ever running extremely high aberrations off a case. There is a way of measuring electrical discharge of mental masses off of a person which is tone-arm divisions an hour. The best work ever done in the church within the organized religion, is about l0 - 15 divisions on the 45 tone-arm in an hour. Any person who knows the technology or if any person were to know 99% of it, they could average over l00 and up to 500 divisions an hour. What holds back accurate, decent application of the subject is the case state of the practitioner, not the person being consulted. These precursory remarks about the technology had to be made in order to clear the record because out of the 21 - 25 million words which contain dozens of technologies, there is actually a single, decent, workable and perfect way to assist other individuals quite markedly at about l0 - l00 times the rate, more than anything ever mentioned or suspected within those 21 - 25 million words. The probably reason for this particular variance is that this technology existed before this particular time on what is known as the the past track in its pure form and only vague remembrances have been reconstructed through the very personal and very brilliant recollections of L. Ron Hubbard. Unfortunately, the sloppiness and disorder and general casualness which surrounded this 30-year research line have completely obscured the salient factors of its application. So, an abundance of research was done but as far as the applicable elements of that research being put in orderly fashion, Hubbard went the same route as Jesus: those that have ears to hear, can hear and those that have eyes to see can see. In doing so he fathered only one complete transmission. Hubbard has remarked that he has released only 15% of what he knows and sees no point in releasing the rest of the information in that no one has caught onto the 15%. I seriously doubt that that is true. However, if there is validity to it, I can comprehend the wisdom of his limited disclosure. Within this text I have confined my remarks to a small percentage of what I am aware of as a courtesy. The degree of disclosure of vital information is too simple a variable to judge an individual by. The work which results from events which occur as a result of ones writings are a better judge. I am quite sure that there are some ignorant idiots out there that challenge my remarks. It is a sign of ignorance to judge instead of look and groups are full of people prejudiced against truth. In fact, groups are probably formed by mutual disagreement instead of mutual agreement and are held together by that disagreement. Ending up in this unique position, may or may not have been my design. I found it quite unbelievable 20, 15 and 10 years ago. About 5 years ago dozens of people became aware of my unique position in knowing the technology. They not only brought it to my attention but to the attention of many others. When approached by people of station, I have generally explained that I am essentially doing my own thing, guided by my own conscience and immune from the positive and negative forces of traditional human society (power, position, influence and threat on bodily life). I trust these preliminary remarks will provide an adequate background from which we can start to discuss the application of the scientific 46 method towards the humanities, philosophies, religion, the occult, the nature of existence and many other areas which are the determinates in a person's past, present and future awareness level, intelligence, sanity, health, well-being, capability level and the individual's power relationship towards other life. We will address this fixed-quantum time continuum, the individual's stability, integrity and his ability to determine his own space, thoughts, position, non-position, certainty and his ability to cooperate (or not) with other freely-determining individuals through all man's awarenesses including those beyond perception; and lastly, the individual's integrity, decency, truth level, individuality, co-existence ability and ability to not be. Not be is a magical ability in a unrestricted, new, fresh, non-responsive, original and creative sense. Much of what you will read will appear to be simply codified and synthesized common sense (which it is) which you may assume you already know. You may understand it, but I doubt that you know it. If you are not using it, you do not know it. What a man knows he uses. When a man understands, he simply understands and discards. What people think, what people feel, and what people do are three different things. To the degree that those three things align, they are rational. To the degree that they are different, they are nuts. The order of importance is critical. You can only judge a man's bottom line by his actions, which are direct reflections of his deepest thoughts. Emotions are completely separate activities. Thinking has nothing to do with thoughts. Thinking is 2 ' 2 = 4, it is formulated, it is done within time, it is consequential, it is cause- effect, and it is computing. thought is just that, a pink elephant, a thought. It is not thinking. However, some of you may insist much of this is codified common sense and 'I know that' and 'I use it', so congratulations to you for that. There will be information which is new. Take your time with it, play with it, test it and find out if it is true. I happen to know it's true, but that is my truth which does you no good. Only your truth does you good. This is not only my idea or L. Ron Hubbard's idea, or Buddha's idea, or Lao Tse's idea. It has been said often. The whole subject of history or origins of information is an absurdity. Once an idea is known and stated to another, it is then everyones and then people act on it. Much more is accomplish by writing this book than someone reading it. Someone reading it alone accomplishes more than however many other people read it. I believe it is called putting something in the physical universe, then everyone gets it and has it to draw upon. So, let us begin: If one were to be very wise, then you should obtain and study on ones own, the Technical Dictionary of Scientology, Dianetics Today, the Tech Volumes (which are the Red Books of Scientology), The Book of Scales, 0- 8, 8:8008, 8-80, The Creation of Human Ability, The Fundamentals of Thought, The Phoenix Lectures, How To Choose Your People, Dianetics, and Science of Survival in that particular order. However, since that outside reading can only be suggested, I'll have to be clearing and explaining the words as I go. 47 From a technical viewpoint let us first define Scientology. It is a science of know to know answers, and also a science of life betterment, a science of understanding, a science of communication, an applied philosophy wherein a person discovers for himself that he can become aware over any problem and solve that problem himself. One dictionary defined it as a system of organized axioms resolving problems of the spirit, life and thought developed through the application and methodology of the exact sciences to the humanities by L. Ron Hubbard, American engineer and philosopher. A seventh definition might be the science which raises a person's ability to be aware and act. An eighth definition is philosophy and technology which when applied correctly results in peace of mind, real security and attainment of some degree of final truth. It is a history of the technology as Mr. Hubbard himself basically developed some philosophies about life and other developed philosophies about life which they freely gave to him. Anyway, it all came out under his name. People found this interesting and to some degree workable and they passed that fact along to other people. It grew and organizations were formed to unify and direct its growth. Let us define the fellow, Hubbard, more succinctly. Although. it may seem a departure, I'd like to read or state what is listed in Who's Who In The South And Southwest, because the personal life of L. Ron Hubbard, fortunately or not, directly influenced what the technology was and is: born Tilden, Nebraska, March 13, 1911, H.R. & Ledora May Waterberry H., student Waverly Prep School 1929, Woodward Prep School 1930, B.S. in Civil Engineering, George Washington University 1934, student Princeton School of Government 1945, P.H.D. Sequoia University 1950, married Mary Sue Whipp, writer of aviation and travel articles 1930 -, writer of novels 1936 -, explorer 1934 -, commander of Caribbean Motion Picture Exhibition and West Indies Minerals Exhibition 1935, Alaska Radio Exhibition 1940, writer for 90 national magazines, Hollywood studios of radio, licensed commander glider pilot, master of motor vessels, master of sailing vessels (all class), radio operator, Mem. 163rd Infantry, Montana National Guard 1927 - 1928, 20th Marines, Marine Corps Reserves 1930 - 1931, served as Lt. USNR 1941 - 1946 commanding escort vessels and navigator in all theaters, Fellow Oceanographic Foundation, President Founding Church of Scientology, Washington, D.C., Clubs: Explorers (NYC), Capital Yacht. Author: Buckskin Brigade, Final Blackout, Rebellion, Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health, 20 other volumes on Dianetics and Scientology, also motion pictures, magazine fiction and two texts on psychology. One of the premises on engaging upon the technology of Scientology is to acknowledge that there is adequate quantity of human misery to work on and resolve. There are a number of people who feel that everything is fine just the way it is and nothing really needs to be done about anything because it won't effect them personally. This is a rather short term, selfish viewpoint regardless of how prevalent it is. 48 The facts are that one-third of the world will be dead in 8 - 10 years from starvation; in the last 80 years l00 million people have been killed, that is, they did not die natural deaths; 60% of the South American population is illegitimate; at present, the U.S. has over 40,000 nuclear weapons and the exact figure is possibly twice that; France, England, China and a number of others have atomic weapons; the U.S. has made public to all nations the plans for constructing nuclear reactors for public power 15 years ago. Later it was released that the waste products from these reactors do make excellent bombs. There is no way to keep the bombs secret anymore, practically anyone can build a bomb. Estimates on defense expenditures total an incredible amount of money. A significant portion of the defense budget goes toward the development of gas and biological systems of war. The neutron, or enhanced radiation device, bomb is spreading throughout the world, Crime and divorce rates continue to rise; drug addiction has been rising at an unprecedented rate and is beginning to consume society. The population increase over the next 120 years is a sobering prospect. These are not pessimistic, random and undocumented statements. They are facts which can be verified. Many more things could be said on the subject of human misery and social chaos which have been outlined by many other authors: Bertrand Russell, Aldous Huxley, Julian Huxley, Erich Fromm, Robert Lidner, Philip Wylie, John Stormer, etc. I simply want to make the point that it is an essential part of the Scientology technology to recognize that we are living in an age of relative chaos in which misery is multiplying in an exponential sense. Newspapers and magazines are completely saturated with it to such a degree that the public accepts it without comment. It has become an accepted thing. No one has, or very few people, seek to do much about these conditions. The next underlying tenet, or element, or background idea that one must be aware of in addressing Scientology technology is civilizations in themselves destroy themselves. Despite all their great benefits, they are inadequate. Civilizations coincident with other civilizations struggle and destroy each other. They communicate at a bullet level in war. Our present civilization, as it stands now, is declining towards more chaos, and has an economic system that is declining faster than society, and has an inadequate education system which promotes mechanical duplication and robotism instead of certainty and/or judgment. Present society is characterized by sciences that classify as their goal. Many of these sciences are non-heuristic, non-predictable and non-workable. Present society is also characterized by irresponsibility towards its fellows. There is a breakdown in the traditional values and value systems. There is a breakdown in natural values and natural value systems. The public media, that is, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and movies continually promote the commodity of chaos and people continue to buy it. Look at the newsstands and you get an impression of where the world is headed. Whether this is actually true or not is another subject. People buy chaos, believe in chaos and as a result (to a degree) live in chaos. This broad survey is made on a relatively pessimistic note (which is also a superficial note because progress and decline are both rather illusionery upon intense inspection). However, the point is made that society is in general in a down-trend and if the individual is to survive as an individual 49 ones chances are reduced markedly by remaining in the bandwagon of society, playing out societies roles and the bandwagon apparently has no steering wheel. Thus, the conclusion can be drawn that there is more chaos coming and becoming aware of chaos is a higher state than pretending that it isn't there. One has to recognize that it is there in order to help order it. So, in other words, if there is a snake in the road and you see it, you will walk around it instead of stepping on it. Chaos is similar to that. Civilization is declining toward more chaos, unprediction, and uncontrol with the majority of individuals tagging along in total agreement with this decline and if you are in agreement with it you will decline with it and you will become what it is becoming. I would suspect that people have been talking about Doomsday since time immemorial and they have been in most instances wrong. However, cursory inspection of the present ratio of wisdom to power in society can be disturbing. So, in order to survive above and beyond the group level of a savage civilization degrading towards extinction, one would have to become more aware than one presently is, at least more aware than society is, learn more than society has learned, know more than society knows, and be able to act faster than society can. Furthermore, in order to avoid becoming an effect of an inadequate civilization, a person must be able to predict that civilization, in other words, to be able to see when, and where and how it is falling apart, at least enough to get oneself out of it in good condition. One should take care of oneself, then perhaps after one has taken care of oneself, he can do something about others and for society in general. It is also part of the technology that one should recognize that we can do something about ourselves and others, particularly if we gain more knowledge and ability than we presently have. One can do alot for oneself and others by raising ones ability to know and act. So, to increase ones ability to survive, one needs to increase ones knowledge and his overall ability level. Scientology technology is based on these particular set of assumptions and therefore Scientology technology is a science of gradients or levels through which a person can increase his knowledge and ability. By knowing more, one can predict more; by being able to predict more, one can either control or avoid others' control. By doing so one can win and by winning one attains some degree of self-satisfaction, happiness or growth. So, Scientology technology could be summarized as a ladder out of human misery and the inadequacies of civilization to greater states of awareness and understanding which hopefully would result in health, happiness and immortality. The technology properly applied is a way of getting up and walking without stumbling down the road to truth. There is an element within an individual called a subconscious mind, a reactive mind, which works on a stimulus-response basis. Another person says -So and so is stupid', or -I don't like his personality', or -Bill can't be reasoned with', or -So and so has no good intentions', or -Hell hath 50 no fury like a woman scorned', or -You can't reason with the Russians'. You are talking about minds in each of those cases. The study of the mind is a highly relevant and important matter. Perception, understanding, taste and ability to act are all monitored by, and usually limited by, the mechanics of the mind. If the mind is so important, so basic to everyones existence and activity, the question arises why don't we know enough about the mind to control and improve it? The answer to that question is that we don't know because we assume that someone else does. People have a tendency to act like governments when there is something that needs to be known, instead of finding out about it, they study it and form committees. People have agreed that there is a specialized field that has been set to study the mind, hence the existence of classification science known as psychology and psychiatry. Psychology is actually a set of theories towards handling neuroses and psychiatry is a science of doing something with the severely mentally ill. This is a pretty presumptuous line of attack. assuming we don't need to know about the mind because someone else does, but this assumption is prevalent and this assumption doesn't help us unless we investigate their field. Psychology and psychiatry are classification sciences and thus their workability, depth, and penetration are somewhat limited for they do not produce uniform, quick or remarkable results. Doubling a person's ability, income,or IQ is just not a commonplace occurrence. The reason for this is that they don't have enough scientific understanding, data and knowledge about the mind. If a person can heal a man, or if one can get one who is thoroughly mixed up and feeling like they are at the bottom of the well into aligning his confusion, straightening his whole life up, then, you know something about the mind. If you can't heal and can't straighten people out then you don't know what is happening in the mind. So, our not-knowing about the human mind doesn't help us, we suffer as individuals because we do not know and the classification sciences in the subject of the human mind offer little but explanations of why they can't help. There is a dangerous misconception that knowing about the mind is a dangerous thing. The fact is exactly opposite. One of the most dangerous things a person can do is not know about the mind, to simply not learn anymore about it than he already does know. Everyone does know something about the mind because one deals with them every day no matter what you do. If you don't learn about the mind, if you don't know about it, you will become an effect of it, your own and other peoples'. So, if your life or yourself is controlled by your mind because you don't know about it, at the very least you could be described as being in a pickle. Not knowing, not handling the human mind brings about the precarious state of a Pandora's box of ills: drugs, alcohol, psychosomatic illness, excessive medication, justification, rationalization and abandonment of purposes, or all the above would result in people having a mental framework within which they can't get better or change anything. This mental framework is called a -case' or a -bank'. After years of continued living at the effect of the subconscious (reactive) mind and other peoples' subconscious (reactive) minds, one attains a 51 state of -being reasonable' about everything, calling the mess that he is in -living'. Such individuals think that aberration and problems are - normal', unsolvable and make excuses for insanities. A person even ends up making excuses for himself. Such a man has totally failed at his own goals. Not-knowing about the mind and being an effect of the mind will cause your demise. You will even die because of it. That is such an acceptable fact that it isn't even shocking. People say, so what. Death is a step up for them, they mistakenly think. The idea even filtered into Christianity. Failed goals and frustration may be accepted as -normal', as average by the majority, but to accept life in this way, to -adjust to it all' is ignorance and apathy. This sort of attitude is what has gotten us into the marvellous position which we are presently in to be able to wipe ourselves (4.3 billion people) out in 30 - 40 minutes. The creation of that particular mechanic is just a minor example of what comes from peoples -not needing to know' about the mind. This what comes from the assumption that people that study things know something about them. Society and science have reach a state of inadequacy in knowing about the mind. Believe it or not, there are actually people out there walking around that have the idea that the mind is a hunk of meat in the skull of a meat- body. These peoples' notions of improvement is cutting pieces of it up with knifes, destroying parts of bodies. To simplify, the first part is you and differentiates data easily, the analytical mind. The reactive mind is a stimulus- response mechanism that thinks only in identities, it can only associate. It has been called - the subconscious'. This is the mind that reduces one's ability and makes one act irrationally. Number three is the somatic mind that regulates the body and motor functions. In Scientology, one becomes less and less an effect of the confusions of the reactive mind by first, learning and understanding the composition of the reactive mind, second by learning how to handle his own reactive mind and the reactive minds of other people, third by disconnecting himself from it and temporarily moving himself away from it (releasing), and fourthly, by erasing the reactive mind totally (clearing). Doing this raises the awareness and ability of the individual to a state previously unattainable, a state difficult to describe or even imagine because of the immense quality of subjective personal freedom, perception enlightenment and happiness. The state of Free Being that poets and prophets glimpse is a very poor comparison. Scientology defines this state crudely as that of the state of Clear when one has been cleared of his previous misconceptions and no longer uses yesterday's answers to solve today's problems. Theoretically, a person that was Clear would not miscompute. A Release is a person who is temporarily Clear. This state is quite temporal. Most people hit this state of Release for a few seconds when they cognite, in other words, regain an awareness that they previously had. This happens at least once a week on people. On people that are in good shape, it is happening hourly. On Clears it is happening each 52 second. Words such as inspiration, vision describe the clarity of awareness at this level of freedom. To get a closer look at these states by doing the first step, let's get a good idea of what a reactive mind is made up of, how it operates and how it affects us. So, let's review the definition. It is the part of the mind which files and retains physical pain and painful emotion. So, this thing files facsimiles (mental-image pictures containing all perceptics and considerations) of As incidents containing pain, physical, emotional and spiritual. All - traumatic' incidents are filed by the perceptions of the incident (sight, hearing, motion, whatever), phrases in the incident, and considerations about the incident. Example: baby on a blue blanket is approached by a roach and bitten. Mother yells, -Oh God, a bug! a roach! See what happens when we live in this cheap place!' ] This incident is filed in the reactive mind of the child. The child's emotion during the incident is fear, he wanted to communicate - Help! me somebody!', the date was 1950, August 10th for the incident. So, the incident is filed: By time: August l0, 1950 By emotion: Fear By consideration: -Help! me somebody!' By visio: Blue blanket, roach, the room, mother By phrase: -Oh God!', -a bug!', -a roach', -See what happens', -We live', -When we live', and -This cheap place'. All incidents that are filed by the reactive mind are retained. The physical pain and painful emotion is retained in the reactive mind by the use of facsimiles, that is, mental image pictures. Examination and activation of the August 10, 1950 facsimile ten years later will make the young man feel exactly the same emotional and physical pain. The reactive mind is made up of facsimiles containing pain and counter-emotion, counter effort, and counter-thought. Counter-emotion could be defined as any emotion that the individual has not yet taken responsibility for or for which he has given up responsibility. Counter-effort is any force for which the individual has not yet taken responsibility for or for which he has given up responsibility. Counter-thought is any thought for which the individual has not taken responsibility for or for which he has given up responsibility. This means that anything that occurs to an individual for which he does not take responsibility for, that is , he does not exercise his ability to be cause and confront it, in the form of the emotion, effort or thought is filed and retained by the reactive mind. -It seeks to direct the organism on a stimulus-response basis...' When something in the present-time environment approximates an incident of pain in the past, the exact solutions, emotions and considerations in the past incident will be forced on the individual for him to execute in present- time. Traumatic incident -A' is solved by solution -B'. From then on difficulties similar to incident -A' will cause the reactive mind to dictate to the person that -B' is the answer to the problem. 53 (1) The degree of similarity of the two incidents, (2) the amount of pain in the original incident -A', and (3) the strength of the individual in present-time will determine the amount of effect this phenomenon has on the person's behaviour in the present situation. This bringing up of old solutions and emotions to current situations by the reactive mind is called restimulation. It may be so mild that you do not notice it and simply smile and continue watching the movie or so powerful that you become permanently stuck in one incident. We call people in such a state psychotics. -By using the above type facsimiles to survive with and to align data.' The reactive mind works solely on a stimulus-response basis by using these mental-image pictures of past incidents of pain and irresponsibility for the purpose of increasing its survival and aligning data in confusions. -It thinks only in identities.' Everything is equal in the reactive mind. It actually doesn't even -think', it only identifies and associates; it doesn't decide, it only reacts. -It has ... no differentiational ability.' It can't see differences. It can't discriminate. It can't separate. -Woman' in the reactive mind can be restimulated by any woman in life. -See' in the reactive mind can be restimulated by the ocean. An incident with a girl friend may be restimulated by a sergeant's phrase. It has no differentiational ability. 54 The Axioms: The Axioms of Scientology are definite, precise axioms which Life follows in the material universe. There are very close to an absolute, -practically' absolute. The first two axioms are very close to an absolute, the remaining 56 axioms are those which apply to Life as it exists in this physical universe. So, the Axioms of Scientology are the rules of life that we all live by, that all life plays by. Not only are they self evident, they are all, each and every one, scientifically provable. The first one states that Life is basically a static. A Life static has no mass, no motion, no wavelength, no location in space or time. It has the ability to postulate and to perceive. This is a definition of what something isn't doing, isn't being and isn't having. Second: The Static is capable of considerations, postulates and opinions - second axiom. Third axiom Space, energy, objects, form and time are the results of considerations made and/or agreed upon or not by the static and are perceived solely because the static considers that it can perceive them. Axiom 4 - Space is a viewpoint of dimension. Axiom 5 - Energy consists of postulated particles in space. Axiom 6 - Objects consist of grouped particles and solids. Axiom 7 - Time is basically a postulate that space and particles will persist. Axiom 8 - The apparency of time is the change of position of particles in space. Axiom 9 - Change is the primary manifestation of time. Axiom 10- The highest purpose in this universe is the creation of an effect. Axiom 11- The considerations resulting in conditions of existence are four-fold. (a) AS-IS-NESS is the condition of immediate creation without persistence, and is the condition of existence which exists at the moment of creation and the moment of destruction, and is different from other considerations in that it does not contain survival. (b) ALTER-IS-NESS is the consideration which introduces change and therefore, time and persistence into an AS-IS NESS to obtain persistency. (c) IS-NESS is an apparency of existence brought about by the continuous alteration of an AS-IS-NESS. This is called, when agreed upon, Reality. (d) NOT-IS-NESS is the effort to handle IS-NESS by reducing its condition through the use of force. It is an apparency and cannot entirely vanquish an IS-NESS. Axiom 12- The primary condition of any universe is that two spaces, energies or objects must not occupy the same space, when this condition is violated, a perfect duplicate, the apparency of any universe or any part thereof is nulled. Axiom 13- The cycle of action of the physical universe IS; create, survive (persist), destroy. Axiom 14- Survival is accomplished by ALTER-IS-NESS and NOT-IS - NESS, by which is gained the persistency known as time. Axiom 15- Creation is accomplished by the postulation of an AS-IS NESS. Axiom 16- Complete destruction is accomplished by the postulation of the AS-IS-NESS of any existence and the parts thereof. 55 Axiom 17- The static, having postulated AS-IS-NESS, then practices ALTER- IS-NESS, and so achieves the apparency of IS-NESS and so obtains Reality. Axiom 18- The static, in practicing NOT-IS-NESS, brings about the persistence of unwanted existences, and so brings about unreality, which includes forgetfulness, unconsciousness and other undesirable states. Axiom l9- Bringing the static to view, AS-IS, any condition devaluates that condition. Axiom 20- Bringing the static to create a perfect duplicate causes the vanishment of any existence or part thereof. A perfect duplicate is an additional creation of the object, its energy and space, in its own space, in its own time, using its own energy. This violates the condition that two objects must not occupy the same space, and causes a vanishment of the object. Axiom 21- Understanding is composed of affinity, reality and communication. (Abbreviated ARC.) Axiom 22- The practice of NOT-IS-NESS reduces understanding. Axiom 23- The static has the capability of total knowingness. Total knowingness would consist of total ARC. Axiom 24- Total ARC would bring about the vanishment of all mechanical conditions of existence. Axiom 25- Affinity is a scale of attitudes which falls away from the co existence of static, through the interpositions of distance and energy, to create identity, down to close proximity but mystery. By practice of IS-NESS (Beingness) and NOT-IS NESS (refusal to Be) individuation progresses from the Knowingness of complete identification down through the introduction of more and more distance and less and less duplication, through Lookingness, Emotingness, Effortingness, Thinkingness, Symbolizingness, Eatingness, Sexingness and so through to Not-Knowingness (Mystery). Until the point of Mystery is reached, some communication is possible, but even at Mystery an attempt to communicate continues. Here we have, in the case of an individual, a gradual falling away from the belief that one can assume a complete Affinity down to the conviction that all is a complete Mystery. Any individual is somewhere on this Know to-Mystery scale. The original Chart of Human Evaluation was the Emotion section of this scale. Axiom 26- Reality is the agreed-upon apparency of existence. Axiom 27- An actuality can exist for one individually, but when it is agree with by others, it can then be said to be a Reality. The anatomy of Reality is contained in IS-NESS, which is composed of AS- IS- NESS and ALTER-IS-NESS. IS-NESS is an apparency, it is not an Actuality. The Actuality is AS-IS NESS altered so as to obtain a persistency. Unreality is the consequence and apparency of the practice of NOT-IS-NESS. Axiom 28- Communication is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source- point across a distance to receipt-point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt- point a duplication of that which emanated from the source- point. The formula of Communication is: Cause, Distance, Effect, with Attention and Duplication. The component parts of Communication are Consideration, 56 Intention, Attention, Cause, Source-point, Distance, Effect, Receipt-point, Duplication, the Velocity of the impulse or particle, Nothingness or Somethingness. A non communication consists of Barriers. Barriers consist of Space, Interpositions (such as walls and screens of fast- moving particles), and Time. A communication, by definition, does not need to be two-way. When a communication is returned, the formula is repeated, with the receipt-point now becoming a source-point and the former source- point now becoming a receipt-point. Axiom 29- In order to cause an AS-IS-NESS to persist, one must assign other authorship to the creation than his own. Otherwise his view of it would cause its vanishment. Any space, energy, form, object, individual or physical universe condition can exist only when an alteration has occurred of the original AS IS-NESS so as to prevent a casual view from vanishing it. In other words, anything which is persisting must contain a -lie' so that the original consideration is not completely duplicated. Axiom 30- The general rule of auditing is that anything which is unwanted and yet persists must be thoroughly viewed, at which time it will vanish. If only partially viewed, its intensity, at least will decrease. Axiom 31- Goodness and Badness, Beautifulness and Ugliness, are alike considerations and have no other basis than opinion. Axiom 32- Anything which is not directly observed tends to persist. Axiom 33- Any AS-IS-NESS which is altered by NOT-IS-NESS (by force) tends to persist. Axiom 34- Any IS-NESS, when altered by force, tends to persist. Axiom 35- The ultimate truth is a static. A static has no mass, meaning, mobility, no wave-length, no time, no location in space, no space. This has the technical name of -Basic Truth'. Axiom 36- A lie is a second postulate, statement or condition designed to mask a primary postulate which is permitted to remain. Neither truth nor a lie is a motion or alteration of a particle from one position to another. A lie is a statement that a particle having moved did not move, or a statement that a particle, not having moved, did move. The basic lie is that a consideration which was made was not made or that it was different. Axiom 37- When a primary consideration is altered but still exists, persistence is achieved for the altering consideration. All persistence depends on the Basic Truth, but the persistence is of the altering consideration, for the Basic Truth has neither persistence nor impersistence. Axiom 38- 1. Stupidity is the unknowness of consideration. 2. Mechanical Definition: Stupidity is unknowness of time, place, form and event. 1. Truth is the exact consideration. 2. Truth is the exact time, place, form and event. Thus, we see that failure to discover Truth brings about stupidity. Thus, we see that the discovery of Truth would bring about an AS IS-NESS by actual experiment. Thus, we see that an ultimate truth would have no time, place, form or event. Thus, then, we perceive that we can achieve a persistence only when we mask a truth. Lying is an alteration on time, place, form or 57 event. Lying becomes ALER-IS-NESS, becomes Stupidtity. (The blackness of cases is an accumulation of the case's own or another's lies.) Anything which persists must avoid AS-IS NESS. Thus, anything, to persist, must contain a lie. Axiom 39- Life poses problems for its own solution. Axiom 40- Any problem, to be a problem, must contain a lie, if it were truth, it would unmock. An -unsolvable problem' would have the greatest persistence. It would also contain the greatest number of altered facts. To make a problem, one must introduce ALTER-IS-NESS. Axiom 41- That into which ALTER-IS-NESS is introduced becomes a problem. Axiom 42- MEST (matter, energy, space, time) persists because it is a problem. It is a problem because it contains ALTER-IS-NESS. Axiom 43- Time is the primary source of untruth. Time states the untruth of consecutive considerations. Axiom 45- Theta can consider itself to be placed, at which moment it becomes placed, and to that degree a problem. Axiom 46- Theta can become a problem by its considerations, but then becomes MEST. A problem is to some degree MEST. MEST is a problem. Axiom 47- Theta can resolve problems. Axiom 48- Life is a game wherein theta as the static solves the problems of theta as MEST. Axiom 49- To solve any problem it is only necessary to become theta, the solver, rather than theta, the problem. Axiom 50- Theta as MEST must contain considerations which are lies. Axiom 51- Postulates and live communication not being MEST and being senior to MEST can accomplish change ; in MEST without bringing about a persistence of MEST. Thus, auditing can occur. Axiom 52- MEST persists and solidifies to the degree that it is not granted life. Axiom 53- A stable datum is necessary to the alignment of data. Axiom 54- A tolerance of confusion and an agreed-upon stable datum on which to align the data in a confusion are at once necessary for a sane reaction on the eight dynamics. This defines sanity. Axiom 55- The cycle of action is a consideration. Create, survive, destroy, the cycle of action accepted by the G.E. (the genetic entity) is only a consideration which can be changed by the thetan making a new consideration or different action cycles. Axiom 56- Theta brings order to chaos. Corollary: Chaos brings disorder to theta. Axiom 57- Order manifests when communication, control and havingness are available to theta. Definition: Communication: the interchange of ideas across space. Control: positive postulating, which is intention, and the execution thereof. Havingness: that which permits the experience of mass and pressure. Axiom 58- Intelligence and judgement are measured by the ability to evaluate relative importances. Corollary: the ability to evaluate importances and unimportances is the highest faculty of logic. 58 Corollary: indentification is a monotone assignment of importance. Corollary: identification is the inability to evaluate differences in time, location, form, composition or importance. The majority of these axioms are correct. It is good to know them; they are a crucial part of the technology. The majority of the Logics and Pre Logics are incorrect. Although I will be coming back to the Axioms later, correcting them, it is good to go ahead and learn them as they are. They certainly provide ample opportunity for alot of thought. The next thing we should take up are the Factors. The Factors are a descriptive statement of the creation of the physical universe and the creation and existence of individual universes. In some instances, they conflict with the Axioms, but the majority of them are true. The Factors are: 1. Before the beginning was a Cause and the entire purpose of the Cause was the creation of effect. 2. In the beginning and forever is the decision and the decision is TO BE. 3. The first action of beingness is to assume a viewpoint 4. The second action of beingness is to extend from the viewpoint, points to view, which are dimension points. 5. Thus, there is space created, for the definition of space is: viewpoint of dimension. And the purpose of a dimension point is space and a point to view. 6. The action of a dimension point is reaching and with- drawing. 7. And from the viewpoint to the dimension points there are connection and interchange. Thus, new dimension points are made. Thus, there is communication. 8. And thus, there is light. 9. And thus, there is energy. 10. And thus, there is life. 11. But there are other viewpoints and these viewpoints out-thrust points to view. And there comes about an interchange amongst viewpoints; but the interchange is never otherwise than in terms of exchanging dimension points. 12. The dimension point can be moved by the viewpoint, for the viewpoint, in addition to creative ability and consideration, possesses volition and potential independence of action; and the viewpoint, viewing dimension points, can change in relation to its own or other dimension points or viewpoints. Thus, comes about all the fundamentals there are to motion. 13. The dimension points are each and every one, whether large or small, solid. And they are solid solely because the viewpoints say they are solid. 14. Many dimension points combine into larger gases, fluids or solids. Thus, there is matter. But the most valued point is admiration, and admiration is so strong its absence alone permits persistence. 15. The dimension point can be different from other dimension points and thus can possess an individual quality. And many dimension points can possess a similar quality, and others can possess a 59 similar quality unto themselves. Thus, comes about the quality of classes of matter. 16. The viewpoint can combine dimension points into forms and the forms can be simple or complex and can be at different distances from the viewpoints and so there can be combinations of form. And the forms are capable of motion and the viewpoints are capable of motion and so there can be motion of form. 17. And the opinion of the viewpoint regulates the consideration of the forms, their stillness or their motion, and these considerations consist of assignment of beauty or ugliness to the forms and these considerations alone are art. 18. It is the opinion of the viewpoints that some of these forms should endure. Thus, there is survival. 19. And the viewpoint can never perish; but the form can perish. 20. And the many viewpoints, interacting, become dependent upon one another's forms and do not choose to distinguish completely the ownership of dimension points and so comes about a dependency upon the dimension points and upon the other viewpoints. 21. From this comes a consistency of viewpoint of the inter-action of dimension points and this, regulated, is TIME. 22. And there are universes. 23. The universes, then, are three in number: the universe created by one viewpoint, the universe created by every other viewpoint, the universe created by the mutual action of viewpoints which is agreed to be upheld - the physical universe. 24. And the viewpoints are never seen. And the viewpoints consider more and more that the dimension points are valuable, And the viewpoints try to become the anchor points and forget that they can create more points and space and forms. Thus, comes about scarcity. And the dimension points can perish and so the viewpoints assume that they, too, can perish. 25. Thus, comes about death. 26. The manifestation of pleasure and pain, of thought, emotion and effort, of thinking, of sensation, of affinity, reality, communication, of behaviour and being are thus derived and the riddles of our universe are apparently contained and answered herein. 27. There is beingness, but Man believes there is only becomingness. 28. The resolution of any problem posed hereby is the establishment of viewpoints and dimension points, the betterment of condition and concourse amongst dimension points, and, thereby, viewpoints, and the remedy of abundance of scarcity in all things, pleasant or ugly, by the rehabilitation of the ability of the viewpoint to assume points to view and create and uncreate, neglect, start, change and stop dimension points of any kind at the determinism of the viewpoint. Certainty in all three universes must be regained, for certainty, not data, is knowledge. 29. In the opinion of the viewpoint, any beingness, any thing is better than no thing, any effect is better than no effect, any universe better than no universe, any particle better than no particle, but the particle of admiration is best of all. 30. And above these things there might be speculation only. And below these things there is the playing of the game. But these things which are written here Man can experience and know. And some may care to teach these things and some may desire to employ them to make individuals and organizations more able and so give to Earth a culture of which we can be proud. 60 There are a number of errors throughout the particular Factors I will take up at another time, but likewise with the Axioms, it is good that this information be understood. It is inherently a part of applying the technology of Scientology. If you have great difficulty with #29 and #30, you don't have to push yourself over the edge because they are both quite ludicrous and highly incorrect. Next, I'd like to take up the Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels of Scientology. There is a minus scale that a number of people are on. As far as what is published, it goes down to -34 levels. There are 13 lower ones. So, we will take it from the bottom. Levels of Awareness -48 Awareness of religion -47 Awareness of evil -46 Awareness of survival -45 Awareness of money -44 Awareness of groups -43 Awareness of things -42 Awareness of people -41 Awareness of ideas -40 Awareness of self -39 Awareness of love -38 Awareness of fortune -37 Awareness of luck -36 Awareness of fate or destiny -35 Awareness of chance Those were not published or/and perhaps not known, though I doubt it, by Scientologists. I might add that reason- for them not publishing them: There is a remark made on a tape that there are probably a dozen lower levels, and probably the reason is obvious)that these were not published was because they are certainly not going to flatter people to indicate that these awarenesses which the majority of people are walking around in, are junior to most things that people consider bad. People have these things backward, which makes these lower awarenesses look like North when actually they are very South. This is a problem caused by harmonics, where something gets dense and then lighter, dense and then lighter, a person's general direction can get confused and therefore, these bottom awareness levels, people seek them as the greatest thing going and they actually think that that is what is going on and it isn't. -34 is Unexistence. A person would have to be aware of not even existing at all to fall into those lower awarenesses.- They would have to be aware of other non existence. This is supposedly a very low state according to Scientologists, however, it is a very high state for most individuals. Anyway, let us continue with the minus awareness scale: -34 Unexistence -19 Detachment -33 Disconnection -18 Oblivion -32 Uncausing -17 Catatonia -31 Criminality -16 Shock -30 Disassociation -15 Hysteria -29 Dispersal -14 Delusion -28 Erosion -13 Inactuality -27 Fixidity -12 Disaster 61 -26 Glee -11 Introversion -25 Elation -10 Numbness -24 Masochism - 9 Suffering -23 Sadism - 8 Despair -22 Hallucination - 7 Ruin -21 Secrecy - 6 Effect -20 Duality - 5 Fear of Worsening We have now covered the minus awareness levels and that is where 96% of humanity is. On only 4% of humanity will we find in the remaining higher states of awareness. People can be talked with back and forth and moved up and down this scale, you can also erase engrams off of people and move them up these scales. An engram is a mental image picture of a previous moment of pain and unconsciousness. I will be describing and defining each of these lower minus awareness scales later in this book with each of them having the unusual ingredient of being able to define each one in terms of power, in other words, power and awareness are synonymous in the English language. All wisdom has been very cleverly cluttered into language itself so that the wisdom would not be lost within the cross definition of words. Proceeding up the scale: - 4 Need of Change In a recent survey (1980), Forbes magazine found that 3 of the people in American want change. 97% don't. - 3 Demand for Improvement - 2 Hope I must pause here to remark that this has to be the most prevalently marketed and clever traps around. Hope is a substitute for knowing anything, or understanding anything. There are alot of people just hoping. One should understand as far as an overall category of awareness that that is what I'm talking about when I say 96% of the people are on the minus scale. A person can be higher or lower than their overall condition or position on various subjects, like a person could be in hope on the economy and yet his overall viewpoint on life would be elation. This would be your happy individual. So, just because you see alot of hope going on on certain selected areas doesn't mean that a person is aware of hope. - 1 Help And that completes what I would call the Human Range. On these lower four levels of awareness you can apply Scientology immediately. If they are lower than - 4 Need of Change, you can bring a person up to that occasionally with group processing in Scientology. If Need of Change, you start by repairing a persons life using what is known as a Prep Check. It is a list of buttons (questions) which you clean off (get all answers to) and this cleans off a person's upsets by restoring cyclic communication, cyclic affinity, cyclic reality and cyclic understanding. These cycles have broken down and the vitality of an individual has not been restored after a loss or an upset. In doing a Life Repair you fix all these up and a person can attain the state of Demand for Improvement. Through Recall Processes you can restore Hope, through the use of Dianetics you can bring a person up to being aware of Help and that would complete your Dianetic range. 62 On Grade 0, Communication Release, the awareness level of Recognition is attained. On Grade I, after the problems of an individual, not only the ones he is aware of, but the ones he isn't aware of, have all been eradicated, he is aware of communication and perception. After a person's mishaps at being cause or effect are clarified on Grade II, then a person attains the state of Orientation, Understanding and Enlightenment. On Grade III, where you are cleaning up major upsets on changes and the subject of change itself, a person becomes aware of Energy, Adjustment, their body, space, their connection with the physical universe. The awareness levels of Prediction, Activity and Production are clarified on Grade IV where Service Facsimiles (which are people's attempts to make other people wrong and whatever type fixed habit patterns they have there) are eradicated. The next levels of awareness are Result, Correction and Ability. These are obtainable through the use of Expanded Dianetics which is specialized processing where the evil impulses of an individual are erased. The next levels of awareness are Purposes, Clearing and Realization which are attained on Power Processing. Awareness of Conditions is the next one which occurs. That can occur on Power Plus or before, also known as VA. Through the use of Grade VI on which auditing of timeless, installed habit patterns and urges within the individual are addressed, a person becomes aware of their whole track, that is, their personal recordings of their experiences through time, all of it. That may or may not bring about the 20th level of awareness which is Existence. If it doesn't, the Clearing Course will. Normally the correct Clearing Course erases the fundamental core of the Reactive Mind, which is certainly not pictures. It floats timeless for the being. The published materials which are supposedly confidential of the Church of Scientology in this area are incorrect and are unfortunately just an average of what 42 people found on a research project from September 3rd, 1965 through February 2nd, 1966. Hubbard asserted that he was already Clear and he didn't go through this particular type of programming, when he actually did. Those people all came up with different material, I personally made four different suggestions at the time which were verified by the people researching the Clearing Course. I just finally gave up contributing to the research because the materials appeared to be in such poor order. None of the 42 had decent recall or scientific research data that they were working out of. I suppose the final sentence in this matter is that the earlier beginning to the materials only exists in Hubbard's personal private safe. So, anyway, if the correct materials were ever issued and published properly, they would produce a State of Existence for one as an operating being. 63 No one has ever tried that within the Church. Of course, I have tried it dozens of times on dozens of people. It works quite well. If you issue the proper materials, people attain the proper state. Anyway, a person becomes aware of Existence after that and goes on and does what is known as OT I which brings a person back into communication with the environment. They become aware of themselves as a source-point as an individual, not so much a point, but more an origin of life and themselves. On OT II one attains the ability to confront the whole track, likewise these materials are incorrect as published by the Church. The proper materials not only produce the ability to confront the whole track but also the ability to perceive the entire whole track. So, OT II properly done, a person produces immaculate recall and perception. If the 21st level of awareness of Source isn't evident at that point then it will come in at OT III where there is a return of full self-determinism and freedom from overwhelm. As in the Clearing Course and OT II, on OT III the earlier beginning to this particular set of materials, the later ending and the dates are incorrect. However, the majority of it as published by the Church is correct. OT IV doesn't produce any different awareness other than certainty of self as a being which is a higher awareness state. OT V creates a refamiliarity of a thetan distinctly separate from the physical universe. OT VI extends a person's ability to move out of their body and travel freely with some degree of perception throughout the physical universe and it extends their ability to influence other individuals and the universe of other individuals and extends their ability to cause effects in the physical universe. On OT VII a person becomes aware of Power, that's an awareness level, and of freedom. It rehabilitates a person's ability to project intention. At OT VIII Freedom is the awareness level, here a person's ability to be cause knowingly over thought, life, form, matter, energy, space and time on a subjective and objective, also other people's subjective, basis is what is achieved there. The Church doesn't sell OT VIII or market it. There is little to no research or paperwork, even in the files of L. Ron Hubbard on this level. The freedom from the inability to be totally free and at total cause as a being gets handled on this level. This particular set of materials has been worked out, tested, and proved. It is no part of the existing Church but I suppose the whole subject of Scientology, is no part of the Church. The two (Scientology and the Church) are not only incompatible but are at very cross purposes with each other, to say the least. So, that is overall the awareness characteristics, the levels on what is known as the Grade Chart of Scientology. 64 The next thing I'd like to take up is a broad subject called understanding. I'm covering alot of philosophy while explaining the technology of Scientology and I have to do that because there is a fundamental amount of philosophy involved with this technology. One needs to know it or one cannot apply the technology. There is a separate, short chapter in this book on philosophy. People are as happy and successful as they are able to communicate and understand. People seek understanding, nations seek understanding. Understanding is the process and action and goal which life is engaged upon and striving towards. Understanding something well, means that you can predict it, and being able to predict it, you can control it, and being able to control it, you can either reduce or increase its effect on you, as you so desire. Thus, the more understanding you have, the more predictable your life will be, the more free you will be to live and win. Problems are made up of confusions, unprediction and unawareness. Understanding reduces confusion, increases prediction and awareness. By understanding a person has fewer problems and a better life,by increasing ones understanding one should have a proportional reduction of problems and a proportional increase in living, or livingness, if you will. If you understand everything about a problem it is not a problem. Every problem contains elements that are not understood. Any problem can be solved by locating and understanding these elements which were not previously understood. The Reactive Mind lowers ones ability to live because it lowers ones understanding. Understanding is made up of three things: Affinity, Reality and Communication. Affinity is a consideration of distance. High affinity is closeness; low affinity is greater distance. -Love' could be described as high affinity; - hate' is the desire for less affinity. Affinity is a gradient (relative) quantity. The greatest affinity would be beingness where there would be no distance between the two terminals. The introduction of more and more distance would decrease affinity more and more. So, two dots close together (.__.) would be high affinity; two dots farther apart (.______.) would be lower affinity. So, the closer you are, to whatever you want to understand, whether it be a person, problem or thing, the greater your understanding will be. This is covered with much more precision in Axiom 25. The closer you are, the more willing you are to be near to something, then the greater your understanding will be; conversely, the farther you are from it, the less you will understand it. People are quite aware of the affinity that others extend towards them. Reality: People have been going off the deep end about this for thousands of years by rigidly trying to find out about everything. I'd like to just treat it in a light way, at this time. Reality is basically agreement. If you can agree with that which you seek to understand, then your understanding will increase. It might worth noting here that all a case is is disagreements, in other words, all a Reactive Mind is, is a person's disagreements. 65 This third part is Communication. Communication is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source point across a distance to a receipt point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt point a duplication of that which emanated from the source point. This is covered in greater detail in Axiom 28. That is the mechanical communication formula. Communication can exist senior to mechanics and certainly does. In life, communication has been described as a universal solvent. The most effective communication is that communication which is best duplicated. These three components of understanding are abbreviated: Affinity, Reality, Communication = ARC Some people use the same amount of ARC for everything that they encounter in life. This is very ineffective. One should be able to change the amount and type of ARC that he uses to communicate with different people and things. Communicating with ones wife, boss, President or neighbour with the same amount of ARC is disastrously ineffective. One should be able to vary the amount of ARC one uses in each individual life situation in order to best understand that situation. When there is a sudden drop in ARC, known as an ARC Break, it can be remedied by putting A and R back in. Increasing two of these components brings back up the third. Example: there is an argument and a sudden drop in ARC. This can be patched up by talking (communicating) about an agreeable subject (the weather, movies) with an expression of a little affinity. Of the three, communication is the most important, in that, it is the doingness, the activity part. A person is to some degree in Affinity, Reality and Communication with his body, his mind, the physical universe, himself and other beings. What is a man? A man is composed of three parts: a body, a mind and a soul. The body is a carbon-oxygen machine which the person uses to communicate and perceive from and with. The mind is a physical thing located in matter, energy, space and time which contains electrical masses of energy and significances. The soul is the person, the individual, that which decides, is aware, perceives and feels. A person doesn't have a soul, he is the soul, People who say that they -have a soul', or refer to -their soul' should generally be asked, -Who are you?' The 8 Dynamics: The goal of all life is survival and the individual is to some degree surviving in all the areas of existence. The areas in which each individual is seeking to survive, to some degree, are known as the Dynamics, which are defined as urges towards which one is striving. 1. Self 2. Sex, family 3. Groups 4. Mankind 5. All life forms 6. The physical universe 66 7. Thought 8. God, Infinity, Supreme Being Other dynamics are listed in the Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary and then there are upper dynamics that are far senior to anything listed here, they will be covered later in this book. Everyone is to some degree surviving on all of these 8 dynamics. A person's condition can be measured by the number of dynamics he is surviving on. A person who can be cause over and handle the 1st dynamic, can move on to the second and be successful at it, and can then, one by one, go up to #8. If one does not follow this ladder of expanding spheres of causation, one will have a much more difficult time of it and will probably fail. By skipping the first two dynamics and attempting to be cause over the third dynamic Communism has doomed itself to failure. Yogis, mystics and various Eastern religions by skipping the first six dynamics and trying to survive only on the 7th dynamic are on the whole quite unsuccessful. The better solution to any problem is that which will offer the most survival to the greatest number of dynamics. The best solution would offer infinite survival for all dynamics. Severe failures on a dynamic lead to an inversion: 1. Failures on the 1st lead to extreme attention on the 8th. (The individual lives of religious fanatics are poor.) 2. Failures on the 2nd lead to extreme attention on the 7th. (Examine the sexual and family lives of artists and mystics.) 3. Failures on the 3rd lead to extreme attention on the 6th. (This is the one America is on. It wants lots of physical things - cars and so forth because of its inability to handle groups. Not only other countries, but also groups within the U.S. and U.S. itself as a group. So, all their attention goes on matter, energy, space and time, money. Note their inability to operate in a cooperative fashion.) 4. Failures on the 4th lead to extreme attention on the 5th. (Ask any extreme pet lover how they really feel about mankind and make sure when you do that you have a door close by, possibly a trash can, you may be needing both.) Now, I would like to take up the Tone Scale. This is covered in great detail in 300,000 words in a book entitled Science of Survival by Mr. Hubbard. The emotional Tone Scale, starting from the top, in the human range is: 4.0 Enthusiasm 3.0 Conservatism 2.5 Boredom 2.0 Antagonism You could draw a line under these and in these ranges a person is more responsible, cause, winning, perceptive, happy and analytical. Now, under this line a person is irresponsible, effect, losing and reactive. The way that scale looks is: 67 1.8 Pain 1.5 Anger 1.1 Covert Hostility 1.0 Fear .9 Sympathy .5 Grief .05 Apathy 0.0 Death Emotions above 2.0 on the Tone Scale tend to increase and go up tone toward greater survival; those emotions below 2.0 tend to go down tone towards succumbing. Those above 2.0 are creative and further Life; those below are destructive and tend toward Death. So, they are both exponential in nature, or compounding in nature. Anything below this line is going to end up towards Death; anything 2.0 or above the line is going to end up enthusiastic. Parts of the Tone Scale are characterized by a desire to change and others by a desire to maintain the status quo: 4.0 Stable 3.5 Unstable 3.0 Stable 2.2 Unstable 1.5 Stable 1.1 Unstable .05 Stable The Tone Scale measures relative degrees of survival. The Tone Scale measures relative degrees of affinity. The Tone Scale measures relative degrees of reality. The Tone Scale measures relative degrees of communication. The Tone Scale measures relative degrees of responsibility. Ones general, overall position on the Tone Scale is not always fixed; it varies. Falling in love can put a person at 4.0; a death of someone close can put a person into .05, Apathy. Ones tone can vary per dynamic or subject, in other words, a person could be at boredom on sex and anger on politics. People do go all over the Tone Scale depending on the subject, and their tone and mood at the time. To communicate effectively with a person and bring him up tone, one can assume a tone that is a tone above his position on the scale. You will be cause over that person. To communicate effectively and bring a person down the Tone Scale, one should assume a tone that is a tone below theirs. You will become effect of that person. People go down the Tone Scale only because their higher toned communication was unsuccessful. It didn't get through, so they try lower and lower tones until their communications are acknowledged and produce a result. People of different tone levels that communicate at length (husband-wife, brother-sister) generally tend to equalize their differences in tone. An enthusiastic husband and an angry wife, after 20 years of marriage will both assume a tone of boredom. 68 By associating with higher tone people than oneself, one can raise ones tone; by associating with people of a lower tone than ones, one will bring oneself down the Tone Scale. People usually have one basic emotion that they most commonly express. This is one way of placing a person on the Tone Scale. Possibly a better way is to put an individual under high stress, then you will find out what their true Tone Scale position is. In society, the level of social machinery is usually very high on the Tone Scale, 4.0 - 3.0, but the people are actually much lower, usually below 2.0. Individuals above 2.0 on the Tone Scale are very responsible and at the very least, quite rare. Perhaps a greater problem then position, being low on the Tone Scale, and being low on the Tone Scale is certainly a problem, is the tendency to become fixed at one position on the Tone Scale and becoming inflexible in adaptation to other tone levels when it would be advantageous to change tone. Being stuck at Enthusiasm is just as ineffective as being stuck at Apathy. Through Scientology technology a person can gain the freedom to use whatever the the situation calls for, and thus ones overall tone does improve. By locating a person's position on the Tone Scale, one can predict very accurately how that person will act. The next area I'd like to go over is The Anatomy of Confusion. Confusion is characterized by uncertainty, stupidity and insecurity. In this universe, confusion is random motion. A confusion is only a confusion as long as all the particles are in motion. A confusion is only a confusion so long as no factor is clearly defined and understood. By knowing the anatomy of confusions, one can decrease them, that is, become more intelligent. Education fails because of confusions. Behind every failure, there is a confusion that wasn't stood up to and taken apart. In order to lower the confusion in the random motion of particles, one should select one particle from which to locate the motion of the other particles. A confusing motion can be understood by conceiving one thing to be motionless. If there are 10 phones ringing, pick one up and answer it. By selecting one datum, one factor, one particle in a confusion, the confusion continues but the thing selected becomes a stable datum for the remainder. All confusions, no matter how big, are composed of data, factors, or particles. They do have pieces. Grasping one piece lowers the confusion level. Grasp one piece and locate it thoroughly. See how the other pieces function in relation to it until the confusion is solved in its entirety. The piece that you grasp becomes a certainty that is predict relation to it until the confusion is solved in its entirety. The piece that you grasp becomes a certainty that is predictable; the remainder is unpredictable, uncertain. The ordering of confusions is a process of picking one element of it and making that a predictable, stable thing that you know about and using this element of stability to stabilize the remaining random elements. The remaining elements are stabilized by observing their relationship to the first stable point. 69 Certainty could be defined as a lack of confusion. Intelligence is the ability to handle a confusion. Security is attained by bringing order to a confusion. Instead of ordering confusions, some people depend on -luck', uncontrolled chance. Depending on luck is abandoning control. that's Apathy. Because of the great quantity of uncertain, stupid control that is extant in society, some people are inclined to think that control is a bad thing. Control is not a bad thing. People that say that control is bad are saying that industrial, airplace and automobile accidents are good. Control is necessary if one is to bring order to confusions. Good control is positive, certain, predictable; bad control is an attempt, but it is not really control - it is uncertain, unpredictable. One either controls things or one does not. One must be able to control things, his body, his mind, his thoughts to some degree in order to accomplish anything. A confusion is an uncontrolled randomness. People who exert some control of that randomness handle confusions, instead of confusions handling them. People who do not exert control over confusions breed more confusions. When one becomes master of confusions, ones attention is freed for constructive activity. When one is surrounded by confusions and does not handle them, he will develop a destructive attitude in living because of his desire to destroy the confusions around him. Now I would like to discuss Stopping a Confusion. Confusion is held ineffective with an ordering datum, that is, a Stable Datum. Examples are the dictionary, gravity, -me Tarzan, you Jane', and the rising and setting of the sun. One handles the confusion of standing in the rain with the stable datum of opening an umbrella, or of going inside, or with holding a newspaper over ones head, etc. There are many stable data. A stable datum is that which stops a confusion and solves a confusion. Example: After an argument with his mother-in-law, a man is confused and stops his confusion with a stable datum, the decision that -mother's- in- law are evil'. This, whether right or wrong, orders the confusion. When the man gets into trouble and a woman helps him out, then the original confusion returns to him because the stable datum has been shown to be invalid. Example: After studying the data in universities for 10 years about the various problems of existence and the world and solving this confusion with the stable datum of -Nothing can be done about these things but study them and speculate', an educated person meets someone who is capable of understanding and action and he demonstrates that something can be done, thus the first man's stable datum that 70 resolved his confusion is now shaken and he will feel confused by that person. Seeing the falsity of a stable datum that was used in the past brings the confusion of the past up to present time. One can have many friends by accepting and acknowledging their stable data; you lose friends by devaluating and not accepting their stable data. You can confuse and literally kill people by invalidating their major stable data - it will bring their big confusions up to present time upon them. The most decent, ethical thing one can do when people offer their stable data is to simply acknowledge them. Stable data aren't necessarily true - they are simply adopted. When an old stable datum can be seen to be untrue and the old confusion comes up to the present, a new stable datum must be adopted, or the old stable datum will be put back in place. Some stable data are more effective than others. Scientology technology itself is a somewhat effective stable datum for solving confusions about life. I'd like to now take up Control. An executive controls more than a workman; a wealthy man controls more than a poor man. People who say that control is bad are saying that accidents are good. People who try to control, don't control; attempted control is not control. One controls or one does not. There is no such thing as bad control; one doesn't control but simply tries and then labels this -bad control'. The anatomy of control is Start, Change, and Stop. One must be able to do all three of these to control. Life consists of Cycles of Action (Start, Change, Stop). The apparent cycle of action for the Physical Universe is Create-Survive Destroy. People in good condition do not resent good, positive control and can administer good, positive control to people and objects. People in poor condition resent casual directions, and are not able to handle people and objects. So, these people are inefficient and do have difficulty in life. If you don't control a car, you will end up in a ditch. The ability to Start, Change and Stop ones body, ones activities and one environment - this is their ability to control. If you don't control a machine, like getting angry, it controls you. Control over ones Reactive Mind would stop it from controlling you. 71 The ability to make stable data is the ability to stop; the ability to control is the ability to order confusion. Incompetence and inefficiency are both the inability to start, change and stop things. Some people are stuck in starting things. They do little, make lots of plans and taIk enthusiastically about big schemes. Some people are stuck in change. They must keep everything going. They do not like new ideas or new machinery. Some people are stuck on stop and will try to stop everything. Artists start things, which leads to a creative society. Business people change things which leads to an enduring society. Military and policemen stop things which leads to a destructive society. The inability to control which results in confusion and insanity is contagious. To be happy, one must be able to control his environment which includes the inabilities of others. Control is not the answer to everything. One needs barriers to have a game and to be happy. One must not let his area of control extend beyond his own life too far; we must tend to our own house before tending others. The willingness not to control is as important as control itself. The next thing I'd like to discuss is Self-Determinism. By learning and applying Scientology data and by using Scientology processes, a person raises his self-determinism, his ability to determine his own existence. Self-determinism is not selfish determinism for self determinism embraces responsibility. Self-determinism is the ability to play one side of a game, it is the ability to act and be cause. By becoming more self-determined, by running ones own life, one can achieve more of ones goals. Achievement can be translated into happiness. Now I'd like to discuss Wins. What is a win? A win is getting a goal and doing it. If someone else gets your goals for you then you won't win much. You can do 10 times as much in an area that you like as you can in one which you dislike. People who do not set goals cannot win, they do not have any future. Goals imply future time. No goals imply no future. People don't win because they do not set goals or they set unattainable goals giving themselves a loss. 72 To win, set a goal you can do and do it. Then, set a larger goal. Society often -forces' one to set higher goals than he could naturally achieve. In order to -keep up' he attempts to do something he can't. This may be the agreed-upon-fact in society, but it is certainly not the way to win. Winning requires: 1. Awareness and honesty about what you can do. 2. Awareness that it doesn't matter where you are on a gradient scale; it matter very much whether you are going up (winning) or going down (losing). 3. Setting goals you can achieve. 4. Achieving them. 5. Setting new goals. That is all there is to it. Most people aren't up to this simplicity. Most people have -failed' at some time in the past and have decided to quit and not set goals any more. Stuck back in that failure they -just exist' without a future, spending the years in front of a TV set. Conservatively speaking, about 90% of the U.S. is in this condition. I'd like to talk about Games next. Games require barriers, freedoms and goals. They may require players or a player. The game of Life uses the physical universe as a barrier. Matter is a barrier (walls, mountains). Energy is a barrier (electricity, explosions). Space is a barrier (a man in New York can't meet a man in California). Time is a barrier (one can't change yesterday or live tomorrow today). Each person is in ARC with the physical universe. When he has an accident, that is a physical injury, his ARC with the physical universe drops. By getting the person into communication with the physical universe after he has been hurt, one can often turn the pain and the condition off significantly The best thing to do is to get the person into ARC with you. This is known as an Assist . Anyone can do them without needing to know how they work. I know a number of people who are critical and sceptical of Scientology, but whenever they have a headache turn on, they give themselves an Assist and they like that very much. An assist takes a person's attention off the loss and puts it on a win. People have too many barriers because they don't know enough. If they did know, they could predict and win. Here's what usually happens: Person: ______ ?/lose______ ?/lose______ ?/lose______ ?/Decision to Quit. Time: ------------------------------------------------------- ® After enough losses a person will decide to quit his external game. Having quit playing an external game, what does he do? Every person has a level of game that he likes to play at - more game than this level will confuse him, less game than this level will cease to hold his interest. This is his 73 level of randomity, the ratio of confusion to order. The ideal state would be to be able to adjust to any level of randomity, but most people, unfortunately, because they have Reactive Minds, are stuck at one level. To maintain this level after they have quit playing an external, objective game out in life, people will start an internal game, they will start to play a game with themselves. There are many ways to play a game with oneself because one doesn't want to play or has decided not to play an external game. One can think, think, think; one can explore the realms of the imagination. One can wonder about the pact, one can think about ones friends; one can worry about the future, and so forth. People that are highly introspective and -reasonable' have already failed in life. There is not enough randomity to hold their interest in the present or there is too much randomity for them to confront. So, they deny themselves from having any exterior game. People don't allow themselves an external game because they can't have one. They have lost, they have hurt others. They know they will lose, that external games are too unpredictable, so they don't play them. Where there are too many barriers, that is, too much challenge, too much unpredictability, too many losses, a person is then unable to have or even be. How to have a game: One must be able to be before one can do before one can have. Be, Do, Have. In that order. People are thoroughly mixed up on this sequence. America by having things and doing things is trying to be something. That's backwards. -Playing the role' to learn something or be something, like going through the motions of a housewife in order to be one, is backwards. Acting beautiful, or glamorous, or charming won't make a person any of these things. Making love without being in love won't advance you towards love. That's backwards. The cycle for games is BE-DO-HAVE. Those are also the components of Experience, but that's not defined in Scientology, but I'll define it here. BE-DO-HAVE make up a triangle known as Experience. This is a bit obvious that one would have to be before one could do, and then one would have to do in order to have. Scientology enables a person to be and increases his ability to do by raising his awareness and prediction. He is then able to have. Play a game that you can be in, you can do in, so you can have in, in other words, pick an agreeable gradient where you can comfortably be on. If it is being 20 feet from the opposite sex, well fine, do that. Then try 19 feet. Give yourself wins, so you can have things that are predictable. Give yourself wins by picking predictable things. Gradiently increase your ability to have a game. In society, unfortunately, people play unpredictable games -by ear', people try to find love by doing, people set high goals that they can't 74 handle or have, and are unwilling to play a small game that they can have and handle. It is the idea that keeping up with the lavish, uncontrolled and overwhelmed Jones's is something important. In processing, a girl who had been sleeping with everyone in a frantic effort to -find love', discovered that her level of being, doing and having was that of a mild kiss - anything beyond that was beyond her having it. By playing a game she could have and increasing her game, she can now be and live. She isn't jumping gradients because of the Jones's. She is now satisfied and happy which is more than one can say for the Jones's that she was trying to imitate. Next I'd like to talk about something that is grossly misunderstood inside and outside of Scientology, crudely called karma, and defined in Scientology as the Overt-Motivator Sequence. Overt Act: An action or non-action that harms another dynamic and is - justified'. Example: you hurt someone by hitting them because they hit you. Your hitting them is the overt act and the - because they hit you' is the justification. Motivator: (justification) An act received from any dynamic and considered harmful, and is a justifier to commit overt acts. Man is basically good. When he harms another, he cuts down his own survival because of this. If you commit overt acts, that is, hurt other people, then they will hurt you. Kids actually do this. After Bill has hit Tom, he holds out his hand and asks Tom to hit him back so everything will be all right. Why do we hurt other people and what happens when we do? Here's the sequence: 1. Confusion 2. Overt Act 3. Motivator, Justification 4. More Overt Acts 5. Withholds (not communicating about the overts) 6. Criticism 7. Withdrawal from that area This sequence is always present wherever anyone has withdrawn from any area in life because he -didn't like it anymore', or -couldn't handle it'. This why people quit school, get divorces, move away from home and in many cases, die. Man is basically good and if he has been hurting others around him, he will leave those people so he won't hurt them anymore. This sequence is always present when a person is highly critical of someone. He either has overts on that person or someone that is like him. This sequence is always present if a person has withholds, that is, doesn't like to talk about various things. There are always overts if a person is justifying, in other words using -because' and explaining why he has done what he has done. So, an indication of any part of this sequence means that all other parts of the sequence have occurred. Motivators, 75 justifications, withholds, criticism or withdrawal always indicate the existence of overt acts. A person will continue pulling motivators, in other words, bad things happening to him, -bad luck', as long as the overt is left unconfronted, as long as the person refuses to take responsibility for what he has done. People spend a fantastic amount of time justifying, trying to explain away what they have done. These justifications just pull in more overts. Criticism of other people and other things is a motivator for further overts that they have on that person or thing or on someone or thing associated to that criticized. An overt is NEVER justified. Confronting and taking responsibility for an overt is the only way of ridding oneself of it. People justify in an attempt to attain a feeling that what they did was OK. People generally degrade and criticize that which they have harmed. If they have harmed it enough, they leave. This idea that everybody gets what is coming to them is overworked in the areas of literature, movies and religion. Good acts do not justify bad acts. People are critical of those things in others that are similar to the overts that they have and are committing. Used car salesmen object to Scientology because -it's a racket', beatniks object to Scientology because -it's a personality cult', unemployed people object to Scientology because -it doesn't work', and university professors object to Scientology because -it is just vague, meaningless abstractions'. This is not an overriding, universal law; it's a mechanical sequence which can be processed out of people to where they are no longer subject to it. In other words, there is a senior level of understanding and a person can rise above this treadmill. I'd like to go into Study now. One must be present to study. There must be two terminals (you and that you learn from) and space in between them. By present I mean the person and his attention being there, not just his body being there. Beingness precedes doingness. One must be before one can do. Study follows the communication formula: 1. Consideration 2. Attention 3. Intention One should consider that he can study first, then put his attention into study, and the. put intention into studying. Study is the activity of understanding (ARC) data and significances. It is the process of going from a non- comprehension and confusion to (1) the attainment of the ability to duplicate (although most stop here, this is simply mechanical and a mental trick), to (2) the ability to understand 76 and comprehend, to (3) the subjective realization and awareness of knowing, to (4) the ability and willingness to apply and use what one has learned. The first step is the duplication of data. This is the usual custom, but it is not always necessary in learning. Governments -study' things instead of finding out about them. It is the activity to fill time and delay doingness. The basic thing that is cutting down understanding, study and the ability to act is the Overt-Motivator sequence, that is: 1. Confusion (misunderstood word or symbol) 2. Overt Acts (not studying, not listening and criticizing the subject). 3. Justification (-The teacher is just an an idiot.' He may be, but it's still a justification.) 4. Withholds 5. Withdrawal from study By locating the misunderstood words, one can triple ones ability in the area of study. One needn't do anything but find the words that one has misunderstood and look up their meanings. You just make up a list and look them up. The bypassed definition (misunderstood word or symbol) occurs right before you lost interest and/or things started going bad. Example: a man gets confused half-way down a page and doesn't want to read anymore. He has bypassed a definition of a word at the top of the page. Looking up the definition of that word will order the confusion and his interest will return. Bypassed definitions in an area similar to that you are now studying will confuse you. Example: one is confused about Scientology and has just heard a few things about it, but has already taken a course in Psychology or Indian Philosophy. One has bypassed definitions in these associated areas. There is a gradient of randomity in study where there is sufficient randomity to hold interest without overwhelming and bypassing the person studying. The length of approach to a subject should be short enough to avoid failure, in other words, make it simple enough so that people understand it and yet long enough to avoid skipping a gradient. Enough should be learned so that the subject is covered thoroughly and in order. Don't start too high on a gradient. Start at a gradient that the person can be at and study at. Teachers need students present in order to teach them. Not just the body, but the person's attention. If someone can't learn, he has missed a lower gradient. If studying produces physical reactions, he has missed a lower gradient of study in that subject. Study is a concentration of certainties, a string of confidences that lead to competences. 77 One should teach the student so that he can understand the subject and use and apply it. If a person does not use and apply what he has learned, then he has not really learned it. The responsibility of the student's attainment of a subjective reality is upon the instructor. I'd like to comment here that non-application of what one has learned indicates that there is something wrong with learning. That particular datum is valid evidence 100% of the time. No one alive, excepting myself and perhaps a few others, have in any way learned or grasped the technology of Scientology because no one else can apply it purely. Cultures are the result of education. Dead study has no purpose; live study has a purpose. It can be applied towards a doingness. The relative importance and applicability of the data studied is important. Without application, there is no purpose and one has pedantry instead of study. School Education 1. Pedantic Seldom pedantic 2. Not necessarily concerned Oriented by application with applicability 3. Pompous Non-pompous, aware, sincere, natural, dedicated activity 4. Deals with pure Doesn't concern itself with significances significances that are not related to mass. 5. Separates significances Is concerned with doingness, and action mass and the reason one engages in doingness (significance). One could have a school that did not educate, a school which would fail to add mass and doingness to a significance. Too much significance and too little mass or doingness leads to introversion. To teach a man about balls, give him a ball, not its history. The extreme of all mass and doingness and no significance also will lead one to failure in education. The sign of a professional is his ability to do. One doesn't have to have done everything to be a professional. Doingness can be overstressed. Education should deal with enough significances to handle a significant future . Education should be an activity of relaying an idea or an action from one being to another in such a way as not to stultify or inhibit the use thereof. One should allow the other fellow the right to think and develop on the subject, in other words, to where he comes up to judgement, his own ability to judge and know and apply the subject becomes available. Scientology developed this and the technology of study so that the initial experiences of teaching and de-aberrating the very ignorant could be handled smoother and quicker in their advance through the gradient levels of Scientology towards truth, and applied it in some instances 1964 - 1974 in some of their churches. 78 The next area I'd like to look at in study is sociological history. Civilizations rise and fall. Civilizations and their cultures fall partly because they lose their technologies. They lose their technologies because people don't study technologies and can't study technologies. People can't study because they don't know how to study. There have been no technologies for education. Until now there has been no technology of study. One of the reasons you quit studying is that you study false things. Another thing is that there is an absence of judgement or evaluation. People think that duplication alone is study. If is simply a mechanical step, mental feat. Duplication without sense is deadly. Duplication is not the way to study. The world's chaos is the result of these mental feats, training minds instead of people. The world is desperately deficient in educated people. Study has nothing to do with mental feats; it is concerned with people, not their minds. Study has to do with understanding, with another person's willingness to know. A person can't learn if he doesn't see that he doesn't know, if he - already knows about it'. A person who doesn't recognize their own ignorance can only pretend to study. Before you can study, you must consider and be aware that THERE IS SOMETHING HERE TO LEARN. Ones lack of understanding and inability to study leads to fixed slavishness to things and fixed opinions to safeguard oneself. Fixed ideas and prejudices are based on ones inability to understand. If a person knows his subject, he won't be the victim of every little bump in his way. Conditions won't monitor whether a person attains results. (I could not stress the last two sentences enough. Those two sentences are the keys to godhood.) General problems that people have that prevent their learning: 1. They -already know all about it'. 2. They employ and claim to need fixed opinions to protect their own stupidity. 3. They let their idea about their knowledge be altered because of difficulties in attaining results. You see, only after acquiring the freedom of knowing what you do and don't know about a subject do and don't know about a subject can you acquire judgement. Tackle the words before you tackle the subject. Never leave a word behind in studying. Care has no relation to speed. Time is an individual consideration and is highly subjective. Familiarity with the subject is attained after gaining a familiarity with the words. 79 I'd like to now briefly discuss Scientology Processing as an overview. Scientology processing is the application of a precise technology based on principles about communication, the human mind and life, in which one person (an auditor) aids and listens to another person to -clear' that person of confusions. It enables the person being cleared (a pre-clear) to increase his ability to be, live, perceive, experience,understand and act by freeing his attention from confusions. It can be applied at any gradient of awareness and through it a person can solve his difficulties in life and thought. The goal of processing is to bring a person closer to the state of -clear' where he ceases to act irrationally (re-act), is total cause over his existence if he chooses to be, and can handle anything that he is confronted with. Clears have fewer problems, better health, higher IQs, higher perception, quicker reaction time, are more stable, more oriented and have better personalities by traditional standards. They are highly individualistic. The state of clear is in no way an absolute, it is a subjective and objective, obtainable and attainable reality. The next area I'd like to take up here is some data that has been sensationalised by the press. The press and the public occasionally confuse and sensationalise practically any significant event that occurs and Scientology has been to some degree a significant event. The facts are that: 1. Dianetics was a million selling book explaining the human mind and has been a psychotherapy that embraces the first four dynamics, in other words, self, sex, family, groups and mankind. 2. The Hubbard Electrometer (E-meter) is an electronic device for measuring the state and change of state of humans. It is about the size of a cigar box and is used in processing to measure masses surrounding the human body and thus locate areas of confusion. It measures unconscious and pre-conscious data. It works, in fact, it always works. The use of an E-meter is a precise skill. A trained operator can find out anything with it. It operates by measuring body resistance and changes in body resistance which is monitored by the energy mass (usually having significances attached) in the pre-clear's reactive mind (an individual universe of matter, energy, space and time which surrounds and passes through the body). 3. Past lives and pre-natal memory. Pre-natal memory is excessively validated in Dianetic research. The validity of past life phenomena is observed uniformly in Scientology processing, however, the present life is probably the most important life to the pre-clear, although the chances of him viewing it that way are minute. Objectively speaking, the life one is living is the most important one, but most people are living it from another life point of view, unbeknownst to them. 4. Scientology as a Religion. It probably was one from 1954 to 1969. During those years, it dealt with man as an immortal soul and as a being, and operated off some degree of religious philosophy, tenets, 80 some degree of religious, philosophic tenets. The supposed realm of Scientology is that of religious wisdom, not of religious practice. Its church creed states that -all men have inalienable right to their own religious practice and their performance'. After 1969 the majority of the actions of the church were to deny that previous part of the church creed with the introduction of something known as the Sea Org which is a para-military organization of excessively dedicated individuals, preoccupied with a power struggle against governments. Scientology as a religion during the 1954 through 1969 period did not condone or adhere to any form of belief. It was concerned with Knowingness, Certainty and Awareness. Thus Scientology, in its purest form, embraced all religions; a person's religious beliefs and practices were his own business. Likewise, there was no political affiliations of Scientology during the 1954 to 1969 period. During those years, Scientology asserted a desire to maintain a society in which it could operate from and had a number of suggested plans for world peace. The next thing I'd like to take up is the definitions and words. Before we can understand the technology or study the technology of Scientology one must know the meanings of the words and we will be taking that up in very exact detail quite soon. I'd like to clear up the majority of the important words that you will need to understand to where you can follow along. So, this is a definition sheet: Affinity - is a consideration of distance. Chaos - all points in motion, no points fixed. Effort - the physical force manifestation of motion. Energy - postulated particles in space; condensed space. Environment, objective - the environment everyone agrees is there. Environment, subjective - the environment the individual himself believes is there and it is not necessarily agreed upon. Facsimile - an energy recording of a finite period of time which can contain all perceptions; a mental image picture. Gradient scale - a scale of differences between zero and infinity. Matter - grouped particles in space, Randomity - the ration of unpredicted motion to predicted motion. Reality - the agreed upon apparency of existence. Space - a viewpoint of dimension. Time - a postulate that space and particles will persist. 81 Stable datum - a datum, not necessarily factual, which an individual uses to align a confusion. Responsibility - willingness to be cause and willingness to confront. Intelligence - the ability to perceive, pose and resolve problems, and to create solutions. Work - activity with a purpose. Happiness - the overcoming of known or not unknown obstacles towards a known goal and also the contemplation or indulgence in pleasure. The next 200 definitions of Scientology words and concepts are not in alphabetical order but should probably be studied and learned in the order that they are presented. Missed withhold - an undisclosed contra-survival act which has been restimulated by another and/but not disclosed. Withhold - an undisclosed contra-survival act, ARC break - the assignment of responsibility for a sudden drop in affinity, reality or communication. Clearing - a qualitative return of confidence in self, not a quantitative erasure or handling of bank (reactive mind). As-is-ness - the condition of immediate creation without persistence and is the condition of existence which exists at the moment of creation and the moment of destruction and is different from other considerations in that it does not contain survival. Alter-is-ness - the consideration which introduces change, and therefore time and persistence into an As-is-ness to obtain persistency. Is-ness - an apparency of existence brought about by the continuous alteration of an As-is-ness. This is called, when agreed upon, Reality. Not-is-ness - the effort to handle Is-ness by reducing its condition through the use of force. It is an apparency and cannot entirely vanquish an Is-ness. Reality - the agreed upon apparency of existence. Stupidity - the unknowness of consideration. Truth - an exact consideration. Barrier - a consideration or idea that limits other considerations or ideas. This, of course, includes emotional and physical universe barriers. 82 Blanketing - this is an incident consisting of throwing oneself as a thetan (spirit) over another thetan or over a MEST (matter, energy, space and time) body. Blanketing is done to obtain an emotional impact or even to kill. It is strongest in sexual incidents where the thetan throws two MEST bodies together in the sexual act in order to experience their emotions. This sexual lust comes from the Halver. (The Halver was an incident of being split in half supposedly.). The fullest effect - MEST itself. Chain - a series of similar engrams, similar locks, similar secondaries or anything going backwards or forward in time filed in the mind. CDEI scale - (Curious-Desire-Enforce-Inhibit) a scale upon which life exists and proceeds. Delusion - things not of ones own creation or of the MEST universe which locate one in time and/or space, Dimension points - the first action of beingness is to extend from the viewpoint points to view, which are dimension points. Dirty Needle - that erratic agitation of the needle on an E-meter which covers less that 1 inch of an E-meter dial and tends to be persistent. Enmest - MEST that has been enturbulated by entheta or crushed too hard into theta and thus rendered less usable. Entheta - theta which is enturbulated with MEST in an inharmonious combination. Ethics - rationality towards the highest level of survival of the dynamics. Evaluation of data - a datum is as understood as it can be related to other data. Exteriorize - the act of moving the thetan outside the body Time - a postulate that space and particles will persist, however, a better definition is; a consistency of viewpoint of the interaction of dimension points. Figure-figure-figure - after a thetan (spirit) has been unable to separate himself from a group or object for a considerable length of time he begins to believe that whatever it is, it is something which he must have. He will then figure-figure-figure a reason why he has this object. A person who is firmly convinced that he is a body and is therefore being a body always has to have a reason for a significance. Hence, we get figure-figure-figure. Given a fact, there must be other facts. And in this wise, we get somethingness added to greater somethingness. 83 Freedom - ability to create and position energy and/or matter in time and space. Future - on the time track, that area later than present time; perception of the future is postulated as a possibility. The creation of future realities through imagination is a recognized function. Game - a game consists of freedoms, barriers and purposes. Life can be viewed as a game. It may contain a player or players, a playing field and a weenie, that is, an object to be obtained. Happiness - could be defined as the overcoming of obstacles towards a desirable goal. Habit - a stimulus-response mechanism similar to the training pattern but set up by the reactive mind out of the content of engrams. It cannot be changed at will by the analytical mind. Havingness - the ability to duplicate which can be and is decreased by a person having withholds. Also, it is the concept of being able to reach. One does engage in action in order to have (futurity, time oriented). Illusion - any idea, space, energy, object or time concept which one creates himself. Insanity - an unknowing games condition. (Games condition is defined as a game where there are winners and losers. ) Intelligence - the ability to perceive, pose and resolve problems. Invalidation - a word or action that casts doubt on or denies the truth of a person's thoughts, actions or perceptions. Worry - contradictory engram commands which cannot be computed, Lambda - symbol for the living organism. Lie - a second postulate, statement or condition designed to mask a primary postulate which is permitted to remain. Man - thetan, genetic entity (that spirit which runs the body), the somatic mind (that mind which runs the body), the analytical mind and the reactive mind. Para-Scientology - that branch of Scientology which exceeds the reality of the individual, in most instances, and that branch which contains the uncertainties of Scientology. Parts of man - Body, Mind and Soul. The Past - on the time track, everything earlier than present time. Perception - any means of communication below the level of knowingness. 84 Pleasure - action towards obtaining the procurement of survival, Present Time (PT) - a response to the continuous rhythm of the physical universe resulting in a hereness and a nowness. Problem - two or more purposes in opposition Scientology - the science of how to change conditions, The science of knowing how to know answers. Viewpoint - a point from which to view, The first consideration of a thetan in creation is the assumption Symbol - anything having mass, meaning and mobility. Theta - the only known static (Life). (There may be more than one.) Thinkingness - the potential of considering. Truth, ultimate - a static. Recall - the re-experiencing of the perceptions of past incidents. Postulate - a decision regarding a state of beingness. Psychotic - a person completely out of present time and out of agreement with his environment and those around him. Randomity - the ration of unpredicted motion to predicted motion. Organism - a physical manifestation of Life; a material form organized and controlled by theta MEST - matter, energy, space and time Matter - grouped particles of energy located in a relatively stable relationship to one another. Effort - force with direction. A physical effort in the MEST universe. Energy - postulated particles in space. -I' - the thetan, the centre of awareness, that part of the total organism that is fundamental cause. Dichotomy - a pair of opposites such as black-white, good- evil, love- hate. Consideration - the highest capability of life, taking rank over the mechanics of space, energy and time. Charge - energy being held in present time in relation to an incident or chain of incidents. Analytical mind - that part of a person's thinking machinery and memories over which he has relatively full control. 85 Aberration - a sub-optimum or other-determined condition or consideration which a person is unable to change at will. Culture - the pattern (if any) of life in the society. All factors of the etc., whether economic,society, social, educational, creative or destructive. The culture might be said to be the theta body of the society. Anchor point - anything from which to view or perceive, and also defines spaces, masses and particles. Assessment - an inventory, an examination, a calculation or evaluation of a pre-clear. Automaticity - anything that the thetan perceives or not, and is not under his direct control. Cause - origin or source; can also be a source-point. Chaos - all points in motion, no points fixed. Circuit - a pseudo-personality out of a facsimile strong enough to dictate to the individual and to become identified with the individual. Communication - the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from a source-point across a distance to a receipt- point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt point a duplication of that which emanated from the source point. Communication Lag (Comm-Lag) - the time intervening between the posing of a question or a command and the exact answer to that question or the exact execution of that command. Consideration - a continuing postulate, not necessarily ones own. DED - an act done to any dynamic and considered harmful with no justification for the act. DEDEX - an act done to any dynamic and considered harmful with the justification for the act attempted to be placed after the act. Dimension point - anything which defines dimensions. Dynamic - the central drive of an individual. Effect - receipt-point. Effort - the physical force manifestation of motion. Implosion - particles going towards a common centre. Energy - postulated particles in space, condensed space. 86 Engram - an energy recording of a finite period of time, containing pain and unconsciousness, with a real or imaginary threat to survival, and containing command value, and containing a compulsory exteriorization. Environment - the surroundings of a person from moment to moment, in particular or general; anything he perceives or believes he perceives. Environment, objective - the environment everybody agrees is there. Environment, subjective - the environment the individual himself believes is there and not necessarily agreed upon. Explosion - particles going away from a common centre. Five-way bracket - you for yourself; you for another; another for himself; another for you; others for others. Gradient scale - scale of differences from zero to infinite Havingness - the ability to accept, reject and permit to remain masses, spaces and particles. Lock - an incident of greater or lesser enturbulance of theta which approximates the perceptics of an engram or chain of engrams, and therefore becomes trapped due to the physical pain recorded in the engram and remains an encystment of theta. Perfect Duplication - an additional creation of an object, its energy and space, in its own time, using its own energy. Postulate - a conclusion, decision or resolution made by the individual himself, on his own self-determinism on data of the past or present, known or unknown. It is made upon the evaluation of data and/or perception of the individual or an impulse without data or perception. It is a conclusion, decision or resolution deciding on problems, solutions or observations in the present or past or sets a pattern for the future. Psychotic, computing - one who is running on a circuit. Psychotic, dramatizing - one who dramatizes one type of engram or facsimile and continually plays one engram or facsimile. Secondary - a lock of such magnitude that it must be run as an engram; a lock of great magnitude and entheta, but not an engram. Service Facsimile - a non-survival situation contained in a facsimile which is called into action by the individual to explain his failures; the non-survival action is considered by the individual to be the optimum way to survive; it is the pattern which is the chronic psychosomatic or mental illness of the individual; it is complete with all perceptions. 87 Straightwire - the action of creating a straight line of communication between the individual and his past, and the environment and people around him in present time. Thetan - awareness of awareness unit and/or energy production unit. Cycle of action, actual - create, create-create-create, create-counter create, no creation, nothingness. Invalidation - All thought, emotion or effort or action which overcomes the freedom of choice of the individual. Evaluation - any attempt by the auditor to impose his stable datum or another stable datum upon the preclear. It is also an attempt to locate another in space and time. Ridge - a mass of particles held in suspension and is caused by two opposing forces. Present Time - the agreed upon position of particles that form the MEST universe at any given instant for that instant. Communication Bridge - an application of two-way communication to minimize the potential effect of a change of process, command or location during an auditing session. Communication Terminal - any terminal that is used for communication purposes. Stable Datum - a datum, not necessarily factual, which an individual uses to align a confusion. Confusion - an unpredicted mass of particles; many points in motion and only a few points fixed. Responsibility - willingness to be cause and willingness to confront. Blame - the assignment of responsibility with the consideration of wrongness. Reactive Mind - that portion of the mind which files and retains physical pain and painful emotion, and counter-emotion, counter - effort and counter-thought, and seeks to direct the organism solely on a stimulus-response basis by using the above types of facsimiles to survive with and to align data. It thinks only in identities; it has no differential ability. Analytical Mind - that portion of the mind which receives and retains experience data to compose and resolve problems and direct the organism along the 8 dynamics. It has differential ability and can think in similarities. It solves problems not by facsimiles in total, but by present time perception also. Altitude - the trust and confidence a preclear has in his auditor, and also to the degree that he respects the auditor and his judgement and is willing to follow directions of the auditor. 88 Occlusion - the part of the person's memories that are hidden on the track and are at the moment unknown to him but have previously been known. Necessity Level - this is a person's ability to key out his Service Facsimiles and to cease using the reactive bank for short periods of time when there is an immediate and ominous threat to his survival or the survival of others around him. Tone Scale - a gradient scale of survival. Tone - a person's ability to handle his Reactive Mind. Axiom - a statement of a self-evident truth; an established principle which is universally received. Ally - a person from whom sympathy came when the preclear was ill or injured. Counter-effort - the force which counters ones own survival. Counter effort is an effort for which you do not accept responsibility. Emotional Curve - any drop on the Tone Scale from above 2.5 to apathy and can occur within seconds, minutes or hours; also, a sudden rise of that magnitude. Result - to proceed, spring or arise as a consequence, effect, or a conclusion. terminate, end or effect. Production - the creation of utility, to cause to have existence or to happen; making, yielding. Activity - liveliness, agility, physical motion or exercise of force. Prediction - forecast, prophecy. Body - the physical organism Adjustment - functional and often transitory alteration, adaptation. Energy - the imaginative or effective force (effective in work), vitality. Enlightenment - the state of being in harmony with the laws of the universe, the realization of ultimate universal truth. Grouper - words or phrases in an engram or lock which collapse the time track bringing similar incidents together. Valence Shifter - any phrase received during a moment of unconsciousness that causes the individual to shift into an identity not his own. Clearing - the process or activity of raising the self- determinism of the individual by removing his confusions, 89 Realization - -to become real', the process of changing from imaginary to actual, the regaining of a previous awareness. Power - the ability to compel obedience, to be able, a position of ascendency, capable of acting and producing an effect. Purposes - an end or aim to be kept in view, resolution, determination. Ability - proficiency, competence, to be able. Review - to look over with the intention of improvement. Understanding - Affinity, Reality, Communication; a gradient means by which theta survives in MEST. Orientation - the act of determining ones bearings or setting ones sense of direction. Familiarisation, awareness of the existing situation which reference to time, place, form and event and identity of persons. Perception - the act of taking possession, power of apprehension, direct or intuitive recognition, appreciation, insight, that upon which a being engages with other beings and MEST. Communication (redefinition) - the movement of a particle from a source point to a receipt point with the other beings and MEST. Communication (redefinition) - the movement of a particle from a source point to a receipt point with the intention of the communication being duplicated at the receipt point. Recognition - knowing or feeling that a certain object has been seen before. To perceive something previously known, to acknowledge. Help - assistance, aid, the furthering of survival for an entity or entities. To give support to. Remedy, cure, relieve, save, extricate, benefit, promote, mend, prevent. Awareness of a responsible action that promotes survival. Hope - to cherish or desire with expectations, to place confidence or trust in, desire, trust, reliance. Awareness of an expectation of a better future. Demand for Improvement - an insistence or firm declaration for betterment, gain or increase. Awareness of a reach for betterment. Need of Change - the necessity and obligation of alteration, modification, conversion, or transformation. Awareness of a desire for a difference. Fear of Worsening - the attempt to go, the distress, dread, anticipation of decline, degradation, reduction. Awareness that more things (quantity) could get worse. 90 Effect - receipt, other-determined, uncontrolled, the person being a result of his environment. Awareness of a being that something else has brought it about. Ruin - falling down, decay, collapse. Awareness of having fallen down. Despair - to lose hope utterly, to give up expectation, domination by feelings of hopelessness. Awareness of being without hope. Suffering - submission to affliction, pain, loss, distress, or hardship. Awareness of bearing up or being forced to endure. Awareness of pain in the past and the future. Numbness - reduced sensibility to touch, perception, or emotion. A stupor. Awareness of emotion or sensation being taken away. Introversion - continually looking in instead of looking out Awareness of things or happenings applying only to oneself. Disaster - calamity, catastrophe, cataclysm. Awareness of a sudden unwanted happening caused by an other- determinism. Inactuality - unactual, unfactual, or unreal. Awareness of misinterpretation of what is. Delusion - misleading of the mind, abnormal mental state, false belief, or persistent error in perception. Awareness of the misinterpretation of beliefs. Hysteria - conduct exhibiting unmanageable fear or emotional distress. Awareness of rapid evacuation of the body. Shock - a state of profound depression of the vital processes, mental dullness. Awareness of too much impact, Catatonia - negativism, muticim, catelepsy, underlying thinking disorder, accompanied by hallucinations and delusions of omnipotence and occasioned by a state of violence. Awareness of negatives only, no sensation, false all-power and rare violence striking back. Oblivion - an act of forgetting, forgetfulness, being forgotten. Awareness of something being in the way of awareness. Detachment - separatism, unworldliness. Awareness of portions from a larger mass or whole and being separate from them. Duality - doubleness, being dual, made up of two elements. Awareness of the condition of two-ness (no gradient here). Secrecy - mystery, the habit of keeping secrets, seclusion. Awareness of the state of being hidden. 91 Hallucination - perceptions of objects with no reality. A state of completely unfounded and mistaken impressions or motions. Awareness of misinterpretation of the senses. Sadism - the infliction of pain upon a love object as a means of obtaining sexual release. Delight in physical or mental cruelty. Obtaining pleasure through the observation of the suffering of another. Awareness of pleasure in others' abuse. Masochism - awareness of the direction of aggressive, destructive tendencies towards oneself. Gratification through identification (self-caused pain). Awareness of pleasure in being abused by oneself or others. Elation - self-exaltation, vain glory. Awareness of being picked up or lifted up by other-determinism. Glee - high-spirited joy accompanied by exuberant outward display over others' misfortunes or failures. Awareness of uncontrolled joy. Work - activity with purpose. Fixidity - the state of being fixed. Awareness of being fastened. Erosion - disintegration or destruction of the surface substance. Awareness of destruction by slow degrees. Dispersal - the result of going different ways. Being scattered. Awareness of being scattered in random directions all at the same time. Disassociation - to detach or terminate association. Awareness of detachment from close proximity. Criminality - the act or state of being seriously offensive and guilty of a crime. Awareness of continued violations of known laws. Uncausing - simply not causing. Awareness of nothing brings about anything. Disconnection - the act of severing the connection between, detaching. Awareness of severing the connection of or between something. Unexistence - absence, non-existence, not-ising is-ness. Awareness that there is no awareness of anything existing. Chance - awareness that mathematical probabilities determine events. Fate - awareness that sub-awareness agreements control the outcome of random events. Destiny - awareness that sub-awareness agreements control individuals and events. 92 Luck - awareness that random mathematical probabilities, regarding matter, energy, space and time blended with sub-awareness agreements determine events. Fortune - awareness that favourable conditions and events occur on a predetermined or encoded or accidental pattern or fashion. Love - although there are probably eighteen different definitions because the Greeks had eighteen words for this, as an awareness level, it is an awareness level of identification affinity, harmonics of recognition, harmonics of co-existence and mutual beingness as a substitute for comprehension in many instances, particularly, if it's a chronic awareness level. Self - awareness of only oneself. Ideas - awareness only of ideas. People - as an awareness level, awareness only of people. Things - as an awareness level, awareness only of things. Groups - as an awareness level, the only awareness is of that of a group. Money - awareness of symbolic measurements of effort and/ or criminality from past havingness. Survival - awareness of conflict, death probabilities and inescapability. A non-awareness of non-games conditions and an excessive awareness of persistencies in a game containing a high degree of persistencies. Evil - as an awareness level, awareness of destruction only. Religion - as an awareness level, awareness of belief, other determinism and severe overwhelm, banding together out of fear and escapism in the individual's final attempt to maintain stability after unduplicatible impacts or losses. So, these words having been cleared, I'd like to take up the subject of auditing which is the actual Scientology processing for the improvement of the person. The ability to do auditing is broken down to five areas. Under -gross auditing errors' you find listed the five major areas of auditing. On a tape and bulletin entitled -Out- Tech' (September, 1965) it lists the five areas of auditing and in the ethics codes of Scientology it lists that there are only five high crimes as far as applying the technology. No one in the Church has apparently taken any significant note of this. 100% of their attention is on the crimes, which are nuances, misdemeanours and details involving auditing. If you commit a misdemeanour, you get frowned upon by the Church; if you commit crimes, you have to do a little retrain cycle in an afternoon (which is entitled a Cramming Action where you study the little point that you erred on); but if you commit a high crime, they are supposed to throw 93 you out of the Church and cancel your certificates. The latter doesn't happen. Since 100% of the Church is obsessed with playing with crimes and misdemeanours, they don't ever notice high crimes, or do anything about high crimes, and unfortunately commit them 100% of the time. There is no evidence within any of the churches' files that the five fundamentals of auditing were ever, in any instance, by any individual, applied. The first of the five fundamentals is the communication formula, (these are also known as training routines) TR-0 is being there, not doing anything but being there, TR-1 is the ability to communicate naturally to another person to where he receives the communication. TR-2 is acknowledging a communication which completes it to where the communication no longer exists for either of you, you have moved along in time. TR-3 is the ability to repeat a question until it is completely answered. TR-4 involves ignoring comments which is where the bank has taken over an individual, getting all the person's origination understood and clarified to where their attention can come back to the process. So, the first fundamental in auditing is using a communication formula and an auditing communication cycle; understanding that this is cyclic and using the formula in auditing. The second fundamental, a simply area in auditing, is using a repetitive communication formula, in other words, asking the same question over and over until it is not producing change anymore, in other words, using a repetitive communication cycle. This is also known as flattening a process. There is no evidence of this being done to any great extent within any of the churches or outside of my own investigation and research. The third area is getting and keeping a preclear in an auditing session. This simply means getting and keeping a preclear in an auditing session, nothing more to it than that. In other words, one has preclears, they arrive. I think getting one is kind of a step down. They should come to ones doorstep on ones knees if you're doing the first two. If you're actually using a communication formula on a preclear and flattening questions there is no question that they are going to be sending in everyone they know. Getting preclears is never a problem if you do the first two things. The churches' solution to getting a preclear is promising the world to them and as far as keeping a preclear they do it with intimidation. Keeping a preclear is handled by the second area of flattening questions. If you flatten a question, a person will finally find the truth and there is no problem in keeping a preclear then. If they are finding truth, the only keeping that will be done is that you are going to have to keep them away to where you have some time for yourself or time for other preclears. There are rare occasions, I'd say 1 out of 2000, where you would actually have to use a communication bridge to encourage a preclear to continue their particular endeavour. I'd strongly recommend an auditor not doing that, I'd recommend an auditor clearing up why the preclear has any degree of doubt or reservation about his own self-discovery. So, getting and keeping a preclear is practically an unnecessary action, but it is printed within the technology of Scientology that it is a necessary action. 94 It is a high crime not to get and keep pcs. Personally, I find it absolutely impossible not to have preclears and I have found it unnecessary to keep them. They keep themselves around and they arrive on their own volition. The fourth simple area of auditing is knowing how to use an E-meter correctly and we will be taking each these areas up in detail later. This is a skill which you could probably train into any monkey or dog, but people make it far more complicated than it is. It is a trainable skill which if a person is highly intelligent or highly confused, they could take up to six months learning how to do it. (I was both 20 years ago and it took that long.) An average individual, properly taught, can learn how to use an E meter in, after they have been processed up to the Solo Course area, about 3 days time. It takes about 20 hours to train the skill in. A person walking in off the street that hasn't had any processing, it would take them about six months because people coming in off the street can't understand or comprehend or believe the simplicity that if a needle moves at the end of a question then you should do something regarding that question. You should run the process. If it doesn't move, well then you don't run the process. So, the ability to use an E-meter is the fourth area. The fifth area is probably the most lengthy, complex and turns into an albatross for alot of people: that is the ability to apply the written materials of the technology of Scientology, as far as what process to run, what to do in the session, and so forth. So, the first four make up what is known as your basic auditing skills and you could apply these to anyone and use practically any question on them and they would probably get better on a short-term, limited basis and if you apply the fifth area well, they are just going to have the time of their life. At the very least, it will exceed their expectations and imagination both of which are determined by the reactive mind. You are doing something that is senior to the reactive mind so it's got to be better than than anything they imagined it to be. Likewise, in these fourth and fifth areas there is no evidence of any ability to read an E-meter or apply the written materials within the church, historically or presently. So, what I'd like to do is take up in a less than abbreviated fashion what these five skills are. In driving a car you have to know how to handle the gears and the steering wheel and the brakes and the accelerator, turn signals, instruments and rules of the road; you have about seven things to watch for there and you learn each one them separately, then you start to blend them in and pretty soon driving a car is pretty easy. In auditing, you have about the same number of factors because you have these five factors of the (1) communication formula, (2) repetitive communication formula, (3) getting and keeping pcs, (4) the E-meter and (5) applying written materials. You have two other factors in the session which will be that the preclear as a spiritual being and the preclear as bank. One final factor is you are keeping adequate administration, in other words, paperwork. So, it gives you seven or eight factors to work with in auditing. The analogy to driving a car is quite appropriate because as one gets better at each of these skills, it becomes more and more natural and 95 more and more easy. If a person understands these five skills, well the overall activity of auditing is too simple to believe. It actually turns out to be a great pleasure, at times an amusement and eventually as natural as rain. So, first of all let's take up training routines which are necessary part for good auditing. The first one is TR-0. This is a drill where the student and the coach sit apart from each other and the student is coached to simply be there comfortably and confront, not do anything but be there. One is coached on that until one can simply be there. After you can do that, then the coach starts saying things which would normally upset one from being there and flattens those things off to where a person can be there regardless of what one has to confront. One uses this skill in auditing of simply being there with a preclear. TR-1: one simply communicates in a natural tone of voice and intends the communication to arrive over the space of the preclear and the preclear gets it. TR-2 is acknowledgements. This is where the coach reads a line out of a book and the student acknowledges it to where the communication is complete. The comm cycle is complete to where it is the end of that cycle of action. So, an acknowledgement is taught not as an agreement but simply that it is a method of controlling a preclear's communication and it's a full stop to the communication. One is taught to acknowledge the communication only. One learns not to over acknowledge the preclear to where you blow the whole day away for the preclear; or under acknowledge. If you under acknowledge the preclear it's an encouragement for him to go on. That is known as a half acknowledgement, sometimes it is useful, but generally if you let them ramble and then give them a full acknowledgement, then that ends the communication for them (it's not there anymore). TR-3 is simply teaching a person to redeliver the command until they get an answer to it. TR-3 also teaches the student to duplicate without variation a command to where they can give it newly in a new unit of time. It teaches the auditor not to ask a second question until you have received an answer to the first one. In other words, you keep asking the question until you get an answer. So, it teaches you how to deliver a question newly in a new unit of time freshly. TR-4 is called preclear originations. It teaches you to, if there is an origination, to fully get it all out on the table to where you understand it, and then return the preclear to the process or the question that you were running. If a preclear's bank turns on strongly, starts aiming comments at you or the room, anything that is aimed you would ignore and not acknowledge. Any origination, which would be a non-sequitur answer, you would take up and clarify to where a preclear doesn't have any stuck attention on it and you can return him to session again. Obviously, these are all highly useful in life, but if you use these four TRs in sessions, auditing just runs like a dream. 96 There are some upper training routines which are useful in some types of processing. To summarize these TRs: an auditor is trained on TR-0 so that he will be there with the preclear and can comfortably assist the preclear, TR-1 is done so that the preclear can receive and hear the auditor, not be disturbed by the auditor's manner of communicating, TR 2 is done and practiced so that the preclear gets acknowledged and his communication gets recognized and as-ised, TR-3 is done so that the auditor will continue to give the commands and run a process, and TR-4 exists so that a preclear's originations will be accepted. The upper TRs are as follows: TR-5 was something that had been deleted from the technology. It was a training routine to teach the auditor that verbal commands are not always necessary in a session. It is kind of ridiculous to train someone in something that obvious but suffice it to say, non-verbal communication does exist, in fact, 88% of what is communicated between people is non-verbal according to the University of Minnesota. One should be highly aware of it when it is going on, it doesn't need to be trained in. TR-6, which is an upper level TR, is simply body control to where you learn to run Start-Change-Stop on another body, just moving it around a room, learning to give the commands. TR-7 is more of the same except the coach is extremely belligerent and tries to upset the student's control. It is sort of an extreme drill because, and it is done on a gradient scale, it is to train an auditor up to where he can handle a rebellious person under any circumstance and can run fine control under any circumstance. It increases the auditor's willingness to handle other people. TR-8 is learning how to deliver a command into an object without any reservation about the command being executed and it breaks up social machinery associated with words. You intend one thing and say another into an ashtray, then yell at the ashtray, then you sit there silently and deliver the intention directly into the ashtray. The best drill is actually a side exercise of placing thoughts and changing thoughts in respect to the ashtray. Properly done, actually one can accomplish physical changes. Twice I was doing the drill asking the ashtray to stand up and twice it stood up with witnesses in 1966. There are three or four other people at times where this has occurred. It requires some hours of work and one gets into very excellent affinity with the molecules of the ashtray. I'll tell you that much about it. TR-9, the final TR, is Tone-40 on a person to where one can communicate with intention to another person without any reservation and getting the intention executed. It is done to bring about in the student auditor the willingness and ability to handle other people and to cheerfully confront other people while you give them commands and run control. It also teaches one to maintain a high level of control in any circumstance no matter what is happening and if you have to use any effort at all, to use it very precisely and kindly, if possible. So, it is sort of a finishing touch. One practices these TRs until they are comfortable. If you are training them into a student auditor, the proper way to do that is when the TRs are manifest and evident on the person in life after the training, then they have then down cold. If it's an artificial skill that they use only in auditing, then they must not understand that they are dealing with the mechanics of communication and interaction of every day life. The realization of how applicable all of this is is beyond description. If someone calls you and says -I'm going to be coming over for dinner tonight' and you acknowledge the hell out of his communication, he's not 97 going to show. If someone calls up and says they are coming over for dinner and you half- acknowledge it, I'm sure that they will drive over military tanks to get there. That is just one of nine TRs. How you acknowledge and the degree that you acknowledge is going to affect performance. So, simply stated those are what the TRs are and they should be used. The communication formula which is used in auditing is that one has to recognize that communication cycles are cycles of action which are start change-stops. In auditing there are a number of start, changes and stops and a number of communication cycles. If you are more interested in the TRs and communication cycles you can read a book called Dianetics Today published under the name of L. Ron Hubbard. Actually it was put together by a guy named Bill. The people who wrote the book summarized some of Hubbard's other stuff to put the book together. They tried to get Hubbard to read it but he just hasn't had the time. Alot of material in there that would really wake him up if he got around to reading it. The communication formula is a number of comm cycles that occur in auditing and they are listed out complete with pictures in Dianetics Today but, of course, they omit a few. The parts of an auditing communication cycle are that the auditor checks is the preclear ready to receive the command, that is the first part. The second part is the auditor gives the question or command to the preclear and the third part is the auditor verifying that the preclear got the command. The fourth thing that happens is that the preclear looks at his mind or his bank and that is known as the Itsa maker line. The fifth part that happens is the preclear gets an answer back. The sixth part that happens is he delivers an answer to you. The seventh thing that happens is that you, the auditor, check to see that he said everything. The eighth thing that happens is you acknowledge him and the ninth thing that happens is that you make sure, inspect that he received the acknowledgement The tenth thing that happens is you check to see that he answered the question that you gave him. So, these are the ten parts of an auditing comm cycle. There are eight parts listed in the Dianetics book. You should be aware that this is what is known as an auditing comm cycle. You go through as many of these until the process is flat: it is not producing change on the preclear and the preclear has come up to truth on the subject you are auditing him to and on. When a preclear is in front of you and you are auditing him, he is in communication with you. There is an auditing cycle going on there. He is also in communication with his bank, that is covered under his itsa maker line and his itsa line back, which is his answer from his bank to him and his answer to you. So, there are two comm cycles going on. There is you to him and him with his bank. There is also a third comm cycle and that is he is in communication with present time and the room to some degree. All three of these lines have to be above 2.0 on the Tone Scale for auditing to occur. You had better keep your line with your preclear very high-toned and make sure that there is nothing low-toned about present time or the room with the guy. I guarantee you that the material that is 98 coming across on the itsa maker, itsa and answer back lines to you is going to aberrated and overwhelming and confusing. Since there are essentially those three lines going, if two of them are in a positive range then you can de-enturbulate this material coming across on this third ARC line. I wanted to point out that there are three major lines on a preclear in a session, one with the environment (room and present time), one with the auditor and one with his bank. The auditing comm cycle is used on a preclear and it is used repetitively until the process no longer produces change. This is evident by five phenomenon: the communication lag reduces, the guy figures the subject area out, he gets regained ability, he gets cognitions and a free or floating needle appears on the E-meter. One would have to be dumb to miss it. Anyway, when the process is over, it is over. You either move on to a new process, end off the session or take a break or whatever. That is the second area in detail. Getting and keeping preclears I have already discussed. That occurs the moment you understand how to audit an individual, people start appearing at your door. There is no such thing as understanding the tech perfectly and not being able to get any preclears. I've heard this absurdity. To the degree you understand the tech and audit well, you will have a backlog of people waiting. For decades I have found this to be true. There is just no exception to it. There are too many people out there who want help and auditing and they have some spiritual perspicacity or perception and if you do it well they will certainly find you. You don't ever have to leave your room to find them. You don't even have to ever tell anybody. It will come out. People smell you out spiritually. The E-meter, which is the fourth area, is pretty well covered in a book called E-Meter Essentials. If one were to buy a copy of that and buy an E meter and buy another book called E-Meter Drills and sit down with a coach and do those particular drills then one could use an E-meter. Since that is covered in detail in the two mentioned books I'm not going to detail it here, but I can give you an overall summary. In the - Appendix', both are summarized. One reaches and withdraws from an E-meter until you are comfortable and not scared of the thing being there. One learns how to turn it on and off and adjust it and set what is known as a tone arm counter to measure the amount of charge that comes off the preclear during the session. One learns how to check the preclear's havingness by can squeeze and metabolism by having them take a deep breath. One then learns how to record tone arm motion, which is simply keeping the needle on the dial while the preclear is talking. One learns how to adjust the sensitivity knob. You also learn how to test the batteries. One learns how to recognize the difference between body motions, such as coughing and squirming in a chair or squeezing the cans, and motions of thoughts. Each of these are separate skills. It is like driving a car, you learn each separate skill then you blend them all together. One learns how to identify a read and get a preclear to talk about it until the read disappears. That is called cleaning a read off a needle. Then one learns the types of needle reactions and what causes each of them to where a person gains confidence by using an auditing communication cycle and handling any bank. For instance, questioning a loss they can learn how to take a fall off an E-meter; or a rise which could be caused by an ARC 99 break restimulation, they could get a pc to talk about that until the rise would come off the meter; or a betrayal, getting a person to talk about a betrayal which causes a stuck needle, they could see that stuck needle go off the meter, and so forth. Then a person learns actively with a coach all the parts of an auditing comm cycle, the ones I have listed before. A few are omitted from the drill book but they can be added in. One learns how to dirty a needle and clean a needle. Then one puts this all together and uses bracketed questions and learns how to get a date. The coach writes down a date and the auditor ask questions on the E-meter and the coach says nothing. In a short period of time, the auditor announces what the date is. One learns how to take a list and get a preclear to talk about and find which item on the list would be good to audit by what produces the most tone arm action. One learns how to get a preclear to sit there quietly and simply assess a list and take the largest instant read to where one would know what to audit One also learns some general rules such as, if the TA is moving, do nothing and that is senior to acknowledgements, if the TA is blowing down, moving down and the preclear is finished talking you wait until it has blown down before you acknowledge. If the tone arm isn't moving, then you do something, you start asking questions, find out what is going on to get it moving again. You learn that that which blows the tone arm down will produce tone arm motion. So, basically one learns how to use this tool, the E-meter, through those drills and the definitions are in those two books. Much of this material is also covered in Dianetics Today. I refer the reader to those two books towards practical drilling with an E-meter with a number of coaches to where it is as obvious and as easy and as useful as a screwdriver or a mascara brush. It's a very simple activity, yet a very precise activity. You may possibly be wrong at times as an auditor and your preclear may be in error at times, but your meter is never wrong. A person should remember that the meter, although it is a guide, is an infallible guide, because you are auditing electronic charge off the being. He may be sitting there holding those cans to get all these meanings straightened out, but your job and what you are doing is getting the concrete off this individual. By concrete, I mean the overwhelming electronic charge that is ruining his existence. If you audit only these things which read well and big, then your preclear will be very well satisfied. I enclose the useful drills from E-Meter Essentials in the Appendix. So, as far as basic auditing goes, I'd like to keep it this simple. It is that simple. There has been alot of controversial and conflicting information printed by Mr. Hubbard on this subject, all of which belongs in a trashcan. Probably 90% of his comments on auditing shouldn't even be pursued with much seriousness. If one knows ones communication formula and uses a repetitive comm formula, he gets questions answered and uses an E- meter and applies these materials in any logical fashion, there shouldn't be any problems. There are QTPs, which are -questionable tech points', through out the guy's writings. There are many direct contradictions there are over 500 of these QTPs in the Red Tech Volumes. It's almost a shame to even study them. He's very adamant and cheerful and in a very good mood on a tape and he says don't ever under any circumstance give the next command if the preclear has his eyes off of you and has drifted off, he has really finished 100 his answer, you see. And then Hubbard comes along when he is in a bad mood at another time in 1965 and says that you should toss a new question at him. He put a bulletin out there entitled -Comm Cycle Additives' where he says you should just follow simple muzzled TR-0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 and that's quite true, you should. It gets a bit unnatural to become completely muzzled as you should maintain live communication for that is what causes auditing to occur. There are also alot of bulletins on premature acknowledgements. It would be common sense not to chop someone who is talking with an acknowledgement. Also, it is asinine to invalidate a preclear with a meter or to depend on a meter, you are suppose to be asking a preclear and auditing a preclear, not a meter. Probably the one thing a person should be warned about is a subject called Q & A. That is where you end up copying the preclear's bank instead of doing your job. There are three common types of Q & A. The first type is double questioning. That is where someone gets into asking about an answer. There is a fine line between this and getting a complete auditing communication cycle. The difference on the fine line is the difference between night and day. For instance, if an auditor were to ask -How are you doing?' and the pc says -Pretty bad', the auditor says -What's wrong?', you are kind of letting the preclear drag you all around with it. You would be a little better off if the pc says -Awful' and you say -You are?' and just look at him. Restructuring your questions around the preclear's answers is bad news, it's a Q & A. Inverting their answer to a question is clean handling. Changing because a preclear changed is the second type of Q & A. Following the pc's instructions is probably the most absurd Q & A. It's the third type. If you actually don't understand something, it's good to get it clarified; but it's not a very healthy habit to state that you don't understand what someone says. Q & A is probably best defined as a failure to complete a cycle of action on a pc. (A cycle of action could be defined as a start-continue-complete.) To the degree that you Q & A with a preclear, you are going to reduce the auditing gain. There is a fundamental rule in auditing: what turns it on, turns it off. If a process turns on something pretty wild you can continue the process and it will eventually turn off. On the subject of an E-meter, since auditing is supposed to be an essentially joyous experience instead of an excruciating one, a read, which is not properly defined anywhere within the technology, except in an obscure bulletin in 1972, is a fall, long fall, or a long fall- blow down (which is a needle motion instantaneously to the right of either 1', 2' or a downward motion of the tone arm .2 of a division as far as respective definitions). In other words, a read is something the pc can confront. If you would call those things reads and not call anything else a read, they you would be better off in auditing. The exception to this would be doing a process entitle 37R where you are looking for the opposite of reads which are TA blowups, fast rises or sticks. The only other exception to this particular rule is where rock 101 slams and rocket reads take priority over falls, long falls and long fall blow downs, but those occur towards the upper end of the bridge. Sometimes they occur early in auditing a pc and when they do, they take seniority. It is caused by very prominent information, extremely overwhelming information surfacing and should be handled with kid gloves until those reads turn off. So, what I'd like to do at this time is take up this fifth area of the fundamentals of auditing. We have already covered the TRs, the comm formula, the repetitive question where one flattens a process, getting and keeping pcs, what you need to know on an E-meter in addition to what is in E-Meter Essentials and the Book of E-Meter Drills. So, I'd like to take up applying written materials and put forth all of the written materials you will need except where references are furnished by myself to read certain other materials and hopefully that will be few to non-existant, as a fundamental overview on the written materials of Scientology. So, I'll take it from the top and it may seem like I'm wandering off of one subject to another, stating something again but I'm not, every drop of the rest of this chapter should be crystal clear and well understood before you sit down, if you so choose to do that, and audit another individual. It is also extremely advantageous to know if you are going to be audited by another. So, here is the written material you need to know. It begins philosophically. Scientology addresses directly the practical solution of mens' problems in the broadest possible sense. It is a body of knowledge which when applied by a properly trained Scientologist brings about an improvement in people. Its orientation is practical and its theory and application are specific in a series of well-defined terms and axioms and developments from these. In these senses it bears similarities to other bodies of knowledge both scientific and philosophical. Many of the ideas of Scientology are drawn from these areas, however, the effective organization of these and other ideas in Scientology is somewhat unique. It is perhaps unique also in the effectiveness with which it is able to accomplish these goals. Scientology is not merely some kind of psychotherapy or academic philosophy, though superficially it has some of the appearances of both. It can best be understood in relationship to its own specific goals or an individual's specific goals rather than through comparisons of similarities or dissimilarities to other disciplines which probably have very different goals. As has been mentioned, Scientology has practical concern with the solution of mens' problems, thus it is also concerned with the development and improvement of an individual's abilities and the development of new abilities in an individual. This improvement and abilities and the consequent solution of problems results in happier, more effective people. Scientology properly applied wishes to bring people to clearer and clearer states of being. Just as a calculator must be cleared of previous totals and other remnants of previous calculations, so must the mind be 102 cleared of inconsequential buttons and emotionally charged data, otherwise its computations will lack accuracy due to inappropriate data entering into its present computation. A person who is clear is at willing and knowing cause over his own life, environment and his surroundings without a reactive or subconscious mind. This is a high stated being and one few people measure up to. Many would not dare hope that they could reach such a state, yet it has become a realistic goal and has been achieved. Properly applied, Scientology can produce clears. Through the application of Scientology technology which is an intricately organized complex of knowledge and observations, the trained auditor uses the TRs, a repetitive communication cycle, an E-meter and approximates what is going on with the pc with his options of written material and removes these emotionally charged areas from the pc. The cornerstone of Scientology processing is, however, communication. This is a very fundamental human activity. Through communication, we contact our environment both the physical world and other life. It is through communication with the past and present environment that each of us forms our opinions about what really is, what is real and not real, and what is possible and not possible. These opinions have an important effect on the course of our lives, we might contrast the person with a limited environment with a person who has communicated with a wide variety of environments. A country boy who has never left the country and has had little contact with the more urban elements of our culture most likely has less freedom of choice, for example, in the area of occupation than a well traveled person from the same location as the boy. To the boy having limited communication experiences, only a limited range of jobs seems real to him. He has never really talked about or experienced in any sense many other possibilities. Just as the interior controls of a space capsule, or perhaps even an airplace, are outside the experience of some of us and hence unfamiliar to some of us; to that extent they may seem vague and unreal. This is not saying that we necessarily intellectually doubt their existence, but that they may seem unreal in comparison to the controls of the family car and we believe in their existence on the basis of someone else's testimony or logical deduction on our part. We do not know them from direct experience. This communication broadly defined is responsible for a very important function, the shaping of our notions of the world around us, our own personal reality. Communication also effects our affinities, those things which we are familiar with through communication and thus seem real to us are frequently viewed with more affinity. A rejection of other ethnic groups than ones own is an example of familiarity bringing about affinity for one set of standards while a lack of communication brings about a lack of affinity for another set of standards. The people with whom we communicate very well become our dearest friends and those with whom we communicate poorly may become, due to our own misunderstanding, unfriendly or even hostile. Areas of thought where we understand or communicate well with the elements of that area are likely to become passionate interests. The mathematician is 103 different from the primary teacher or the composer. It stems from various abilities to communicate with and to various elements in the environment. Thus, communication determines what seems real or clear to us as well as our affinities and motivations. The importance of the communication process should be recognized. The communication process has been broken down into the ten fundamental component parts in the communication cycle listed here previously. The elements involved in communication can be handled very precisely. This type of precision handling provides an understanding of how communication can be misunderstood and what may result from continued application of poor communication or the lack of communication. Clarification of communication difficulties in a person's life patterns generally clear up ones activities, business, families and other groups where communication occurs between individuals and its members. A second concept the auditor should understand in auditing is that of the stable datum. In light of our discussion of communication, the stable datum will help you understand how Scientology processing properly applied brings about beneficial changes. Imagine a vast confusion of particles all in motion. In order to resolve any such problem or confusion, it is only necessary to be able to predict its component parts. If we can say where any given particle will be at any given time, that particle is no longer a confusion or problem but rather is ordered and predictable. To predict the motion of particles we need to pick a reference point, a point of stability from which to view the other points and around which to order them. This point is the stable datum. In our solar system, we view the sun as the stationary object or stable datum and the planets as the moving particles which are considered to revolve and are hence oriented around the sun. We are able to predict the orbits of the planets around the sun and are so able to predict their relationships to each other. They become ordered and predictable, are not in confusion and thus, are not a problem. At one time, however, the earth was the stable datum rather than the sun. Astronomers tried to predict the orbits of planets and the sun and the other celestial bodies by using this hypothesis that the earth was static and everything else was revolving around it. For a time the stable datum worked, but observations occured to the contrary. At first, many rejected reality and tried to cling to the stable datum of authority at that time, which happened to be the Catholic Church. Eventually, this confusing observation became so well explained by new theories and stable data that the sun was finally accepted by all as the centre of this planetary system. Communication through improved means and methods has brought new data which has caused the abandonment of old stable data as it is no longer an effective predictor and the acceptance of a new stable datum which does predict effectively. The stable datum was that the planets and the sun revolve around the earth and the prediction was that there would be certain relationships between the positions of the planets. When these predictions proved false a new stable fact or reality, a new stable datum was needed to account for the confusing observations, yet many people tried to hold onto the old, the accepted, the demonstrably false. They 104 were for some reason not able or willing to communicate with the facts of the situation and change accordingly so as to be better able to predict their environment. This inability to change stable datum is an important point as we will see. Stable data are a phenomenon of our everyday thoughts. We have certain ideas of reality, codes of behaviour, public and private, personal pleasures and fears, etc. They are important whenever we wish to create an effect of any sort, that is, perform any action or make any change for we must know how to do what we want to do if we are to succeed consistently. If we want to do well consistently in school, business, family life, matters of happiness, or any other area of endeavour, we must understand these areas and know-how to effect and control them to some extent. We must, in short, have ideas about how to go about accomplishing our goals. These ideas predict what action will be effective and what will not. They are statements which attempt to order, to make predictable, to make controllable, to explain the various areas of life experience. They are stable data, they are necessary for real success in any endeavour. As we have seen, it may be that a stable datum does not predict adequately to resolve a confusion. Indeed, if all stable data did predict adequately, everyone would be successful in their endeavours. Few of us have completely achieved our goals and perhaps even clearly seen our potential goals. This is often due to an individual's attempt to use inadequate stable data which only add more confusion rather than reduce the original confusion. Like the reluctant astronomers of old, we sometimes find it difficult to give up our pet theories even in the fact of contrary evidence. Men can often be observed to rationalize to fantastic lengths to keep intact a belief which they somehow think will protect them from confusion. Sometimes so great is the need for protection from highly threatening problems or confusions, a person cannot take a rational approach to the problem but rather attempts to hold onto the shattered driftwood, the few remains of a defective stable datum crushed by the tidal wave of fact and experience. The drowning man fears to let go of his sticks and swim to land. An inadequate stable datum, being a poor predictor of reality, is a liability, a barrier rather than an aid to survival. It will produce more confusion rather than more predictability. It will produce more problems than it will produce any answers. Scientology technology implies a recognition of the emotional investment in many of these stable data which each individual has in governing their lives. So, carefully trained auditors must carefully use the knowledge of the communication process to permit individuals to comfortably confront their own stable data. The person undergoing processing also confronts in a relatively objective manner the environmental problem or confusion or the solving of which the unrealistic stable datum was originally accepted and formulated. By slowly and gradually coming to view and detail the stable datum, which may have been completely suppressed, and then systematically examining the effects the datum has had on his life the individual undergoing proper Scientology processing, the preclear, is able to access accurately the value or the liability of any stable datum. The preclear is in a freer position to reject, or amend or create a stable datum 105 so that he will be in better harmony with reality and hence in better control of his now more predictable environment. He then has a greater ability to pursue and achieve his own self-determined goals. A shy person who has learned at age five that it is dangerous to talk too much or to be too open with others (he got whacked for telling family secrets) may find himself becoming more solid as he systematically looks at the results of using this stable datum. Irrational fears may stem from stable data adopted in times of stress as may fierce drives to achieve or gain acceptance. Sexual and family problems may arise from stable data about personal relationships accepted in the confusion of the stressful teen and preteen age period. The solutions to problems adopted in those periods, even assuming that they were adequate then, might not work later in other confusing circumstances even though they might be similar in some ways to the earlier ones. Adjustment to and control of changing situations is often crippled by unchanged stable data from the past. Proper Scientology processing asks the drowning man to pause for a moment, supported by the auditor, and look carefully and systematically at his present situation, to look at what his piece of driftwood is now, what it used to be, what the environment is now, and what it used to be, and as with the astronomy example, the person comes to see a better, more effective stable datum. Under proper processing, the preclear will become better able to confront and adequately resolve new confusions that they will meet in the future. The ability to examine one stable datum and the confusion behind it increases to where when a person encounters new confusions, new and more pro- survival stable data can be applied. The auditor never resolves the confusion or interprets to the preclear. His function is to listen and help the preclear to examine thoroughly the area of confusion. The proper application of Scientology technology would include the idea that if a man were to understand his own problems through a thorough viewing of them, that individual would be able to solve them far better than anyone else, or anyone outside could. At the same time the preclear would learn how to handle and tolerate confusion in the future so that in the future they could pick the best possible stable data for any situation and still be free to change it at any later time. Scientology processing is not primarily intended for the insane, disturbed or neurotic individual, although it has been proved beneficial in these applications. It is rather intended for the able person who wants to become more able. It would be highly unwise to accept the norm as a basis for concerning man's potential. The state of clear is generally beyond most peoples' goals for self improvement and yet, it is the goal of auditing to eventually reach this state. Thus, the more able one is to begin with, the better once he is clear. Scientology is oriented towards increasing and creating new abilities in man, not really working to bring a few up to a level close enough to the norm so they could somehow manage to survive. Although processing 106 could be described as available for everyone, it is best applied on those who already have ability and desire even more. I'd like to discuss briefly Scientology training if it were done correctly. There have been spotty examples where training has occurred correctly. Training to be a Scientology auditor is comparable to the amount of training offered by other disciplines, but the training is accomplished relatively quickly due to the intensity of it. The students live and breathe the subject night and day and everything that they are taught bears directly on the problems they will encounter as auditors if it is properly done. For instance, on the Dianetics course, instead of reading 600 - 800 pages of bulletins, 95% of which are things not to do, one can actually boil the course down to 60 pages of bulletins of things to do and train a person in 3 - 4 days. Under proper training, there is no attempt to give any broad liberal arts background as it is essentially practical, technical application activity. Anyone to become a Scientology auditor must have his own case handled to the degree that he will not harm others and can actually help others which unfortunately means he has to have most of his case run off. The person must also be capable of adhering to certain codes of conduct related to auditing and able to pass course examinations and prove that he can audit. The attempt to make good auditors out of people which have not had their own cases run off has been a tenet of the church and it has been completely unworkable tenet that caused failure. It was based on the idea that nobody would get any auditing if we had to wait until someone get their case handled which allowed for alot of research, but as far as any clean run auditing of any major depth such as being addressed in this book here, it just didn't happen. That is because the auditors' cases got in the way of him understanding how to audit and therefore they didn't allow their preclear to run deep, well, fast and clean. I'd like to discuss these communication lines in the comm cycle where the auditor asks the preclear a question, call it a whatsit line, and the preclear looks at his bank which is an itsa maker line, and then, the preclear gets the answer back, you could call that a reply line, and the preclear communicates his answer back to the auditor, which is called the itsa line. So, ITSA: three major comm cycles in the auditing cycle: from the auditor to the pc; from the pc to his bank; and from the pc to the auditor. The most important of these is the comm line between the pc and his bank. If this is not existent, then auditing is not taking place. It could be called the -Itsa Maker Line'. The auditor's job is to get the pc to confront his bank. The pc's Itsa is the pc's report to the auditor of what he has confronted. Professional auditing is sessions given by a trained auditor who is governed by ethical codes and technical skill. This auditor directs the pc's attention to areas which when examined by the pc will cause a release of sufficient charge to cause the tone arm to move up and down on the meter which is tone arm 107 action, and enough of this on the right subject areas will cause the pc to eventually reach the state of clear. Auditors have gone frantic trying to understand what an Itsa Line has been. They have thought it was a comm line; they thought it was everything other than what it was. There are two things of great importance in an auditing comm cycle. One is this Whatsit Line and the is the Itsa Line. If you confuse them, then you will not get tone arm action and auditing will not occur. If the auditor puts in the Itsa and the pc the Whatsit, the result will be no TA, which is tone arm action, in other words, there is charge coming off. The auditor puts in the Whatsit and the pc delivers the Itsa always. It is easy to reverse the role in auditing but it shouldn't occur. The pc is very willing to talk about his difficulties, problem and confusions. The auditor is so willing to discover what troubling the pc that the auditor, who is green at this, will then work, work, and work trying to Itsa something that will give the pc tone arm. The net result of this is that the pc will start -Whatsit, Whatsit, Whatsit, wrong with me?'. Listing is not really good Itsa-ing; it's Whatsit-ing as the pc is in the mood -Is it this? Is it that?' even when solutions are being listed on an assessment. The result would be very poor TA action in the session. TA action comes from the pc declaring and saying -It is' not from him saying -Is it?'. Examples of Whatsit and Itsa: Auditor: -What's here?' (Whatsit) Preclear: -An auditor, a preclear and a meter.' (Itsa) Itsa really isn't even a Communication Line. It is what travels on a Comm Line from the pc to the auditor, if that which travels is saying certainly -It is'. TA action has to have been prevented if it didn't occur. Example: an auditor, doing a Whatsit moved the TA, everytime, promptly changed the Whatsit to a different Whatsit. This has actually happened. What I'm trying to warn you against here is auditors should not get the Itsa Line in themselves, they should let the pc Itsa and they shouldn't use the meter as a Ouija board. If you really want to get a good idea how an Itsa Line works, simply start a session on a preclear and just sit there and look at him without saying anything. The pc will, of course, start talking and if you just nod now and then and keep your admin going and don't ever cut his Itsa, you will have a talking preclear and alot of TA action. Heavy TA action does occur in the session unless it is prevented. It doesn't just fail to occur. From this one gets the rule that a silent auditor invites Itsa. In much of Scientology auditing, the auditor is usually silent much longer proportionally in the session then he is talking. Normal ratio is about 100 parts of silence to 1 part of talking. However, when you get to the top end of the bridge where you are working on a pc's actual GPMs (Goals-Problems-Mass), the auditor has to 108 be crisp and busy and keep the session roll- ing. At this level a silent, idle auditor can mess up the pc. It's simply knowing that your job is to control attention on the upper level, sophisticated processes. On the lower levels, there is hardly any control at all. So, the higher the level, the more control of the pc's attention, but in the lower levels, as you back down, these processes require less and less control, less auditor action to get TA. A pc Itsa-ing equals a pc saying what is there, what is, who is there, where it is, what it looks like, his ideas about it, decisions, solutions, whatever. The pc who is continuously talking about problems, puzzlements or wonderings about things in his environment is not Itsa ing, he is Whatsit-ing. Now I want to talk about Itsa-ing, over-restimulation and low TA. The thing that seizes a tone arm up is over- restimulation. The rule is that the less active the TA, the more over-restimulation is present, although complete absence of restimulation could cause no TA but that is so rare it doesn't even deserve comment. Over-restimulation is the auditor's most serious problem. Under restimulation is just an auditor not putting the pc's attention on anything. The auditor's enemy is over-restimulation of the preclear. As soon as the pc goes into more change than they can Itsa off easily the TA action will slow down. As soon as the pc drowns in the over-restimulation, the TA will stop moving; it will just go clank. Now your problem is correcting the case and that is much harder than getting your tone arm off in a decent auditing session in the first place. Enough over-restimulation and you will get what is known as low TA, in other words, the TA will be below 2.0. If you just sit there quietly, it will come back up, you just let them talk it off. TA motion is caused by the energy contained in confusions blowing or erasing off the case, the later is what is preferable. The confusion is held in place by aberrated stable data. The aberrated, non-factual stable datum is there to hold back a confusion, but in actual fact the confusion gathered there only because of an aberrated consideration or postulate in the first place. When you get the pc to as-is these aberrated stable data, the confusion blows off and you get tone arm action. So long as the aberrated stable datum is in place the confusion and its energy will not flow. So, if you ask for confusions, that is, worries, problems and difficulties and you will over-restimulate your preclear because his attention is on the mass of energy, not the aberrated stable datum holding it in place. You should understand the difference. Ask for the aberrated stable datum, consideration, postulates, attempts, solutions, actions or any button and the pc will start as-ising those, then the confusion starts flowing off as energy, not as confusion, and you will get tone arm action. If you just restimulate old confusions without touching the actual stable data that is holding them in place, the pc gets the mass but no release of 109 it. You will then get no TA action. The pc will have to say -It is a...', some consideration or postulate to release the pent up energy held back by it. Thus, an auditor's worst fault that prevents TA action is permitting the dwelling on confusions without getting the pc to give up, with certainty, the considerations and postulates that hold the confusions in place. And that is -ITSA'. It is letting the pc say what is there that was put there to hold back a confusion or problem. If the pc is unwilling to talk the auditor that is What to Itsa, decisions you've made about auditors, for example. If the pc can't seem to be audited in the environment, get old environments Itsa'ed. If the pc has lots of problems at session start, get the pc's solutions to similar problems in the past. Or just PrepCheck, which is a list of buttons, and you ask the same question over and over until the buttons go clean, there is no read left on the E-meter. Or just PrepCheck slow, with a slow auditing comm cycle to where you are getting everything off. Or just PrepCheck slow the zones of upset or interest of the pc. You will get TA action, lots of it, unless you stop it. According to Hubbard, there is no reason at all why a truly expert auditor can't get plenty of TA per 2.5 hour session running any old thing that crops up on a preclear. Hubbard's definition of plenty of TA is 35 divisions in a 2.5 hour session. My definition of plenty of TA is 300 divisions, over 10 times as much. A truly expert auditor isn't trying to Itsa the pc, he is trying to get the preclear to Itsa. That's the difference. In learning Itsa, we come across the subject of distinct forms and styles of auditing. There was first the old finger snapping handling of engrams. Then, there was the formal auditing which we still have today in TR 0 - 4. Then, there is Tone 40 auditing used on objective processes. These are distinctively different styles of auditing and a good auditor can do one or another of them without mixing them up. Itsa style auditing is also known as Listen Style auditing. The first thing to learn about it is that it is a style of auditing and it is distinctively different from Formal Style and Tone 40 auditing. Naturally, an auditor who can do this and can do the other styles is better off. Listen Style auditing is peculiarly fitted to undercut formerly difficult cases at the lower levels of Scientology and to get the necessary tone arm action. Listen Style auditing has or is developing its own style of TRs. It has its own technology and thus leaves the technology of other auditing styles still valid and untouched. Some of the data of Listen Style auditing are: 1. The definition of an auditor is one who listens. 2. The preclear is always right. 3. The task of the auditor is to get the preclear to communicate and to Itsa. 4. The success of the session is measured solely by Tone Arm Action. 110 5. The style applies to the lower levels of Scientology. 6. As the level in which it is used is increased, the amount of auditor direction of the pc's attention is increased. The gap becomes very wide in control between running Level III where a person is getting off ARC types of by-passed charge, so much so that only Formal Style auditing will be used on the upper levels or GPMs. The basic crimes of Listen Style auditing are: 1. Not getting Tone Arm Action on the pc. 2. Cutting the pc's communication. 3. Cutting, evaluating or invalidating the pc's Itsa. 4. Failing to invite Itsa by the preclear. 5. Itsa-ing for the preclear These are some of the major musts and crimes of Listen Style auditing. While some of these also apply to Formal Style auditing, to show you how different the new style is, if you tried to use only Listen Style on the upper levels and failed to use Formal Style auditing at a higher level, the preclear would be in a very great mess quickly. So, each style has its uses, exactions and limitations. What changes does Itsa bring about? Itsa brings about an increasing recognition of reality by key-out or destimulating the preclear. The lower levels of Scientology are a gradient of realities. A person must be gradiently moved from unreality to the recognition of reality. Charge causes unreality, that is stupidity. A person must achieve reality to eventually get free. Thus, charge must be removed. The lower levels of Life Repair are primarily concerned with destimulating, keying out, charge, unreleased masses of energy. Heavy engrams and GPMs are the basic charges on most any case and are usually handled at the lower levels. Lower level processes on Life Repair pulls the pc out of the charge and do not ordinarily erase or actually get rid of the charge. At the lower levels you want to address key-ins, moments when charge was restimulated. You want to knock out the key-ins that are pinning the charge on the pc. This pulls the pc out of the charge. It is not until the upper levels that charge is erased completely, ordinarily. In your lower levels, we do not restimulate anything on the pc, we destimulate, that is, key-out, and this would primarily be the Life Repair range, that which has already been restimulated on the person. A terminal is normally necessary to discharge the charge in a preclear's bank. It is not always necessary. The reason one uses a terminal is that it is a mass with a significance. A terminal could be defined therefore as a mass with a significance. The primary terminals in auditing are the auditor and the preclear. The preclear must have reality on the existence of the auditor/terminal. Charge only discharges when there are two terminals - auditor and preclear. 111 If the auditor is unreal to the pc, then the auditor does not exist as a terminal for the pc. A person can be so charged up and over-restimulated that he has no understanding that other people do exist - with such a person there is neither outflow nor inflow. Thereby, the first action of an auditor on such a case is to destimulate charge so that the person can understand that the auditor exists, then increase his confidence in the auditor and his reality on the auditor as a terminal so that he can talk to him freely and with benefit. By applying further processing, you could gradiently increase such a person's reality on wider and wider spheres of his own life and livingness by gradiently addressing and destimulating larger areas of charge. Itsa and Auditing Cycles: Itsa takes place within auditing cycles. Confusing auditing cycles can chop Itsa and result in by-passed charge, which is charge which gets restimulated in a session but doesn't get destimulated. By-passed charge is just charge which gets restimulated that hasn't yet been destimulated. It can occur in auditing or in life, charge that has been by-passed. Auditing is asking someone a question about himself or life which he can understand and answer, acknowledging the fact that he answered and understanding and handling any originations the person makes about the subject. An auditing cycle is asking the pc a question he can understand and answer, the pc answering it, and his being acknowledged for answering or originating and the auditor understanding and handling or acknowledging. All auditing cycles must be always completed which includes the pc having answered the exact auditing question asked. Itsa and Slow Assessment By Dynamics known as R-2C: A dynamic assessment is a breakdown of the 8 dynamics into areas where important Itsa may be developed. Some areas on this form will develop a tremendous amount of Itsa, others very little. Work at the pc's reality level and where the pc's interest lies. Don't be in a hurry to leave an area if the pc has a good Itsa line going and you are getting good TA action. Clean up any hot area thoroughly before leaving it. However, if an area has nothing in it don't spend a lot of time with it. Get on down the line to something that does produce TA action and Itsa. If you or the pc don't understand any of the form's areas of potential Itsa, just skip them. However, don't skip something because you think the pc has nothing on it or you are afraid of being nosey. No attempt has been made to give you the questions to ask and some of the form's subareas would not pertain to a shortime period. Use the subareas that pertain to the time period that you are handling or shift them around to fit your time period. Some subareas are much more important than others, but this depends on your pc. Add into the space provided anything else you find to be important. In getting in the Itsa line on any areas and subareas on this assessment be very sure to cover the following points: 112 1. Where it is or was, and its location relative to other locations. 2. Who are the people involved. 3. When it was and how long did it take place. Itsa and Reality Levels: Don't push people by trying to Itsa for them. You may see possible answers and solutions, but don't push these on the pc even if you think you can do it without evaluation or invalidation. Let them do the Itsa-ing. Put your Whatsit line in gradiently. Don't hit the pc with too much. Like breakfast food, auditing is bite-size and here is why. Truth is what exists. A pc must gain realities on the truth of situations in order to have case gain. Too much truth shown or given a pc at once will cause unreality. There must be a gradient of gaining reality on truth. The levels of the Scientology bridge are such a gradient. Knowing the truth of any situation supports ones self-confidence and certainty. Reality is the ability to assimilate truth. This assimilation depends upon Cause-Distance- Effect (Communication) and a balanced frame of mind (Affinity). Thus, a truth must be given someone, a pc, with ARC (Understanding), otherwise, it will spin the person. Too much truth is unassimilatable but recognizable truth. The person sees it, but he cannot have it. Hit with too much truth, an individual will degrade. He has seen something that he knows he cannot reach or win. Thus, a pc must be presented with acceptable truths that he can reach and win on a gradient of more and more reality. This gradient exists in the Scientology processing when properly done. Questions to Promote Itsa: Questions like those below can be asked the pc about subjects he brings up in order to promote Itsa, to get the Itsa line in. The simplest question is: -Tell me about ( subject ).' Then, possible causes of ( subject ), ideas, thoughts, considerations about ( subject ), stable data about ( subject ), solutions, attempted solutions, failed solutions, feelings, how they have solved it, alleviations, remedies, improvements, changes, get rid of, help towards, and of course, who, what, where, when and how. Listen Style Questions: These questions can be asked to start the pc Itsa ing and the ones above may be used to keep him Itsa-ing the subjects he brings up. 1. What are you interested in? (When he has named it, then) Tell me about that. 2. Tell me something about yourself. 3. What do you consider is your best quality? Tell me about that. 4. What is your philosophy of life? Tell me about that. 5. What rules do you live by? (Or) What rule? Tell me about that. 6. What have you been successful at? 7. What is your main interest in life? 8. What have you done to be right? 9. What have you won? 10. What attitude do you find it necessary to assume to be a success? 11. To what creed do you attribute your successes? 12. What ideals do you hold? 13. What do you feel you must do in life? 14. What do you feel is the correct way to live? 113 14. What do you feel is the correct way to live? 15. What have you done to win? 16. What are you good at doing? 17. What have you observed about your family? 18. What have you observed about your work? 19. What have you observed about your environment? The paramount domain of Itsa would be in these areas. You could use it to discuss dangerous environments, ARC or education as a basis in life. Some rules for how to not chop Itsa: 1. Sit still 2. When you say something, mean it; say it with intention and interest. 3. Listen - hear what the pc says, accept it, understand it and duplicate it. 4. Don't interrupt the preclear. 5. Keep crisp cycles of action in your auditing. 6. Don't confuse or surprise the preclear. 7. Keep his attention on his bank, not on you. Don't try to be interesting or social. The key to basic auditing is to handle the pc's problem, promote his Itsa and increase his confidence. Auditing questions should be designed to have the pc look as much as possible. Auditing is a lookingness activity, not a thinkingness activity as far as what your pc is doing. The auditor's job is to get the pc to confront his bank. Itsa is the pc's report to the auditor of what he has confronted. If you handle Itsa well, then you will be an effective auditor. If you mishandle Itsa, you will get by-passed charge which will result in ARC breaks. ARC Breaks = by-passed charge By-passed charge = inadequate or chopped Itsa An auditor is one who listens. Primarily, an auditor is a person who is listening for an answer to the auditing question. When he has got the answer and is sure the pc has completed his answer, the auditor ends the cycle with an acknowledgement to the effect that the pc has answered the question and has been understood. Now I would like to take up what I consider to be the relevant information on sessions in general. Anything which comes up in auditing which is thoroughly viewed, in other words, you get all of it, and a person goes through it a number of times and it doesn't erase, means that there is something earlier. So, you would send the pc earlier looking for an earlier, similar incident, ARC break, problem or whatever you are working on. When you are doing what is known as a listing process, which is defined as where you give a pc one question and he lists out a whole number of answers and only one answer is the real truth, that's his personal item. The list will normally blow down, there will be a TA blow down and an 114 F/N on his item and when you give him his item, it will blow down and F/N again and a cognition will come off. If you are doing what is known as a Dianetic assessment, where a person is listing out, say, pains connected with a certain drug, job, or something, the list will F/N at the end of the list. Where a pc is giving a list, you are going to have to go back and null, the list is normally complete on an F/N. If they continue listing past the F/N, just let them. If they say it's complete and there is no F/N, extend the list, just say, -I would like to extend the list'. I'd always check a listing question for a read; items that don't read, don't run. Triple flows are defined as: 1. First flow - another to oneself. 2. Second flow - from oneself to another. 3. Third flow, runs best - another to others. (You should stay away from others to others, as much as possible.) 4. Fourth flow - from the preclear to himself. So, those are the three or four flows involved in defining triple and quad flow auditing. As far as Model Session goes, you have a pc come into a room, make sure you have air conditioning and heating or whatever is necessary there and it is comfortable, non-enturbulated environment. Have them take their rings off and have a seat. If they look like hell or it's late in the day, you can check their havingness or metabolism. You should always check it initially on a preclear, repair it if necessary. If you do run havingness, run the appropriate level of confront. If you don't know what the pc's havingness is, you can assess it either off the pre-have scale or the havingness scale. The havingness scale is in the Appendix, and a book, it has a picture of a locomotive on the front of it, entitled 0-8 A Book of Scales . You ask if the pc has had any alcohol or drugs in the last 24 hours and you ask if it is all right for him to be audited in this room and then you ask him -Is is all right if I audit you?', then you say, -This is the session'. You write down the indicators, your perception of his condition, of the preclear. Indicators are either Very Good, Good or Bad. They are abbreviated VGIs, GIs or BIs respectively. If your C S for the session, which is what you plan to do, says -Fly a rud if no F/N', well, then you would fly a rudiment if there is no F/N. I'll cover flying ruds at another time. There has been very little significant change in the original release of 22 September 1965 of the Grade Chart where on Grade 0 you run the Communication Processes. Let us start the bridge at the bottom. It is nice to have someone read a book. They come in the door and you have a couple of options. You can either do a Case Cracker Rundown or a Life Repair. Whether you do the Case Cracker Rundown before the Life Repair or not just depends on whether your pc is over-restimulated. If they are really over- restimulated, you go ahead and do a Case Cracker. If they come in the door crazy, you 115 do an Introspection Rundown. If drugs read heavy on the 53 Form, you omit the rest of the Case Cracker and proceed up the Grade Chart. About half the time, assuming you have some high quality people coming in the door, you would do a Life Repair where you would list out when they have had a rough time. Take your largest reads and PrepCheck each one of those areas to an E/P to where their life is repaired. From there you would do the Special Drug Rundown because they are still on them even though they are not taking them any more; they are mentally still on them. So, you would follow the Special Drug Rundown bulletin and give them a full Drug Rundown, making sure that you have a list of the combinations of drugs also, run them by order of read. You need the combos taken off because they have a tendency to group up the individual drugs. For instance, they took cigarettes, alcohol and aspirin. So, you do a handling of combinations of drugs within the Drug Rundown so it will be complete. I only know of 13 or 14 that have been done correctly; I did those. Then, you do the ARC Straightwire Expanded Quad. You do the Self Analysis lists as a set up for the Drug Rundown; you simply rehabilitate those releases after the Drug Rundown is done when you reach ARC Straightwire Quad. Then, you can do the PC Assessment Form and whatever NED is necessary to where their Dianetics is complete. Then, you would start with your grades and do your 220 quad Grade 0 processes. Your Grade O is going to get them up to where they can recognize things and they are willing to receive or transmit any communication and not get involved in third flow communication compulsively and get back in good communication with themselves. So, then you have a Communication Release. On Grade I you will run a pile of objective processes on him. There are about 200 Grade I processes in all. About one-third of the grade is objective processes. Then, you will untangle their collapsed-together bank by running Help processes Help isn't in the bank, but they sure have enough locked onto it. You will see that untangle. Then, you run off their problems and solutions to where they are a Problems Release. They won't have any problems, won't mock any up in the future, and understand that there is an adequate quantity of them out there at any time. So, then you go on to Grade II which is the overt-withhold processes and get them senior to that particular mechanical phenomena, which is a crude animal fashion of thinking and conduct Then, you do the Integrity Processing by dynamics to pull all the overts that they have committed that they didn't consider to be overts and the ones they have committed that they didn't know about. Then, you do Grade III to clear up their objections to change, their stuck point in failed no change Then, you locate and resolve the four biggest ARC breaks they have on each of the four flows. On Grade IV you do Rising Scale Processing and erase their Service Facsimiles on four flows. You could use the Quad Process Packs of 1976 1977 for those. 116 On Grade V, you run the Power Processes to pop and grind off the circuits of an engram (that they are incapable of running' which keeps them connected up with the core of the reactive mind. Thus, they can attain the state of temporary Clear and are senior to conditions, out of not-is- ness and no longer dramatizing being a source, They become aware of themselves spiritually as something independent to points in time and MEST. On Grade VI, one gets their dramatizations handled, On the Clearing Course, run off their implanted reactive mind ; on OT I, get them back in communication with the environment; on OT II, they run off the bank which makes everyone operate like robots in society and controls about 99% of human behaviour; on OT III, one cleans up the other determinisms that are effecting them and run out one of the rougher engrams on the time track; on OT IV, they gain their certainty of self by running those processes. You teach them to Solo audit at Grade VI, they take it from there and you just have to clear up the materials and they run these real well. So, the majority of the time with people is spent on the lower levels. I will be repeating myself here but I couldn't stress enough the five gross auditing errors which are: (1) can't handle and read an E-meter, (2) doesn't know and can't apply the technical data, (3) can't get and keep a pc in session, (4) can't complete an auditing cycle and (5) can't complete a repetitive auditing cycle. There can be five things that can be wrong with a preclears (1) they can be suppressive, in other words, the preclear is stuck in some past imaginary time, they are just stopping anything and everything that is going on, this is extremely rare. Normally a person is highly PTS. I have only met four or five supressives out of observing 5000 people. You can meet alot of PTS people that can mess up your auditing. PTS means that they care connected to a suppressive some- where along the line. The solution for that is you give them three S & D's which are search and discoveries where you list for suppressives and you follow it with a PTS Rundown, So, them being PTS is the second thing, The third thing which can foul up auditing is that the pc is ARC broken. You don't audit their ARC break, you assess for it and indicate the by passed charge immediately. The fourth thing that can hold back a pc from case gain is a Present Time Problem. The fifth thing can be some possible overt/withhold phenomena, if he's got some overts and withholds. A Release is a person who has had a reactive mind keyed-out in an areas a Clear is someone who has had it erased. So, a person is pretty fully released by the time Power Processing is done; he is pretty Clear at the end of the Clearing Course. He's probably a Theta Clear at the end of OT VIII and an Operating Thetan, as far as full capability, between OT VIII and what is called Level 18. This is defined in a bulletin dated 2 April 117 1965. What exists between OT VIII and Level 18 will be covered elsewhere in this book, Many of the attributes of Clears and OTs are known. The road to Clear and the road to OT are parallel but they are not the same road. There are various stages of release, a person can go release on locks, secondaries, engrams or on the whole time track; that's four different areas. I'd like to cover the styles of auditing. I spent alot of time covering Listen Style auditing and that's used on Grade O or when ever it's appropriate. Level I auditing on problems is Muzzled Style is auditing and that's where it's very stark TR-0 through 4 and as crisp control. On Level II one uses Guiding Style auditing where you use two-way comm and reorienting the preclear to life, in other words, there is a great command of TR-4, in handling originations and getting it all off. Level III is called Abridged Style auditing. That is simply getting the exact job done in the shortest way between two points, no wasted questions Level IV is Direct Style auditing where there are shades of Tone 40 going on, where you put the preclear's attention on his bank and anything the auditor does is calculated only to make that attention more direct. Obviously, the best style would be all style which would be blending those as is necessary To get rudiments in on a preclear you should run them as a repetitive process until they go dry, until the preclear has no answer. You can check them on the meter for a hidden answer and steer the preclear to it (saying -That', -That', -That' each time the meter flicks) and stay with the meter until not only the preclear says that there is no answer, F/N, VGIs and cog but there are no hidden answers on suppressed and invalidated out-rudiments, So, that is what repetitive rudiments are. Fast rudiments are simply asking them once. These are often used thereafter once repetitive ruds have been done on the preclear. On working with people unfamiliar with technical terms such as ARC breaks and problems, you can modify the questions and ask -Are you upset by anything?' for ARC breaks. Instead of say problems, you can ask for difficulties. Instead of asking for withholds, you can ask -Has there been anything which hasn't been said?' The old model session of 1965 which included -Has anything been suppressed, denied or rushed?' were three excellent rudiments and can be used at auditor discretion. I really don't recommend constantly using them, but there is a time and place for them occasionally In clearing a command, you get the preclear to define it and give an example You don't ever evaluate for the preclear, or tell him what the word or the command means. You get him to tell you and you make sure he actually understands it before running the process. In auditing, there is the technology of it, the basic auditing and the technique. Technique could be defined as a process or some action which is done by an auditor and that is under the auditor's direction You must analyse the pc's case as a third area, in other words, you have basic auditing, you have technique and you have case analysis. In analysing a case, you see what they are sitting in and use the appropriate rundown to pull them out of it. 118 Some of the super important things that you shouldn't do in auditing are you shouldn't tell the pc what his present time problem is because the present time problem is exactly and only what the pc says or, thinks it is. You shouldn't set a goal for a pc. You should never tell a pc what is wrong with him physically or assume that you know. In pulling overts and withholds, you shouldn't ARC break a pc, you should two-way comm it off. You shouldn't use force on a pc, but if that comes in conflict with getting the question answered, then I'd get the question answered, Always indicate major by-passed charge (long fall-blow downs .5 division or more) you find on the meter. Auditing areas of studying, often you will find early areas of study where they had upsets, You should clear those up, You should make sure that your pcs are eating well and taking adequate vitamins while they are being processed, Applying the tech properly could be called standard tech and that would be a definite level or degree or quality which is proper and adequate for a specific purpose of clearing someone. The technology itself is the method of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the science By tech being in means applying the technology of Scientology correctly to produce a Clear and OT. The word -normal' means regular. The word -operating' means functioning. OT could be defined as a being who is knowing cause over matter, energy, space, time, life and thought and is not necessarily in the body. Power could be simplicity or normal operating procedure for an Operating Thetan. A case could be defined as the way a person responds to the world around him by reasoning of his aberrations. Aberrations could be defined as irrational or deranged behaviour or thought on or about a specific subject resulting from the influence of the reactive mind on the individual. You will get alot of free needles if you keep your TRs in on the preclear. You should watch for good indicators (GIs) and watch for bad indicators (BIs) in auditing preclears. The good indicators I will be listing out; the bad indicators would be the reverse of these, Good indicators ares pc cheerful, getting more cheerful, cogniting, fundamental rightness being asserted by the pc, pc giving things to the auditor briefly and accurately, pc finding things more rapidly, the meter is reading properly, what's being done is giving the proper meter response, what's being found is giving the proper meter response, pc running rapidly and flattening processes by TA coming off and cognitions, pc giving information easily, the needle swinging about, pc running easily and if pc encounters somatics which are feelings in the body then they are rapidly discharging, tone arm goes down when pc gets a cognition, further TA blow downs as pc continues to talk about something, expected meter behaviour and nothing unexpected in the meter behaviour, pc gets warm and nothing unexpected in the meter behaviour, pc gets warm and stays warm in auditing, or gets hot and unheats while being audited, pc has occasional somatics of brief duration, tone arm operating in the range of 2.25 - 3.5, good tone arm action on spotting things, meter reading well on what pc and auditor think is 119 wrong, pc not troubled with PTPs and they are easily handled when they occur, pc stays certain of the auditing solution, pc happy and satisfied with auditor regard- less of what auditor is doing, pc not protesting auditor actions, pc looking better by reason of auditing, pc more energetic, pc without pains, aches or illnesses developing during the auditing, pc not getting sick, pc wanting more auditing, pc confident and getting more confident, eyes brightening up, pc Itsa free by covering only the subject addressed, auditor easily seeing how it was or is on the pc's case by the reason of the pc's explanations, pc's ability to Itsa and confront improving, pc's bank getting straightened out, pc comfortable in the auditing environment, pc appearing for auditing on own volition, pc on time for session willing and ready to be audited but without anxiety about it, pc's troubles in life progressively lessening, pc's attention becoming freer and more under pc's control, pc more interested in data and technology of Scientology, pc's havingness in life and livingness improving, and pc's environment becoming more easily handled. A standard session increases the predictability (another synonym for havingness) on a preclear. In starting new pcs, you should explain what auditing is. If they don't know what it is, then they won't know what is expected of them so they will just sit there in mystery, You should educate the pc in what he is supposed to do when the auditor gives the question or command If the pc is not under the auditor's control and anything goes wrong, then there is not much you can do as an auditor to fix it. Auditing should not be a covert activity, it should be well understood between the two of you. The introductory program when the pc first comes in the door is to clear up what auditing is, go over Axiom 11 very well, do a D of P interview, from that you are either going to go to word clearing ruds and flying them, to a Life Repair, or to a C/S 60 and immediately handle what they say is out to their satisfaction. After any of these you can go to the Case Cracker which is the 53RKLF (which is a list of anything which could be wrong with anybody), after that is done (if it's not a heavy drug case) you go to an XGF40RB (which handles resistiveness on cases). Do your handlings on that and certainly do LX 3, 2, and 1 in that particular order (anything which reads three times you run on the LXes). Do S & Ds as is appropriate Then, do a Dianetic Track Repair Rundown where you simply say -On you Dianetic track ...' and then you do an L3RE or what ever form of that engram repair list you have. Then, you do a PTS Rundown and that would complete your Case Cracker. If they are really nuts, you can go to the Introspection Rundown here. If they are not, you would do a PC Assessment Form, do a full special drug rundown, NED style, and as I said ARC Straightwire Quad and get an NED completion. Do the Expanded Grades with IP (Integrity Processing) after Grade II. It is probably best to hold the Expanded Dianetics (erasure of evil purposes) until after OT VII. On your heavy XDN case you will have to do it after the Drug Rundown, but otherwise hold it to the end. Then, do their Power, R6EW, Clearing Course and their OT Levels. After that you run 120 their Actual GPMs (on a five L & N basis on one item using -Who or What would oppose' their goals and identities). Then, you do whatever XDN is necessary, then do L10, 11 and 12 (if they didn't get these areas cleaned up on the grades and most do), and then you can do the OT Stabilization Program, OT VIII. If Dianetic Clear comes up, you acknowledge the hell out of it. People can go Clear on all kinds of things, just continue working with them. Try to stay away from the Short Form 53 except to pull the TA down before the session, If you have to do it three times, do a 37R. 37R is a high TA remedy. If they can't have the win off of it, two-way comm the nature of man after that. Sometimes it just takes their head off, you know, because it's a purp, an evil purpose causing the high TA. 37R is where you assess nine flows, you're looking for something that they can't confront. It is best to do when the TA is high (above 3,5), also called -out of range'. 37R is used to cure high TA, it is also used in L11 as part of the New Life Rundown. On the flow which blows up, moves the TA upward, you set up a listing question (on a -continue to do' basis) for the flow, list it and get their item and give it to them. This solves the problem of high TA because they have flowed too long in one particular direction and once you have made that indication of where the flow has been, then that stuck one- way flow will unmock for them. It will erase and then they are free to flow in two directions. There is great relief in it. It gives them a new life. So, 37R works real good to bring a TA into range. The way they foul 37R up at Flag is assessing with the TA in range. You only do it when the TA is really high, when the problem is right there in front of ones face. If you do it when the TA is in range, you will miss the charge. If you are coaching another student or preclear, you should train on a gradient. Probably one of the hottest things in the reactive mind is that help equals betrayal. In a very aberrated person, they are pretty convinced of this. So, you can get alot of auditing done on them just by running the Help Process. Regardless of the justifications a person gives off that you are auditing, there aren't any really. People do things and that's the end of the matter. Reasons are always after the fact. Auditing by list is extremely useful on Grade III. That is where you simply use an L1C repetitively and just run the list over and over until there are no more reads left on the list, Grade IV is properly run when you get what is known as the top RI (Reliable Item), the actual goal of the individual listed under their Service Facsimile. It's wrong to R3R the Service Facsimile out. Behind every ARC break there is a missed withhold. When all the missed withholds are off, there are no ARC breaks, A withhold is an undisclosed contra-survival act which has been restimulated by another but not disclosed. Manifestations of missed withholds are: pc failing to make 121 progress, pc critical, refusing to talk, attempting to leave session, not wanting auditing, boiling off (yawning), exhausted, feeling foggy at session end, drop in havingness, and highly critical. These indicate that the pc has withholds, In auditing objective processes on a pc, there should be a quiet, positive attitude with the pc and happy two-way comm between the two of you. You can use the PrepCheck buttons as rudiments at the beginning, middle or end of a session if you so elect. I have never found it necessary. It is sometimes workable, once in a folder, at the beginning of a session, but very rarely to never would you have to use them at the end or the middle. You can use a cleansing diet instead of a sweat program on an individual to get the drugs which stay in the body flushed out of it. There are a number of health food books which list cleansing foods and diets A word of warning and mourning on E-meters. It is good to have a spare one around and always check the batteries on the thing. Mark it with a pen if the calibration is off which you can check with the resistors. If you are working with someone who has been previously audited, you have to open with a two-way comm to make sure that there are no chronic somatics Two-way comm Int, out- lists, out-ruds, and then do a 53. Ask and fix before you assess. That way you get known and then unknown material off in that order. Then, get the resistiveness and their life situation PTSness cleared off. Your preclear on his own time should clear himself on Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary and on the master list of all words used in processing. There are about 1200 of them. This master list clears all the words that are used in ARC breaks, problems, PTPs, overts, withholds, missed withholds, rehab procedure by count method, R3R procedure and all the correction lists and most processes. It is one long list and have them clear all the words on themselves. It is in the Appendix. Since a misunderstood word proceeds the overt act chain, they will get suddenly better and experience tremendous changes simply by clearing the words on themselves. This saves them many thousands (if not tens of thousands) of dollars, and saves you alot of time, It really irons the stupidity out of and blows charge way beyond anything that they are aware of. They are just different when it's over So, get them to clear these words on themselves and verify them on the meter quickly when they say they understand them all. If the TA is high you can bring it down with -What do you have your attention on?'. It will also come down on -Protest' and -Incomplete Cycle', unflat incident, wrong date, or flowed too long in one direction, or Exterior. You shouldn't mix the PTS Rundown with Expanded Dianetics (XDN) because XDN is a cause point of view on aberration. The PTS Rundown is an effect point of view. Which ever one you are on, do that, don't switch to the other. 122 Confessional procedure, where one sits down and kind of beats the withholds out of the pc, I don't care for. To announce that you are not auditing the person, then get a little rough with them is very poor form. I don't see any particular place for it. You should pull overts in an auditing session, and if they don't have enough understanding that you are doing this for their benefit, and if they aren't eager and willing to do it, then there are gross misunderstoods about what a case is, what overts are and what your purposes are in helping the guy out. So, don't ever use a confessional procedure on anyone alive. Valences are the key to clearing. If you aren't running the valences off a pc, then you aren't clearing them. Goals are made by a person often to take a person away from areas where he/she doesn't want to be. In these areas a pc doesn't as-is. Thus, goals are most often an escape. People feel that they have to have goals, but when one uses them to be where he/she can't stand to be, then goals act as an escape, The basic escape is into another beingness, thus one ends up acquiring beingnesses to escape, When you are running anything other than releasing off valences, there is not too much you are really doing for a case, You don't want to audit the valences, you want to audit the being, So, in a sense, all processes are addressed with finding valences, All other processes not addressed to separate valences are addressed to a valence and thus try to make a valence better. One cannot improve a valence; one must improve the pc, not the valence, LX lists handle this well, The fundamental idea is to get off a person's goals, and get the major valence off, for that valence is the way that pc used to prevent experience of an environment which he has never as-ised. You see a thetan is not really here. A thetan is not really a viewpoint, A thetan does not survive, A thetan is a nothingness that can make a somethingness. Only things survive; only viewpoints survive. So, any personality or identity or thetan co-relationship to the physical universe is a valence, and all aberration is valences because they are the only things which will survive. Only lies survive. Thetans endure; theta endures above time (in a while), but I wouldn't call that surviving, it is a completely different subject, words have different meanings in that realm. I'd like to clarify a 16 March 1977 bulletin describing obsessive gamblers as psychotics. They would have to be pretty psychotic, in other words, the person really going to the race track every day, for this bulletin to make much sense. It doesn't mean anyone that gambles is psychotic. Also, there is a bulletin of 24 October 1976 revised 10 February 1977 which states that there is nothing wrong with your C/Ses, pcs, students or staff that a prepared list won't handle. This is not true. Asking the pc always is senior to using a prepared list. If you use a prepared list, you are invalidating the knowingness of your preclear. You 123 should always ask before you start assessing. There are a number of prepared lists, in Appendix. The 53 list solves the problem of high and low TAs, but it can also be used to handle or to repair difficult cases. So, it can be reassessed several times until the needle floats throughout the whole list being called. There is an Interiorization Rundown Correction list which corrects errors made on that rundown. Then, there is a list called the L4B which corrects listing errors. The L1C which cleans up sad or upset, misemotional preclears. The L3RE list which corrects errors made in Dianetics and Expanded Dianetics repair list. The way you do these lists is you call them all the way through, marking your reads as they occur. Then, once they are called all the way through, you come back and clean the reads off (Method 5). If you have trouble on the grades, your correction list would be an L1C. Naturally, you would use the appropriate correction list for whatever rundown you are working on. If your pc comes in pretty bunged up or doesn't run well in a session, you can give them a Green Form. If a preclear is resistive, you would give him an Expanded Green Form (XGF). If a person is terribly afraid of folks, you can give him the Fear of People list. If they have problems studying, you can give them a Student Rehabilitation list. If they are an executive, you can give them the Executive list. If they are on R6EW, you can give the List 6 Correction They shouldn't have to use a correction list on the Clearing Course or OT III. These things get over used at orgs because the fundamentals of auditing are out and the technology is out. It's just not occurring so they are just constantly calling these lists and actually charge people for them when what is wrong is that the preclear is so ARC broken and so uneducated that they can't run anything, so they call the list as a solve-all. As far as applying Scientology technology, the purpose of applying any type of ethics is to remove counter-intentions from the environment, If you could get that done, then you could remove other-intentioness from the environment. If the technology is not working due to out-ethics, you would apply ethics formulas; but if-the tech is working, you don't need to apply them to a preclear. If they are applied, you need to do them well and if you do them well, as far as applying the conditions and the formulas listed in the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book , then it is done forever. In fact, I wouldn't address anything unless it is done forever in auditing. I would like to point out that non-verbal communication can occur in a session when the pc knows that you have understood what he has said and you know it, then the communication is gone, When such rapport occurs, there is no point in you imposing a mechanical communication formula and verbally acknowledging their communication. There is some information pertaining to Grade IV that effects all Scientology auditing, and should be covered at this time. So, we are going to be covering some parts of the technology which are necessary to understand. I'd like to go over some Grade IV material on Service Facsimiles and Goals-Problems-Mass (GPMs). 124 The Service Facsimile (Ser Fac) is handled on Grade IV. Society is rampant with them and your pc will be many times. I would like to define what a Ser Fac is. They are called facsimiles because they are in mental image form and they are called Ser Facs because they serve the being. It's a self-installed disability which explains why the person is not responsible for not being able to cope. So, it's a computation based on the premise that he is not wrong for not coping. Part of this is to be right by making wrong. A Ser Fac is therefore, a picture containing an explanation of self-condition and also a fixed method of making others wrong. So, every time a person fails, he picks up this facsimile and becomes sick or sadly noble. It is an explanation to yourself and the world as to how and why you have failed. It once got one sympathy. It is that he picks up this facsimile and becomes sick or sadly noble. It is an explanation to yourself and the world as to how and why you have failed. It once got one sympathy.. It is that facsimile which the pc uses to apologize for his failures, in other words, it is used to make others wrong and to procure their cooperation in the survival of the pc. If the pc can't achieve survival, he will often attempt an illness or a disability as a survival computation. The workability and the necessity of the Ser Fac is only subjectively useful. Only the pc believes it works and makes sense. The Ser Fac is an action method of withdrawing from a state of beingness to a state of not-beingness and it is intended to persuade others to coax the individual back into a state of beingness. It is that computation generated by the preclear, not the bank, to make self right and others wrong, to dominate others and to escape domination, and to enhance ones own survival and injure that of others, A computation such as -2 ' 2 = 4' includes three commodities, so do Ser Facs. I would also like to define what a Goals-Problems-Mass GPM) is. It is fundamentally what is wrong with the preclear and these are handled on the upper levels. A GPM is composed of mental masses and significances which have an exact pattern, unvarying person to person, whose significances dictate a certain type of behaviour, and whose masses when pulled in on an individual cause psychosomatic effects such as illness, pains, feelings of heaviness and tiredness. The unvarying aspect of them is only on implanted GPMs. The majority of those bothering a pc are the implanted ones. Actual GPMs will vary person to person. An actual GPM is actually more powerful than an implant is. An implanted GPM (whether one is dealing with what is known as the Helatrobus series, the Dominion series, the Train series, the Bear series or the Gorilla series) don't have the force that an actual GPM does, since the actual GPM is the earlier aberration, one has to discharge the later aberration to get to the earlier aberration. So, the implanted GPMs have to run off the preclear. You are scouting this area in working on Ser Facs by addressing the subject of goals themselves. The pc's biggest Ser Fac is in itself a Reliable Item (RI), A RI is that part of a GPM which the pc is sitting in and dramatizes. Their top RI would be the single, foremost goal of their reactive mind, which they have been acting out this particular lifetime. 125 If you were to go back in time 20 - 30 trillion years you would find that goals themselves were an implanted RI. The wording would be something like -to have goals'. The length of the time track overall is somewhat a subject of conjecture and it will vary pc to pc because there are more tracks than this particular agreed-upon track. There is adequate evidence that we have at least 13 trillion years of track on anyone. What you are dealing with on Ser Fac processes, which are covered under the bulletin entitled -R3SC' is trying to get the RI on your pc's present truncated goal that is out of sequence on his time track. The goal was cut short and broken up. That may sound a little complicated. What I am talking about is in listing or asking for a Ser Fac, -What does another use to make others wrong?', the top Ser Fac (that all the others proceed out of) will be locked onto the pc's busted up and present goal. By truncated I mean the goal has been cut short, not all of it is there. It has been shortened it is in an abbreviated fashion, in other words, the pc has reduced his goal. When you are dealing with this type of material, you should be aware that power is reduced by the degree of aberration necessary to reduce the power. What this means is that the native capability of the person you are auditing is, quantified, 100 beams and they are operating at the power of 1 beam, then they would have 99% aberration. Thus, the aberration on a case is normally equivalent or quite close to whatever the auditor can determine the native power of the individual to be after you have subtracted out what their present power. Some pcs are able to move planets around so there is alot of aberration because they are not doing that anymore and some pcs are just able to push a pencil in the same period. The difference between people is a million to one, it's not that a person is twice as powerful as another person A few of the other implants that occurred on the track were on the universe itself and on single cycles called uni-cycle implants. Implants run from the top to the bottom which is often backwards to the actual way that they are acted out. They are attempted to be acted out from the top to the bottom but they are also acted out running from the bottom to the top, These things were invented because people obsessively love impossible problems. There is alot of energy in a GPM. On a subjective basis, they appear to be the size of a house. Each RI does have a goal in it. A RI is one of the goal's energy beams, but the RI itself has its own significance in relation to the goal. The Ser Fac is the one which will make the least sense, There is a GPM on becoming free where the idea of abandoning all help is part of one of the RIs and so, you will find your pc occasionally bringing them up. Since his endeavour is to become free, he will start abandoning help. The central postulate within a RI is the Ser Fac itself. 126 One of the most prominent ones around is on unintelligence Naturally, that which is not inspected tends to persist and this is so prominent that no one inspects unintelligence as a goal and an activity. It is quite prominent in society and on people An idea is most easily substituted for a thetan because a thetan has no significance, and whether the idea is wise or not, it is generally not available. So, thetans being essentially nothingnesses, as far as MEST terms, substitute ideas for themselves and substitute identities for themselves. The most extreme mental form of an idea fixee is the GPM. In looking for and running Ser Facs, or goals, you will find rocket reads (RRs) where the needle just takes off slowly and then speeds up like a rocket lifting off. You don't always take the rocket reading item, you take the rocket reading Ser Fac, but not the rocket reading goal. The RI goal itself is going to come apart either way, If your pc hits what is known as -qualms', that is a natural part of the phenomena on working with a Ser Fac. Likewise, if the pc turns on continuous invalidation of what is found, If your pc is confused towards the end of it, then he has been left restimulated and you have made an error. In dealing with these Rls, you will find them to be down- scale postulates and ideas tied to MEST that are generally below Hide on the Tone Scale. One can enter into them either as a solution, or on the right-wrong bracket, or the domination bracket, or the survival bracket. You can address them any of those ways in that order. It is better to just follow the bulletin and the sequence which I will be covering later. In the unlikely event that right-wrong was not to -fire' as a process on a pc, then you could run solutions, dominate or survival. You would run what does fire by checking it on the meter using question like, -How has ( Ser Fac ) been a solution?' -What has it solved?', -How have you used ( Ser Fac ) for a solution?', -What has it solved?'. Then, you could check -How is it going now?' and then, Prep-Check off the Ser Fac. In running rocket reading Ser Facs you have to adjudicate how you are going to handle it, then finish them up to where they are erased. A Ser Fac is so far down scale that you should just be careful not to jumble the steps. The pc will tell you -It isn't, it doesn't exist', or it doesn't enter into the right-wrong levels, then you could possibly be sitting on the dominate or survive level. It will be entering and effecting the pc on one of these four levels: right- wrong, dominate, survive or problems. A real Ser Fac will behave in this fashion. A milder one will, of course, run just as well. As a simple postulate within the RI surfaces, the charge in the service facsimile will disintegrate. This planet, although the probabilities are low, is possibly scheduled to be a rehabilitation centre for the immediate local group of planets that are populated. 127 I should define that psychiatry treats the severely mentally insane and shuts them up, Never has so much been done by those who know so little; in other words, they are working with very sick minds in order to shut them up and close them off further. Knowledge about the mind, improving one that already works, means more freedom for people in life. Knowledge is a good thing to have. That is pretty true; it is also Hubbards top RI. In Catholicism, everyone had to be ignorant. False data is probably a more effective way to keep people ignorant than a lack of data. Not only is a Ser Fac fixed data, but it is totally wrong data, so perception of truth is blocked by a person's service facsimile. People fit into three categories. They are either know-able, or they are ignorant, or they are neither of those two, you might say they are oblivious. If a person is ignorant, then they cannot judge the truth. So, ignorance normally contains a substitution of lies for truth and also contains a fixation on false data and falsehoods. Truth is all freeing. If truth is not all freeing, then it is limited in its application, delivery or reception. By studying the Slavery-Freedom index of an individual you can adjudicate how much truth an individual is capable of owning and operating off of. Ser Fac is a datum that is substituted for ones own inspection Confusions quickly lock and accumulate around them. Erasing the Ser Fac increases the individual's perimeter of inspection. An individual is trapped to the degree that his ideas are fixed. Erasing the Ser Fac brings the uncleared person out of entrapment, not just ignorance. As far as being efficient processing, you need to find the biggest entrapment first. The goal of OT to be cause over matter, energy, space and time is best defined as a greater state of freedom, not particularly of wisdom. Wisdom is going to come anyway. A person will be less prone to fall into being implanted with false stable data again. So, in freeing a being, you essentially free his attention, not just get rid of the walls around him. All that can and does trap a being is his own attention. The things which trap a being are: 1. His own unwillingness to confront things which are not interesting to him. 2. His backing out of situations in which he has lost interest. 3. His moving off and going his own way when he is still responsible for where he previously was. This phenomena of an inanimate postulate being used to replace a thetan in the activity of living is like the difference between life and death, As long as the pc is using it, he is pretty dead. If you remove it to where he has to look and inspect and see, he is quite alive. From this particular technical frame of reference, the totality of stable data which holds back a totality of confusion which a person is no longer aware of - that would be a better definition of the unconscious mind. The Ser Fac is that on which the pc has most of his present time attention. 128 The Ser Fac is the last oppterm, in other words, the right side items or it could be his last terminal, or thirdly, it could be the terminal or oppterm that he is presently forming up. By last, I mean it would be the last pair of reliable items in combination at the top of the last GPM that he has postulated. This line of the last GPM that has been postulated, and the last line that has been postulated will be in opposition to the Ser Fac (which he believes), so he will be caught in a dichotomy. They guy will be in the middle of a tremendous push-pull and he will either want ice cream very much or can't stand ice cream and just be bouncing back and forth. His urge will be on the goal's side and his computation will be on the opposition's side, generally speaking, The chances of finding the exact service facsimile itself in a combination of these two items is not impossible. You will have difficulty finding a pc's Ser Fac if you are not on the lookout for the reliable items in the last GPM postulate. You will find these as the pc freely Itsas. You will see the rocket reads come off and this is one of the reasons you mark anything that reads in the session If a pc starts saying, -Well, my goal has been to become intelligent and well respected' you get a rocket read and a blow down and the room lightens up, then you would mark that on the sheet, that is a top RI of the being, that is their top goal this lifetime. The Ser Fac would be on the order of -appearing dumb and calculating is the way to success', something along this line. You need to unpry the pc from those two particular ideas and guide him into discovering that; that is all that he has been doing and then he will explain that to you. There is a close identification of the Ser Facs with all the locks on the pc's in this particular lifetime. The TA can become stopped by the two top reliable items of the last GPM formed This is rare that it will come up in session, if it does you could list : -What goal would oppose ______', which ever idea they seem fixated on, this will pop the other side and that ridge will move off the preclear. You can check the goal on the E-meter, their present time goal, whether it is -to be big' or -to be god' or whatever. Have them spot it and they will then move up the time track to the present. The pc's goals do not have to rocket read, but it's alot better if they do They can also rock slam (RS), that is another type of meter phenomena. If that occurs, it's better to go ahead and get the engramic or incidental track off by listing for the evil purpose on each of the four flows, then after you have run all the engrams off, if you still have a rocket read, then you know you are home free. Once a pc starts giving you GPM material towards the end of the Expanded Dianetics work (you don't have anymore evil pictures to deal with or evil goals stuck in pictures to deal with) they will start running their actual GPMs out. If they are running GPMs out you might as well use processes which run out GPMs, reliable items and service facsimilies instead of R3R 129 commands because if the charge is timeless, it should be addressed as timeless. If the charge is incidental, in other words, it occurred on a time track, you should be using those processes. If the charge is both, use both. In searching for these particular Ser Facs, normally a pc will give them to you if you will just keep your mouth shut and stay out of his way. You will find a subject which produces excellent tone arm action and you can assess on the subject and if the pc comes down tone alot, then you have found a Ser Fac. If the TA blows up, you have found a Ser Fac If you are getting pretty good TA action just by talking about it, it's probably half GPM charge, half Ser Fac charge. You will run across a whole number of prominent, available goals such as -to be sexual', -to have sex', -to have a universe of my own', -to create my own universe', -to be wonderful', -to be an evil being', or -to understand'. It's not a part of the Grade IV run, but after everything else is done on a bridge, you can use a question such as -Have you started to oppose this goal?' or -Are you still trying to execute this goal?'. There is no way in hell that they are not going to talk and give it all to you and you can watch it erase. It is really amazing to see a person make a real actual Clear state; it is a pretty beautiful thing to observe. The reason people have problems listing or finding goals in session is because they are walled in between a top oppterm and a top item, in other words, present time builds upon it. When you ask them about it, they just look at present time which serves to hide the pc's actual goals. The pc's life is a substitute for the pc's beingness. So, you will get life locks instead of what that being actually wants to do, It's inconceivable that someone would come in and pick up the cans and actually tell you what they really want to do. It's not only inconceivable, it's unheard of. Not only do they not know, those that do wouldn't dare to talk about it. The charge is just too overwhelming. It's incredibly emotional for them. If you start getting some obscure goals which are reading properly like - to be unlocated', you can use a represent list and say, -What might that be like?' and then they will translate it for you and then it will come out to something like -to escape inspection'. In working on a pc's case, you need to keep control of the tone arm, in other words, keep it in range, keep it down, you don't want the preclear over-restimulated. There are alot of tapes on this material, but there certainly aren't any bulletins on it. In Russia they use non-sequitur unprediction to drive people up the wall so that they will join the Communist movement. That is the use of mental technology in a detrimental fashion. It really doesn't deserve to be called mental technology. The more proper purpose for mental technology should consist of resolving survival with its consequent domination and necessity and rightness-wrongness considerations. Probably, the fastest way you could de-aberrate someone, if they were capable of it (in other words, the highest degree of case gain you could get on someone rapidly) would be to address this Grade IV Ser Fac area. 130 Unbeknownst to your pc, you will be going in after his actual goals; you will be going in after the implanted GPMs he is on; you will be going in after his present creations of reactive mass; you will be going after his prime postulates and disintegrate the grouping of these things, of apples, peaches and oranges which don't belong together by finding and running out this Ser Fac computation that -you need apples and peaches to make oranges'. Then those three GPMs will lift off the pc and he will be able to see a wall around him and other people around him, and he will be quite interested in living and probably quite successful because he won't go around making other people wrong. Thetans are people and they do try to be right even over small things. You will find this very prominent on alcoholics or drug addicts regardless of what the drug is. It could be television, propriety, marriage, love, or respectability; there are alot of addictive drugs in society. There are many things which act like a drug is what I'm saying. If they are addictive, if they collapse the three tracks of the past, present and the imaginary, if they serve as a solution to escape unconfrontable things, then they are acting like a drug and should be treated as a drug and should be handled on the Drug Rundown. The real reason a person is trying to be right is that it serves as a lock on survival itself and there is an effort to be right in there. The truth of the matter is that a person can't do anything else but survive, but in order to survive a person has to be right more than wrong due to the nature of the universe (and the most recent set of games that people are subscribing to). People are not volitionally subscribing to these games. It's against their will. But they are involved, so they feel like hell. Since a person has to be right more than wrong in order to survive, people get obsessed with being right. If you make a practice of being wrong, then you can have some difficulties surviving So, right and wrong are tools of survival and non-survival. People do have the computation that in order to survive you have to right. To get another person to succumb, they would have to be wrong, A military win is based on the wrongs of others. So, the entry point of succumb is the recognition that you are wrong and that is the beginning point of a succumb cycle or curve. If a person is surviving at all, there is residual rightness in their thinking. Thetans, or people, worry about their own survival. The first way they do this is to worry about something else, and they identify themselves with whatever they are worried about. They do this and it is very illogical. There is really no reason to worry about survival. The second way they do this is that they just declare that they are now worried about their survival. The first way is probably the most ridiculous. People don't need to become sandcastles, logs, automobiles or relationships. They start worrying about these external things and then identify with them, then they start being those things. The irony of it is if you feel that it is necessary to dominate anyone else, then you are threatening your own sandcastle. 131 Domination, in the Ser Fac, equals being right and making others wrong. This goes on with the U,S. and Russias it's very silly. There are Ser Facs on the Capitalistic side and on the Communist side, so consequently there is no communication. If there was any communication between the two, of any substance, these Ser Facs would evaporate. Both sides threaten each other, both put a high degree of production capacity and technology into destroying each other, and in destroying the other political form, then both fail. This very obvious sideshow (which is expensive for both sides) makes complete sense only as a third dynamic (a group) Ser Fac of right-wrong, survive, domination and solution. Both are doing it on a right supposition and both of them end up wrong by doing that. People will defend fantastic wrongnesses on the basis that they are right. The skidrow bum is being incredibly right. In fact, the rightest a person can be is dead right. That is probably the ultimate in rightness. The implanted GPMs enforce and destroy a person's freedom of choice and determinism They make a person one-sided. The way entrapment works is that there has to be an insistence on survival, as a postulate, then domination, as a postulate, then right-wrong, as a postulate, then a person has to protest what he was or is in. The Catholics killing the Buddhists in Viet Nam via various national armies hasn't worked out well. The Salvation Army religious folks, by talking death, have it turned on pretty fully. If a person is working extremely hard in a field and in an area of death, then there is an extreme degree of aberrated rightness and wrongness at this level, for one is dealing with the cessation of survival. People operating in those ranges become so threatened that they actually dramatize death before it would naturally occur. The U.S., because of Viet Nam, had to debase and eliminate having a real actual currency in suppressing Communism and Buddhism. In destroying that particular country and group, it destroyed itself and has just been buying time ever since. This is not to say that the U.S. won't come out of its difficulties, it certainly will, but it will be paying an extremely fundamental high cost for living on paper credit for 20 - 30 years. For decades Catholicism and that government were dying there. That is why it is a perfect example. That is the cost of a Service Facsimile, when you get into that range of existence where someone is trying to be right about death, then you have a heavy degree of Ser Fac in play. Of course, a person with out Ser Facs would remain tolerant of others peoples religion. Once a Ser Fac is erased, a person has difficulty remocking the aberration, it's just too crazy. One of the strongest mental items there is is the intention to be right. The mechanics of making a person wrong is whatever he insists upon, just make that wrong, Someone insists that Volkswagons are wonderful, just explain that Volkswagons are wrong. It will drive a guy up the wall. It is probably the most unkind, evil thing you can do. You should be aware that if people are into right-wrong issues on subjects other than themselves, then they have a Ser Fac going, and they have identified something with themselves, with whatever they are discussing, 132 You can observe a Ser Fac on another by observing behaviour. It's what a person dredges up to make others wrong. Governments have a full time business of making people wrong by turning people into criminals or acting in a criminal fashion. They even have a difficult time of this because ultimately aberration is very hard to maintain. You can also look at what a person is having, for whatever he is busily having does serve as a label of what he considers safe times. They will also label it, whatever they have, in different ways and it is another key to sorting out what their service facsimiles are. A Ser Fac is neurotic, anti-survival action that is compulsively undertaken by the person. Implanting itself is not even a sensible solution towards lowering peoples capabilities. It's workable, but it is not a solution. It's a dramatization. The appropriations made by other governments for implanting is excessive within the governments, whether we are talking about the Markabians, the Galactic Confederation or the U.S., which uses a very subtle form. When a guy acts to be right and make others wrong, you will find a worsening condition on the guy and you get a dwindling spiral of a person coming down tone. He will feel he is in his last effort to dominate and he will feel covert. We have a worsening of condition in this -local vicinity' (sector of the galaxy) because essentially what is going on is a dramatization. We have a growth of an insane population, possibly 12%, which is not in any way related to socio-economic category. The statistical rise of insanity historically reaches a certain point, and then the solution to this is to encourage more dramatization. Governments operate on a set of considerations on how to make others wrong convincingly. Alot of overt withhold phenomena hinges on these right-wrong considerations. You can blow a hell of alot off an individual by getting the Ser Fac off the case. So, whether it is a stimulus-response mechanism or not, the consequence of the Ser Fac is what really matters. Science is a complete understanding. If you only dramatize its parts, you aren't scientific. If one lives within laws and rises senior to those laws, then you have accomplished quite a trick. That is what you will be doing for your pc, if you are doing any auditing. One should try not to dramatize parts of life while one is in it. One has to teach the same thing to the pc by letting him discover that. The challenge of properly applying Scientology is the challenge of knowing how to live life and knowing life at the same time. A person doesn't need to crawl off to a cave to avoid restimulation. The final challenge of the science of life is does it produce life or does it produce death. That should be the final measurement of the science of life. I personally apply that particular standard to the Church of Scientology. I wouldn't say that it is producing life in excess of producing death, I would possibly call it a draw because that card game is not over yet. In my particular instance, and my application of it, I have found that it does produce life and that life produces more life. I have been fortunate enough and prudent enough and sceptical enough to do clean work and produce permanent, lasting and eternal results on individuals. So, they have produced likewise permanent, lasting and eternal results on others about 2% of the time. That 98% failure rate traces primarily to the material I am going over here. 133 It may seem unusual that I am going over alot of Grade IV, V and VI material immediately, but this is what you will be running up against in auditing anyone. Start to finish, you are going to hear about it all the way through the folder. So, you better know exactly what you are going to be dealing with all the way through. There will come a time, possibly and probably not expected, when this thing will break loose and the pc will run it. It can happen early, mid-way or late in the folder. It is called someone going completely Clear. The auditor and the pc are in a situation where Ser Facs have to be sorted out. A person does not necessarily have to work to experience, that is a Ser Fac that people have going. People can just plain experience. People that can't experience without working actually go out and work so they they can have experience because of that Service Facsimile. Teenagers for their many thrills are trying to convince themselves that they are alive because they have already run across a suspected truth that they are 9/10ths dead. So, the right-wrong level of computation is below the analytical level and is an obsessive behaviour to be right. I couldn't stress enough that your pc has already been overwhelmed on this particular subject. If you are having trouble reading or if it seems too powerful, that would perhaps be proof of what I am saying here. So, inability, weakness and stupidity, as a way to be right, is the beginning of a person's decline, dwindling spiral and neurosis. Civilizations do this on their way out. A dramatization which is wrong, regardless of how right a person thinks it is, harms whoever has it. People cling to them because they are madness and perversion of upscale ability. Sexual behaviour is unfortunately many times a lower harmonic of the ability to create. Below that you can find methods of survival, below that are methods of domination, below that are methods of making others wrong, below that are overts and withholds as a way to be right, and below that you will find extremely nutty behaviour (behaviour patterns which harmonic upscale activity, in other words, people sit around and worship pyramids when they are symbols for the four fundamental triangles of life, instead of people operating on understanding, experience, creation and as-isness, is-ness and alter isness). Instead of them using these four fundamental triangles, they will sit around and worship a pyramid. That is what I mean by a harmonic of an upscale ability and activity. People worship symbols for something that they once knew and used, as bowing down to a cross when that is nothing more than a remembrance of a man recognizing his natural relationship to God and godhood and his fellow man, and taking some significant degree of responsibility in creating a new literate civilization and breaking the dramatization of history away from raw force, criminality and barbarism towards literacy, some degree of compassion, tenderness, humility and recognition. But people don't look at it this way, they bow down and kiss a cross. That is what I mean by compulsive behaviour patterns Actually, if you were to 134 take that off an individual, you will see how far North you are going to have to go, then you have to get off their overts, them making others wrong, get off their dominations, get off their methods of survival, get off their aberrated sexual behaviour, get off their computations on their abilities to create, then they might remember what the cross really means or what a pyramid really means and start living again instead of faking it or acting it out. So, with this data, perhaps you can understand much of what you have been protesting, and what the pc will be protesting. I would hope that you would understand the rationality of the U.S. government obscures basically what the U.S. is doing on a right-wrong basis with people, with itself, with international bankers and with other countries. A science of life or self-improvement based on behaviour is just going to stir up the locks on the survive, dominate and right-wrong brackets. Perhaps you can understand the mechanics of the Church of Scientology going from wisdom to fanatic barbaric rightness. So, in auditing, if you see a guy picking imaginary bugs and that is what is technically going on when he is explaining that -you have to have money to make money', in other words, a crazy computation, you don't jump back and you don't tell him that there are no bugs. You don't cut another's dramatization of rightness and wrongness with your own. An understanding of this will keep you free enough to where you can audit these bugs or crazy computations off. If you do cut his dramatizations of rightness and wrongness, he will start trying to make you wrong. If you can't make a keyed-out Clear by PrepChecking the individual, then he has one or more Ser Facs that he is operating on. Your 18 button PrepCheck will produce the hottest Itsa in any folder. The trouble with the Itsa line is that it is an uncontrolled line which can over-restimulate in using a PrepCheck. The TA will go high and lock up with over restimulation. You can control an Itsa line by restricting the question to a specific subject or period of time. You can also control it by using what is known as a short or a long comm cycle. It is how soon you come in with an acknowledgement. A short cycle will cause over-restimulation. The Churches never conceived of a long comm cycle. So, your underlying factors in dealing with this problem of over restimulation is to control the Itsa line but not cut the pc's attention. You do clear him of restimulation, but in your initial auditing, not his original goals. Uncontrolled Itsa can lead to trouble. Your initial auditing is to key out restimulation, in other words, to cause destimulation You don't want to stir up -inert' incidents that are not restimulated. You shouldn't get too touchy or worry too much about the degree of restimulation going on with the pc. If the TA is dropping below 2.0 and just staying there, you have sort of a dead thetan phenomena. In auditing, you are restimulating something, then destimulating and discharging it. That phenomena means he is over-restimulated. Your biggest danger signal in auditing is no tone arm action. There are two things that can cause no tone arm action: either over- restimulation (and if that is what it is then just discharge it mildly) or the Ser Fac itself. If it is the Ser Fac, 135 then you find out what it is and either key it out or run it. Any case that cannot be restored or put into a keyed-out Clear range in 25 hours does have a Ser Fac going. The preclear will worsen until that service facsimile is handled. In running the Ser Fac the PrepCheck will turn the mass on. If the preclear has alot of worries or present time problems (PTPs), then it is a Ser Fac case. One should remember that high TA does mean over restimulation. So, the main point I want to make here is that the Ser Fac does prevent destimulation and the person getting better and lowers the overall condition of the person as a spirit. A Ser Fac is what a person uses to get his way in the world, It is sort of a brother that locks in tightly with the overt- withhold sequence. It is how the pc makes others guilty. It could be described as the condition the person uses to make himself right and others wrong. You can run into all kinds of weird material in cleaning these off. There are goals on persisting, on being alive and living that were used in the Darwinian implants five galaxies over to the Southeast. Medicine believes structure monitors function whereas the inverse idea that function monitors structure is probably more true. No matter what you do medically to someone, if he doesn't want to walk, he isn't going to walk. Psychology has had the idea that if you help a guy out of something, then he is going to go on to something else next, in other words, there is no overall change that is going to occur. You are going to find that both these areas, medicine and psychology, when applied to a Ser Fac type case, can't really do much. There are 25 diseases in California that are legally enforced as incurable, where you give the person some medicine and they don't get cured. There is also a percentage of people in society which don't have Ser Facs going very strongly. 22% of people walking around get better no matter what one does. One can simply suggest that they get well and they will. One can just put them into a hypnotic trance and they will get well. Just tell them that they will be well all the time and they will. One can give them a placebo, some sugar, some salt, and they will get better. So, if you just give them something, you see, they are operating off something equals improvement and taking away something equals harm, they will get better. So, Ser Facs can get in the way on the road to healing someone, mentally, bodily or spiritually. The experiential pattern of a being can be an aberration in itself. Each person is liable to the Ser Fac phenomena to some degree. In other societies up to 60 - 70% of the distraction and insanity of people can be cured through Ser Fac processing or has been. Any mass for a thetan is somewhat of an assertion. You should recognize that you and your pc are in a diversion reality situation regarding the Ser Fac. A pc can't put an Itsa line in on it or confront it. And in that -cause equals sanity which equals survival' you will find that a person has been very right all the way down the scale and has made others wrong. His perception and conception of this, which he thinks puts him at cause subjectively but, objectively it is actually limiting his cause. Without any workable method of causing a cessation of 136 sensation, the thetan continues a supposed-past-time-type-of-game of non- existence of claiming himself to be right. If you cannot perceive that the pc is already into that game, but is unaware of it, then you have gone into agreement with him, and by assuming that this game is long gone, you are not going to be able to do anything about it. You are thusly agreeing with the Ser Fac against him. There is probably nothing lower than a Ser Fac is the main point I am making. Like the last thing you can be about a government is to be right about it. A Ser Fac is totally irrational. And if you know much about them, you will find them insidious. There are a number of ways to get it. You can ask the pc what they have been trying to resolve in their processing, you could ask them what they have been medically treated for, you could ask for what method they have of making others wrong, ask them how it makes them right, whatever weird survival mechanisms they have going will point to the Ser Fac. Ser Fac technology is used to rectify the difficult case and remedy the unusual case, in other words, a case which has a high TA or low TA action. Ser Fac auditing is a weapon for this. A Ser Fac is generally the reason that people can't get well. You can remedy a case 30 - 40% as far as handling the whole case simply by getting this off. So, one of the main reasons a person doesn't recover under auditing, if you encounter such a person and circumstance (and you will probably encounter -right' people about one-third of the time) is service facsimiles. The reason I am covering this Grade IV on Ser Facs initially is that you will be on a bleak collision with this data to some degree the moment you start auditing a case, on about one-third of the cases you deal with in life and in auditing, The main reasons that people don't recover under auditing is the service facsimile. If you have three sessions in a row where there is little or no tone arm action, this is a horrible condition. If you have one where there is no tone arm action, it is a very bad condition and the preclear will feel worse As far as your professionalism or doing a good job as an auditor, although you should be aware of and facile in handling the complexity of information regarding auditing, it is far more important as far as your auditing skill, the degree to which you control a pc's attention. That really classifies how good an auditor you are, what degree you control the pc's attention. If a person is queasy on the time track, is over-restimulated, is walking around overwhelmed all the time, their attention is hard to control, even all these phenomena together, he will still make it up the bridge, but it is not a particularly comfortable journey for them. They will spend most of the time in the fog between the sessions with the TA running good. Restimulation can become so great that the restimulation itself can prevent discharge of the key-ins. A Ser Fac in thorough restimulation will surface as -content' of what is valuable, what is survival and what is magnificent These are huge flags indicating that an overcharged solution has been restimulated. 137 You have to bear in mind and be aware that it is the pc that has restimulated it, there is volition in it, the being, the pc himself, is doing something. Although a Ser Fac appears to make sense to the pc, to an outsider it does not, because it is a fixed, single solution to handle everything in life. Because of the Ser Facs engrams will fail to erase and Prep Checks won't work So, the secret channel in TA difficulties is the Ser Fac, the ultimate difficulty, I suppose, you are approaching on this is that it is quite difficult to be human and to be right. If you get a dead thetan phenomena, in other words, the person doesn't appear that there is any spirit there, that is another guarantee that this is a service facsimile. They won't blow charge in life, in other words, the person will not be walking around as-ising things and getting cognitions, They won't accidentally discharge things. The TA will remain relatively stuck and the needle will be sluggish and the person will be unhappy. Low TA or high TA, any difficulty with tone arm motion and position means that there is a Ser Fac, one or more, in restimulation. So, you see, the normal discharge that would occur in an individual is blocked by a fixed stable datum. The pc is convinced that he needs it and the pc will question the wisdom of getting rid of it. It is, from the pc's point of view, a survival computation. There are alot of third dynamics, in other words, group service facsimiles around such as the jail system, which is probably the worst system for committing crimes by study. It's not at all workable as far as fixing up any criminals. It is workable, you see, in removing them from society, I suppose, if they were to stay there the rest of their lives then that would work, but they don't, they let them out again. So, the present jail system is a dramatizing Ser Fac of making criminals wrong. Although the Ser Fac is insisted upon by the pc, it will not Itsa well, they will have difficulty discussing it, but if you approach it as a solution, then a preclear can Itsa it. Anger itself is sometimes a potential Ser Fac because of the weird affinity that anger has. Anger seems to draw evil to it. Aside from Ser Facs, you can run practically anything with R3SC which is basically the process for running Ser Facs. It is where you take the computation and put it in these brackets. Say the Ser Fac was -being good and powerful makes one wealthy'. The bracket commands would be: -How would being good and powerful makes one wealthy make you right?' You would run that to a cognition and a release, then you would work the other side of it. -How would being good and powerful makes one wealthy make others wrong?' After that is flat, you would go to -dominate others', -escape domination', -increase your survival', and -hinder the survival of others'. If it still did not erase, you would PrepCheck it. 138 So, you can run other types of computations or items with these: R3SC. It will take care of anything on a previous process known as R2-12 and body mass on a preclear. Although a pc may have difficulty discussing their Ser Fac, if you direct their attention to it they will go right to it, they don't object much to it being found. Never prevent a pc from giving you a Ser Fac and you should know what one is, that it is a tremendous solution which if disturbed, the pc believes will end his survival. It is always an aberrated solution and always in present time for the pc and in the environment of the pc. It is something in the environment that is insistently saying, this is from the viewpoint of the pc, that something else is wrong and yet the pc is saying it is right. Labeling a Ser Fac is harder than finding it, the exact thing you want to do with a Ser Fac. I might add that the body itself is probably a Ser Fac. The exact thing we want to do with it is to clear this lifetime. The bank itself is a Ser Fac, in other words, having a reactive mind is attached to Ser Fac phenomena. A Ser Fac is born out of the fundamentals of confusion and stable datum and this stable datum holds the confusion in place. Confusion in itself is not aberrative, nor is life very abberative. A Ser Fac is a computation, not an action. It is always below 2.0 on the Tone Scale as a solution, where survive appears falsely to be made up of succumb. A Ser Fac is a substitute for an Itsa line. People can have Ser Facs on eating, not eating, sex, no sex, suicide and gradients of suicide such as being ugly, being thin, being overweight, or being antisocial. You will not find service facsimiles on people above 2.0 on the Tone Scale. You can list on it on -might be' basis, do a represent list on a might be, in other words, what might be your Ser Fac, or what do you think your Ser Fac is. It is a subawareness solution on automatic action and once eradicated, it's gone. If he says it isn't there anymore, then it isn't, You should bear in mind that confusion equals charge; If it won't run off, then he has a solution there, so find the solution to the problems. You aren't really interested in social conduct but it may look that way to the pc because your auditing what is controlling his conduct. To evaluate what is sane or insane on a pc is quite dangerous, particularly by conduct. Whatever the Ser Fac is, it is. It is peculiar to data on and of survival, but not mores. So, you have to be careful not to evaluate these for the pc, unless you want to restimulate it on a pc for the purpose of running it. That's dangerous. I'll give an example: A contra-survival action against a government is considered criminal, but yet if a better government is formed out of it then that gets labelled as a revolt and posed as survival. So, this computation of data on actual survival holds a pc's interest and releases TA action because it is a fixed solution. It is generally uninspected by the person and causes fragile TAs as I have mentioned and, after a person has inspected it enough, he realizes it is contra survival. 139 The Ser Fac is always protruded into present time (PT). Any constant present time problem (PTP), if you were to address that, can produce the Ser Fac underneath it. A way of getting at that is to say, -What did you come into Scientology to resolve?'. Although listing problems isn't too good, they probably won't list problems, they will probably go ahead and give you the Ser Fac, or -What is your chronic PTP?'. So, you can list solutions to problems as much as you would like. Your job is to find their fixed solutions to these problems that keep coming up. You could also ask, -During your past auditing what have your found very interesting?', you could do a parts of existence list, you could ask, -What don't you have affinity for?', you could ask a number of questions bearing in mind that the Ser Fac is between 30 - 40% of a case. You shouldn't disregard a pc's attention in an assessment as he will be giving it off and seem disassociated from it. A case won't decline if you take the Ser Fac off. Once the Ser Fac is off the case will be about 100 times as easy to audit. In dealing in the area of psychotherapy, you should be aware that psychiatry means something to the public and that the medical doctor is trained in repairing broken bones and surgery and so forth. Neither of these has been trained in the mind. They are trained in the brain. It is a very prominent lie that either of these is qualified to operate in the field of doing something with a healthy mind. So far as working in the mind, it is almost a totally unoccupied field. The Ser Fac could be listed for and defined as the final solution that is all pervading, that makes it unnecessary for a person to look or Itsa. In auditing, introversion does occur, but only to produce further extroversion. The actual progress of a case depends upon the raising of a person's ARC step by step. Running at too high a level of restimulation will cause introversion and over-restimulation. The worse off a case is, the more careful you have to be of over-restimulation. So, you would use less reach and less ARC. Although the Ser Fac goes into the mind, it goes alot further, Environmental restimulation can often be a source for auditing difficulties. A Ser Fac can cause environmental restimulation and thus PTPs, A present time problem (PTP) is a problem that the pc has in the physical universe, in other words, he has an intention to get better and someone else has an intention that he stay the same and it probably exists out in the physical universe and you don't audit over them. You have them go fix that. A problem is something where the two sides which oppose each other both exist in his universe or in the existence of another's universe. Where it exists in the physical universe it is called a PTP. You have the pc fix that, you don't ever audit over it. So, when you get in a situation where it is the auditor versus environmental restimulation, not the auditor versus the bank, you need to get the PTP in the physical universe solved. If you audit a person over a PTP, their personality graph will remain the same, there won't be any case change or gain. Ironically, you can come along later and pull the problem off and they will get a sudden resurgence of gain. If you audit a pc over an ARC break, you will get a worse personality graph, the person will actually get worse. You clear up the ARC break and then you will find out whether the any of the auditing was any good. 140 Psychosis appears to be somewhat of a one lifetime experience due to a person's ability to withstand things. As that breaks down, a person becomes psychotic and that appears to vary quite a bit from lifetime to lifetime. Environmental restimulation monitors and effects ones ability to withstand stress. If a person is a do-gooder seeking a non- restimulative environment, he'll get pretty protesty pretty easy. You can chase that down and get the Ser Facs underneath it. By determining what a person's hobbies are, you will find that their acceptable randomity level, in other words, the amount of restimulation or the amount of randomity that they like, it's another way to chase down Ser Facs. Just determine how much restimulation a person can't stand. It is good to remember that all cases do depend upon a single, safe solution. A safe solution, to be truthful about it, is the most dangerous thing in the world. I'd say that a closed mind is the most expensive thing in the world. The safe solution inhibits observation and therefore destroys observation. One can PrepCheck a safe solution until the TA is still. A person who has a Ser Fac going, will put confusion into the lives and lines of other people, particularly people who bring order. People resort to a safe solution because they simply can't stand the confusion that it is supposedly checking. The safe solution is always adopted as a retreat from environmental restimulation. On a Ser Fac assessment, you ask for safe solutions. You could get them to talk about the various dynamics, a process known as R1C, and then for what their worries are and you can pry a Ser Fac out that way. If the environmental restimulation is very excessive, the TA just won't move, you will have what is known as a locked tone arm or a locked TA case. This you will find only 1% of the time, The way you raise a person's ability to handle environmental restimulation is to pull off the Ser Fac which is what is reducing his ability to simply see the environment, This dwindling spiral of confront and perception that results from a Ser Fac occurs at very great speed. So, the Ser Fac reduces his ability to handle the environment, yet it is the thing that he has adopted to handle his environment for him. If you remove it, then you will at once increase his ability to handle the environment, You need this Ser Fac out of the way to run the earlier material on his time track so that he can recover and start operating as a being again, in other words, as an operating thetan. There is a point to climb off the road to clearing and move onto the road to OT. Clearing is going to produce better humans; OTs are a much better kettle of fish than humans. Listing and nulling (L & N) is where you set up a question and the pc gives you a whole bunch of answers to it and then you have to null it, in other words, call all the answers off on the meter and see which one is the correct answer. This L & N is where you are looking for something to process. A list can be as long as it needs to be to keep the pc from ARC breaking because it's incomplete. The longest practical lists really work out to be 30 pages at 20 items per page. I'm not aware of lists being too much longer and lists can be as short as one item. So, you can do a parts of existence list, in other words, on the thetan, the mind, the body and the physical universe, you can null that, in other words, call them off and 141 see what reads. You can select the item (with the pc agreeing on it) and proceed from there to look for a Ser Fac. Once you start working in the area, you will find the pc's interest is extremely strong, in fact, I doubt that he can remove his interest from the area. That is why you are processing him on it. It is just that his confront on the area is extremely poor. The pc will hit a safe dramatization while running it, in other words, he will start to sell it to you, he will believe it completely and he may even try to pick an argument over it. When you are listing these safe solutions or assumptions, you list them down to one item. You list them down to the one item, even if you have to null it. If you want to graduate it up into a higher or more fundamental Ser Fac other than what they' have given you or make a subtle adjustment to it, you ask how this type of assumption applies to the other dynamics. If in your search for the Ser Fac, you actually haven't found one (which I have never found to be the case, they are very easy to find), but if you don't get one, go ahead and run what you get, handle what you have found. Then do a new parts of existence list, null it, get the safe solution, put it through the R3SC and PrepCheck procedure, then you can do another safe assumptions list and keep doing this until you have the Service Facsimile erased. There is quite a talent in getting these out on the table and getting them resolved. So, you have to know this stuff cold, and that is why I am bringing this up initially, because it is what you are dealing with the moment the guy comes in and picks up the cans to get auditing, a good third of the time. In handling a Ser Fac you can really mess up a case and ruin someone if you don't handle it correctly. It blocks their perception, so it is really killing them. In handling it you can by-pass more charge than on any other thing, In working with it, you are addressing the biggest part of a person's case. If you by-pass it, you have really screwed the case up royally. A Ser Fac makes aberration permanent. The reason for this is that they are actually creating it senior to the reactive mind. Many pcs have a second dynamic Ser Fac, in other words own, sex and family. It has nothing to do with life, it is the result of being on this particular planet at this particular time. The illness rate in this particular country and on this planet is unusually high for planets in this part of this galaxy because of Service Facsimiles There are some very extreme Ser Facs going on in society. The way for everyone to be wrong is obviously to produce nothing, that makes governments wrong, it makes implanters wrong. People that implanted one in the past suggested one go out and work hard, be good, save the world, love Jesus and so forth. So, governments, implanters, educators are supposedly made wrong when they see civilization going down the tubes. The modern industrialized socio-economic society is in very deep trouble due to Ser Facs on people. The thetans, the spirits, are in trouble because 142 of MEST. Creative ability is often doomed on an individual because some guy has a Ser Fac on marrying the wrong girl, or society has a Ser Fac back towards creative people. Creative people are, in most instances, stopped in society because of society's Ser Facs. This type of situation requires that an individual protect creativeness in oneself and ones fellows, else other peoples' attacks on you will wipe you out of existence. So, when people have Ser Facs on creation,that results in trouble for civilization as a whole. This particular type of thinking is what leads the Ser Fac on the second dynamic, sex and family, because it is a creative activity. It is pretty important to run the Ser Fac off a case from, a this lifetime viewpoint, in other words, listing it in this lifetime and at least getting the wording out of this particular lifetime, In running the Ser Fac, L. Ron Hubbard feels that you are engaged upon a key-out and not a bank erasure. I have found just the opposite to be true, you are erasing an incredible quantity of bank, probably more than any other process or any other part of the Grade Chart. It is just a fast erasure (10 - 20 seconds). Your activities, as an auditor, are guided by the awareness that you are leading a pc into and out of a bank. So, auditing is sort of a walking-on thin-ice activity. In working with this lifetime Ser Facs, you have a very thin-ice activity, because a pc can very easily slip into the whole (past) track. If he is already on the whole track, in other words, he is walking around acting like a pirate in this 20th century civilization, then you don't have much thin ice to fall through because they are already stuck back there. You should word your questions so that you don't get a goal and you should avoid rocket reading (RR) items. Only a GPM will produce a rocket read. If you get a rocket reading Ser Fac, in other words, it's got three commodities, -being rich and famous makes one happy', in other words, rich, famous and happy are three items and that is rocket reading, run it. If you audit that as a Ser Fac, you will produce case gain and change in an individual far beyond anything words could describe from your point of view and from the preclear's point of view The object of auditing is to get away with as much as you can without getting into any more trouble than you have to. It is quite difficult to run a pc without some degree of bypassed charge going on. Keeping that as small as possible is actually pretty easy if you know what you are doing. The normal ratio of bypassed charge would be between 1% and 5%. If you are taking 200 divisions of charge off (if you are giving 2 hours a day), they will be walking around with 10 divisions of bypassed charge that they will as-is during that day. That is the normal range in running a case. Please try to keep Grade IV, which is running Ser Facs, out of Grade VI, where you run goals. Grade IV is an activity in itself. It is possible to exceed the Aristotelian absolute of being more wrong than wrong. If you run more than one session without tone arm action, you are in a critical situation and it is the result of over-restimulation or of auditing absolutely nothing on the pc which is rare (unless you have been audited within the church). If a room is already full and you try to fill it up more, 143 you are really committing a grave sin. If someone is over-restimulated, you should sit there quietly with them and let them unwind. As a person first comes into Scientology, there is an illumination and education of the person when you are clearing up unknown, false data as a prelude to addressing their personal stable datum. Every case is to some degree over-restimulated. You can handle this a number of ways by running the Ser Fac, giving them good auditing, or doing a Case Cracker Rundown. There are a number of ways to restimulate a person such as not allowing them to sit on a rock and think things over, kicking them around with economic pressures, family complications, problems, troubles, banks or to convince them that they should worry about things. The basic mechanism of entrapment doesn't come from being stuck in a body or on a pole, it is more broad and complex than that. If you tell someone that they can't know something, then you can really get them trapped pretty good (like in a college economic class, they say that economics is too complex for normal understanding). If you keep everyone on a high desire level, then you will have economics. If you will just increase demand, continuing to increase wanting, then the economy can continue to grow. If you case a society on this idea that everyone has to be over-restimulated or over stimulated and extremely busy worrying about and putting attention on ideas of survival, then you are promoting strife and confusion as a way of life for people, which happens to be a principle in this supposed science of - economics'. Governments kind of enjoy controlling people, they enjoy artistic harassment, so they harass individuals enough to where the individuals feel that they can t look and so, by not looking, the individual ends up in trouble. Money itself is a bit of a bum Itsa and idea because there is no metal behind it. There is an idea afloat that if something moves from point to point, money is going to effect that. Why money buys things has never been really addressed so this becomes confusing to the people and they start believing weird ideas: -if he gets enough he will be free', but he doesn't examine what he is getting for it, for his money, or what he is exchanging for his money. Socialism is even more complex than capitalism. Debts are resolved (paid or liquidated by bankruptcy) in capitalism, however, in socialism no one can save money. There is no end to ones involvement in socialism or communism. It seems to be a perfect system of attention fixing, attention dispersal, and attention shifting. Communism is there to keep someone and attention shifting Communism is there to keep someone tied down. These are not just cynical comments on modern society, they are principles, They are bars on a trap that people are supposed to protest . The traps of society are not there because someone is stupid, they are there because someone has been very clever and they have provided a piece of sufficient randomity to keep someone sufficiently enturbulated, thus the majority of people in society are continuously over- restimulated as the result of well-thought-out planning on human nature. 144 So, you have environmental restimulation sources in the present time (PT) environment and this restimulates the Ser Fac. You could draw out a picture of the bank and out of that draw an arrow, in other words, you just draw a big cloud and write the word -bank' and then you could draw an arrow up and a little cloud to the left, present auditing restimulation, then connect to that two more little clouds mid-way in the page and one of them could be -past auditing restimulation' and the other could be -session restimulation from being audited - out comm cycle'. Over to the right you could put -Ser Fac restimulation' and draw an arrow up to -PT restimulation' . Now these two sets of clouds are interactive . Either the core Ser Fac can be touched upon or one could foolhardedly attempt to knock out the bank. So, what you are going to touch on, on this, is the Ser Fac restimulation. The Ser Fac is what keeps the environmental restimulation going. It also has great bearing on the amount of session restimulation and it will block current destimulation in the session. The clouds can be erased off in the numbered sequence indicated . Please note there is no connection between the left 4 and the right 2 sets of clouds. If you take the Ser Fac out, the PT restimulation, all the other little clouds are going to decrease incredibly. The Ser Fac on the pc is being 145 mocked up right now by the pc. He keeps that particular GPM in restimulation. Ser Facs precede GPMs, in other words, there are two sources of lightning on a case. The auditor restimulates something by putting or letting the pc put attention on an inert incident that will restimulate charge. If something comes up on the order of the best way to handle a situation is to get sick, practically everyone alive has a Ser Fac like this, and it will go back track very easily and very fast. If you want a pc's attention on a cow, let him say it, don't you say it. In controlling a pc's attention, get him to say it. The whole of restimulation can be resolved by getting someone to name it, for instance, on an ARC break, have them name who, what, when, where, why the upset occurred. If you name it, you can prevent Itsas; if you get them to name it, it will encourage Itsa. So, session roughness can be caused by an auditor naming things or preventing Itsas. If you are not going to pick up an Itsa line on something, then don't name it. In smooth auditing, you don't name things and you let the Itsa out. The source of restimulation can often come from social machinery like asking someone how they have been before the session. The auditor is in control of what is restimulated to a marked degree, probably to a degree beyond your imagination. It is to the auditor's and pc's benefit to get rid of the Ser Fac. About 2 1/2 hours of auditing a week is about enough to hold down environmental restimulation. Most trouble regarding day to day restimulation is from the pc's Ser Fac. As demeaning as it may be to ones self-esteem, you should recognize that your pc apparently, consciously does not know what he is doing. Your pc will try to make you wrong as you approach his Ser Fac You should judge your pcs by their restimulation. Be aware of the solution that reduces that restimulation. Any pc that is running badly is over restimulated and the resolution of this is to run the Ser Fac off. If you will destimulate another's life, they will recover. A restimulative environment for the pc can be named and what ever that name is will lead you right into a Ser Fac. In reducing over restimulation, you can reduce session restimulation by doing clean auditing. You can reduce past auditing restimulation by auditing it. You can reduce current auditing restimulation by auditing it, you can reduce environmental restimulation by auditing it. After you have those four clouds out of the way, you run the Ser Fac. You can resolve a case by reducing restimulation. After reducing restimulation, you will then run out the bank. A case is as hard to run as it: 1) comes to you restimulated 2) you restimulate it If you know these things thoroughly, you should approach and proceed to erase your preclear's Service Facsimile. A hidden standard is a standard a person has by which he judges things. It is what he measures his progress by. All insanity is an exaggeration of normal to the exclusion of not dramatizing others dramatizations. 146 Aberration is the exaggeration of the positive or negative of the usual, in other words, anything a person does is in the extreme. Once a person has exteriorized, in other words, left the body, people are generally turned against aberration, but before exteriorization, people are against the whole subject of exteriorization The idea of leaving the body happens to be a departure from the norm and so people think it is aberrated to leave the body. You can take a hidden standard into a process and audit it. You can get a hidden standard by asking what a person mainly complains about in auditing or what is their chronic psychosomatic illness, you can then date it and get an Itsa line going, and get them to talk about it. It will usually physiologically express itself on the person, and you simply date a persons pains, date it down to the second. If it is part of an engram, you can then use R3R and erase the engram out. You should watch for overrun. The tone arm (TA) that runs off a case is normally the result of confusion as-ising, not the stable datum running off. Stable data as-ises in a few seconds or less. In R3Ring or erasing pictures out, if you start stumbling against GPMs or Ser Facs, it's like shooting a rifle at a battleship. You can get magical, sporadic wins with R3R, but over using it can be a liability. In R3N, where you handle implants, the difference from each pc's actual track can vary quite a bit. You will run across goals like -to be alone'. Ironically, implants have no aberrative value to speak of except the fact that they get all their charge from a person's actual GPMs, which happens to be a huge amount of charge. So, people end up acting out their implants. R3N is a process developed to run out actual GPMs. The bulk of the wordings used in actual GPMs are then reimplanted into a person with a synthetic line plot. It is confusing to the being because it is a mockery of a person's own creation. The Ser Fac will normally fit on the top terminal. You can draw a Ser Fac and a line over and there is a terminal. The opp-terminal, on the other side which you can draw, is very similar to your last terminal at the bottom. You can draw arrows to those two and say these are very similar. In finding a Ser Fac that will lead you right to the pc's RI top GPM which could as simple as a goal -to be'. These are a long time ago. If you would write trillion on the blackboard a hundred you would have a view of the medieval period of history thirteen trillions would be modern life. (See Illustration on next page ) The Synthetic was laid on in top of either of the 2 possible arrangements of Actual GPMs. Any of these found in session will Rocket Read on the meter. That is how you know you are on the area in your work. Locks prevent rocket reads (RRs) and locks accumulate heavy on the top present time RIs which could be -to hide'. There have been few very high tone goals in the last few trillion years for an individual. -To have nothing' would be high. -To commit suicide' would not be high, -To endure' would be mid-scale. One can become the effect of ones own goal in dramatizing it heavily. Actual GPMs become laid in as they were lived and then they were implanted either in the same directions or backwards on the individual or both. Running a GPM from the bottom restimulates the top violently. You don't go further South than the bottom 147 because you will just turn on the next GPM. You should be careful of this and not run the RIs for the goal that doesn't exist, So, in R3SC you are looking for a Ser Fac. You are looking for RIs but you are looking for RIs without a goal. The RIs probably extend beyond all time. If you do more than 50 hours of R3SC Ser Fac type processing, you will restimulate the goal without question. I have never done more than 2 - 3 hours of it. I normally get the top, largest, single GPM, in fact, I have never gotten anything but that. The reason for my success is that I don't run Ser Facs until a person reaches Grade IV, and I do the rest of the lower bridge extremely well to where the thing is so obvious when I ask for it that they give it off immediately. Occasionally, it will pop off early in XDN (Expanded Dianetics) where evil purposes are run after the Drug Rundown. On that type of case, which is between 20% - 50% of the cases which walk in the door, they are into evil. 148 The Pcs Top RI, on Top GPM, on which a synthetic plot was installed: Synthetic Service Fac Opposition Terminal Terminal Actual Goal Last OppTerm Actual Service Fac Top RI OppTerm Terminal Actual Goal OR: Top RI Top RI Oppterm Service Fac If you list for a goal and take a RR on one, you can say -What goal would oppose that goal?' and list that out. That will normally clean it up on a key-out basis. It is pretty dangerous work. The running of actual GPMs should be at the end of a bridge after OT VII, after the bridge is done perfectly. You could extend down possible five more times pulling identities as you went. This type of technique shortens the road to OT- in fact, it is the road to OT. There is a fast way to destimulate PT on a pc and that is simply to get him out of over restimulation on his reliable items (RIs). There is more than just that top GPM that he has as his RI. You get all of his RIs off and you can release more charge on an individual in an hour than if you did 600 hours of perfect Scientology work at 100 divisions an hour, Actual GPMs are the ultimate in what is wrong with an individual because they are what is wrong with him above time and outside this universe, and that is what and where he is, in his highest sense, You're not addressing his apparency, you're not addressing his personality, you're not addressing him being located in space. 149 You are addressing the godhead of the individual or the alter-ego or whatever label you want to put on a life static, independent of matter, energy, space and time that is busy somewhat in a mechanical time stream, identified with a viewpoint in a physical universe, The route for over restimulation of a pc is to check for running RIs without a goal and using alot of R3SC to destimulate the pc. A pc advances as a pc in and within present time (PT). Top RIs may not fit the present norm of what people consider they are. You can encounter goals such as to fly, to own things, to have things, to be wide, to escape, to find out, or to have ideals. Some people have Ser Facs such as they are unwilling to have a stop, or that truth ruins existence. It is a normal part of a case that is walking around being a person that has come to you, and wants to be an operating thetan. Ser Facs on most people are: society helps no one, living is nothing but suffering, there is no freedom in this world, love results in misery, disagreements with this universe are best, it is best to hate this universe, truth ruins existence, there is no such thing as a physical universe, matter is not real, and actuality and me is all there is. If you were to have a group of Ser Facs like this and were to draw them all out and see how they tail together, you would have an exciting time discharging the particular goals off. So, a guy going OT has to handle the aberrative factors in what he considers to be his PT environment to progress. If you are auditing a pc and all of a sudden they say that they want to get away from everything and everyone and it starts to RR (rocket read) and RS (rock slam), check for incidental track or evil purposes and if it is dry, you better get a hold of a blue coloured pen and draw a big circle around it and put RR on the worksheets because you have a top RI on the case. You need to discharge the aberration that a pc has mocked up against present time (PT). Your pc's power is consistently restricted by PT restimulation of one fixed data solving it all, if not a dozen or two dozen. No pc ever progresses beyond his present problem or problems. A person not being able to hold a position in space is in pretty bad condition, it is an indication of low level of ability. All pc ability is an index of pc awareness of his PTP (present time problem). It isn't how far he can reach, it is reaction to PT, creating PTPs which holds him back. You see beyond this there is no problem. The stark truth of this is that the pc is busy being a reliable item. There are probably between 20 - 30 GPMs on the whole track what are actual. Prior to getting up to that you must know as an auditor, and it nice to know as a pc, that you are on the sunny side of a thousand GPMs between where he is and full OT. There probably isn't anything else other that this to run as far as him as an individual. You would only run enough implants off to where these would become available and the track would be free to see. Ultimately, after all the Scientology bridge is done, this is what you process, it is very elementary, 150 it is very simple, and the bottom line is anything that is wrong with the pc is his top RI and until the GPM is gone he will worry about that idea. I'm covering some very high-level, top-end-of-the-bridge material here deliberately first because if it is in anyway digestible or recognizable than everything else I'll be covering in this book will be down-hill and easier. If you can't comprehend this, then go over the words, reread it, draw out diagrams. If you do comprehend it, everything else will make sense. It is wrong to start explaining leaves on the tree unless that is the only way you can go. I think it is far more appropriate to explain that there is a whole tree here and the person can see the trunk and the roots and after they understand that there is a tree here, then we can get into examining the leaves. The actual GPMs and implanted GPMs exist, and are the core of a case, and the PT Ser Facs that a pc uses are ultimately what is wrong with him, and that all else that is wrong with a case is proceeding out of these. If you don't have that background, you are not going to be really understanding what is going on with the pc as an auditor and you need to know that, what is going on. If you don't understand it as a pc, you ,are in for an extremely long, long road. The faster you get up to that particular level, the better off you will be. You can only get up to it truthfully, then it will take as long as it takes to get your picture track run off on dianetics, your mental machinery run off on your grades, and your other material run off on your OT levels. As far as a eternal resolution of a rather eternal problem, or a number of those, you are going to end up at what I have been discussing here, and the job has to be done (on either a solo auditing basis, where one audits oneself or a dual auditing basis) to where the real internal core of the reactive mind on one timelessly, above time, comes off, because from that non-location all things that happen in the physical universe occur. This essentially concludes my review of what you need to know about Grade IV. In education, one tries to reduce things down to fundamentals. If one changes these fundamentals too thoroughly, then the fundamentals get lost. Because of too much change over a period of time, all the fundamentals get lost. Too much data can overload a comm line. Too little data being on a comm line can overload a comm line. Scientology is published. It is not a textbook science. At its very best, it has been a research line where a very small quantity of the actual research became published and much less distributed. The student of Scientology should pick out the fundamentals from the time span during which the research was done. The more arbitraries that one introduces into a subject, then the further one is from knowing the fundamentals of the arbitraries. As opinions become present, then one would know that unknowns are present. Scientology as a developmental line of research has been over active and over ambitious. It has probably been for Mr. Hubbard a self-critical search wherein he waded through more and more fundamentals and took many 151 tangents into irrelevant information; however, in trying to reach or boil things down to a minimum number of fundamentals, important progress was made. The re-evaluation of information in the direction of arriving at more fundamental conclusions has usefulness and is the basic premise on which Hubbard made progress. To discover and use fundamentals one has to rise above opinions. He was able to do this somewhat for 30 years (1938 - 68). There are various stable data in Scientology that don't change. Those aren't the axioms, logics, prelogics, Philadelphia lectures, the factors, fundamentals rules on the behaviour of a thetan, basic data on confusions and stable data, the dynamics, the Tone Scale, ARC, control, Be-Do-Have, and there is also very little change in the technology and theory of what a thetan is. The constant change of technology from 1950 to present is unfortunate in that out of it there seemed to be no single, living person that understands it all to the degree that they can apply it, other than myself and a small handful, perhaps, of others. So, I felt that I was left with the unique responsibility of writing it up in an understandable, digestible form. All of the people which have studied Scientology have trouble applying it in the application step. The over- all subject of truth has had the best thinkers and philosophers throughout history. In studying Scientology you are dealing with everyday activity and the fundamentals of philosophy which drove Socrates around the bend. Truth is a touchy subject because the attention usually gets paid to things which persist, like lies, and lies many times contain truth, and the mind tends to fix on those things which contain truth. An alter-is and the truth of a situation is the most resistant thing on the road to truth. The stable data in a GPM(such as the GPM to survive which is the whole source of aberration: the fact that a person has a GPM like that) is used . An aberrated stable data will batter the truth, even a slight alteration will cause more alteration which eventually will cause terrible results. Life lived on the truth is a quite wonderful thing. So, the proper flow of theta and of an individual thetan become stopped by aberration. Ones altered data ruins the inflow of slightly altered truth. It is like driving a truck through a truck. So, Ser Facs do not easily resolve on a case because a person has a vested interest to understand an aberrated datum through another aberrated datum. Where a person has aberrated data versus aberrated data, these two things versus each other, you will then see opinions and complications proceeding out of that false opposition. These masses of data can become centred around the subject of applying technology. If you alter-is, you can't assimilate. So, alter-ising things, like technology, brings about non-resolution. The only solvent there is is truth. Truth, in refined form, is the only thing which will resolve cases because it is the only thing that an aberrated case cannot disagree with. You get a resolution within a zone of tolerance, and only if and when a person realizes that a recognition of the fundamentals of truth and existence are necessary to overcome all this alter-isness. 152 Overcoming all this alter-isness there is on a subject of truth is probably a thousand times harder than resolving a case on a pc, according to Mr. Hubbard and I agree with him whole-heartedly, It is probably a shame that he didn't complete that job and get the credit for completing that job. Through accident or otherwise, I suspect that I have done so. So, the truth about the mind, people and Scientology has to be presented in a fundamentally, accurate fashion. The amount of difficulty you have in auditing a case is the direct result of the amount of alter-isness you have applied to the data of how audit a case. Since the fixed solutions are what is holding the confusions in place, on an individual, we have know how to cure a cure. Scientology is essentially a collection of- undisclosed and unrecognized data. If you run the solution off a problem, many times the problem will just blow and erase. There is alot of pure information in Scientology on cause. Where Hubbard has put in alteration, people that study him, have trouble. The GPM, level of a case should be perfectly duplicated. There can be a thing as an actual goal without a GPM attached to it. A GPM may have as many as 100 goals in it, but a GPM overall only has one essential goal. An example is that there is a RI on a goal found in a session, turns out to be just a lock on a RI. There are items off others GPMs that are then pulled in and thus you end up with a wrong line plot. So, you can check on the E-meter -Is it an actual GPM?' -Is this an implant GPM?', or -is this no GPM?'. You should always remember that a pc's actual goals will RR, all the way across the dial. The pc ends up opposing his actual goals and this comes up to the pc when he states the actual goal in PT. The locks or the RIs will fire just like the RIs, thus the result is an incorrect line plot. The line plot is simply drawing out which goals oppose each other in what order. It is sort of a gruesome discovery. You can draw a chart with the auditor on the left and the pc on the right and put C on the left and E on the right, an arrow going over to the pc, Whatsit, arrow back, Itsa, with the bank away from the pc and put an Itsa Whatsit line two arrows that way. The Whatsit-Itsa line between the bank and the pc is a line not generally perceived by the auditor and that is the line that the TA action results from. This is the line that auditing is all about, getting the pc to confront his bank. So, that is your first order of importance. Your second order of importance is the Itsa line back to the auditor. Your third order of importance is the Whatsit line over to the pc. Auditor Whatsit PC Whatsit Bank C E Itsa Itsa TA motion and case gain are reduced proportionally to the degree that alter-isness, filtration, re-interpretation and reflection are introduced into each of the 4 lines. 153 What I have been covering here was essentially cancelled and denied in 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard, but be that as it may, what I'm saying here is all quite valid. An auditor is simply there to get the pc to confront his bank. On the Itsa line is what is reported to have been blown or erased. So, in order to produce technical results in Scientology, there are educational steps in Scientology. You have to run off aberrated data on the pc. You have to not alter-is or add to the pure truth stated herein on Scientology and auditing. Education is successful towards a practical, technical end if it is conceived purely, relayed well and applied. So, the performance of Scientology is determined by the technical gain of people who have been audited. In that my auditing produces about 20 times the result, if not 100 times, of L. Ron Hubbard's, then I probably have 100 times clearer subjective understanding and objective understanding of the truth of it. So, an auditor will get technical gain on a pc depending on the purity of his understanding of the data and his receipt and application of true data. To the degree that he relays and uses this data to reach the pc and knock out aberration, it is actually this simple. Complication, if you look up the word in the dictionary,*means an addition to. Clarification of an Itsa line is important because it is a totally hidden line unless your perception is very high as an auditor. Education carries with it de-education of previously held bad ideas, particularly in a research line. Probably, the greatest error anyone studying truth could make is to make an all of any one datum. No single datum is substitute for you. A datum is not going to audit a pc or live a life. A live person audits another live person. Other data or data itself sitting in a chair is bad. There is no substitute for a live person, no text will ever replace a live person. This is a purity of truth. You will audit worse when you are trying a theory out because a theory is sitting there instead of you. A successful session is defined as one in which the TA moves throughout the session and is moving the case in the direction of more TA. This is the acid test of a successful session. I would like to talk about clearing. The word clear comes from the clearing of an adding machine button. On a single adding machine, if you don't push the clear button after you have run up some figures, then you have an unseen total in the machine, so you have uncleared answers. The mind adds data of old experiences in with current experiences and comes up with wrong answers. So, an aberrated person is someone that is nuts, it's not just little worries, A person that has been cleared does not add in yesterday's totals for a completely wrong answer today. An aberrated person can't remember in the area in which person can't remember in the area in which he is aberrated. They have lousy memories connected to areas where they have very false stable data, Memory is not a broad condition. It is not even good or bad. It is not even a uniform condition. It is too broad a generality, If you say someone has a bad memory, you should qualify on what. If you want to improve your memory, you should clarify on what. An out- 154 memory area is the button that should be cleared. Aberration is non observation or equals non-observation, either way you want to look at it. What man is faced with in being uncleared is not an unconscious mind, but an occluded mind. He is saying that the material is not there, that it is gone, and that in itself is a big nuttiness, that people can't remember. In painful areas, people have bad memories, and that results in nuttiness. Locks could be described as appended associated experiences. It is incomprehensible that people have one total answer for things, but they do. Psychiatry tries to make sense out of the incomprehensible or nuttiness. It is probably more prudent to simply find the cause of nuttiness. All you need to know about nuttiness is that it is nutty. What you have to understand in working with a pc is what the pc doesn't understand, and you also need to know what the cause of his not understanding is. No one is totally crazy. It is not a general state. People are crazy on different subject areas, Peoples thirsts for totality or allness is simply a desire for all things being equal. It even enters into legality where they declare a person insane or sane. They don't remark on what, This is a missing scientific fact. So, in defining sanity or clearing, one should get an adequate definition of terms. On what opens the door to cure. So, one should deal with subjects, not particularly conditions, in understanding clearing, There are no similarities in insanity, it is practically unclassifiable. A drunkard is not drinking except to keep drinking. What you need to know about a drunkard is that it is a total -how-to-get through- life for him'. A person gets a regained awareness (cognition), then memories return in the area. People get cognitions in areas of aberration. When going down an uncleared area, in other words, proceeding on a rundown on an uncleared area, where there are occlusions, people have cognitions. You don't have to prospect for what is normal in the individual, what you are prospecting for is nuttiness, and you need it worded right. You can clear a person on a subject. So, what does clear mean? It means on any given subject, he is not nuts anymore A cleared person has a cleared ability to think. The impermanence of clear is nonsense. Once it is cleared up, it is cleared up educating in an area that is unclear leads to pre-understanding, but not actual understanding, so, clearing doesn't happen. Once cleared a person doesn't have a prayer of getting irrational on that subject again. How clear can a person get is not just Dianetic Clear, or the grades, or the OT levels. A person can be cleared up to the state of operating thetan where one is total causation. Clearing is very closely related to finite existence and also the ability to survive. Erasing a reactive mind is a prerequisite to clearing. The assumption of existence going forward is a part of clearing. One talks about living, thinking, the mind, day to day. Becoming an operating thetan does not necessarily fix up a person. Becoming an operating thetan is a total resumption of beingness and total causation and does not necessarily take place in a physical universe in finite time. 155 So, clearing is an assist within limits to finite existence. Man does not leap from total aberration to total divinity with a prayer book. It must be walked and it is a long road. GPMs are the reason a person has a time track and the question must arise, what is man doing on a time track? It appears that an individual out of causation and knowingness has caused a past to exist for himself and not erased it. In that the GPMs are timeless, they didn't happen to an individual. All implants have happened in the universe, Time comes from whatever you are dating your clearing in. The core of the reactive mind is a recreation of the individual, and there is a long and arduous road in getting a person up to taking that down. He will have to come up to some degree of the awareness that he had when he adopted it. A cleared person is less worried about what the universe is doing to him and he is more cause over what he is doing to the universe. One must rise above the self-progress idea from the road to Clear in a finite sense to the road to OT in an infinite sense. The road to Clear and clearing aids in finite goals and operating thetan is something one processes towards and attains. It is not as observable. There are two roads: processing within limited time and experience looking for deletions and clearing up the individual, and then there is another road above time of operating thetan. Locks on GPMs are not traumatic experiences. In clearing, you are taking off corny, MESTy and materialistic things. You find something you can clear and clear it. You can't clear something which is already cleared. You can't clear something which can't be cleared on time or in time. Aberration may simply be the advertising of another aberration and auditors shouldn't try to make sense out of nuttiness. You see a misunderstood word leads to a confusion, which can lead to a problem, which can lead to an overt, and after that a person will pull in overts and have withholds in the future. They could start out on the subject of husbands, but end up aberrated on the subject of homes. The closer the association is between two subject areas, the more difficult your job is in clearing. This is not necessarily dramatic or interesting but you can find the cause of it. Suffice it to say, clearing is permanent. There is a very rare quantity of people in society that have anti-social personalities, they are called suppressive people. They won't make any case gain in auditing. Their tone arms won't move. They speak only in generalities. These people are simply extremely PTS, in other words, they are roller-coasting off being connected to another suppressive person. If your pc or someone is connected to a suppressive person, they will have a tendency to lose case gain and go up and down and also to cause trouble. So, a person who causes trouble and roller-coasters is called a Potential Trouble Source (PTS). A PTS person is very active and a suppressive person is very covert, has a Mona Lisa smile. This probably embroils and ties up alot of people in society. A suppressive person sees everyone as an enemy attacking them and they don't see the physical universe as it is. They are dealing with their dub-in of the physical universe A suppressive person is surrounded by entities and identities other than what you or I see. A suppressive person is stuck on the time track and is totally back there in another time and space. 156 The attributes of one are that they speak in generalities; they deal in bad news; they don't relay communications accurately; they alter-is communications; they are not responsive to treatment of any type; they refuse auditing; they cannot confront their own minds (they go into fits over it); they are terrified at the idea of looking at a mind; their friends will have low productivity (be somewhat crippled and have bad luck); they will claim to have high ethics and use an ethics point of views; they may or may not be intelligent (that has nothing to do with it); they will habitually select the wrong targets; they will not complete cycles of action (because they have time and space collapsed up); there is no faint sense of responsibility although they willingly confess to all kinds of crazy crimes; they will uniformly support destructive groups; they destroy decent groups; they will approve of bad actions and inhibit constructive actions; they will consider help to be bad and harm to be good; they will have a bad sense of property; they will consider ownership to be a pretension and that no one really owns anything; most of them will generally give long speeches on rights; they have a tremendous feeling of importance and dominance quite often; they will assert their own self importances and they will discuss overts and withholds, but they won't get off any tone arm action. The idea of actually helping ones fellow man, you see, being a fundamental, driving idea behind Scientology as a subject, has probably caused the majority of, if not the entirety of, these anti-social personalities to flock to the religion and basically shut it down. They have changed the church around to where anyone that tries to help any people is destroyed by the church and any person that assists in the enslavement of other individuals is welcomed and is generally employed by the church. So, the possibility of the Scientology church or religion ever working out became somewhat non-existent about 10 years ago, and completely non-existent 4 to 5 years ago. By then the executive ranks of the church became completely filled with suppressive people. Hubbard disassociated himself from the church then. He knows it is a runaway bad dream. This isn't my opinion in the matter, this is a matter of public record and fact. Because of this, anyone who is interested in Scientology, helping their fellow man, or truth had better stay well clear of any church bearing the name of Scientology because they will generally use any amount of wealth or legal action necessary and break any laws necessary to shut down your operation or what you are doing including breathing. So, I wanted to cover this Grade IV area of Ser Facs initially very thoroughly because if you understand it, you can understand the technology of Scientology. Within it are the answers to why people are doing what they are doing, why the country is going the way it is, why L. Ron Hubbard himself was never able to complete his research, and why the church of Scientology is unable to successfully produce good products on a uniform basis. The Ser Fac technology is little to rarely understood within or without Scientology and it is the primary aberration that is going on with people at a core level. 157 In dealing with people in life or in dealing with ones own case, if you want to grow and get it handled or in auditing another person, you should have this data down cold. There is alot of auditing that goes on in a folder prior to running off someone's Ser Facs and we are going to taking that up, but it is nice to know where you are going, what you are eventually going to be handling, and what is driving the person up the wall, The main reason that people can't see, perceive or go into communication with the environment, or act in a realistic fashion and win and do well in life amidst a relatively simple, social situation and a relatively simple, economic situation is that they are working off ridiculous computations and have engaged upon the fruitless activity of using a stable datum as a substitute for themselves in living or working or whatever. Followers of the Scientology movement, people within the church, are obviously extreme examples because they use the technology of Scientology as a substitute for inspecting what is actually there to look at. When asked before 150 people how come I could get an ashtray to stand up and no one else could at St Hill Manor, I simply explained that I could confront and get in communication with something other than myself, whereas everyone else at St. Hill Manor (and everyone else I had met in the Scientology movement) chose to confront with the technology. In other words, they were using a datum and data as a substitute for themselves. They were unwilling to directly look at anything. So, not only within the church, but within the founder of the church, and within any person that is aberrated (producing non-optimum, bad results or not producing many results at all),- you have a Ser Fac at the core of what is driving the individual up the wall, and it is what he is substituting for himself, and it will eventually kill and bury everyone involved if it remains unhandled. Life continues around these people, although they are completely unaware of it, and eventually life, the world, events and changes absorb these people as fodder. So, your Ser Fac case is long gone, as far as undigging himself out of his mess alone, and that is a third of mankind The only way it can be undug and straightened out to where they can get back on a positive course is to get their Ser Facs run off by someone who understands them. I have outlined here the rough essentials of what you would need to know in understanding what Ser Facs are, what the core of a bank actually is, and what you are dealing with, with other people. What I would like to do now is to take up the overall Bridge itself and go over the types of processes which are run at each level on a rather simple basis. Ironically, this whole thing is quite simple; no one ever suspected it. Things are not as complicated as they may seem. Yet, there are some things that have some degree of complexity. Living in this universe with other people is essentially, a swiss-watch type of activity One has to be precise and exact and knowing in what one is doing. Likewise, in working with a human mind, you have to know what is going on with the human mind and that is also a swiss-watch activity, but when you are repairing a Swiss watch, although there are a number of factors which you have to be exact and precise with, it is still simple. Complexity itself implies an inability to know it all, a vast sea of quantities of data, the possibility of non-comprehension, (additions to) and a tremendous number of decision alternatives. The decisional options 158 which one has in applying judgment, in dealing with life, or dealing with auditing are fortunately nested. That is an IBM term for a number of decisions being very close together. Because of the fact that they are nested, you are fortunate. There are fundamentally two types of cases: 1) those that are going to require XDN early, and 2) those which don't have a whole lot of evil mocked up, aren't emanating alot of evil, and aren't really involved in the subject of evil. Those two types of cases allow one to make a decision relatively early in a bridge of which way you are going to progress, in other words, which sequence you will be running the various Scientology processes. On someone who is extremely crazy, you would run XDN (Expanded Dianetics) immediately. On someone who gives off alot of evil early in their Life Repair and their Dianetics, then you would do XDN after that before you proceed onto their Expanded Grades. So, that is one type of case. The other type of case you would be dealing with, you can save the XDN towards the end of the Bridge and do it after OT VII. Since Scientology has been sort of a research line development of a number of technologies, the only theoretical basis you could conclude that would answer alot of things is that L. Ron Hubbard has developed a whole lot of technologies which are relatively distinct and different and applied in different types of cases, societies and people. He has lumped all these together under a general category of Scientology. People come into Scientology for one of five reasons, and that is their level of case depth and you should establish this with your pc prior to doing any work because it is going to determine how deep the processes are going to run. It is nice to know where you are both going to go in the auditing, The lightest level of address is people want their ruins handled. This type of person that comes in for processing will always pay the light bills in the churches, they have one thing that they want solved and you can run that off very quickly in 12 - 25 hours. Normally, it is nothing more than a symptom and doing that kind of work is probably unethical because if they are taking a particular drug or something to get away from the marriage, working on the drug is going to be a waste of time and money and is a relatively worthless activity. You would be better off to run off the marriage, problems on the marriage, then they will have no need to take the drug. So, you have this first level of address and there is plenty of that that goes to the churches. Any person that is that superficial, I think it would be wise to avoid them, and not even be connected to someone that shallow. The second level of address is someone wants to be a better person, in other words, they are up to demand for improvement. They want a number of things handled. I really wouldn't advise even connecting up with these people and working with them to any great degree. The third level, and I've only done one person that was actually this - light', is someone who wants to be a better human being, a completely well, happy, human being. It is a very thin level of address. Churches are flooded with this particular depth level of individual. These people you can get in Dianetics and the rest of the Bridge and they will go off to play human (body) games. I don't recommend connecting up or being in communication with anyone of this level of depravity. 159 The most common type of self-motivated-achiever individual that you will encounter will be your fourth level of address. That is where someone comes in the door and they want to make some progress towards the state of operating thetan this life time, in other words, they want to make some significant progress towards being a free being. That is the majority of the people alive that have any understanding of the words that they are reading, what this society is about, or the nature of man. Anyone who has a minimal comprehension level beyond the 4th or 5th grade would be inclined in this particular direction because all society is on that particular gradient. They climb into bed with each other, they take drugs, they buy new cars, they speculate in real estate, they travel. Probably 95% of most human activity is some mild effort form of trying to exteriorize and get some freedom from the body and freedom from ones thoughts and experience some real joy. So, these are phenomena, whether it is walking on a beach, listening to beautiful music, being involved with art or aesthetics, where a person is trying to get some taste of a spiritual existence. So, the majority of people who will come your way, that you should accept, work with and can produce magnificent gain on comes in this fourth level of category. What is extremely rare, and you may encounter between l, 2, or 3 individuals in a lifetime, that comes in at the fifth level of address on this particular subject of truth, and that would be to attain full OT in one lifetime. There are between 6 and 8 people which have attained this particular state. I was involved with three of them and this type of folder runs extremely different. Since it is a minority of what has occurred, is occurring and will occur I won't be addressing it much here. So, in summary, there are five levels of depth and address of the reality level of the application of Scientology technology and truth. These five levels of address you should be completely aware of and clear up with a person prior to doing any work with them. If you get this fourth category or the fifth category, you should take the work in. If you get anyone of the lower three categories, you're dealing with an extremely rough, aberrated individual and you will have to be a very good auditor to do much with them. It is actually a waste of your time to work with such people. They are probably at your door to slow you down. L. Ron Hubbard developed a whole lot of technologies, probably for export to other societies at a future date at other extra-terrestrial locations, under the rationalization that this is a prison planet and therefore he has a right to experiment with the prisoners. There is no evidence that he ever had much legitimate intention to actually help people here because a person's true thoughts are always reflected in their actions. His actions are not reflective of help; they are reflective of putting data in the environment and doing research and publishing about 15% of the research. The majority of highly-trained people understand this (there are dozens and dozens of them) as what he has, is and will be doing and that it is a pretty high stakes game. Although they can understand it, they certainly don't appreciate it. Being alone in my interest of applying this data towards this particular level of society, I have found that you can use the majority of each of his separate technologies in a blend, gradient, stair-step fashion, use the rundowns and parts that correspond with what is going on with the pc; and actually help people here on planet Earth which is an idea that I 160 don't think has ever crossed his particular mind, although he writes alot of flowery, emotional material on it. The various products of the six different technologies, I'd like to go over here. There is Life Repair. You do this on people, if I can be quite frank, who are victims actually, and do this so that a person is no longer the effect of this lifetime, and they can be themselves, actually be a thetan and a person and are no longer a composite of this lifetime's experiences. It is done by PrepChecking the rough times they have had this lifetime. So, if someone walks in looking victimy and that they are the result of alot of stress this lifetime, you give them a Life Repair. There is another completely distinct technology and that is where someone walks in and they are robotic and mechanical, in other words, they are over restimulated. What you would do in this instance is give them a Case Cracker Rundown. This is a person who wants personal ruins and their continuous and perpetual upsets handled to where they can actually get better and stay better for all time . On this you do an Expanded 53 Form, XGF (Expanded Green Form), Dianetics Track Repair Form, 3 S & Ds and a PTS Rundown. This eradicates over-restimulation to where you actually have a thetan there to audit. If someone walks in and they are a bit freaky, in other words, they are a drug case, you give them a Drug Rundown. There is no evidence of any being done correctly in the churches. A Drug Rundown is a separate activity. It handles and frees one from a collapse of imaginary, past and present track whereby a person doesn't feel there and flowing in present time (PT). By doing a Drug Rundown, you eliminate a person's chronic emotions, fixed points of view and their having the same feelings over and over. So, for instance, if a victim walks in, you give him a Life Repair. If a mechanical, wound-up robot walks in, can't make gains in life, you give them a Case Cracker Rundown. If a freak walks in and he's got fixed, same feelings that occur over and over and he doesn't really feel there and he is not flowing, and he has a chronic emotional state, you give him a Drug Rundown. After these actions are done, you can do Dianetics and produce a well, happy, human being. So, for touchy people, give them Dianetics. For freaks, give them a Drug Rundown; mechanical people, a Case Cracker Rundown, and victims, a Life Repair. The fifth type of technology and appropriate case that walks in, is people who are nuts, in other words, someone who is just plain crazy. You give them XDN (Expanded Dianetics). This is where you find and run off their evil purposes (Ev Purps). By delivering XDN, you produce a person who is well, sane, has no evil, whole, at last free from restraining themselves, and can operate comfortably at their own capability level. The sixth type of case that comes in is someone who is stupid. If someone is unaware, unable and dumb, what they need is Scientology grades, the Clearing Course (CC), and the OT levels. On these actions a person regains ability, can have ability, regains ability and can have 161 awareness to where they can be cause over the 800 fixed aspects of existence and relationships. If someone wants most of the gains or abilities in all six of these areas, you simply run them in the proper order. If a person wants all of it, it must be run in a particular order and tailored to the preclear. There are essentially six different technologies here. They are sloppily considered to be one large thing called Scientology technology. If you mix these or mix the rules of doing any of them together, you are in for a hell of a hard time in working with people. Some them do take priority over others and it is nice to know when to shift out of one particular area into another. The way to do a Life Repair is if someone comes in complaining about their wife, husband, brother, sister, boss or whatever, and that is basically all you are hearing about, you can use that as the subject and PrepCheck it off. A PrepCheck is a list of questions that you ask over and over until it goes clean and the pc figured something out. For instance, if the subject is brother, you ask -On the subject of your brother has anything been suppressed?'. You ask this over and over until the question goes clean. By clean it means that there is no read left on the needle and you run it until you get an end phenomena (EP). An EP is a floating needle (F/N) which is a free needle just moving bsck and forth smoothly, very good indicators (VGIs), in other words, a pc is smiling, and at least one or more cognitions, regained awarenesses. If you have all these three things happen, then you know the question is clean. You can then proceed to the next question. If a pc gets quite upset, in other words, an ARC break starts to surface while you are doing this questioning, you can go ahead and clear up the ARC break. Of course, the way you would do this is you would assess on the E-meter: -Is it a break in Affinity, Reality, Communication, Understanding?' Which ever one reads, you would give them the indication, -I'd like to indicate it was a break in Understanding'. Let them look at that and say two or three words (at the most a sentence), then find out what type of Understanding broke off, Find out if -Spiritual' or -Human'. Then ask: -Was it a break in (spiritual or human) Understanding?' Spiritual Human Known False Unknown Denied Curious Absurd Desired Rationalised Enforced Offensive Inhibited Horrible No Compressed Refused Conjured Recriminatory 162 Say -Curious' was the one which read, then you would say to your pc : -I'd like to indicate curious understanding was going on and that broke off.' Your pc will then add it up and hopefully the ARC break will resolve. In the unlikely event that it doesn't resolve, you would take it earlier similar (E/S), in other words, find an E/S ARC break and do the assessment and find out what it was as I have just described and clean the ARC break up. In the highly unlikely event that you hit a major life secondary or engram, such as being born or losing a loved one and the ARC indication won't clean it up and the person wants to run it and has visio, then you can go ahead and run it at this time, So, either by them answering it over and over or by encountering an ARC break, you get an EP and get the question clean. The third thing that can happen is that they will say that they don't have any more answers and then you should say, -I'll help you with it.', then ask the question again noticing the read at the end of the question. Say it is a fall that moves an inch or so, then every time the fall would reappear on the E-meter, you would say -That', -That', -That' and they will say -Oh, yeah', in other words, they would respond. You have steered them to the exact thought. After they have given you the exact thing, you would return to asking them the same question, not consulting the meter. Then you would either go back to the meter as many times as possible until the whole thing went to a normal EP with a F/N, VGIs and cognitions, or an ARC Break repair EP. So, after your first line is clean, you go to the next line. The next line is -On the subject of your brother, is there anything that you have been careful of ?' So, that is the pattern on doing a PrepCheck. There are a total of 18 different buttons. You need to run as many buttons as necessary to where the whole subject is all cleaned up for the pc. You don't basically ask for that, you let them tell you that. The 18 buttons used on a PrepCheck are: 1. Suppressed 2. Careful of 3. Didn't reveal 4. Not-ised 5. Suggested 6. Mistake been made 7. Protested 8. Anxious about 9. Decided 10. Withdrawn from 11 . Reached 12. Ignored 13 . Stated 14. Helped 15. Altered 16. Revealed 17. Asserted 18. Agreed with Normally you won't have to go beyond the ninth button. They normally get it all figured out before the ninth button or on the ninth button which is -decided'. If your pc is not ranting and raving about one particular thing, or terminal as they come in, then you would proceed with a normal Life Repair. If they do come in ranting and raving about a terminal, then you should PrepCheck that first. After that is PrepChecked off, then you would proceed with a normal Life Repair. In a normal Life Repair, you straighten out the wording, but what you need to do is ask the pc: -In this lifetime, when have you had a rough time?' 163 Get them to list them off. They can either start at the beginning of the lifetime or start in PT working backwards So, they need to list off when they had rough times, don't ask for dates, just let them list them all off. When they are through with the list, the needle will float and what you do is take the largest read, marking the reads as they are listing each one off, and find out when it was and set up your PrepCheck question, For instance, if the largest read was -going to high school', you would ask -When was that?'. They say -1955 through 1958'. Then, your question would be -On the 1955 through 1958 period, has anything been suppressed?'. In other words, you are going to PrepCheck this largest reading area. You PrepCheck it until the whole area is cleaned off, then you take the next largest read to where you finish all the reads off and all the rough times of the lifetime have been PrepChecked off. This normally repairs a life to where they don't have attention on it and it clears all the huge ARC breaks off also. So, that is what a Life Repair is. Coming in raw off the street, prior to giving a person a Life Repair, you should word clear Scientology, Dianetics, auditing, preclear, auditing comm cycle, the Dianetic axioms and the Scientology axioms that are normally covered under a CS-1, then get right on the Life Repair. If they have had alot of auditing before, you need to do what is known as a -CS-60: You are basically going to give them a -D of P' interview. Ask them how they feel about interiorization, if they have any chronic somatics, if they have any unflat engrams, if they have any out lists, and if they have roller coastered. The order in which you will be handling that type of pc is fixing their interiorization first, their out lists second, their out ruds third, their chronic somatics fourth, their unflat engrams fifth (you may invert the fourth and fifth, check for which reads the largest), and their PTS-ness last. You do this prior to calling a 53 Form on a person who has been audited before. Always get known aberration out of the way before you assess for unknown aberration. Calling a list and asking a person are two entirely different things. I couldn't stress that enough. This is a tremendous error made in L. Ron Hubbard's research. By calling a list, you many times miss what you could simply get by asking the pc. There are really two types of things which can be wrong with someone and that's something that they are completely unaware of which will be picked up by call a list and, then there are things which a pc is already aware of. By not asking and just calling a list, you are only going to get things that he is unaware of and all the things which he is aware of, he is not going to mention. It makes no logical sense, it is completely unscientific and wrong to exclude the pc from his own auditing and his own road to truth. That mistake is prevalent and is the suggested way of doing things by L. Ron Hubbard and the churches. So, these are the two different ways to start out a Bridge. You can take them straight to a Life Repair using PrepChecks or you can give them a D of P interview to correct outnesses that they know of, are aware of and then follow that by using an Expanded 53 Form. If drugs were to read very heavy on the 53 Form, you would have to go immediately to the Drug Rundown. If they weren't to read heavy, you would simply get your drug list there and do your rehabs and continue with your Case Cracker if the person is more over restimulated than they are a druggy. 164 So, this covers the absolute bottom of a Bridge of what you will be handling as someone comes in. If in starting a Life Repair, D of P interview, or the 53 Form, it becomes self evident to you that the pc is going to run Introspection Rundown type material, in other words, psychotic breaks, you should shift them over and give them an Introspection Rundown. If it is evident that that is what is driving them mad, psychotic breaks, they are up to running those, and both of you are aware that they are crazy, then you might as well go right to the Introspection Rundown. So, you have four possible starts: 1) normal person, normal condition, hasn't had auditing - give them a Life Repair, or a normal person, has had auditing, has no complaints, doing fine - do a Life Repair (This is your most standard type of pc.) 2) someone who has had auditing, has some case troubles, is aware of some things wrong - do a D of P interview, fix those things, and follow with a Expanded 53 Form, 3) where you do a 53 Form or Life Repair and it becomes terribly evident that the person is a druggy - proceed right onto the Drug Rundown, 4) regardless of how you started out, it becomes obvious to both of you that they are being overwhelmed with psychotic breaks and heavily introspecting - do an Introspection Rundown. These four ways to start out is simply corresponding with what is going on with the pc. You should deliver the rundowns which are appropriate, or approximate whatever the overwhelming charges are that are surfacing on the individual. In other words, a ball of string only comes apart one way and that is the way it is rolled up. Hubbard was never aware of this, it never even occurred to him. In fact, he has held that the human mind can resolve the problems of the human mind and he differs very greatly with my definition of the human mind as being a million locks which can be undone only in the right order and if you undo any of the locks in the wrong order, the mind will condense further down and tighten on the individual. So, that is how a PrepCheck gets done, that is how a Bridge gets started, those are the things you should clear up in starting a Bridge on someone fresh. What I would like to proceed to next is how you handle a Case Cracker Rundown. You call the Expanded 53 Form and follow the directions on the form. You are going to have to depart from this rundown, as I have said, if they are a heavy druggy, if not, you get the form finished. Then, you do an XGF (Expanded Green Form). Then, call the LX lists, assuming -out- of valence reads' they are called three times. Anything which reads three times won't key out, it's overwhelming charge. You run that and follow the instructions on the form. Then, you do a Dianetic Track Repair. 165 Then you do the PTS Rundown on the three terminals which you got off the S & Ds which you did on the XGF. Your 53 Form takes the past and present out tech off the case. The LX's bring the case into valence. The Dianetic Track Repair Rundown cleans up the unflat engrams on the track to where they can see their track and track blows clean. The three S & Ds lift the PTSness off the case and the PTS Rundown resolves the subject of PTSness for the preclear for eternity. These five things handled on a being prevent them from ever being over restimulated. So, after that is done, a person, if they ever come in over restimulated, the next thing you would do is, since it is a major portion of the Bridge, is make sure every thing on it is flat at that point. If they have been previously audited, you might have to flatten their Power, OT III or whatever previous auditing they have had at this point. After the over restimulation is out of the way, you have a clear view of actually what happened. They will have a clear view for the first time also. Then, you proceed with your Life Repair. So, that is what a Case Cracker Rundown is. If is done on people who are over restimulated. It is actually the civilized way to start anyone on a Bridge for auditing. After your Case Cracker is done, you put in your Life Repair, then you can move onto the Drug Rundown. The Drug Rundown is probably the most commercial, viable and practical thing within an auditor's whole bag of tricks. It is needed intensely by society. It is one of the few things that are demonstrably provable and it will pay for itself in 3 - 4 years. This is really not complicated at all. Say a guy does a Drug Rundown and it cost him $5,000 - $10,000 and he drinks $3,000 in booze a year. You get him off his booze and he has recovered his money within three years plus he is not going to drink himself to death. In fact, it is so financially viable, I have been approached by the people at all levels of government who feel that since this is so financially viable and provable (there have been over a dozen people that have been permanently cured of alcoholism and drug addiction) let's get these things done on people. I have not responded in any cooperative manner being the suspicious and perceptive fellow I am. To do a Drug Rundown correctly, you have to understand technically what you are dealing with and what you are doing. So, we are going to take a real thorough look at this thing because it is probably the most unbelievable experience around for anyone that receives one or gives one to another. There is no way to describe what it is to audit out these things that have driven a person to drink, take aspirins or whatever their particular drug may be. The first thing you need to do in doing a Drug Rundown is to get a full list of the drugs that they have taken. It is nice to separate these out into categories. Get a full list on each of the following four categories to where they F/N. You will get a F/N showing it is a complete list on each of them and if it doesn't F/N simply say, -I'd like to extend the list' and keep them listing until you get it all. 1) all the street drugs they have taken, 2) all the medicines 3) all the alcohols 166 4) combinations of drugs they have taken, like when they had a cigarette and an aspirin and a drink. After you have a complete list of each category, then double back and get the dates they they took these, what period of time they took them, in other words, 1953 through 1956 on the vodka, and get them all dated Then, you come back through the lists a third time and what you are going to do is rehabilitate what happened when they took these things. This gets a little technical at this point. You clear the word release out of the dictionary with them, and the Scientology word -release'. What you want to do is rehabilitate how many times they went -release', both definitions, on the drug. For instance, they take aspirin, you ask -On aspirin, how many times did you go release?', in other words, get some relief from something. They tell you, give an instant answer, of 355 times. If the needle floats, you say -I'd like to indicate that it was 355 times.' So, you get the right number from them, even if you have to search around for it. The reason you are doing this is to cure them from overrun phenomena. They accomplished something and whether good or bad, it should be acknowledged, otherwise, they may just continue doing it because they are stuck in it. You do this on each of the street drugs, the medicines, the alcohols and the combinations. If they occasionally say that there was no relief or release, don't fight them on the subject, let it be that way. So, now you have these drugs -rehabbed'. The next thing you do is the TRs with the individual to where they understand them, TR 0 - 4 and TR 6 - 9. Then, you do the CCHs 1 - 7, in other words, you are auditing them on these. Then, you audit them on Opening Procedure by Duplication. Then, you run them on Self-Analysis recall processes (see Appendix). Then, you do a Dianetic CS-1. Then, you do a PC Assessment Form. Next you run 4-way recalls on giving drugs as follows: -Recall another giving you drugs.' to EP -Recall giving drugs to another.' to EP -Recall another giving drugs to others.' to EP -Recall giving drugs to yourself.' to EP Then, you run 4-way secondaries, making sure each of these things read (you don't run things which don't read). If they don't read, word clear them, they are probably going to then. 1st Flow: -Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of another giving you drugs.' R3R to EP (R3R will be defined later.) 2nd Flow: -Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of you giving drugs to another.' R3R to EP 3rd Flow: -Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of another giving drugs to others.' R3R to EP 4th Flow: -Locate an incident containing loss or emotion of you giving drugs to yourself.' R3R to EP Then, you run four flows of engrams on giving drugs: 167 1st Flow: -Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving you drugs' R3R to EP 2nd Flow: -Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving drugs to another' R3R to EP 3rd Flow: -Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving drugs to another or others.' R3R to EP 4th Flow: -Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving drugs to yourself.' R3R to EP Next you run off the somatic chains that are connected with taking drugs. The way you do that is you take your biggest reading drug or combination off the drug list and check it for a read, and I'm sure it will read. Then, you assess for types of chains which are connected with taking the drug. You must clear the word - are ' because you are going to asking the guy - Are there any pains connected with taking cigarettes?', not were , but are . You don't want this thing to go on forever. So, let's say the first drug you are working on is cigarettes. The questions you ask, marking the reads as you go, while you are just checking them on the meter are: -Are there any pains connected with taking cigarettes ?' sensations feelings emotions attitudes mis-emotions unconsciousnesses sorenesses compulsions fears aches tirednesses pressures discomforts dislikes numbnesses You check for these types of somatic chains on any drug or Dianetic item. This action of calling these questions off is called a preassessment. You then take those which read and get the pc to list out what he has got. Let's say you had four reads, attitudes was your largest read, emotions was the next largest, pains was the next and your fourth largest was dislikes, The way you do this with attitudes as your largest read is, you ask, -What attitudes are connected with taking cigarettes?' The pc says -Lousy attitudes, and that's all' and there is no F/N; what you do here is extend the list by saying -I'd like to extend the list, there seems to be something else here'. Get him to list them out until the list F/Ns and they are all gone. They actually key-out by listing them. 168 Attitudes are grossly misunderstood not only within Scientology, but also the dictionary and throughout society. An attitude is a substitute for an emotion, in other words, after a person is tired of feeling an emotion, they don't want to feel the emotion anymore, they will adopt a fixed point of view, a frame of reference, and that is what an attitude is. In fact, in running a case off, there may be only fifty things wrong with an individual, but you are dealing with a different level of address because you are PrepChecking it off, keying it out with a Life Repair. On a Drug Rundown, you run off a -lousy attitude' and somewhere along the line you are going to have to run off a -lousy emotion'. So, then at a deeper level of case (running a case off is just like peeling an onion), you will be running off the intention -to feel lousy' under XDN, and then you will take off their mental machinery which keeps them lousy and their subscription to a lousy existence on Grade 0, I, II, III and IV. It will be a lock on the Ser Fac. So, you have five levels of address of the same commodity called - lousy'. So, you get them to list all their attitudes connected with cigarettes and the needle floats. (Hubbard says you run them out at this time; I disagree because it doesn't work well at all.) What you should do as your next step is to take the next largest read and have them list all the emotions connected with cigarettes. Don't do any running, you want to get them all listed out to where the drug will key-out. So, you ask them -What emotions are connected with taking cigarettes?' They list those out down to a F/N. Then, you ask, -What pains are connected with taking cigarettes?' and you list those out. When you get down to dislike, you should clear it before you ask the question. Dislikes or any somatic can be printed two ways: 1) there is either an adjective before the dislike, in other words, an example would be -a horrendous dislike', or 2) it can be followed with a prepositional phrase and that is probably the most exciting way it lists, for instance, -a dislike of people'. So, you would ask them -What dislikes do you have connected with taking cigarettes?' and they might say -Oh, a dislike of people, dislike of fresh air, dislike or living a long lifetime, dislike of health.' and then their needle floats. Now you have all four types of reading somatics completely listed out (and as they listed each one of them out you are marking the reads). You now have a complete list of every thing that is connected with taking this drug. You run now off the largest reads first and smaller reads in descending order of reads. That is the order to run these things off. Example: on the four lists of somatics, if you had a large read, an LFBD, on a -lousy attitude' and you had an LFBD on a -dislike of people', you would run those two in that order before you would take up any smaller reads, such as a long fall (LF) on an emotion, You run all of them off. Those that didn't read, any emotions or attitudes that are listed, any of these somatics that are listed that don't read, you simply check on them You can go ahead and call them after you have run off all the reading items. If they don't read, you can check, for instance, there is an unreading emotion, -a silly emotion', You can check -On a silly emotion has anything been suppressed?' -Has anything been invalidated?'. If there is no read on either, then you leave it. If there is a read on either of the buttons, then you go ahead and run off that somatic. 169 Now that you have run off all the somatics that are connected with the first, large drug, you then check the drug, it shouldn't have a read on it and to make doubly sure that you have gotten it all, you just take the drug, which was cigarettes as an example, and say, -On cigarettes has anything been suppressed?' If there is no read, you mark X. -On cigarettes has anything been invalidated?' If there is no read, you mark X. You then take up the second largest reading drug on your list and keep up this sort of activity and this technique and erasing them off until either you have run all the somatics, or the person reaches an incident where it is obvious to them and you that their imaginery track, their past track and their present track collapsed. In other words, he will be running a past track engram where he decided it was best to live in a delusionary world because he just killed his wife or something. If something like this happens, go ahead and let them have their win, and let the session end off. If they proclaim that they have never felt like this before and they have slid forward to PT and so forth, you can wait a day and then check it. If it looks like the Drug Rundown is complete without you having to run off all the drugs, what you need to do is D of P interview and check for the five EPs of the Drug Rundown which are: 1) the person has come to present time, 2) their imaginery, past and present tracks have split apart, 3) they have cognited on what, other than present, past time and space they have been located in (you are not just running off pictures of the past, you are actually recovering them from another time and space), 4) they have found their own personal why for why they have been taking drugs, 5) all their chronic somatics and hidden things which have caused them to reach for the drugs as a solution have been discovered and eradicated. In other words, they no longer have chronic somatics that the drugs are a solution to. This fifth EP would also include no more desire to take the drugs. If they say yes to all this on the meter, then it's a done deal. You should, before letting them attest that the rundown is complete, call the whole set of drugs on the drug list (putting in suppress and inval on the list, so you get to call the list three times). If there is no read, then have them locate the area on the time track prior to taking drugs, spotting that, and then, do a preassessment on that. If that is still dry, then you get an attestation, you have a completed Drug Rundown. So, you get them to sign that it is complete and write up their wins. Now, if this doesn't happen somewhere along the line in the Drug Rundown and you get to run all the chronic somatics connected with each one of the drugs and each one of the combos, what you would then do is a Prior Assessment. A Prior Assessment is simply having them spot the time prior to taking drugs or alcohol and then do a preassessment on that. In other words, as of that period of time you do a preassessment and would treat that period of time as just one more drug That should produce the EP of the Drug Rundown. 170 After the Drug Rundown is over, if you have a whole lot of Ev Purps (evil purposes) that came off during it, you can then put in your XDN, This is done about a third of the time and I'll be covering it later. What your normal next step is is to do an Expanded ARC Straightwire Quad. Before we proceed with the Straightwire, there are a couple of things I'd like to double back on and clear up. Before auditing anyone that is brand new, coming in the door, you should clear the words Scientology, Dianetics, auditing, case, process E-meter, auditor, Grade Chart, you should demonstrate the E-meter, you should define charge and demonstrate charge. What they should know basically is what truth is, that the axioms exist, explain the awareness scale, demonstrate an auditing comm cycle, explain what a PrepCheck is, and you should clear Scientology axioms 1, 2, 3, 11, 30, 32, 38, and 51 and Dianetic Axioms 90 - 98, 123, and 180 - 187, I just wanted to get that cleared up as far as specifically what you do on a pc before them having their first session, The next thing I want to double back on is to explain why a Drug Rundown is done. When a person is under drugs they are under threat because the body is threatened by the drugs. So, when threatened with the body unmocking, in other words, harm coming to the body, a thetan will mock up obsessively. If a person takes a drug, the body feels threatened and the pc reacts by mocking up some bank hard below his awareness level. Drugs, whether it is LSD, marijuana, alcohol, or whatever, produces a threat to the body, like any other poison. The threat is to the body and the thetan reacts by mocking up. He can either mock up an engram, secondary or some combination of fantasy and fact. In some cases, he will mock it up so hard that it w;ll become more real and safer than PT. Thus, under threat, he goes out of PT. A person who needs a Drug Rundown, a person that has taken drugs in other words, have a time track that is not make up of wholly present time events. It is a composite of past track, imagination and present events. Thus, right before your eyes, the person is apparently in the same room as you are, doing the same things you are, but from his point of view, he is really only partially there and he is partially back in some past events, He seems to be there, but he isn't really fully tracking with PT. What is constant in this is that he is not running the same series of events as other people. One other thing I might add is that there are other things which act like a drug and you can add them to the list and while your pc is doing the Drug Rundown, he may originate more drugs he wants to add to the list, so you just add them to the list. Any activity which is obsessive, addictive, drives the person out of PT, turns on imagination, and a person feels is a drug for them should be listed. If it acts like a drug, it should be listed and run under the Drug Rundown, whether that item be sex, romance, love, driving automobiles fast, money, working, or whatever, There are alot of workaholics in society and they can't live without it. In fact, within the first three years after a person retires, if they are age 60 or over, half of them die. They just can't live without work. The other thing I wanted to clear up is I used a process name very quickly, R3R, in running out the chronic somatics and emotions and also under the giving and taking drug chains. 171 R3R is a process whereby an engram chain is run out. There have been many versions of it, many repair lists on it, and many styles of it published, cancelled, and then republished. It has been a point of discussion probably for over 30 years within Hubbard's writings. However, the proper way to erase an engram is as follows. You simply use the R3R technique on all four flows and, of course, you check the flow for a read and if the flow reads then you run it. Your exact command, say we are using the -lousy attitude' as an example, on 1st flow, your first step of R3R is -Locate an incident of another causing you to have a lousy attitude.' If it was 2nd flow, the command would be - Locate an incident of you causing another to have a lousy attitude.' If it was 3rd flow, the exact command would be -Locate an incident of another causing others to have lousy attitudes.' If it was 4th flow, also known as flow zero, in other words, self to self, the command would be - Locate an incident of you causing yourself to have a lousy attitude.' The phrase -to have' should always be in there because a case is nothing but a havingness and you are looking for a permanent havingness. Within the churches and within the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, the command would be -Locate an incident of you causing yourself a lousy attitude.' From that, of course, you would get display bank instead of permanent bank. The majority of the reactive mind is display bank and is only temporarily restimulated and it is not worth auditing. The minority of the reactive mind is in permanent restimulation and completely overwhelms an individual and that is what you are interested in auditing. That is why you give the proper command. So, that is the first step of R3R: -Locate an incident...' After they have nodded or said that they have or there is evidence that they have done so, you would ask them, -When was it?' They would give you some time, when it was. Say they give you -1942'. You acknowledge and you tell them to -Move to that incident', that is your third command. You don't say the , you say that . -Move to that incident.' When they have indicated that they have, you say, -What is the duration of that incident?' They tell you -Well, 8 minutes,' The date and the duration are filed under the file clerk (a mechanism in the mind) and the purposes of these steps are to assist in turning on visio. That was your fourth step, getting the duration. So, your fifth step is, you tell them -Move to the beginning of that incident.' As you do that your needle will fall on the E- meter. Then, if their eyes are not already closed, you would say -Close your eyes, please' and after they have, you ask -What do you see?' They say, -A tank.' You acknowledge it. So, then you give the seventh command of R3R, and you write them down on the worksheets this way as you are moving along , 1 , 2 , 3 , etc ., -Move through that incident to a point 8 minutes later'. - In other words, at step seven you always put in whatever duration they gave you on step four. If they talk or originate anything while they are moving through you say, -Okay, continue', which would be your eighth step. If they are completely silent, wait until they look up and they have gone through to the end of it. Then, your ninth step is to ask -What happened?' On this ninth step they will run the lock of re experiencing it in this session, of course, but they will tell you what happened in the incident. For instance, they will say -A tank came to me, or towards me, and ran me down and I had a lousy attitude in it at the time and it stuck me, stuck the attitude on me and I died there.' You 172 would acknowledge that, then you would give the next step of R3R which is, we'll abbreviate it as, A/B, which is two commands at once, you would say -Move to the beginning of that incident, tell me when you are there.' They would nod and indicate that they have. Then, you would write step C down, which would be -Move through to the end of that incident.' They would, then you would give the step D which is -Tell me what happened.' Then they would tell you what happened on that pass through the incident. If the TA has gone severely up quite a bit, you can then ask -Is it erasing or going more solid?' You can write E/S on your worksheets and just circle the one which it is. If they say that it is erasing, you put them through the incident again using the steps A, B, C, and D and have them keep going through the incident as long as it is erasing until it is erased, When it has erased you will have a F/N, floating needle, VGIs (very good indicators), they will be grinning and smiling, cognition, then the chain itself will erase and you can verify that it is erased. If the incident at any point starts to go more solid, you can ask -Is there an earlier incident of another causing you to have a lousy attitude?' If they say no, you can check -Does the one we are running have an earlier beginning?' These are the only commands you use in R3R, Steps 1 - 9, A, B, C and D. If you have some question as to whether it is erasing or going more solid, then you can ask. If there is no earlier incident, and it is going more solid, then you can ask for an earlier beginning. You go through the incident as many times as necessary to where the engram is erased, the incident is erased. The reason you are doing this is to get this stuck, chronic, fixed lousy attitude off the individual. After the first flow is erased, you check the 2nd flow by asking -Is there an incident of you causing another to have a lousy attitude?' If it reads, you would run it. If it doesn't read, you ask -On that question has anything been suppressed?', -Has anything been invalidated?' If both those are clean, you don't run it. If there is a read on either, you would run the 2nd flow. Likewise, 3rd and 4th flows. After all the flows are either run or verified, you then check the attitude itself, -A lousy attitude', -On that has anything been suppressed?' -Has anything been invalidated?' That being clean and the needle floating, you then ask the pc -Is that handled and erased for you?' That being verified it is a done deal. That is R3R procedure, whether you are running attitudes, emotions, intentions or whatever. There are a couple of things I want to say about Dianetics. There are volumes and volumes written by Hubbard on this, and it is more controversial and more confusing and more difficult than I'd care to discuss. Such remarks are made as -If the TA goes up automatically send the pc earlier', this is absolutely wrong. Your pc should be hatted, in other words, he should understand that you are looking for the basic incident on a chain. That is what should come up on the first incident that comes up. If a chain is heavily charged, you may have to go earlier a few times, but this is at the most, 30% of the time. The rest of the time they will be going directly to the basic incident. In most cases, (70% of the time) - they will be going directly to the basic incident. In fact, a 173 third of the pcs never have to be sent earlier, They go right to the basic incident. With a very rough case, you will have to go earlier about 30% of the time, many times the TA is going up simply because they have not gotten all of the incident that they are going through, so, it is absolutely ludicrous to send someone earlier because their TA has gone up on a couple passes through an engram. Different parts of the engram will come off on each pass. I wanted to clear that up. If you would simply keep it simple and if you have any doubts of whether it is erasing or going solid, ask. If it is going solid, ask for an earlier, If they say that there is no earlier, then ask for an earlier beginning. It is actually that simple. You may have to take alot of passes on a heavy engram, like dozens of times, and you may have to ask for earlier beginnings dozens of times, and different somatic strips may come off on each pass. It is basically that the overall engram is developing and you are getting all of the charge off. R3R procedure is used in Dianetics, XDN, New Era Dianetics, and Drug Rundowns to erase incidents. Your pc should be hatted that locks are preceded by secondaries which are preceded by engrams. There is more case gain that is had by running secondaries than engrams. If your pc runs a big, heavy secondary, go ahead and let him have his win, but the next day go and get the underlying engram off. In doing Dianetics, you are doing R3R; and in doing Scientology you are doing repetitive processes: you ask a question, get an answer, acknowledge it, and keep asking the question until all the change is run out of that particular process, and the person has come up to realizing the truth on that particular subject matter, and that subject is handled for him forever. Quad, meaning four flows, ARC Straightwire is done right after the Drug Rundown. So, we will go over how it is done and what is done in it. Straightwire is a part of the 0-4 Expanded Grade processes which are about 800 processes which are repetitive processes. Within the church, people who do these are generally ridiculed -as grades being a terribly easy thing to do'. I don't particularly agree with that opinion. I think that they require the most talent. But if you were to add all the processes together on ARC Straightwire and all your grades, you would have the 800 fixed rules and laws of life. A person in very good shape has about 600 of these down cold and about 200 of them they aren't even aware that they exist anymore and a good half dozen they have completely backwards Most people are not in that good shape. I'm just going to go over the processes explaining how you run them and what normally comes off, There is no point in my saying -to EP' 800 times, I'll just list the processes: 1. Remember something. 2. Recall a time. 3. Recall a communication. 4. This is a four flow process: 174 1st flow: -What would you like to confront? 2nd flow: -What would another like to confront? 3rd flow: -What would others like to confront? 4th flow: -What would you like to confront in yourself? You run each of those separately and individually, repetitively to EP. This now brings up the subject of whether you want to do these things the way they are published and printed by the churches or if you want to do them correctly. The word -what' starts a listing question and about half of the processes in Scientology are listing type questions. So, what happens in running a process is you either get a list end phenomena or you get a process end phenomena. Either way you are leaving someone with something unflat. They will either have an unflat list or they will have an unflat process. You will get an F/N, VGIs, cog, but they will be left with immense quantities of by-passed charge. It can actually be very cruel to run these things they way they are published. It is very difficult on a person. There are two alternatives. You can either run the process to both EPs, for instance, this first one, -What would you like to confront?'. You could run that to the list EP. For example, say you are auditing some girl and she gets a big cog and it blows down and the needle floats, in other words, she gets her list item saying she would like to confront her bank and get her case handled. You could continue to run the process until you get the EP of the process. The EP of this particular process is that a person would normally get a cog on affinity itself. They would realize that what they like to confront is what they end up confronting, and what they don't like to confront, they don't end up confronting, thus it is the sentimental whims that are determining what they face in life, so they are being run by emotions. That would be a normal, acceptable level EP. This process should be run to that type EP. You could go through the folders of people who have been processed under this -What would you like to confront?' and the majority of them are just going to come up with their list item and these people continue to walk around having their emotions controlling what they face. Continuing the process beyond the list item is one solution. You could take every -what' process in Scientology to the two EPs since you are doing two things at once with them. If any outsider were to come along and say that this is really not what is happening, people don't actually list off these, that person is crazy. that person belongs in a mental ward because the pcs do list off of them. You can take any folder that has had these 800 processes run and correct the 300 - 400 lists there or correct the 300 - 400 processes. They either have 300 - 400 underrun processes or they have 300 - 400 incomplete lists. It is because of technical errors like this that 99% of the people involved with the Scientology movement want to be auditors, but they don't want to be pcs. The auditing has been such a traumatic incident for them that they are just going into a winning valence on it. 175 The second way you could resolve this particular issue is to ask a rational question and not use the word -what', and I find that a much more logical alternative instead of double processing areas and getting involved with listing and nulling phenomena. So, the proper way to run the fourth process is: Tell me something you would like to confront. Tell me something another would like to confront. Tell me something others would like to confront. Tell me something you would like to confront in yourself. Doubling back, this first process, -Remember something', if they come off with a nonsequitur EP, they don't get any cog on memory itself, it is up to your adjudication whether you want to leave it at that. I would take the process to where they get a cog on memory. On -Recall a time', the normal EP for that is they would pop right out of an incident. On -Recall a communication', they would pop out of another incident. You should get sequitur cogs on these four -Like to confront' processes, 4A. Recall exhaustion. 5. Tell me a part of your life you would be willing to re experience. (This is run alternately with) Tell me a part of the future you would be willing to experience. You run the first command, get an answer, acknowledge it, then run the second command, get an answer, and acknowledge, back and forth. So, it is run alternately to the EP which is F/N, VGIs and cog, and the subject is handled for all time. They have it down cold. They are analytical on it. If you just use F/N, VGIs, cog, as an EP, you are going to a shallow run and you are not really clearing anyone. That is another thing which is wrong with what is going on with the churches and what is published in Scientology technology. In running engrams or Dianetics, you should always get a fourth EP (which is an erasure) and your fifth EP (that one word you are erasing does resolve the chain subject matter). If you are running a spinning feeling off someone and after you have verified that the spinning feeling chain is erased, you should get your fifth EP and make sure that the spinning feeling is erased, they don't have the feeling anymore. The reason you do that is to make sure that you have the right chain, they might have two chains that cause them to have a spinning feeling or even five. If the pc starts listing items like fear, I doubt if every fear they have in existence is caused by one engram chain, there is going to be more than one. In running grades, you don't just take F/N, VGIs, cog, you make sure that the process is flat, that they understand they subject matter and that they are at cause on it. 6. (You don't use the words -think of', that will turn on analytical machinery, you want to run recall.) Recall something you wouldn't mind forgetting yourself. Recall something you wouldn't mind forgetting yourself. (This is a six-way bracket. They give you an answer, you acknowledge it, then you run the second command, they give you 176 an answer, you acknowledge it, the third, etc. It is 1 - 6, 1 - 6, etc,) Recall something you wouldn't mind another person forgetting, Recall something you wouldn't mind forgetting about another. Recall something you wouldn't mind another forgetting about you. Recall something you wouldn't mind other people forgetting. Recall something you wouldn't mind another person forgetting about another person. 7. Tell me something that would be all right for another to make forgotten. Repetitive to EP. Tell me something that would be all right for you to make forgotten. Tell me something that would be all right for others to make forgotten. Tell me something that would be all right for you to make forgotten about yourself. 8. Tell me something that another would permit to have happen again. Repetitive to EP. Tell me something that you would permit to have happen again. Tell me something that others would permit to have happen again. Tell me something that you would permit to have happen to yourself again. 9. Recall an unconsciousness. Repetitive to EP. Recall waiting. Recall a mystery. Recall sex. Recall eating. Recall a symbol. Recall thinking. Recall an effort. Recall an emotion. Recall looking. Recall knowing about. Recall not knowing. Recall knowing. 10. Then you would rehab how many times they went release on doing the Self-Analysis on the Drug Rundown. 11. Then you run the final processes for the level. Recall a time that was really real to you, (They give an answer, you acknowledge, and go to the next command.) Recall a time someone was in good communication with you. (They give an answer, you acknowledge, and go to the next command.) Recall a time someone really felt affinity for you. (They give an answer, you acknowledge, and go to the next command.) Recall a time another knew he/she understood you. (You run those four in that order repetitively to EP.) 2nd flow: (Run alternately as above.) Recall a time that was really real to another. Recall a time you were in good communication with someone. Recall a time you really felt affinity for someone. Recall a time you knew you understood someone. 3rd flow: (Run alternately as above.) Recall a time that was really real for others. 177 Recall a time another was in good communication with others. Recall a time another really felt affinity for others. Recall a time another knew he/she understood others. 4th flow: (Run alternately as above.) Recall a time you were really real to yourself. Recall a time you were in good communication with yourself. Recall a time you really felt affinity for yourself. Recall a time you knew you understood yourself. 12. The final four processes for the level are four flows of adjustment in havingness. Run repetitive to EP. 1st flow: Look around here and find something that is really real to you. 2nd flow: Look around here and find something that would be really real to another. 3rd flow: Look around here and find something that would be really real to others. 4th flow: Look around here and find something you could make really real to yourself. Then, you close off the session and have them look at the Grade Chart to see if they have attained the particular EP for the grade which is they are aware, they have reached the awareness of hope, they are aware of hope, they have gained the ability that they know they are not going to get worse, and they have attained freedom from deterioration because some of that has been handled. Then, you have them attest that they have attained that particular state. Ask if there are any doubts or reservations that they have on it. Then, have they write up a success story (so they acknowledge themselves), their wins on it. After they have done that you check on the meter with them on their success story -Would you like for others to have gains similar to yours?' Write down their answer and acknowledge their F/N. That is how you complete any particular level. On the Life Repair level, you would have them verify that they have attained the awareness level of demand for improvement, they are free from no hope for change or future and that they have attained an awareness of truth and the way to personal freedom. So, that is how you acknowledge that a person has completed a level. Now that their Expanded Straightwire is done, you can now do their Dianetics, or Standard Dianetics, or New Era Dianetics. Regardless of the many names that have been assigned towards cleaning up what remaining engram chains are on the case, here is where you do their Dianetics. You take the original assessment sheet for the pc, which you did either when they came in or on the Drug Rundown step because you will be using it shortly. You ask them -Have you lost anything?' as your first step in Dianetics, and anything they give you run it out R3R. If it is terribly evident that they are in a secondary or that there is a large secondary on the case, this is where it will run best. Next, you take the original assessment sheet, go to page 2 (which is your most critical page), go to line 15. under upsets: -Are you particularly upset with or cross about anything or anyone at this particular time?'. If you have any reading item there, you treat it the same way you would treat a drug on the Drug R/D. Say they said their upset with their Dad and it 178 was 1962. You take that particular upset and do a preassessment on it, in other words, you call -Are there any pains connected with your upset with your Dad?' -Are there any sensations connected with your upset with your Dad?' and so forth. You call that list down and then you treat it the same way you would a drug, you take those that read, get them to list out all the chronic somatics connected, then you R3R off everything that was reading, those that didn't read, you check for a read putting suppress and inval in on them. After it is all over, check -Upset with Dad' and put suppress and inval in on it as questions. Everything else that is on the form that reads, you are going to ask -Are you interested in running it?' If they are and it reads, you are going to run it out simply as an incident. So, that is how you handle everything on the original assessment sheet, or -the pc assessment sheet', however you want to name it. Then do the -Prepared Assessment R/D' in Appendix. After that action is done, you can ask the pc -Do you have any disabilities?' by clearing that a disability is not a -wants to achieve', but it is something negative that is sitting there. For instance, you don't want a pc to list the disability of -not having a million dollars' because that is a wants to achieve, but a pc listing a disability of -the inability to see beyond ten feet without my glasses something like that, you would go ahead and run. After that you ask the pc, -Is there anything that you haven't wanted to be?'. Get a list, anything that reads, R3R out. After that, -Is there anything that you haven't wanted to do?'. After that, of course, you would get a list and run everything out that read, R3R. Those that didn't read, you would check (after everything that had read was run out) with suppress and inval. After that, you would ask -Is there anything that you haven't wanted to have?'. As with any question in Dianetics, you would list it down to an F/N. If it didn't F/N, you would say -I'd like to extend the list' and just wait it out and get all the items on the sheet. The last thing that you do is ask -Is there anything you haven't wanted to experience?'. Get a list and R3R those out If your pc, prior to this particular point in Dianetics, achieves a state of happy, well, human being and wants to attest his Dianetics is complete, you can verify that these other rundowns don't read on the E-meter. If they do read, you go ahead and extend and run to where all these rundowns are done. This is the normal point for stopping Dianetics. If a person still hasn't made the state of Dianetics Case Completion (which according to the Grade Chart is defined as a person attains freedom from physical pain and misemotion and attains the state of well and happy human being and becomes aware of help), then the way you can achieve the Ep for the level is to run open-wide R3R commands of locks, secondaries and engrams. The specific commands are: 179 1st flow: Locate an incident of another causing you to have a momentary restimulation of an engram chain. 2nd flow: Locate an incident of you causing another to have a momentary restimulation of an engram chain. 3rd flow: Locate an incident of another causing others to have momentary restimulations of an engram chain. 4th flow: Locate an incident of you causing yourself to have momentary restimulation of an engram chain. Those would be your commands for a wide-open question on locks. The four secondary commands are: 1st flow: Locate an incident of another causing you to have loss or misemotion. 2nd flow: Locate an incident of you causing another to have loss or misemotion. 3rd flow: Locate an incident of another causing others to have losses and misemotions. 4th flow: Locate an incident of you causing yourself to have loss or misemotion. The four engram chains are: 1st flow: Locate an incident of another causing you to have pain and unconsciousness, 2nd flow: Locate an incident of you causing another to have pain and unconsciousness. 3rd flow: Locate an incident of another causing others to have pains and unconsciousnesses. 4th flow: Locate an incident of you causing yourself to have pain and unconsciousness. If they haven't attained the Dianetic EP already, these wide-open commands will clean off whatever is sitting on top of them. It would release the entire engram bank. It is a very nice state and a very nice cherry on top of the dessert to do this last technical action. So, that would complete the Dianetics. There are few instances where you might want to do XDN at this point, but I would try to counsel against it. XDN is a technology in itself of cleaning the evil out of people using R3R. It is best run after the Drug Rundown or at the end of the Bridge or if they walk in completely crazy, run it right at the beginning. Those are the three points where you can run it, I'd like to take up Expanded Dianetics (XDN) here because sometimes it is run after the Drug Rundown where it is very obvious that they are in XDN material, (in other words, evil purposes (Ev Purps) are bothering them more than being stupid). The grades handle stupidity and Ev Purps are handled by R3R. Of course, if they come in crazy, they are crazy because of the over restimulation of the Ev Furps which has caused them to introspect and list and that turns on the circuits out of their engrams and that is technically what mentally happens on someone that is insane, 180 nutty, psychotic, or super-wound-up like a good 10 - 20% of the people in this society. If there were over 100 reading Ev Purps that came off on the Drug Rundown, you do XDN after the Drug Rundown. One could define XDN as the use of Dianetics in a personal sense, in a tailored fashion, to eradicate a person from restraining himself. This comes about by getting their Ev Purps off and erased. They will restrain themselves from committing evil deeds because they are basically good. Ev Purps get stuck on an individual because they had them at impact, the same way an attitude gets stuck on an individual. They received an engram at the time that they were thinking that particular thought. For instance, if someone had an idea -I just want to kill everyone' at the time a bullet passes through their skull and then later he is in a classroom as a child when he feels this urge and this intention -to kill everyone', he will restrain himself. He will remove himself from the other children in the playground because he has that Ev Purp. The R3R commands in running Ev Purps out are, if on the purpose that I listed -to kill everyone'': 1st flow: Locate an incident of another causing you to have the intention to kill everyone. 2nd flow: Locate an incident of you causing another to have the intention to kill everyone, 3rd flow: Locate an incident of another causing others to have the intentions to kill everyone, 4th flow: Locate an incident of of you causing yourself to have the intention to kill everyone, So, those are the R3R commands, As far as finding what Ev Purps are on a person, there are a number of ways to do this and a specific order of doing that. So, we will take that up now. To make a person well, sane, where they have no evil, to make them whole, to make them free from restraint, to where they can operate comfortably at their own capability level, that is what an XDN Case Completion is. You have to run all the compulsive, engramic evil purposes off of their case. You will know that people have these things because when you are auditing them on the Drug Rundown or PrepChecks or whatever previous auditing you have done a person, they will start stating evil purposes and they will start reading on the E-meter. Anytime that happens you draw a circle around the Ev Purp and you mark the read. If your pc is running out an engram on the Drug Rundown and he says, -Well, gee, while the bullet came through my head, I wanted to kill everyone', this happens to be on an engram chain of -hostile emotion' that you are running off the guy. You circle -to kill everyone' and mark LF (long fall) on that on your worksheets in your administration, your paperwork that you are keeping. Where they just walk in and the person is really nuts and evil, you give them an Introspection Rundown which I will be explaining later on. In that case, you won't have any work- sheets to pull these things off. 181 Normally the XDN is done after the Drug Rundown (or OT VII). So, you go through the folder and list out (on sheets of paper), in order every purp that has come off in all of their sessions. You go through the worksheets and list out all the Ev Purps. An Ev Purp is a purpose that is stated. Your own personal defnition of evil should not be a determining factor. If they start printing things like -to feel wonderful' or -to be happy' and those purposes are reading, you circle them and mark them down, You are only going to find out if they are evil or not in the XDN. If they have reading purps, you mark them down, whether it looks evil to you or not, because you can clear up with the pc whether it is evil in doing the XDN. So, you mark dovn all the evil purposes in your auditing and circle them at all times when you are auditing another person. One other phenomena that you should always mark on your work-sheets and circle are rocket reads (RR), Ser Facs, and rock slams (RS). You should mark a RS when it starts RSing and draw a line down through everything that they have said and mark when the RS turns off because later, when you come back through for the XDN, you will address that material. Each of these things indicate that there is some evil content there that should be erased off by R3R. So, after you have a full list where you have all the Ev Purps that they have listed off in session that have read, the first thing you do in XDN is start a session and define evil with the pc as something that is either against social mores or is harmful to another or others. Then, ask if this first purp as listed, is evil and check it for a read. If it reads, then you run the four flows off of it to where the evil purp is erased. Naturally, if some of the flows don't read, you don't run them. After that is done, you go to the next purp and so on completely down the list. You wouldn't take up any of the RS items at this time. Basically, you would run off all the reading purposes that the case has given off in the order that they gave them off. So, you would run off all the reading purps and any voluteered purps that have come off in their previous auditing, but you wouldn't address any Ser Facs or RSes or anything other than reading purposes. If they want to reword these purps, you can check and make sure the wording is perfect, or if there is an underlying purp underneath it, the one that they have listed. Make sure you get your pronouns correct, just a change of wording, can make it a completely different purp, such as, - to kill him','to kill her', or to kill them' are three different purps. As they run these off, their whole idea of evil will start changing and that is normal. What you are dealing with here is you are trying to handle the left side of the personality graph on a being. A personality graph at the top, (this is right out of Indian philosophy and a number of religions), on the left side of any personality graph, you would normally find the column -stable' at the top and -unstable-dispersed' at the bottom, zero at the middle, '100 at the top, and -100 at the bottom. Second column, Happy at the top, Depressed at the bottom, Third column, Composed at the top, Nervous at the bottom. Fourth column, 182 Personable at the top, Undependable at the bottom. Fifth column, Active at the top, Reactively Retarded at bottom So, these first five columns on the left are known as the left side and this can basically be summarized as how an individual feels about himself. They can make the left side in just running these purps out that they have given off. If they do, there will be a remarkable change. You should show them the personality graph and if they feel that they have made the left side, get an attestation. The rest of the graph is called the right side. They are (top, bottom): Capable - Inhibited: Responsible - Irresponsible: Logical - Capacity for Error - Hypercritical: Appreciative - Lack of Accord: Comm level Withdrawn. If they still haven't made the left side after running off their purps, then you can give them a new pc assessment sheet or original assessment sheet phrasing each question -Has there emotional stress on this?' to where you are looking for emotional stress and those that read, run it out. You get some pretty profound answers on this because when you ask questions like -Are there any losses in your life that severely affected it or any high emotional stress moments?', they will come up with some pretty wild stuff that pops right up on them like with some pretty wild stuff that pops right up on them like -They lost what they cared about', something like that. They will give you an item and you go ahead and run it out. So, after you have cleaned off the emotional stress from the pc assessment sheet, then you can recall your three LX lists and anything that reads three times, run it. It doesn't matter if they have or haven't been done before. The next thing you do after that (if they still haven't made the left side) is the Environmental Rundown. You ask them, -What terminals make up your environment?' If they start listing dogs, cats and jobs, take it, whatever terminals. This is subjective. Then, you take whichever terminals read and get a list of evil purposes, -What evil purposes are connected with (this terminal)?', and then run all those out. After you have handled all the reads on the terminal list (of course, the terminal list should F/N), then you have the evil purposes off the environment, They would have made the left side by now. Whenever they do make the left side, you go over to the right side and do a Vital Information Rundown. You assess vital information, truth, and data. On what ever read best, ask for moments where they withheld this under duress. Phrase the question to run an engram, in other words, - Locate a time containing pain and unconsciousness when another caused you to withhold truth', if truth was the one that read. If vital information read, you would use that. You run out the withholding of whatever read on four flows. After you have done that, then you would list -What evil purposes are connected with (whichever was the largest read)?'. If there were two reads, you would have to do it twice. If truth and data both read, you take the largest read. -What evil purposes are connected with truth?', then 183 R3R those out, four flows, of course. Then, -What evil purposes are connected with data?' and R3R those out, four flows. (Everything you touch is four flows and you only run the flows that read.) So, that completes the Vital Information Rundown. After you have done that, you are going to do your rock-slams handling which is called the Responsibility Rundown. This is where you take each one of these statements and you handle them in the order that they occurred in the folder off the sheets where you pulled the purps. It is best to write them down with a colored pen. You take up the first statement and read it back to the pc and ask, -What terminal or subject is all this material on?' and they will tell you. What you do then is list for four flows of evil purposes connected with the subject or terminal. It is best with a terminal according to L. Ron Hubbard. I have found that it is best with a subject. Let's say that they are RSing on -their father'. You would set up an L&N (List & Null) question to get the purp. On each of these they will list down to the purp which would blow down, F/N, and cog. You give it then to the pc and he will concur and it will blow down, F/N again and cognitions will come off, this is a normal list phenomena. Your four questions would be: 1st flow: What evil purpose has your father had towards you? 2nd flow: What evil purpose have you had towards your father? Then, list for your third flow and this depends on how bright your pc is. If your pc still looks, talks, and acts like the subject, and has not suspected that all four flows of this evil are his own, then you are going to have to check it. Your best procedure is to use the meter to just check the third flow. See which is the best way to list this. 3rd flows: What evil purpose has your father had towards others? or What evil purpose have you had towards others regarding your father? Whichever one reads the best, list off of. You're pc may not have caught on yet that all four of these evil purposes are his own and he has had them superimposed across some innocent father. He may not realize that until it is all run out. However, you would list off the one which read the best and get the item. Your next action would be to list off the fourth flow. Like-wise, you should check two questions here and list off the best reading one. 4th flow: What evil purpose has your father had towards himself? or What evil purpose have you had towards yourself regarding your father? Whichever one reads best, you would list from. Now that you have all four evil purposes listed out, you then sit down and R3R each of these evil purposes out, four flows each, running only the flows that read, of course. So, you have a maximum of 16 engram runs and a minimum of four. Many times these things can disintegrate on the first 184 flow run per purp. After that is done, you check the subject of -your father' on the meter and it is all cleaned up. If you have what I call a lock RS (it's not a trunk, it's not the basic one), it will only RS on one of these particular four flows. If you have the RS on the case going, then he will RS on each of the four purps and he will be RSing in running the basic engram on each of the purps, Each one of the purps will RS. If you see that phenomena, then you know that you have the one on the case. So, then you continue through the rest of your list of Ev Purps that you have taken out of the folder and run off all the RSes that are on the case. That should complete the Responsibility Rundown and they certainly will get cogs on their own responsibility once all the rock slams are off. These rock slams have just been killing them, An unhandled rock slam on a case will kill your pc and keep him crazy. I guarantee you that he is 50% nuts if he rock slams in auditing, It is about the fastest change per minute auditing you can do. In the unlikely event, you are not auditing XDN and RSes turn on severely in session and they just won't run off at all, they are preventing you from auditing, you can go ahead and list these four purps then (early), if your pc looks up to it, and that will key a rock slam out until the R3R is done. There is great relief just off the listing. There will be big cogs on responsibility and big relief in getting it done, because a rock slam is a pc convulsing in and out of the body. It is just shaking his space and him, and it is causing him to be irresponsible. After that is done, you then do the Wants Handled Rundown. You simply ask the pc if there is anything that he wants to get rid of. Anything that he comes up with you run it out using the appropriate processes. If it doesn't clean up with processes and he lists a terminal or subject, you go ahead and L & N for the intention connected with the terminal or subject. Then, R3R the intention, whether evil or not. Then, your next action would be Multiple Flow Evil Impulse Rundown. All you do here is list on four flows, get the item and run it out. 1st flow: What evil impulse has another had towards you? 2nd flow: What evil impulse have you had towards another? 3rd flow: What evil impulse has another had towards others? 4th flow: What evil impulse have you had towards yourself? If your pc still has not made the right side or made an XDN EP, you then list for repeating overts and the intentions connected with them and R3R them both out. List down to the item, (the overt), then list for the purpose connected with it. You R3R the overt, then R3R the purpose only after you have listed both. It is a two step L & N. The order is critical. Do your two L & Ns first on each flow and then do the two R3Rs of the two chains. If you R3R out the overt early, it is not even going to be there to list from, and what you really want is the underlying purp. So, the L & N questions are: 1st flow: What repeating overt has another committed on you on track? 185 Then, What evil purpose is connected with (that overt)? 2nd flow: What repeating overt have you committed on track? What evil purpose is connected with (that overt)? 3rd flow: What repeating overt has another committed on others on track? Then, What evil purpose is connected with (that overt)? 4th flow: What repeating overt have you committed on yourself on track? Then, What evil purpose is connected with (that overt)? There is no one around that isn't going to make an XDN completion by doing all these.* They normally make it by the time the rock slams are done or shortly thereafter. So, then you get an attestation. *One case in 500 may need -Metalosis R/D' covered later in this book. The only remarks I have on XDN is that it is a little tough on the auditor's body. You can be an XDN completion yourself, but some of these charges are extremely nauseating for a meat body and a GE. So, until you get used to running this stuff, I wouldn't suggest having anything in your stomach prior to auditing. The charges are huge and the material is kind of unbelievable. I also suggest you charge a premium for doing this kind of work. It's quite excruciating on ones body as these are perhaps the most gory incidents on the track. The pcs don't have much trouble running them; they know that the material is there, they are quite conscious of it. It is a difficult run if they haven't had a Drug Rundown before it, because a pc who can't run engrams either has misunderstoods on the commands or it is the drugs holding them back from running engrams. Ironically, a pc is able to run engrams connected with the drugs because that is what he is stuck in. He will automatically run them, once he understands the meanings of the words. Drug Rundown auditing is probably the easiest auditing that there is because it is automatic. The mind, the bank, the GE, the body, and the person, (the whole kit and kaboodle over there holding the cans) wants those drugs and the engrams connected with them out, and so it just runs beautifully. Occasionally, you will encounter a preclear who can't go back track and that is because they are druggies or in the middle of some huge secondary on someone passing on, something of this order. So, this is handled by either running the secondaries or the Drug Rundown itself. I've read of, but never personally met, someone having trouble running back track, in other words, past lives. I have read that such people exist. I have never met anyone who has had any difficulty running past lives, but in case one ever did, I suppose the remedy for it would be clearing the axioms very well and asking them what was their favorite childhood movie or book and erasing that off. You would simply ask for attitudes and emotions and ideas connected with the past lives and run out their objections to remembering, however, they have that worded, just erase it off, and then, I am sure that past lives would turn on full bloom. So, it is best to have the Drug Rundown done for a clean run on XDN, but the only XDN one would do as they walked in the door crazy would be the 186 Introspection Rundown. You wouldn't do these actions that I have just listed here initially. There are a couple of exceptions to that, ironically, because you do XDN on someone has evil coming off in the folder. You can deliver it to resolve a number of conditions on people. If a person is a suppressive, you can clear that up with XDN. If they are prone to roller coaster, you can clear that up with XDN. Many times physical illness can be cleared up with XDN. So, you have to know why you are doing thing. It is the only part or element of the technology which resolves psychosis and delivers sanity. The rest of the Scientology processes will not produce it and Expanded Dianetics does produce it. It has come in and out of vogue over the last four or five years. I guess that it is cancelled now. The whole thing started in 1966, February 3rd when yours truly R3Red out 5 flows of evil (and wrote Mr. Hubbard about it) and used rudiments and L & N processes and flows together with engram runs on S & D terminals. In other words, I developed the PTS R/D down at the same time . I received an acknowledgement for my letter and then seven years later he came out with this subject over his signature. Both of them, the PTS Rundown and Expanded Dianetics. I suppose he made $100 million, and I suppose he put it in gold, and I suppose he has $1 billion out of this. I would rather understand how it works and be able to do it, then have the billion dollars. I think justice has been served well in this matter. That is the true origin of Expanded Dianetics and the PTS Rundown. I don't think that they will ever get them done right in the churches because the churches wouldn't even exist in their present form or with their present populations, if any clean XDN was done. Of course, that is impossible because they don't know how to do the other material either. They never had a case properly set up to do XDN. There are few other innuendos which never give them an opportunity to: there are about 500 things that Hubbard never figured out properly that prevented him from ever seeing this stuff work correctly. He never saw whether XDN worked well or not because he never provided the proper set up. Before you would ever run XDN on anyone, it requires not only a 53 Long Form be done, the lists be corrected, and the Drug Rundown done properly, but there is one very, very critical step that technically has to be done prior to doing XDN and that is the PTS Rundown. It should always be done to get the effect side of this aberration handled completely, to where they have enough responsibility to where they can do XDN. I don't think that he ever tried it that way using that as a prerequisite. Even more important, the Introspection Rundown should be done. On the Introspection Rundown a person will rise above thinking and he won't have to be introverted anymore and won't have to this anymore, he will rise above that particular habit and phenomena. Unless a person's Introspection Rundown is done, there is no way he is going to give off all of his evil and erase all of his evil. If a person didn't have any evil, there probably wouldn't be anything to think about, and thinking itself is an evil activity because it is low on the scale. Looking is far higher, knowing is higher, emoting is hlgher, effort is higher. It is a 187 surprising idea that your blue collar worker out there, your plumber, is in a higher state than your college professor, but perhaps that will explain why your college professor has taken such great care in making sure that no one ever finds out any truth. That is not a cynical, critical remark. I haven't met an educator that wanted any truth discussed. They will entertain it, but they don't want it discussed to any resolution. There have been some good educators, but unfortunately, they don't stay employed at educational institutions for very long. So, since the proper set up for XDN is an Introspection Rundown, we will be taking that up now. Although, Mr Hubbard ended up with alot of money off this material, he never got XDN run on himself, and never saw XDN run on anyone else, even on a research basis; for he never used the Introspection Rundown as a set up for XDN. He never understood that unless the person extroverts completely and gives up introversion, listing and thinking as a way of life, he won't give off all of his evil, That is why Expanded Dianetics has never been perceived or used adequately in any other quarters than my particular surroundings. So, let's take up the Introspection Rundown. If someone comes in and after you have done the Life Repair, they complain or volunteer that they are crazy and that is what they want handled, you can and should assess these different technologies or products on a meter or on a 2WC (two way comm) basis, just call it an interview. You ask them, -Do you want this mechanical, robotic aspect of your life handled?' -Do you want your drugs, being a freak handled?' -Do you wznt your touchiness handled?' -Do you want your nuttiness handled?' -Do you want your stupidity handled?'. You ask them that. If they come real clean and say -I'm crazy, I want that handled', and that is what reads and blows down best on the meter, then do the Introspection Rundown. It is really pretty easy to do, and it is somewhat complicated and highly technical auditing. It does require more skill than anything else that I know of in auditing. It needs guite a bit of study to wade through all the paperwork, but if you will draw it out on a sheet of paper, it is actually quite simple. You give the person the R-factor that you are going to give them an Introspection Rundown. Then, you draw out three lines on a sheet of paper,going up and down and you can draw some horizontal lines. The first thing you will ask them is that -You are looking for three points of psychotic breaks in this lifetime.' They say they had one last year with the wife, you say ok. Then they will say -I had one when I was 16 as a teenager' The third one you want is real critical and they may volunteer four. You are looking for one real early in life, hopefully their first, no later than age 7 or 8. If they give you one in the teens, you may be forced into taking it, but if the pc is pretty wise, he will give you an early one. He will say -I was 5 and looking at the stars and wondering about life.' Write down ever word of what he says on these three. Acknowledge him. The next thing you do is make indications to him. You say, -I'd like to indicate that it was this first one here, last year with the wife, that the substance of it was as a point of introversion and charge has been by passed on that'. It will blow down and F/N. Way over to the left, you can put on this second column of handling, in other words, you put another horizontal line down, first point indication. You can write IND and put a circle around it for indication, as your indicating by-passed charge here. So, then you say, -I'd like to indicate when you were 16 as a teenager the substance of it was that charge was by-passed as a point of introversion. 188 He understands the meaning of that and it will blow down and F/N and you put a check in the little box. Then, you do the same thing for the third point. The next thing you do is re describe these three things. You say, -On this first one last year with the wife, what would you call such an incident?' He'd say, -Oh, it's a terrible depression' You would mark the read on that. So, then you go to the second one, the 16 as a teenager, and get him to re describe that and he'll say, -Couldn't stand it anymore.' You write that in the box. So, then, you go to the third one when he was 5 and say, -What would you call such an incident?' After he looks at it for awhile, he will tell you what he would call it, say -Great fear of mystery.' Draw a line under that. Write 2WC over to the left. Now you are going to 2WC each one of these on four flows. You write 2WC and under that you write F1, F2, F3, and F0. So, you do the 2WCs. You say, -Tell me about another causing you terrible depression' He does. You can use other 2WC questions such as -How do you feel about that?' -How does it seem to you now?' Anyway, you 2WC that to an EP. So, then you 2WC the second flow (F2), -Tell me about you causing another terrible depression.' You 2WC that to a key-out, F/N. So, then you go to F3, - Tell me about another causing others terrible depressions.' Then, F0, - Tell me about you causing yourself terrible depression.' and get a key- out there. Then, you 2WC the -can't stand it anymore' on four flows, put a check mark in that box. Then you 2WC the -great fear of mystery' on four flows. After that is done, you go down about an inch and draw another horizontal line. The next thing you are going to do is run out these incidents R3R on four flows and what you are going to run out is these re description wordings So, you are going to run four flows R3R of -terrible depression', as -Locate an incident of another causing you terrible depression.' I hope the other flows would be obvious. After that is done, then you R3R the four flows of -Can't stand it anymore', and then -Great fear of mystery'. Then, you draw another horizontal line, we are halfway down the page now, and write the word subject over on the left. Ask for the subject connected with the first one, -last year with the wife, terrible depression' and he will give you something like -women'. Make sure it BD F/Ns. If he can't come up with a subject that reads like hell, you can L & N for it, but I have never had to. If you just ask for the subject, they will give you the subject, it will just read like mad. So, as soon as he has given you the subject, you acknowledge it and call the F/N. Then, ask about the -16 as a teenager, couldn't stand it anymore'. On that one, -What was the subject matter connected with this introversion?' He tells you -responsibility'. On busy trying to do it to others. Draw the last horizontal line. Your next step is, you can write R3R over on the left under purp, to run these purps on four flows R3R. Fl, F2, F3 and F0, you just check them off as you run them. So, after that is done you will normally have what I call the first EP of the Introspection Rundown. 189 Introspection R/D -Worksheet' 1st 2nd 3rd 3 this lifetime -Last year' -When 16' -When 5' Psychotic Breaks Indicate Point 3 3 3 of Introversion Redescribed Terrible Couldn't stand Great fear of Depression it anymore mystery 2WC 4 Flows 3 3 3 the descriptions R3R 4 Flows 3 3 3 the descriptions Get subject 3 3 3 connected with each break L&N EvPurp to make all to be to destroy connected with women hurt irresponsible all matter each subject R3R 4 Flows 3 3 3 these EvPurps Normally the rundown will EP at that time. There is a good way to find out, and that is to word clear subjective and objective at thls point out of the dictionary and word clear introversion, introspection and extroversion. Then run these two commands alternately: Put your attention on something subjective. Put your attention on something objective. If they can't put it on anything subjective, that is the end of the rundown. This is normally what happens. You take an attestation at this point and that is a done deal. If that isn't what happens, if they don't achieve the EP here, what you do is assess ARC breaks and if it doesn't read, then assess withholds and if it doesn't read, then assess overts, and if it doesn't read, assess -not saying', and if it doesn't read, assess false incidents, and if it doesn't read, assess, (in other words, calling on the E-meter), false invalidation, and if it doesn't read, hit for no reason Let's say the last one read, Prom the way we will be handling this, it should be logical how you would handle any of the others. You'd 2WC with the pc -Has anyone else hit you for no reason?' 2WC this to F/N. Then, you would 2WC to F/N -Have you hit anyone else for no reason?', -Has another hit others for no reason?', -Have you gotten yourself hit for no reason?' After the 2WC handling, you R3R the item. 190 The commands would be: -Locate an incident of another hitting you for no reason.' I trust you can figure out the other three flows. After you have R3Red the four flows of this item, then L & N for the intention behind the hitting of others for no reason. After you have L & Ned and have the purp out in the open, then R3R the purp on four flows. Going back over these others, say that they had a read on ARC breaks. You would 2WC ARC breaks to F/N and of course, if these things don't 2WC, you take them earlier, that is the general rule of auditing. Then, you would R3R out ARC breaks on four flows and of course, you would L & N for the intention behind causing ARC breaks. So, continuing our hypothetical example, if hit for no reason didn't read, or let's say that you have already cleaned that up, then you check for invalidated beingness, and if that didn't read, then you check validated beingness, and if that didn't read, you check invalidated intentions. After you have gone through these particular steps, you then do ARC breaks of long duration to raise the pc's reality, That is simply doing four flows of ARC breaks using the phrase -long duration'. The four flows are: -Has another caused you to have an ARC break of long duration?' -Have you caused another to have an ARC break of long duration?' -Has another caused others to have ARC breaks of long duration?' -Have you caused yourself to have an ARC break of long duration?' Then, you 2WC recent actions, just get them to talk about their recent things that they have done. If you get any overt that comes off, that reads well, you take the best reading overt and simply run repetitive - What about that (and mention the overt) could you take responsibility for?' to EP. Your next step would be to go through everything you have done on this rundown and pull off all the Ev Purps that they have listed and audit those off. If they still haven't made it, you would handle any RSes that had come up during the rundown in the method described as RS or Responsibility Rundown handling in the XDN section. The next thing you do, as far as making this rundown complete, is run general O/Ws (overts/withholds) on the subject of their life. The commands are: -What have you done to your life?' -What have you withheld from your life? After that, if it reads well, you can run alternately to EP: -What have you done to yourself?' -What have you withheld from yourself?' The last action you do is some succumb handling. If succumb reads, then you 2WC four flows of it. You then R3R the four flows of succumbing, and then L & N for the Ev Purp behind wanting to succumb, and R3R that. 191 Then, you 2WC if they have ever wanted to commit suicide. If so, R3R it on four flows and then, you L & N for the intention behind the effort to commit suicide and R3R the Purp. Then, there is a catch all question at the end. You 2WC with the person, watching closely for a read, -Is there some other way you are doing yourself in that has been missed?' If they give you an item, then R3R it and then, list for the intention behind it and R3R that. You can work this last one over and over a few times until you get an EP on the Introspection Rundown. You come up with pretty wild material, this is extremely powerful on this catch all question. Normal type material that comes off of a preclear when you ask them, -Is there any other way you are doing yourself in that has been missed?', they will come off with -I'm making sure that I and everyone else is happy.' Sounds confusing, you should remember that the guy is a little nuts. You should go ahead and R3R that out because when you L & N forthe purp, -What evil purpose is behind keeping yourself and everyone happy?' he'll come up with stuff like -So the killing can go on, that people don't notice that they are dying', in other words, the guy has an intention for the killing to go on or that people not notice that they are dying. I might add that if they do make the EP of the Introspection Rundown, initially after you have run off these three hot spots in the lifetime and brought it to their attention by running objective and subjective attention on them, that you can come back a year later (or later) in their particular folder and do the rest of these steps with considerable case gain. In doing it as a set up for XDN, it is all right to take the first EP. Then, later in the folder do the balance of it. So, that is the Introspection Rundown, probably the technical paragon of all of L. Ron Hubbard's research. He used it on about 30 test cases, on very crazy people, people that were in asylums, to get them out of asylums and as a research tool, but as far as using it in the churches, there were less than 24 of them done successfully and it was priced out of the market in that it was $12,000 $16,000 for 12 hours of this type of auditing. It's over $1,000 an hour price precluded people buying the best thing available. It should be done on anyone that gets any XDN. The irony of it is people believe their social machinery, and the Scientology cult itself is full of people that play little social games, and they cor.sider the Introspection Rundown is for crazy people. I consider anyone on this planet at this particular time to be extremely crazy. After one has had an Introspection Rundown, they are no longer crazy. It doesn't mean that they are going to move from the planet. There are certain events that have occurred in this part of the galaxy and in this galaxy as a whole, on the back track, that make it extremely clear that there are psychotic breaks on anyone that is holding the cans, and it is just a question of how soon your preclear is going to come up to recognizing it. 192 Using this rundown on a normal or above normal person will produce gains beyond their wildest imaginings. I would really hate to waste it on someone who was actually quite crazy. It reguires a certain amount of depth and intelligence to run. Ocassionally you will find this type of material surfacing on other rundowns and you should just let it turn on and turn off because when you get to this rundown, it is going to come off properly. So much for the Introspection Rundown. I might add that it is good to set up a worksheet with little boxes on it before you start your session. There are three heavy introspection points in any lifetime. You just put INSP PT over on the left, and then draw a line; under that you put IND BPC, and draw a line; under that you put REDESCRIBED, draw a line and under that you put 2WC and under that you put Q R3R; under that you put SUBJECT; under that you put L & N; under that you put PURPs and under that you put R3R PURP. This just gives you a table. Put the person's name up in the upper left and the date on the right and just check off what you have done and that way you don't get lost in what you are doing. In doing these lists, (I might as well cover listing and nulling (L & N) here), I don't know of anymore simple subject that has been made more complicated that the subject of L & N. I would just be horrified if someone would actually take time and read what L. Ron Hubbard has written on this subject. He just goes on and on about one of the simplest things in the world, I would like to define, describe, and tell you what L & N is to where you can do it and not train you in know about basically. The real problem with L. Ron Hubbard is he knows about Scientology, but he doesn't know any Scientology. Anyone that is in know about on any subject is doomed, absolutely doomed. You can't create or control or be responsible unless you know. KRC is the create triangle. If you know about, you are kind of a college professor. Hubbard certainly knows about Scientology, he knows all about it, but he doesn't know any of it. There is a tremendous difference between knowingness and know about. So, unfortunately, there has been very little knowingness transmitted, if any, to anyone by him and a whole lot of know about has been transmitted instead. So, I'd like to take up the subject of L & N here and put it to bed for all times for anyone that is interested. You need to know how to do it, of course, to audit grades and do these XDN actions, so it is a proper time to define what it is and explain whatever nuances are necessary to where a person can do it all day long. The most rapid case gain that you can accomplish on a pc comes from doing L & N actions. Conversely, if you make an error, you can mess up a case and ruin an individual, if you do a L & N action wrong. Out lists take priority, (in other words, are more important), than out rudiments, and if people can't get any better over out ruds and can't audit or live over out rudss if they are walking around with out lists it is even worse, because they are dramatizing the wrong item off a list and still stuck back with that list. So, you don't make errors on lists, you do them correctly. It is beyond me how such a simple subject could be made so complex, but Mr Hubbard did so. He published over 100 hour-long tapes on this 193 subject and wrote hundreds, if not thousands, of pages on it. People spent months hearing those tapes and reading those books about something which probably takes about, hopefully, about 10 minutes to understand. Hubbard is not a bad man, he is what he is. He is simply an egotistical researcher and I would also like to state that no man has a right to copyright truth. He has been dealing with alot of truth and technology and has summarized alot of things that were already published under other names. It would not be difficult to take every sentence that he has ever written and wade through the library and find out where it has been said before. So, the fact that he summarizes the collective thought of Western and Oriental wisdom, and the Golden Scripts material (out of the monasteries) and publishes it, and says that no one has the right to speak on the subject but me, no one has a right to data, to help their fellow man, except with my approval and if you do I'll sick my dogs on you. That is where he's at. There is no legal basis for monopoly on truth. Truth belongs to all men. Within the confines of him having people runing around in ministers' suits applying his writings to others, I'm sure he has all kinds of legal juridiction, but as far as my right to speak on this subject, I have found as a scientist that I can produce results 100 times better than he can with different techniques, through a simply understanding of knowing what is correct. I have put these ideas in a logical order of importance in a wise, applicable form. He himself stated that a person should know and have the correct technology as a first step. He never attained that particular step and no one in his organization has attained that particular step, therefore they have skipped gradient phenomena. I pleaded with him to withdraw that particular bulletin about Keeping Scientology Working because it placed on the individual, whoever did know and have the correct technology, they would have to close the doors on incorrect application as the final procedure that is listed in the bulletin. I warned him and pleaded with him in 1966, that the bulletin should be withdrawn because if someone were to accidently later figure out, know, and have the correct Scientology technology, they would be obligated, out of responsibility and love for their fellov man, to close the doors on incorrect application which happens to be him and his church. He felt that that possibility was laughable and that no one, and I'm quoting the conversation now, -that no one could ever know more about Scientology than I do.' To which I said -I do already. To which he said -Good day' and walked out of the room. Although I respect his work and his contribution, I don't think that I care for the man too much. I don't think he cares for me too much, in fact, I'm quite aware of it. We have had a personality conflict. Mankind perhaps would of been better served had we never physically met, in that neither lifetime recovered, and both ships got blown off their life course due to that encounter. Be that as it may, in his own study tapes, he pronounces (and any person speaking logically on this subject would realize) that the true authority in an area would be the person who could produce results. In that I can produce results between 20 - 100 times in excess of what his opinions are on this subject, my technology not only will prevail it already has. 194 There are Moseses throughout history and they serve history's purpose and also mankinds' purpose. I'm sure that someone quite wiser, brighter, better and kinder will come along and replace me, and I will be a nobody, and I look forward to that day, because I like progress for all of us and I'd like to see an improvement on my work. I have been waiting for that for 15 years and I don't see anyone moving in that direction. So, I have come forward and made a statement because it seems an appropriate time. These are relevant remarks as I know lists and Hubbard does not. He dramatizes them. Listing is simply the procedure where the auditor writes a listing question down on a sheet of paper, a separate sheet of paper from his worksheets, and checks the question on the E-meter. He asks the pc if he understands it, and then gives the question to the pc. The auditor then writes down the answers or the items that the pc has said in response to the question in the exact sequence that they are given. That is all listing is. You should note the TA, the position of the tone arm at the beginning of the list. The pc is basically emptying the file there. So, say the listing question is -What do you want the most for dinner?'. The pc says, -Eggs, bacon, chicken', looks up at you and says -That's all'. What you do at that particular point is say -I'd like to extend the list' and draw a line about two or three inches long under their last answer. So, they may reflect on it a little more and say -I'd like enchiladas' and they will list more answers -Chicken Chow Mein' roast beef, pineapples with cantalopes cut all around the outside and ground up coconuts in a bed of lettuce with a small serving of tapioca pudding in the middle, some Swiss chess laid around the sides, and so forth, that would be the perfect dinner, that is what I want the most.' If it does not blow down and F/N at that point acknowledge them graciously and say -I'd like to extend the list.' If it does blow down and F/N, then indicate -That completes the list' (say that to your preclear). Draw a circle around the item. Say -I'd like to indicate your item is the pineapple surrounded by the slices of melon . . . -, read it all back to them, give him his item. It should blow down and F/N a second time and he should get a cognition and brighten up. If that doesn't happen, then you are going to have to go back and null the list. Nulling a list is defined as the auditor's action in saying items from a list to a pc and noting the reaction of the pc's bank by use of the E-meter. That is rare that this will happen. Normally a pc will list down to the item and you simply give it back to him. It will blow down and F/N and he will cognite and that is all there is to it. If a pc lists a number of answers, you are marking the reads as he is listing each of these off, and all of a sudden the needle starts floating, you are going to have to call the whole list marking the reads as you are calling them. If you are left with three reads, you would then null further and call those three. Say one of the reads disappeared, leaving you two, you would the call those two and one of the reads would disappear. So, now you are down to one read, so then you would give the pc that item. It should blow down, F/N and cog when you give it to them. If that doesn't work, then you go back and extend the list. That's about all there is to this subject. 195 95% of the time all you have to do is keep extending the list. If the pc starts getting into a lock, starts ARC breaking, no matter what happens, just keep extending it, and you will get the blow down, F/N item. Normally, if you allow the pc to list, don't make a tremendous big deal about it, they come up with the item very quickly. Conversely, some pcs will have to list quite a bit, quite a while, it may take 45 minutes, there may be as many as 30 pages, 20 items per page. You may have a 45 minute, 600 line list they will finally find the item. You will find this going on in XDN. If you get a long list like that, it is just fabulous, absolutely fabulous because you will probably get the central purpose which has caused all the other ones, you may have an XDN completion if that phenomena occurs. All there is to Listing and Nulling (L & N) is checking the question for a read, marking your TA position, clearing it to where they understand it, giving them the question and getting them to list it. If they start running away from the list simply draw a line on your worksheet and say - I'd like to extend the list', confronting them, let them just freely list them out, keep extending until you get a blow down, F/N item. It is very rare that you will have to come back and do any nulling. If you do, all it is is calling the list off, watching the reads fall off the form and if you come down with just a few reads, just call them off. If the whole list goes null, you could come back and put suppress and inval in on the list and find the item, but it is very dangerous to go that far, very dangerous. It is best to just extend down to the Blow down, F/N item. If the pc has difficulty listing, there is something grossly wrong with the case. It should be an easy, pleasurable, fascinating, enjoyable activity for them. You can clear up this, make sure his rudiments are in. You should never list over out ruds. If they get out ruds while you are listing, it is a little late. Out lists take precedence over out ruds and while he is listing you have an out list. So, if you have one of these snotty preclears, say someone worked at Flag or something, in other words, a super-superficial being, who says -Well, I'm ARC broken', well, who gives a damn. You have an unflat list. You just get them to extend the list. You can always clean up the ARC break after they get their item on the list, You are not forcing the pc, you are simply getting the list done. You simply say, - I'd like extend the list' to where they give it to you. Now, the reason you mark you tone arm position at the beginning is whatever the item that they give you at the end, the TA should be at the same position as at the beginning of the list or at a lower range. If it is higher and the needle is floating, extend the list, they have gone by something. You can use that prompter, but use it sparingly. -Have you gone by something or thought of somethat that you didn't put on the list?' If that reads chase it down and get it listed. You should tell your pc prior to listing that they should print everything that comes through their minds and that their minds work at 1200 words per minute and that they only talk at 200 words per minute, so it is in their best interest that they connect their mind to their mouth since it is costing them money to do this. Their item has to have the same read you noted in checking the question for a read. Thus, a 4 year old can do it . 196 So, that's about all there is to listing. I can't think of anything else. Hubbard has got laws on L & N and even an incredibly lengthy technology on how to fix screwed up lists, I don't believe in, don't tolerate, and I don't think anyone else should become involved with bad lists. Those laws and rules for L & N are wrong. One shouldn't use them because they are just bad news. One of the most absurd laws is if a pc says it is his item, it is his item. I have found just the opposite to be true, Many a preclear will say, -Oh, gee, that's my item' and they are just grinning with glee while they are selling you and themselves some bullshit. (Of course, the TA is in a higher position then when they started the list and of course, the needle is more active and it is just a sell.) You know it is -service-facsimile time', and that is all that is going on. So, you need to list the list down to a BD F/N item and there is no point in my saying it a million times, but that is all it is. You just extend if they haven't got it. As far as putting suppress and inval in on the list, that is absolutely assinine. There is no way that a pc is going to be capable of suppressing the actual item. What you are doing here is auditing, not playing a cat and mouse game with the preclear. So, L & N is an intention-without-reservation activity on the part of the auditor. It is Tone 40 auditing. If you do it Tone 40, you will never have any problems with it. If you don't do a Tone 40, if you don't keep extending, and take any bullshit from a pc, -So and so is my item, but I have it suppressed and blah blah', you'd better fold up shop. That is just circuitry coming out of their reactive mind. I took someone who had worked at Flag for 5 years, actually there were 3 of them, and on all three of these preclears (which handled very high senior tech positions at the great religious retreat in Florida), none of them had ever come near a list because they believed the laws of listing and nulling and believed alot of other garbage. One of them ask me for a demonstration of doing a drug list, and I said, -All right, pick up the cans'. He picked them up and I said -What emotions are connected with taking cough syrup?' and the guy started running locks, So, I said, -Hey, we are not here to run locks, we are here to run a file, we are listing out what emotions are connected with taking cough syrup.' He said -Hell, I'm ARC broken now, I'm not going to list over an ARC break.' I said, -Well, out lists take priority over out ruds, we can clean up your ARC break later. -What emotions are connected with taking cough syrup?' The guy started listing things for 45 minutes and I'm getting 2 division blow downs on -agony' and -suffering'. So, after he give me 40 reading emotions, he looks up and says, -I never had a Drug Rundown, I've never really been in session. I said, -Well, we will take care of that ARC break also.' So, it went on for another l0 - 15 minutes, so we got a complete list, and in a sense it acted like a L & N action because it had a one division blow down at the end on - excruciating spiritual pain' and he realized that that was why he had joined the Sea Org, because others had that. So, anyway, I closed off the demonstration and he said, -So, that is how you do a list?' I said, - Yeah, if you are going to set out and do something, you do it and TR 4 is TR 4, but good god, you don't screw around with L & N and play with locks, and talk about things, you get answers to the questions.' So, then I flew his ARC breaks in the order in which they occurred, of course, where he ARC 197 broke with me for chopping his lock, then I flew the ARC break of never having a Drug Rundown, and then I flew the ARC break of having been in the Sea Org for 5 years off of a one division engram chain and the guy was just appalled, walking around the house saying -Gee, someone should tell Hubbard. I thought you were a weirdo and an egomaniac and keyed into -only one' implants, a lone ranger. I really thought you were nuts too, but this is unbelievable, getting a question answered. It's just unbelievable.' I said, -Well, don't you all do that somewhere in the church?' He said, -I've never heard of it.' So, the moral in telling this particular story is that listing is not complicated, it is the simplest thing in the world. So, that is all there is to L & N. You shouldn't do any on anyone that hasn't had their Life Repair PrepChecks which will clear off their 300 - 400 - 600 ARC breaks. It will clear off their misunderstoods on existence which will key out their Dianetic bank. There is no way in hell anyone is going to run anything if they have a pile of ARC breaks and you are not going to be doing L & N action on someone until you get to XDN or Grade III or Grade IV or until you are doing an XGF (Expanded Green Form) which you could be doing early or doing a PTS Rundown, but it is nice to know how to do one. If you are doing the Introspection Rundown, that is the first thing that gets done in spite of out ruds. But hopefully, you won't be doing them over gross ARC breaks, and even if you are doing them over out ruds, if you just get them to find the right file, and list the answers to the question then there is no problem to it. So, I don't see any point in mocking up problems or laws or technology or ferocious over complication over a very simple subject. That is all there is to listing. You ask a question, they give you the answers. The one that blows down, F/Ns and the room lights up, you give them that as their item, and it will blow down, F/N again and they will cognite, and then the listing question doesn't read anymore, and they haven't sold you a bowl of bullshit. All these others errors in this whole technology that L. Ron Hubbard invented on L & N were ways so that the auditor, the pc, and everyone else concerned could live with the lie that the auditor wasn't capable of giving the pc enough time or repeating the listing question to get the truth and the pc was overwhelmed by the area and so he wheezled. Most of the areas, if not all, where you will be doing L & N, the pc will try to wheezle, the bank will turn on. So, you might as well as an auditor manifest more theta (or more force, if you are low-toned you will think that it is force, if you are high-toned, you will realize that it is theta), than the bank that you are addressing. So, why not have it as a simple subject. low-toned people can, even low-toned groups can. The greatest gains in auditing have been completely obscured by anyone who has had any L & N work done in a church. It's a broad generality, but unfortunately, it is a quite accurate one. Some good auditing has gone on at churches, but I would assign that to 20% of the people coming in the door having very strong urges to get better and they just make it go right in spite of the auditors, the C/S, and the weird laws of L & N. All right, so much for L & N. I'd like to move up the Grade Chart. I think we have covered everything on the lower third of the Bridge. What we have next is Expanded Grades, So, we will take them up now. 198 The first grade is Expanded Grade 0. You are going to handle alot more than communication difficulties on this level. You are going to bring a being up to where they can recognize things. These grades are run to produce a state of awareness and ability. People normally have at least one of the five parts of the comm cycle in. Hopefully, they will cognite on their's in doing the TRs. You want to produce the awareness level of the grade that you are running. You would run every process on Grade 0 to the awareness level of recognition, and you would run every process on Grade I - Problems up to perception and communication and so forth. These grades are in this order for a number of reasons. If a person can't communicate, then they are going to have problems. If they have problems, then they are going to commit harmful acts. If they commit harmful acts, then they are going to have upsets. If they have upsets, then they are going to have to use data as a substitute for themselves (in living). So, you can see the flow going North up the grades. How something out on the lower grade will cause the next grade up to go awry. The same flow goes the other direction. Someone who is right (all the time) and making other people wrong, is going to have upsets. If one upsets people and has upsets oneself, then they are going to be miserable and commit harmful (overt) acts. If you do that, it is going to cause you problems, and if you have problems, you are not going to talk. Where you have truth flowing two directions, producing the same thing, you have what is known as a mobius strip and that means that are very close to the nature of creation in respect to the physical universe. This happens to be my own unique understanding of why these grades are arranged in this fashion. Hubbard on a 1966 tape said it did not matter what order that they were run in. This was the historical order that this data was put together about 25 billion years ago. Hubbard is -into' owned knowingness, just publishing stuff that is in old sacred books, and ideas coming off his own memory track. They did get arranged in this particular, proper order after suggestions by myself, John McCoy, John McMasters and a few other people were submitted to Hubbard. They should be in a logical order of communication first. The comm cycle difficulties that an individual has (whether it is being there, speaking naturally, acknowledging, repeating when necessary on a cycle of action) are important. Proper listing is just using TR 3 and TR 4. Use of TR 4 is ignoring comments in life and in session, You should never address stuff aimed at you, or anything aimed at you, or validate it, even if it is a bullet, because it is just going to turn on more back, thus more impact. To the degree that you validate evil, you will get more evil. TR 4 also covers clarifying originations where they have been made to you and getting them understood and getting things back on their original track. I have never met an individual who could naturally do all five of these things consistently. It is an excellent area to process, but hopefully, this cleans up and off when they are doing their TRs. It is not directly addressed on Grade 0. On Grade 0 you are trying to get someone up to recognizing things. There is alot out there to recognize but they don't 199 know that. So, you have to bring them up to tha reality. Life is going on, they just aren't aware of it, no matter how much they profess they are. You will be discovering that the moment you start running Grade 0. There is an upper class, snotty little clique, not only that surrounds Scientology, but is inherent throughtout the Class 8 - 12 courses, which states that one is doing this whole load of Bridge to accomplish certain actions that will make OT III run better. Their view of the lower Bridge is simply something one does to where one can get to the OT levels where all the true improvement is going to occur. That is Class 8 Course chat. This has got to be one of the most assinine ideas that I have ever heard because the majority of the case gain on any being is going to come off this lower third of the Bridge that I have discussed and off doing these Expanded Grades for you are clearing up and making someone happy and well on the lower third and then you are making them able and aware on your second third, the Grades. Your upper Bridge, in other words, the OT levels, Clearing Course, is going to take off the fundamental implants, masses and inabilities as a thetan that they adopted. These occurred to individuals on a group level, but as fsr as raising their individual awareness, the grades are going to do that. So, these church snots have this inverted and an eagle's nest view of the lower Bridge which is extremely destructive. OT technology should be applied on OTs. These things stand alone. Grades stand alone to improve the individual. In starting Grade 0, the first thing you run is R2-31 out of Creation of Human Ability, page 74. You have the pc: Look around the room and discover some object which he doesn't mind being present. Then, you have him locate something else that he wouldn't mind being present. You keep this up to an EP. Whatever you get on the first process is somewhat quasi-irrelevant, they are going to come up to recognizing that they have objections and that they have classifications of things being present or not. You should run it to at least that EP. Then, you take up the next process where you pick up a room object and you say, -See this Kleenex box?' They say -Yeah', and you say, -Tell me something you wouldn't mind this Kleenex box being.' You run that to an EP. The minimum EP would be them realizing that they are assigning beingnesses to objects and you run this to where they at least get that minimum end phenomena. Then, you go to the next process: -Tell me something you wouldn't mind your body being. They say, -Oh, a pineapple'. You repeat, -Tell me something you wouldn't mind your body being.' They say, -Big and beautiful' etc. to EP. The minimum EP would be that they are assigning a certain beingness to the body and that the body does have a certain beingness, and those two things may not be in agreement. Then, -Find something you wouldn't mind being.' Then, -Tell me something else you wouldn't mind being' to EP (where they realize what they are assigning to themselves as beingness). I want to make clear that these processes are block building in nature and the pc should understand that. If they don't completely understand this there is no point running it. If they fully understand the EP on the 200 previous process, they are going to be capable of doing the next one. If they don't use what they have learned in the last process, they are not going to be able to run the next process, they are going to fall flat on their face. So, the next process is you take a list of charged terminals (that are in the worksheets from your previous work on the pc) and you take the hottest reading terminal (which you determine by assessing a few on the meter). You fit that terminal into the following commands: (As an example, assume it was -Daddy',) 1st flow: Tell me something your Daddy wouldn't mind you communicating with. 2nd flow: Tell me something you wouldn't mind your Daddy communicating with. 3rd flow: Tell me something others wouldn't mind your Daddy communicating with. 4th flow: (You can give them the R-factor, that 4th flow is never meant to be insulting.) If you were a Daddy, tell me something you wouldn't mind yourself communicating with Next, you have them: -Think a thought' until they get an EP. Then, you have them -Think a thought' and have them place that thought in various objects around the room, to EP. Then, you run: 1st flow: Tell me a thought you would be willing to receive from another. 2nd flow: Tell me a thought another would be willing to receive from you. 3rd flow: Tell me a thought others ould be willing to receive from others. (Your pc should be getting sequitur cognitions on each of these.) 4th flow: Tell me a thought you would be willing to receive from yourself. Your pc getting sequitur cognitions on each of the processes is different from what is published for 4th flow, but, of course, the majority of what I am saying here is different from what is published by the church. The next process is: -Think about matter' to EP. -Think about energy' to EP. -Think about space' to EP. -Think about time' to EP. -Think about a thetan' to EP. The very minimum cognition they should get off each of those is what they think about has an effect on how they are feeling. In other words, they will be getting Dianetics '55 (the book) type cognitions that what occurs at one end of a comm line occurs at the other end also (due to 201 duplication). Thus, if they think about matter, they will start getting solid; if they think about energy, they start feeling energetic; if they think about space, they will feel big; if they think about time, they get a little rhythmic and if they think about a thetan, they will feel very spiritual. So, they should get some thought, some cognition on how much they should be thinking about these things, and the effects of thoughts on their existence. The next process you run is: 1st flow: Recall a time another communicated to you. 2nd flow: Recall a time you communicated to another. 3rd flow: Recall a time others communicated to others. 4th flow: Recall a time you communicated to yourself. The next process is run alternately between two commands to EP. One is an in- ARC command and one is an out-of-ARC command. We are basically interested in the out-of-ARC command running for you are using the in ARC command as a relief, so that the pc won't go crazy in session. - Recall another's communication with you.' -Recall another's no communication with you.' If you just ran: -Recall another's no communication with you' over and over, most pcs wouldn't be up to doing that. So, you give them a breather with an in-ARC command. Anyway, you run those alternately either to a light superficial cog (that there is communication going on all the time all over), but it is kind of a mean thing to do. You should run it to a cog on another's no communication with them, where they realize that, that in itself is a game, and a not too pleasant one. 2nd flow: Recall your communication with another. Recall your no communication with another. 3rd flow: Recall another's communication with others. Recall another's no communication with others, 4th flow: Recall a communication of you with yourself. Recall a no communication of you with yourself. The next 16 processes are universe processes. If the pc understands these, the rest of their Bridge will run very well. If they don't understand these well, then the rest of their Bridge is just wasted time and money, It is appalling information for a pc to discover, There are four universes that he is involved with. They are somewhat superimposed as far as space. There is the physical universe, the universe of the body, the universe of the mind, and the universe of the thetan. You run each of these four universes through the following four commands: -From where could communicate to you?' to EP - From where could you communicate to ?' to EP. - From where could communicate to others?' to EP -If you were a___________ , from where could you communicate?' So, on your first four you put -the physical universe' in the brackets; then, you put -a body' in the brackets; then, you put -a mind' in the brackets; and then -a thetan' in the brackets. Take these to a very deep 202 EP where a person realizes that what ever it is that wants to communicate, it will pick whatever location is necessary to get the comm through. They will discover that the physical universe can and does communicate to them through people, that they are in a games condition with the physical universe, that they communicate to others through the physical universe, and so forth. Anyone of these universes can use the universe of another to get through. In running the body, they will realize that the body can get its comm though via minds, via thetans, and via other individuals. They will realize that bodies communicate directly to each other. In running minds, they will realize that minds communicate directly to each other, they communicate through bodies, they communicate through the physical universe. In other words, the location of where the comm is coming from is pretty irrelevant and a person can chase down the actual origin of the communication, they will understand what is going on. It is a clever trick for a mind to communicate through another person. Your own mind can communicate to you through your neighbor's body, and the pc discovers that this is going on, and is quite surprized by it. And then, they will find that a thetan, of course, can and does communicate from various locations, minds, bodies, and the physical universe. So, what you are doing with these processes is bringing up their awareness that they have had the four universes collapsed and they are separate. These are minimum cogs you should get on this: that where the comm appears to be emanating from, is not necessarily its original source, and that if something, someone, wants to communicate, they will place it in another universe, if necessary, to get it through, to get the comm duplicated. Ironically, you will find the pc completely stuck in one of these four, and you will get them pried out of that. They are either very much a body, very much a mind, very much a spirit, or unfortunately, very much the physical universe. Thusly, you bring them into balance. Whatever body part they complain about the most, in their Dianetics, you plug into the next process, whether it is a back, head, shoulders, bowels, a neck or whatever. Necks are something. Alot of people have either neck problems, back problems, or head problems. Anyway, you want to clear this whole area up and the way you do that is, say it is neck, 1st flow: From where could a neck communicate to you? 2nd flow: From where could you communicate to a neck? 3rd flow: From where could a neck communicate to others? 4th flow: If you were a neck, from where could you communicate? This will dissaude them and disabuse them of the false concept that where ever comm is coming from is the actual origin of it, and they will realize that body parts can and do communicate to one. Hopefully, they will come up with some sensible cogs, for instance, they will cognite that they have been getting all this comm from hurting neck, but actually a neck can communicate through a foot, so maybe it is the foot that is causing all the trouble with the neck. I'm sure any outsider reading this, by outsider I mean a person not familiar with the possibility of fact and is quite used to the fiction of excessive reasonability and mental machinery, would find this a little 203 crazy talk. However, anyone that examines these areas will come up with, at a minimum, these particular cognitions. So, the pc will straighten out and find out actually what is going on with meat bodies, and parts of meat bodies. A toothache can be caused by an injury to a toe. It will iron out. If you hold them on it an adequate period of time, whatever body part that they have had all this trouble with, they will finally get the cog, and that should take care of it. The next thing you do is assess male bodies, female bodies, bodies, matter, energy, space and time. Normally one of them will read. If you get either of the two sexual distinctions, you are in for a hell of a surprize on your pc because it means that they have a game going with all those bodies out there as as group. You run that through these four flows: 1st flow: From where could communicate to you? 2nd flow: From where could you communicate to ? 3rd flow: From where could communicate to others? 4th flow: If you were a from where could you communicate? If it is the opposite sex or their own sex, they will realize that they have had this superimposed game condition with all these bodies out there and that has been running and ruining all their relationships because that is the game that consistently occurs. For example, the guy has gone out with seriously 20 different girls, is 40 years old, and he can't seem to get married. The same game comes down no matter who he goes out with. He is in a games condition with female bodies, and that is preventing him from knowing any of the people or doing anything with the individuals involved. So, that clears up, and the games condition with bodies clears up, and with matter, energy, space, or time, if they are in a games condition with any of these, by using this process. The next one is a similar process except it is on victims: 1st flow: From where could a victim communicate to you? 2nd flow: From where could you communicate to a victim? 3rd flow: From where could a victim communicate to others? 4th flow: If you were a victim, from where could you communicate? This process has some fascinating ramifications depending on how victim is defined. They will either be cynical claiming that they are not victims, and victims are people who run around in self-pity all the time. It runs great that way because they will start cleaning off some viewpoints and you can let it run that way. If it bogs on you you, you can clear victom as someone who has been unjustly harmed, out of Websters dictionary. It will run fine under either definition. If you feel adventurous, you can run it both ways. The next load of processes is R2-60, out of Creation of Human Ability, and that is where you have someone spot things, and after they have spotted them, you ask them, -Are you spotting it in the physical universe?' If they say -Yes', you have them point to it and they do, then you ask them, -How far away does it seem?' and they will tell you. That is the best way for it to run. If they tell you -No' after you have asked them -Are you spotting it in the physical universe?', then you can just leave it at that. You can have them 204 point to it, if you wish. If they are in real good shape, it is a waste of time. On someone who is really bunged up, you should have them point. What you want to do is get them to where they can recognize these things out in the environment, run it on the physical universe, and not on their own. If they run off a few of their own at the beginning, which takes 5 minutes or 5 hours, it's ok. You want to get them to where they can recognize stuff in the physical universe. So, each one of these, you run to EP. Your commands are: 1st flow: Spot some communications another has hidden from you 2nd flow: Spot some communications you have hidden from another. 3rd flow: Spot some communications another has hidden from others. 4th flow: Spot some communications you have hidden from yourself. You run the same four commands next except you replace the word -hidden' with -protected'. You run these four commands to EP. Then, you run: 1st flow: Spot some communications of yours another has owned. 2nd flow: Spot some communications of another that you have owned. 3rd flow: Spot some communications of another that others have owned. 4th flow: Spot some communications of yours that you have owned. Then, you run: 1st flow: Spot some communications of yours another has inhibited. 2nd flow: Spot some communications of another that you have inhibited. 3rd flow: Spot some communications of another that others have inhibited. 4th flow: Spot some communications of yours that you have inhibited. Then, you run the same four commands except you use -enforced', and then, -desired', and then, -curious', and then, -unknown', and then, -known'. Then, you run: -Spot some hidden knowingness' -Spot some protected knowingness.' -Spot some owned knowingness.' -Spot some inhibited knowingness.' -Spot some enforced knowingness.' -Spot some desired knowingness.' -Spot some knowingness people could be curious about.' 205 -Spot some knowingness that has been unknown.' -Spot some knowingness that is known.' Then, you run: -Spot some hidden mysteries.' -Spot some hidden sex.' -Spot some hidden eating.' -Spot some hidden symbols.' -Spot some hidden thinking.' -Spot some hidden efforts.' -Spot some hidden emotions.' -Spot some hidden looking.' -Spot some hidden knowing.' Then, you do the -protected' bracket on mystery, sex, eating, symbols, thinking, efforts, emotions, looking and knowing, and then, -owned', then, -inhibited', then, -enforced', then, -desired', then, -curious'. If your preclear is bright, you can go ahead and do -unknown' and - known' on these -mystery- to-know' brackets. The next thing you do is assess: a protected person, an owned person, a false person, an unwanted person, a necessary person, a desirable person, an interesting person, an unknown person, and a known person. Any of those that read, you then run through these commands, each to EP: 1st flow: From where could a communicate to you? 2nd flow: From where could you communicate to a ________ ? 3rd flow: From where could a ________ communicate to others? 4th flow: If you were a ________ , from where could you communicate? You can do this either by assessment, or you can just run them all. If your pc is pretty bright, you might as well run them all, without assessing it, to where, at the least, they figure out, that protected people are so busy protecting that they can't get anything done. Owned people end up being owned by whatever they are owning. A false person barely even exists because he is busy faking it all the time, there are loads of them out there. A no person is someone that considers a group is what he is ; an idea is more important than himself. An unwanted person is busy achieving the maintenance of that particular condition. A necessary person can be communicated to and communicates from necessary viewpoints. A desirable person won't allow any cycles to be completed or be reached, or mutually be in any way because he has to keep the desire going. An interesting person keeps himself problem prone and full of them to where they can maintain being interesting. Unknown persons are guite powerful, generally, and have a vested interest in staying unknown. A known person is someone who is visible and recognizable out there. So, to put the final touches on this, you run locational communication, if necessary. If they have got it pretty well figured out, that locations and origins of communications don't have any relationship with each other, you skip it. If they haven't figured that out yet, they are in very, rough shape, and if they are, you go ahead and run: 206 1st flow: From where could another communicate to you? 2nd flow: From where could you communicate to another? 3rd flow: From where could another communicate to others? 4th flow: From where could you communicate to yourself? Next you run a process out of 8-8008 : 1st flow: What wouldn't another mind you communicating with? 2nd flow: What wouldn't you mind another communicating with? 3rd flow: What wouldn't another mind others communicating with? 4th flow: What wouldn't you mind yourself communicating with? This has two possible EPs, either they become completely aware that there is an abundant amount of things to communicate with out there or they will be completely aware that other people don't really give a damn what they communicate about and every-one has unrestricted rights to communicate on any flow. Then, you do what is known as 0 routines, and you do them properly. There is no record of anyone in the churches ever doing them properly. You run: -What are you willing for me to talk to you about?' and -What would you like me to tell you about that?' Run this on the pc, until he realizes that all his answers are things that you have been talking about, and therefore, he has been creating his own inflow and restricting his own inflow by his own willingness, and willingness is an absolute and so, he has not really allowed you to talk to him except on things that he is willing to hear, so he has himself cut off from the world by being unwilling to receive communication freely, and he has not granted beingness to others to communicate. His own willingness has held him back. So, who knows what is really out there; maybe he should be willing to receive anything from the auditor. Basically, he will realize there that he controls his own inflow through his own willingness, and he has been restrictive on communication thereby. Then, you run 2nd flow: -What are you willing to talk to me about?' and -What would you like to tell me about that?' He will realize that the auditor's willingness has been effecting his particular communication, in other words, control on a comm line sits on the effect side, and he will see it there, or he may come up with different cogs, but he had better be able to see that at the least. You get to the 3rd flow and you see the same phenomena going on: -What are you willing for me to talX to others about?' and -What would you like me to tell others about that?' 207 He will recognize his own involvement with 3rd flow, and will back out of controlling or getting involved in restricting or defining other peoples' communications. Then, you run 4th flow: -What are you willing to let yourself talk about?' and -What would you like to say about that?' They will find that they are effecting their own communication with themselves via the effect side of the comm formula, through an absolute of willingness. So, then, you go to the second step: -What are you willing for another to talk to you about?' and -What would you like for him/her to tell you about that?' They will see the same phenomena going on, so you should check the rest of these for reads. If they don't read, don't run them. -What are you willing to talk to another about?' and -What would you like to tell another about that?' -What are you willing to let yourself talk about?' and -What would you like to say about that?' Then, you go to the third step. You pick up a hot item off a prepared list, God, Jesus, their mother, wife, etc. It is nice to pick a PTS terminal, someone that they are having hassles with and do a nice, long run on this in accordance with the Tone Scale and just ignore the F/N VGIs, cog because you will bring them up and off the scale permanently, if you will pick a very real terminal to them. Let's say it is the -father' that is the terminal: -If your father could talk to you, what would he talk about? and -If he was talking to you about that, what would he say exactly?' So, they give a subject, then, they will run this versus the Tone Scale and it will clean off. So, you go to the 2nd flow: -If you could talk to your father, what would you talk about?' and -If you were talking to your father about that, what would you say exactly?' You get them to talk word for word as if he was there in the room. -Well, Dad, blah, blah...' 208 On the 3rd flow you pick two people who have difficulty talking to each other, hopefully that you both know, you and the pc. For instance, the guy has been around the Hubbards. You use them as terminals in this process: - If Mary Sue could talk to L. Ron Hubbard, what would she talk about?' (The answer comes up -her health' or -buying perfume at Bullocks'. ) and -If Mary Sue was talking to L. Ron Hubbard about that, what would she say exactly?' (She'd say, -Oh, I'm having troubles with my middle innards' or -The price of Joy perfume has exceeded $100 an ounce now, my dear.') Run this process until the pc realizes that it would be better if these people didn't have this difficulty, and it would be better if they were in good communication with each other. If your 4th flow reads here, you go ahead and take it up, -If you could talk about yourself, what would you talk about?' and -If you were talking about that what would vou say exactly?' On the final step here, you use a canned list of things which are banned from social, everyday communication and they are not generally considered acceptable for social communication. So, you could use crude, swear type of-words material, bathroom material, sexual material, the roughest stuff you can imagine; very profound things like wasting a lifetime, the coming dark ages, or endless spiritual death. It's your choice. The main thing is that you want to grind off their social machinery. Having sex with chickens, in very crude terms, using the actual four letter words will produce a slightly different EP. It depends on what is real to your preclear. Anyway, you pick it and what you run is: 1st flow: What are you willing to have someone else tell you about _____________? (They will answer it, then, you will say) Who else could he/she say those things to? 2nd flow: What are you willing to tell me about ____________? and Who else could you say those things to? They will realize, -Hell, it's all right to talk about this. It's society's objections.' 3rd flow: What are you willing to have someone else tell others about ? and Who else could they say those things to? By now your pc is probably an expert on this subject of having sex with chickens or the coming dark ages. 209 4th flow: What are you willing to let yourself say about___________? and Who else could you say those things to? By then they will be proclaiming that their comm is totally unrestricted. If it looks like the Communication Release is complete, you can end the session off and take an attestation for the grade. If it looks like they need the havingness process, although I've never met one yet that did, you can run: 1st flow: What solid another have you understand? 2nd flow: What solid could you have another understand? 3rd flow: What solid could others have others understand? 4th flow: What solid could you have yourself understand? I think that it is too crude a havingness level and it is completely too much a jerk to drop someone 40 tones. It is rather an insult to run something like this after they have realized that they have had themselves shut off from existence because they have been unaware that the effect side of willingness is what controls flows. That is a Tone 40 type cognition. So, you end your session off and do your regular exam step. Have them read over the EP of Grade 0 and see if they made that; if they have attained the state of being aware of recognition, are they recognizing things. The majority of the pcs will start going exterior on all those spot process, start seeing fat ladies down the street, men eating hot dogs, people having sex, etc. They will be doing more than recognizing, they probably will have attained alot of the abilities promised at the upper levels. Over 1/2 the pcs go very exterior and have a ball looking at their neighbors. But have them look over these EPs: 1st flow. Freedom from and no longer bothered by communication difficulties. No longer withdrawn or reticent. Lost any resistence to others communicating to him on unpleasant or unwanted subjects. Loss of reactions to others communicating to others. Loss of difficulty or reaction on communicating with oneself. 2nd flow: Gained the ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject, in other words, they will like to outflow and they will be willing for others to communicate to them freely on any subject. They will see the value in that and they won't restrict it anymore. 3rd flow: They will be willing to permit others to communicate about anything to others. 4th flow: They are willing to allow any type of communication from themselves. 210 This is a 4-flow state of Communications Release. I have met very few real ones, but anyway, that is how you produce one. That is briefly what is covered on it. In a sense, you have created a quasi-superhuman very quickly here because they can recognize the source of communication as not being where it is coming from in the physical universe. So, if the wife starts bitching at them, they will know whether it is their own body talking, or her mind talking, or the physical universe talking, or the boss talking. They will be able to recognize not only the source of comm, but the type of comm, what the game is going on on the comm, what the barriers and restrictions and freedoms are on the types of communications. They will have spotted the 96 levels of life, to where they can instantly recognize them and the ramifications of each of those levels. Over 1/2 the preclears that do this will be able to leave their body at will, and look around corners and see things. Even the densest case in the world is going to figure out that they are restricting their own flows, and restricting other peoples' flows, and realize that they have got themselves cut off. They start granting some willingness and some beingness out to where they can flow in, and find that it is actually enjoyable to outflow. You have pretty well brought someone up to being alive again here with Expanded Grade 0 and you have gotten their fears off, their gutlessness off, you have raised them upscale on the 0-A process (where you pick the main terminal in their life and spent hours with them where they started very low toned and end up extremely high toned), not only on that person, but also on people in general. So, you have accomplished quite a bit of change here. You now have someone that you can, in a sense, process. You never had that before because the guy was never really willing to talk or listen or allow others to talk or chat with him. It is a very healthy state and it is a very nice thing to do for someone and it is eternally permanent. There is no way that they are ever going to back down from achieving or using those truths. They can recognize what is happening thereafter and instead of attacking the secretary, they will know that the comm is from the boss. This may sound a little mystical or esoteric, but it is alot better to live life on a truthful, recognizable basis than it is to walk around with false, mechanical ideas. Just because a ball rolls from a corner of the room towards you, it doesn't mean that the corner moved it towards you. It could be the man sitting across from you, it could be someone down the street, and one could just look, recognize, and see what is there. That is what these processes are about, and that is what you have done for a person. These are the minimum things that occur on Grade 0. You accomplish those minimum of things. They will have hundreds of other cognitions running these. They will discover that there is a world out there, that is structured, that operates with laws and they they have kept themselves away from it. They will go back into communication with it, and they find that to be pleasurable. Now that you have someone that can talk to you, it is an appropriate time to address the next two areas of Grade I and Grade II, which address the only two hot beds of a permanent reactive mind. Before we start with the Grade I processes, there is some background information you and your pc should know. Actually, it can be cleared with 211 the pc prior to doing any auditing at all. It is covered on pages 80 - 81 of Dianetics Today , a book which is a summary of some other bulletins. Those 2 pages are the most profound truth that Hubbard published: - Unless the time track is made available it cannot be as-ised by the preclear and so remains aberrative. The time track is actual in that it is made of matter, energy, space, and time as well as thought. Those who cannot confront matter, energy, space and time think it is composed only of thought. A grouper can make a pc fat, and a bouncer thin if the pc is chronically stuck in them or if the track is grouped and made unavailable through bad auditing.' (This is why you run combination drugs.) -Through a great deal of study, the following surmises can be made about the time track, the physical universe and the pc.' -The tendency of the physical universe is condensation and solidification. At least this is the effect produced on the individual. Continued dwelling in it without rehabilitation causes the person to become less reaching (smaller) and more solid. He may become convinced he cannot duplicate matter, energy, space or time or certain intentions and so succumbs to the influence of this universe. This influence in itself would be negligible unless recorded by the individual, stored and made reactive upon him as a time track and then maliciously used to trap the person.' - Researches I have done in the field of aesthetics tend to indicate that rhythm is the source of present time. The being is carried along both by his own desire to have, do or be and by having been overwhelmed in the distant past by a continuous minute rhythm. This is a possible explanation of a being's continuous presence in present time. Present time, then, can be defined as a response to the continuous rhythm of the physical universe, resulting in a hereness in nowness.' (That particular rhythm he is speaking about changes in frequency, amplitude and velocity on a changing, yet reoccurring harmonic,in all three.) -In response to this rhythm, and with his convictions of the need of recording, the individual began to respond to the physical universe in his creations and eventually obsessively created (by means of restimulatable involuntary intentions) the passing moments of the physical universe. But only when he began to consider these pictures important could they be used to aberrate him.' -These are only partly permanently created. Other moments of the past become re-created only when the person's attention is directed to them, on which these parts spontaneously appear, the being not voluntarily creating them.' (In other words, a display bank, like you have a CRT, cathode ray tube, display, like a TV set, you push a button and it will display data.) -This forms the time track. Some parts of it, then, are permanently in a state of creation (in other words, as a permanent reactive mind that isn't a display bank) and the majority of it becoming created when the person's attention is directed to them.' 212 -The permanently created portions are those times of overwhelm and indecision which almost entirely submerged the being's own will and awareness.' So, from these paragraphs we see that the minority of the reactive mind is permanently created and that the majority is display. We are not interested in auditing display. We are interested in auditing the permanently created parts and the premanently created portions are those times of overwhelm and indecision which almost entirely submerged the being's own will and awareness. -Such parts are found in implants and great stresses. These parts are in permanent restimulation.' -The mechanism of permanent restimulation consists of opposing forces of comparable magnitude which cause a balance which does not respond to current time and remains timeless.' -Such phenomena are the overt act-motivator sequence, the problem (postulate/counter-postulate), tend to hold certain portions of the time track in -permanent creation' and cause them to continue to exist in - present time as unresolved masses, energies, spaces, times and significances.' -The intention of the physical universe (and those who have become degraded enough to further only its ends) is to make a being solid, immobile and decisionless.' -The fight of the being is to remain unsolid, mobile or immobile at will, and capable of decision.' -This in itself is the principal unresolved problem and in itself creates timeless mass which accomplishes the basic purpose of a trap.' The reason that I have gone over this at this time, and you should go over it with your pc before you do any auditing, is know what you are auditing, where it is audited, and how it works. So, you are working with a guy's track, you are working with the permanent parts of the track, and indecision. Indecision is an ingredient of a problem, and two things exactly opposed, which is the definition of a problem. Whether it is emotion/counter-emotion, effort/counter-effort, intention/counter intention, idea/counter-idea, or thought/counter-thought, -two things exactly opposed' is the definition of a problem. So, you are hitting a real hot level with Grade I and Grade II because you are hitting permanent restimulation on a being. At the upper levels, I had mentioned under Grade IV, you are scouting around this GPM area, that is where you have goals, problems and masses that are opposed to each other and float timeless, too. So, the overt act - motivator sequence, your problems, your goals-problem-mass, these are the things which really ruin and overwhelm a being, and are in permanent restimulation. They are the real mass and trap on a case. You have to get someone up to where they could talk about everything, and think about anything, by doing Grade 0 before you could take on the guy's problems. 213 On Grade I, and the first third of it is objective processes, the second third is processes on the subject of -help' (which supposedly is not in the bank, but a preclear has all kinds of stuff locked onto it), and your last third of the grade is on problems and solutions. In the last third, you are going to clean off every problem that he is aware of, and by continuing the grade, clean up all the problems, that he has, that he is not aware of. It is an irony that in about 500 pages, at about 200 words per page, you end up with 120,000 words of information that is useful and applicable. Over 1/2 that has to be modified and rewritten. As far as published and copyrighted mouthings, wordings, and writings of L. Ron Hubbard, there are 25 million words. Less than 1/2 of 1% is valuable to people, of what was published by Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard. 1/2 of it involves fundamental, basic truths and 1/2 of those need to be clarified and altered. So, about 1/4 of 1% of the writings of L. Ron Hubbard are worthy of relay as written and the other 1/4 of 1 % is severely wrong and needs to be adjusted. 99% of the published materials of Scientology and Dianetics are either of no value or are incorrect. They are interesting gab, interesting reading, or interesting chat, if you are lonely or want to study another individual. So, if you are just into reading for pleasure, or entertainment (as a novel), the 99% is such. If you would approach the 99% as a novel, or entertainment, it is probably all right to read the stuff and I would suggest it. It can be great fun, but it is not useful information and it detracts significantly and completely wipes out and blurs this 1% core of information, that is of value, 1/2 of which is incorrect. In that this 1/2 of 1% of published data in Scientology involves universal truths and common sense, I'm simply extracting and showing the reader what is there. It was no small task to test all the information, and find this of 1% of the writings that was worth relaying, was worth application, and was worth use, by ones fellow men, but it was certainly worth the work. The task was actually very easy due to my education in philosophical, religious and technical areas, and my recall of such. The irony is you will find the 1/2 of 1% ratio of truth throughout human society, other writings (such as the Bible) and in contentional education. It is the truth to chat ratio one encounters in the human range. Hubbard makes it very clear that he produced 25 million words of talk on philosophy. He also makes it very clear that it is imperative that the person knows and understands it all, which is a completely impossible task. He can't accomplish that, and he demands that other people accomplish that. So, his game is essentially demanding other people to do something that he can't do. That seems to be his particular pattern, throughout his lifetime and it probably serves some self esteem gratification out of his own reative mind. Be that as it may, I'd like to continue here with Grade I. The first thing you take up are the objective processes. The first one is out of what is called the CCHs which are some objective processes to increase a person's c ontrol, c ommunication, and h avingness. They grind off some social machinery, some mental machinery, and bring a person up to present time and in communication with the environment again. 214 The first one is CCH 1, where you sit across from the pc, (objective processing is Tone 40 auditing) and the command is: -Give me that hand'. They hand you the hand and you take it. It is normally their right hand, you are taking it with your right hand. After they have given it to you, you acknowledge, then, you take your left hand and remove it and put it back in their lap. You run this until there is no communication lag and they are no longer ridging on the subject of control anymore. The real reason you are doing it is, if they can be coaxed into allowing you to control them, then they will generally cognite that they can control themselves more. Any physical origination, like if they twitch, cough, or grin, you handle as a TR 4 origination and you ask them -What happened?'. They say, -Oh, I just realized that X, Y, Z' and you say -Okay' and then, continue with the process. CCH 2 is entitled Tone 40 8C. The four commands are: -Look at that wall.' -Walk over to that wall.' -Touch that wall.' -Turn around.' Of course, each time that they execute the command, you thank them. So, you, the auditor, are on the right side of the pc, pointing at the wall, walking over with them, having them touch it, telling them to turn around (and you turn around with them) and acknowledging them Make sure your commands get executed. This will grind off all kinds of machinery that they have, it will bring them into present time, and they will actually run up the emotional Tone Scale on this. They will get sad about it, griefy about it. At first, they won't care at all, you'll have some of that machinery come off, then they will get covertly hostile, then they will get angry, then antagonistic, then bored with it, then conservative about it, and finally they will end up enthusiastic and the comm lag will be gone. It will be very obvious to you that they are as much there (in the room) as you, and so you end off. The third CCH is called Hand Space Mimicry. You sit across from each other in chairs, with nothing in between you. You tell them to -Put your hands against mine, follow them, and contribute to their motion'. So, then you make a hand motion. Then, you ask them, -Did you contribute to the motion?'. You start with simple motions, then get them more complex as you go. This increases a person's ability to duplicate, in other words, their havingness. The second CCH increased their ability to communicate. The first one increases their ability to control. So, after CCH 3 flattens, then you can increase the space to where they hands are 3 inches apart and they are moving their hands along with yours. You can increase it up to a foot, 60 feet, 5,000 miles, that is up to your as an auditor. I would recommend simply doing it to a good EP with the hands touching each other, and then a good EP one foot apart, and then 3 feet apart. The fourth CCH is Book Space Mimicry. This is where you pick up a book and move it through space and then, hand the pc the book and have them do as best they can in repeating the action that you did, in other words, moving the book through the space at the same speed, the same number of turns, and the same angles. So, you can go from simple to complex 215 here and you will see what their IQ is very quickly by how much they can remember and duplicate. This will run off any confusions they have on mirrors and viewpoints because basically you want them to come up to realizing that they are duplicating your point of view and the physical universe's point of view. Which ever one that they want to take as a particular duplicate is all right. At least they will see the difference because those are two different things. Run this to an EP. Then, you run CCH 5, Location by Contact. You have them touch room objects to an EP. CCH 6 is Body Room Contact. You have them touch a particular body part and then, touch a room object over and over, alternately to EP. CCH 7 is similar to CCH 6 and there is no point in doing the same process twice. Thus, the next one you take up is CCH 8, known as Terrible Trio. You have them look around the room and tell you what they could have, repetitively to an EP. Then, you have them look around the room and tell you what they would permit to remain to an EP. Then, you have them look around the room and tell you what they could dispense with to EP. These work off the fundamentals of creation and existence of have, permitting to remain, and dispense with. Then, CCH 9 is run. You have them -Look at that object', indicating a room object, then, -Walk over to that object' (acknowledging them each time, on each communication cycle), then, you have them -Touch that object', then, you have them -Keep it from going away'. You should ask after they have done the last, -Did you keep it from going away?', and they will confirm that they did. You do this to an EP. Then you run the same process excepty you have them -Hold it still'. The commands are: -Look at that object.' -Walk over to that object.' -Touch that object.' -Hold it still.' -Did you hold it still?' Take this to an EP. Then, you run locational processing: -Notice that object' and you point them out, but don't point in the pc's direction, and you acknowledge each time and run that to an EP. (You don't run locational body in room next because it is too much like CCH 6.) The one you run is.'Objective Show Me'. You let the pc figure out showing you things. The way you do this is you run -Show me that wall', in other words, you pick an oject and then, you thank them. So you pick out something and say: -Show me that ________' and have them show you it. They will realize here that they haven't been showing people things, that showing people things is controlling another's attention. They will notice that generally they can overdo it, that it is a non- verbal activity, and if they don't understand this they are going to have lots of 216 problems in life. You see they want other people to understand things, but other people aren't going to understand things, unless they are shown them, in other words, have their attention held on them. After they have figured all that out then you can leave it. The next process has a whole lot of names, it is call Opening Procedure By Duplication, or Book and Bottle. Basically, you put a book on a table (at one end of the room) and a bottle on a table (at the other end of the room). The commands are: -Look at that bottle.' -Walk over to it.' (You acknowledge them each time.) -Pick it up.' -What is its color?' -What is its temperature ?' -What is its weight?' -Put it down in exactly the same place.' Then, you say, -Look at that book.' -Walk over to it.' -Pick it up. - -What is its color?' -What is its temperature?' -What is its weight?' -Put it down in exactly the same place. - You run this until a person either exteriorizes or you have an EP (or both) to where it is complete. The next thing you process is Start-Change-Stop. You say, -I want you get get your body moving down the room and when I tell you to stand still' I want you to make the body stand still. Do you understand?' They will say, -Yes'. So, you get them walking, then say, -Stand still' and they do, so thank them. Then, you say, -Did you make the body stand still?' and they will answer that they did and you thank then. You run this to an EP. Next, you do the same type of process on starting. You say, -I'm going to tell you to start, when I tell you to start, start the body moving in that direction. Do you understand?'. They say, -Yes', so you say, -Start' and they do and you tell them -Good', -Did you start the body?' and they say, -Yes'. Next, you do the same thing on stopping the body. You say, -I'm going to tell you to get the body moving in that direction and somewhere along the line, I'm going to tell you to stop, then you stop the body, Do you understand?' They say, -Yes', -Good'. So, you tell them, -Get the body moving', they start walking it around, then you say, -Stop', they do, you acknowledge it, then, you say, -Did you stop the body?' and they say, -Yes', and you say, -Thank you'. This basically takes care of start, stop and standing still. The next thing you process is change. So, you indicate a few spots in the room, identify them as A, B, C and D. You simply tell them to move from one point to another point. Move from point A to point B, move from 217 point B to point C, move from point C to point A to where they will get a cog on change. The next thing that you process is goals. You ask them, -What are you absolutely sure will happen in the next ten minutes?' The worst case that you will ever encounter is the one that is not sure of anything, you may have to wait out all ten minutes to where they are sure. That is pretty rare. So, you run that until they are certain, then you expand the time to one hour or a week or ten months or two years, until they realize that their certainties are caused by them making goals and they are actually mocking up what they are certain about. Then, you run, -Tell me something you would like to do in the next 10 minute'. They will realize that they have goals in that area and they will have certainty. Then, you expand the time out to a week, or two years, or ten years. Next, you run Opening Procedure 8C. Basically, what you want to do here is increase a person's perception to where it is uniform So, you select objects in the room and direct their attention to them. So, you'd say, - Do you see that object?', they say, -Yes', you acknowledge, then, you say, -Go over to it snd put your hand on it.', you acknowledge, then you point out another object and have them walk over to it and put their hand on it. So, you do that until they get an EP, F/N, VGIs, cog. Then, you start pointing out little tiny marks or points in the room. You say, -Do you see thst black mark on the left that table?', they say, - Yes', -All right, go over and put your finger on it.'. They will do it, you acknowledge, then, you say, -Now take your finger off.' You do this until a pc has uniform perception of any and all objects in the room, they don't see big things differently from small things. The next thing you do is actually use a spot and you turn some volition over to the pc here. You say, -Find a spot in this room.' They will, you acknowledge them, then, you tell them to -Go over and put your finger on it.' They do and you acknowledge it, then, you tell them, -Let go of it.' and they do. You do this until they are freely selecting spots in the room. Now, you turn time over to them on the next process. You say, -Find a spot in the room.', acknowledge them, -Make up your mind when you are going to touch it and then touch it.' They do and you acknowledge it. Then, -Make up your mind when you are going to let go of it and let go'. So, you run that repetitively to an EP to where there is no comm lag and the pc is certain that he is seeing, selecting and touching the spots. Of course, you come back and verify all these on the E-meter, make sure the pc's needle is floating on each one after each process. So, that completes all the objective processes of Grade I. The next thing you do are the Help processes. The first thing you do here is 2WC (two-way comm) the subject on four flows: 1st flow: Tell me about another helping you. 2nd flow: Tell me about you helping another. 3rd flow: Tell me about another helping others. 218 4th flow: Tell me about you helping yourself. Each of these to EP. The next process you run, four flows to EP is: 1st flow: Tell me about a problem that another's help has been to you. 2nd flow: Tell me a problem that your help has been to another. 3rd flow: Tell me a problem another's help has been to others. 4th flow: Tell me a problem that helping yourself has been to you. This is to clear that collapse; it basically pops the subject of problems off from help to where they realize that on real help, there is never any real problem at all, but that help has been given a bad name. They will come with cogs like this at a minimum. The next process you run, alternately to EP, four flows is: 1st flow: How could another prevent your help? and How could another fail to help you? 2nd flow: How could you prevent another's help? and How could you fail to help another? 3rd flow: How could another prevent others help? and How could others fail to help another? 4th flow: How could you prevent help help for yourself? and How could you fail to help yourself? The next process, run also alternately, four flow, to EP, is: 1st flow: Who has intended not help you? and Who has helped you? 2nd flow: Who have you intended not to help? and Who have you helped? 3rd flow: Who has intended not to help others? and Who has helped others? 4th flow: How have you intended not to help yourself? and How have you helped yourself? Now take general terminals out of the folder that are connected with the pc's past, in other words, if they have women troubles throughout the folder, you would use women, boss troubles use bosses. In other words, get a general terminal, if you can. You can use a specific, but it is a little less productive The commands are: 1st flow: How could a fail to help you? 2nd flow: How could you fail to help a ? 3rd flow: How could a fail to help others? 219 4th flow: How could you fail to help yourself regarding a ? This will normally clean the subject up for them. You have four processes to run next which will key-out overts away from the subject of help. They will figure alot out on them. They are very crucial processes. You are going to run these four processes on three types of people and on a confusion. The commands sound kind of wild, but these cover elements of life that are out there. If the pc understands these, their life will run much smoother, and if they don't understand these, then they are quite the effect of the environment. The commands, run alternately, four flows, to EP, are: 1st flow: Think of a helping you. and Think of a not helping you. 2nd flow: Think of helping a _______ . and Think of not helping a ________. 3rd flow: Think of a ________ helping others. and Think of a ________ not helping others. 4th flow: Think of you as a ________ helping yourself. and Think of you as a ________ not helping yourself. First, run all four flows putting the word -confusion' into the blanks, then, -unconcious person', then, -responsible person', then, -creative person'. At the very least, they should understand that confusions have been given a bad name (and they can be helpful to a Frson), that unconscious people are responsive to help, that responsible people have their own peculiarities, and creative people have their own eccentricities. The next process is also run alternately, four flows, to EP: 1st flow: Tell me some help another has given you. and Tell me some help another has not given you. 2nd flow: Tell me some help you have given another. and Tell me some help you have not given another. 3rd flow: Tell me some help another has given others. and Tell me some help another has not given others, 4th flow: Tell me some help you have given yourself. and Tell me some help you have not given yourself. The next process you run is a 6 way bracket on help and you run these alternately to EP, in other words, you do commands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, until it cleans up. The 6 commands are: 1. How could you help me? 2. How could I help you? 220 3. How could you help another? 4. How could another help you? 5. How could another help others? 6. How could you help yourself? On the next process, you do a 2WC with the pc on each of the 10 dynamics listed in Scientology or you can use more dynamics listed elsewhere in this book, but the 10 normally suffice. You tell them why you are doing the 2WC, you just basically want to find out which dynamic, on which helping is the least real to the pc, and then run help on that. If they give the 8th dynamic, you have some word clearing to do, basically the axiom that -Time states the untruth of consecutive consideration'. Go over the Factors, and a number of other Axioms like - Life is a game where theta the solver who is so1ving problems of theta as MEST'. So, after they have been word cleared into the realization that there is such a thing as an 8th dynamic, then you can run the process. 1st flow: How could a help you? 2nd flow: How could you help a ? 3rd flow: How could help others? 4th flow: If you were a , how could you help yourself? I should add at this particular point, word clearing theta and thetan is useful in that area and that Scientology, I suppose, is legally recorded as a religion and technology that works with the lower 7 dynamics Since there are 16 of these dynamic urges around, these upper 9 are very fertile processing areas and many times your pc is not aware of them, much less of help coming from them. The next process, run alternately, four flows, to EP, is: 1st flow: Tell me a motion that has helped you. and Tell me a motion that has not helped you. 2nd flow: Tell me a motion that you have helped. and Tell me a motion that you have not helped. 3rd flow: Tell me a motion that has helped others. and Tell me a motion that has not helped others. 4th flow: Tell me a motion that you have helped yourself with. and Tell me a motion that you have not helped yourself with. The next process is a -Who' question so it can act like a list. You had better watch out and handle the list phenomena in running it. The commands are run each repetitively to EP. 1st flow: Who has failed to control you? 2nd flow: Who have you failed to control? 3rd flow: Who have others failed to control? 4th flow: How have you failed to control yourself? Watch out and handle the list phenomena on the next one, also. 221 1st flow: What has failed to control you? 2nd flow: What have you failed to control? 3rd flow: What have others failed to control? 4th flow: What have you failed to control in yourself? The next process you run is -Invent Problems Processes'. You basically pick out the pc's main worry or problem that they have. There is no scarcity of these, as far as what is available on people (such as selling their product, self-pity, inactivity, having a case, making money, performing, pasttimes, driving other people up the wall, getting good deals or becoming instead of being). So, after you run off their main worry and concern with these four processes, you should run -becoming instead of being', because it is a pretty widespread problem. So, you put the problem in the blank and the four commands, run to EP, are: 1st flow: Invent a problem you could have with another for which is the answer. 2nd flow: Invent a problem another could have with you for which _______ is the answer. 3rd flow: Invent a problem another could have with others for which _______ is the answer. 4th flow: Invent a problem you could have with yourself for which _______ is the answer. They will realize that these things are solutions, of course. The next process you run has two commands, per flow, which are run alternately to EP: 1st flow: Get the idea of solving a problem. and Get the idea of not solving a problem. 2nd flow: Get the idea of another solving a problem. and Get the idea of another not solving a problem. 3rd flow: Get the idea of others solving problems. and Get the idea of others not solving problems. 4th flow: Get the idea of solving a problem of your own. and Get the idea of not solving a problem of your own. Next, you pick the key charged terminal in present time for the pc, put that in the blank of the next four commands which are run repetitively to EP. 1st flow: Invent something worse than ________ . 2nd flow: Invent something worse for than you. 3rd flow: Invent something worse for others than ________ . 4th flow: Invent something worse for your yourself than ________ . Then, you run alternately to EP: Spot where is now. and 222 Spot where you are now. Then, you run the process called -Comparable Magnitude'. You take a key charged terminal of a problem and put it in the blank of the commands. They will realize in running these what the underlying real problems are that are going on between them and the other individual. 1st flow: Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to __________ . (Get them to explain how it could be a problem by saying) How could that be a problem to you? (Of course, you wouldn't ask that if they have already explained it to you. Then,) Can you conceive yourself figuring on that? (Of course, they will grin and say -Yes' and explain that.) 2nd flow: Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to you for __________ . How could that be a problem to __________ ? Can you conceive ___________ figuring on that? 3rd flow: Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to ___________ for others. How could that be a problem to others? Can you conceive others figuring on that? 4th flow: Invent a problem you could have with yourself that is of comparable magnitude to ___________ ? How could that be a problem to you? Can you conceive yourself figuring on that? The next process is run repetitively to EP: 1st flow: Tell me a problem you could confront. 2nd flow: Tell me a problem another could confront. 3rd flow: Tell me a problem others could confront. 4th flow: Tell me a problem about yourself you could confront. You should really clear the words in the next command. Clear the word - impart' as being an element of a whole. If your pc says all of the problem or none of the problem, it is not an answer to the question. You run each flow to EP. 1st flow: Tell me a problem with another. What part of that problem have you been responsible for? 2nd flow: Tell me a problem of another with you. What part of that problem has another been responsible for? 3rd flow: Tell me a problem of another with others. What part of that problem has another been responsible for? 4th flow: Tell me a problem you have had with youself. What part of that problem have you been responsible for? 223 I would trust that your pc would come up to realizing, if they're using a cause definition of responsibility, whoever has the problem is the person who caused it, or, if they are using responsibility defined as care for, correction, and harmony, they will find that wherever they have a problem, they have to have responsibility. Then, you run the following commands repetitively to EP. 1st flow: Tell me two things you can confront. 2nd flow: Tell me two things another can confront. 3rd flow: Tell me two things others can confront 4th flow: Tell me two things about yourself you can confront. You run this to where they are up to looking at two things. Then, you run, each to EP: 1st flow: Tell me a problem another might have been responsible for. 2nd flow: Tell me a problem you may have been responsible for. 3rd flow: Tell me a problem others might have been responsible for. 4th flow: Tell me a problem about yourself you may have been responsible for. Then, you run, alternately to EP: 1st flow: Tell me a problem you could confront. and Tell me a problem you don't have to confront 2nd flow: Tell me a problem another could confront. and Tell me a problem another doesn't have to confront. 3rd flow: Tell me a problem that could be confronted by others. and Tell me a problem that others don't have to confront. 4th flow: Tell me a problem about yourself that you could confront. and Tell me a problem about yourself that you don't have to confront. Then, you run a process on solutions, each flow repetitively to EP: 1st flow: Tell me a solution you could make stick. 2nd flow: Tell me a solution another could make stick, 3rd flow: Tell me a solution others could make stick. 4th flow: Tell me a solution about yourself you could make stick. With the next process you want to dissaude the pc from coming up short on problems. They are not going to give you their real ones or be willing to let go of their problems unless they are completely convinced and certain that they can make as many problems as they want at wlll. You do this by using a room object to where they start inventing problems and they are having a good time at it. 224 1st flow: Tell me some problems this object could be to you. 2nd flow: Tell me some problems this object could be to another. 3rd flow: Tell me some problems this object could be to others. 4th flow: Tell me some problems you have caused yourself over this object. The next thing you do is a Problems Intensive on the pc. You do a list, it is not listing and nulling, it is just an assessment. You ask the preclear: What self determined changes have you made this lifetime? Clear the command and have them list them out. This sounds like it is similar to Life Repair, but it is actually quite different, So, they will list them out. After that is done, you take the biggest reading change and ask when it was, get a year, month and date. You explain to the pc that prior to making this self determined change, there is always a prior confusion. It occurs within 14 to 30 days prior to the change. Then, you ask what the date was of the prior confusion and get that year, month and date. Then, you move 30 days prior to that and write that date down on the self determined changes list. Then, you PrepCheck the period from then to now and the way you do that is you say: Since ( date ) has anything been ( button ) ? For instance, say the largest self-determlned change was -to live on ones own' and the date was March 10th, 1963. So, you go and ask when the prior conrusion was and they say, February 24th, 1963. So, your PrepCheck question would like this: Since January 24, 1963 has anything been suppressed? You do a normal PrepCheck and clean that area. Then, you work by descending order of read and clean up all the changes on the self determined change list and that is a Problems Intensive on this lifetime. After that is done, you run the final processes for the level. What you do is: 1st flow: Tell me a problem you have had with another. and Tell me some solutions you have had for that problem. They will list a problem. Then, you run the second command over and over to bleed all the charge off the first answer. So, it would run like this. You'd ask the first command. They would say, -Can't get along with my boss.' You'd say, -Good. Tell me some solutions you have had for that problem.' They'd sav. -Smoking cigarettes.' You'd say, -Good. Tell me some solutions you have had for that problem.' They'd say, -Yelling at the wife' You'd say, -Good. Tell me some solutions you have had for that problem.' They'd say, -having a beer at the end of the day' and so forth, until you bleed all the solutions off that answer. So, you run each flow to EP. 2nd flow: Tell me a problem another has had with you. 225 and Tell me some solutions another has had for that problem. 3rd flow: Tell me a problem another has had with others. and Tell me some solutions they have had for that problem. 4th flow: Tell me a problem you have caused yourself. and Tell me some solutions you have had for that problem. This should complete the Problems Grade. So, you would end off the session. I really wouldn't recommend running the havingness level. Verify the EP of the grade that they have no problems, they are no longer worried about problems that they have been to others, that they have lost the inability to have others having problems with others (it's perfectly all right), and they don't have any problems with themselves. In addition, they have come up to the ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish, feel free abbut any problems others have with them and can recognize the source of the problems, feel free about others problems with or about others and can recognize the source of those, and can recognize their own problems with themselves. Finally, that they have come up to the awareness level of communication and perception. That is the state of a Problems Release. The next thing you take up is Grade II. The first set of processes have three commands per flow, each run tn EP: 1st flow: Give me some things which would be all right for you to look at. Give me some emotions which would be all right for you to look at. Give me some efforts that would be all right for you to look at. 2nd flow: Give me something that would be allright for another to look at. Give me some emotions it would be all right for another to look at. Give me some efforts it would be all right for another to look at. 3rd flow: Give me something which it would be allright for others to look at. Give me some emotions it would be all right for others to look at. 4th flow: Give me something about yourself it would be all right for you to look at. Give me some emotions of yours it would be all right for you to look at. Give me some efforts of yours it would be all right for you to look at. Hopefully, on all these, the preclear will realize that they are not a viewpoint, that they have these various viewpoints, and that they have been busy occupying these viewpoints. On the next set, again you have three commands per flow, each run to EP separately: 226 1st flow: Tell me someone it would be all right to have like you. Tell me someone it would be all right to have agree with you. Tell me someone it would be all right to have communicate with you. 2nd flow: Tell me someone it would be all right for you to like. Tell me someone it would be all right for you to agree with. Tell me someone it would be all right for you to communicate with. 3rd flow: Tell me someone it would be all right for others to have like them. Tell me someone it would be all right for others to agree with them. Tell me someone it would be all right for others to communicate with them. 4th flow: Tell me something it would be all right for you to like about yourself. Tell me something it would be allright for you to agree with about yourself. Tell me something it would be allright for you to communicate about yourself. On the next processes, there are two alternate commands per flow, each set run, alternately to EP: lst flow: Get the idea of people making you friendly. and Get the idea of people making you unfriendly. 2nd flow: Get the idea of you making people friendly. and Get the idea of you making people unfriendly. 3rd flow: Get the idea of people making other people friendly. and Get the idea of people making other people unfriendly. 4th flow: Get the idea of making yourself friendly. and Get the idea of making yourself unfriendly. On the next process, you 2WC (two-way comm) the dynamics with the pc and coming down through them you get a terminal which would represent each of the dynamics. You pick the dynamic where the terminal doesn't quite fit, like if they have Marilyn Monroe as a terminal representing the 7th dynamic, then, you run Marilyn Monroe in the next process. There are two commands, run alternately to EP, per flow: 1st flow: Tell me a part of ________ that another could confront. and Tell me a part of that another would rather not confront. 2nd flow: Tell me a part of that you could confront. and Tell me a part of __________ that you would rather not confront. 3rd flow: Tell me a part of that others could confront. 227 and Tell me a part of that others would rather not confront. 4th flow: Tell me something you could confront about yourself regarding _________ . and Tell me something you would rather not confront about yourself regarding _________ . The next process has ten commands that are run 1 through 10 on a repetitive basis to one large EP: 1. Tell me something you could confront. 2. Tell me something you would permit another to reveal. 3. Tell me something another might confront. 4. Tell me something another might permit you to reveal. 5. Tell me something you would rather not confront. 6. Tell me something you would rather not have another reveal. 7. Tell me something another might hate to confront. 8. Tell me something another might object to your revealing. 9. Tell me something that should be confronted. 10. Tell me something that no one should ever have to confront. The next process has two alternate commands per flow: 1st flow: Tell me something another could continue to confront about you. and Tell me something you would rather not continue to confront about you. 2nd flow: Tell me something you could continue to confront about another. and Tell me something you would rather not continue to confront about another. 3rd flow: Tell me something another could continue to confront about others. and Tell me something another would rather not continue to confront about others. 4th flow: Tell me something you could continue to confront about yourself. and Tell me something you would rather not continue to confront about yourself. The next process has 9 commands, It is run 1 through 9, repetitively to one large EP. The nine commands are: 1. Tell me something you wouldn't mind knowing. 2. Tell me something you wouldn't mind looking at. 3. Tell me an emotion you wouldn't mind observing. 4. Tell me an effort you wouldn't mind looking at. 5. Tell me some thinking you wouldn't mind observing. 6. Tell me some symbols you wouldn't mind seeing. 7. Tell me some eating you wouldn't mind looking at. 228 8. Tell me some sex you wouldn't mind looking at. 9. Tell me a mystery you wouldn't mind perceiving. (Before doing Grade II, the pc should go over a bulletin entitled -O/W, a Limited Theory'. I will be going over this later.) The next process is the worry process. There are three commands per flow which are run alternately, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 to an EP. You have to clear the first command pretty well for this to run correctly. They will realize that people place worries in things and then someone else comes along and looks at the thing and the worry transfers over. 1st flow: Get the idea of another worrying something. Get the idea of another not worrying something. Get the idea of something being worrisome to another. 2nd flow: Get the idea of worrying something. Get the idea of not worrying something. Get the idea of something being worrisome to you. 3rd flow: Get the idea of others worrying something. Get the idea of others not worrying something, Get the idea of something being worrisome to others. 4th flow: (Pick a subject for the blanks which is appropriate for the pc. If you can't pick something, use -people'.) Get the idea of worrying yourself about ________ . Get the idea of not worrying yourself about ________ . Get the idea of you being worrisome to yourself about ________ . The next process has two commands per flow, run alternately to EP, 1st flow: Get the idea of another attacking you. and Get the idea of another not attacking you. 2nd flow: Get the idea of attacking another. and Get the idea of not attacking another. 3rd flow: Get the idea of another attacking others. and Get the idea of another not attacking others. 4th flow: Get the idea of attacking yourself. and Get the idea of not attacking yourself. The next process is -Criticism StraightWire'. There are two commands per flow, run alternately to EP: 1st flow: Recall another being critical of you. and Recall another withholding criticism of you. 2nd flow: Recall you being critical of another. and Recall you withholding criticism of another. 3rd flow: Recall another being critical of others. and Recall another withholding criticism of others. 4th flow: Recall you being critical of yourself. 229 and Recall you withholding criticism of yourself. Your pc should realize that it is better to let criticism flow than to withhold it. At the very least they should figure that out. The next process has two commands per flow, run alternately to EP. This process is so critical disregard the L & N EP. 1st flow: What wouldn't you want another to present to you? and What has another presented to you? 2nd flow: What wouldn't another want you to present? and What have you presented to another? 3rd flow: What wouldn't others want another to present? and What has another presented to others? 4th flow: What wouldn't you want to present to yourself? and What have you presented yourself with? They should realize that what they sre not wanting is caused by what they are stuck in from a past incident. In other words, the emotions are the result of past material. Next you run a single flow process repetitively to EP. -Recall a secret.' Next you take the valences off the pc that are stuck on them by their overt acts and withholds on particular types of people. The first thing you do is call off a list of the most prominent valences that are on people on planet Earth at this time. Then, you run the largest reading ones down to the smallest reading ones. The list is called once, all the way through, marking the reads as you go. Critical Suffering Italian Sophisticated Submissive Jew (or a Jewish Not Caring Defensive person) Desirous Military Criminal Shallow Lazy Deceitful Losing Social Gypsy Masturbating Calculating Hippie Cheap Childish Witch Cruel Social-Climber Dignified Selfish Dependent Prostitute Embittered Evasive Posh Queen Political Disastrous Recluse Dishonest German Intellectual Crooked Disassociated Opinionated Untrustworthy Bad Independent Greedy Survivor Fearful Pompous Haunting Cheerful Aristocratic Assistant Perverse Sneering Mechanical 230 Indecisive Beggar Silver Wife Slovenly Innocent Truthful Personage Withdrawn Active Iron Piece Respectful Onerous Human Sensational Vengeful Golden Playboy Sleepy Black Groupie Confused Honest Destroyer Papa Serene Sage Queen Bee Diligent Killer Professor Trapping Straw-Boss Leader Momma Roman Joker Plastic French Slave Vamp Spaceman Coward Savior Delicate Creek Teaser Medieval Russian Regal Genius Doll Western Mechanically-Conscious Soldier British Certain Lawyer Oriental Follower Attaboy Ghost An Individual Person Dreamer Christian An Ethical Person Right Savage A Beautiful Person A Not-Being Person Idealist An All-Knowing Person An Aware Person Hopeful A Humanistic Person A Decent Person Backward A Self-Centered Person A Spiritual Person Co-Existent Person Ruler A Social Person A Truthful Person Weak A Hysterical Person A Sincere Person Victimized An Elated Person A Natural Person Hierarchical Good A Loving Person Animal Strong A Jewel Person You want to get their valences off to where you can find out what they have actually done, so you take them off here. What the valences have done must be removed by these processes to where what they have it accessible. So, the process you run with the reading valences is: 1st flow: Think of something might withhold from you. 2nd flow: Think of something you might withhold from ________ . 3rd flow: Think of something might withhold from others. 4th flow: Think of something you might withhold from yourself because of ________ . The next process you run four commands per flow, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, to EP. Disregard any L & N phenomena on these. 1st flow: 1. What has another made you outflow? 2. What has another made you withhold? 3. What has another made you inflow? 4. What has another made you hold off? 2nd flows 1. What have you made another outflow? 2. What have you made another withhold? 231 3. What have you made another inflow? 4. What have you made another hold off? 3rd flow: 1. What has another made others outflow? 2. What has another made others withhold? 3. What has another made others inflow? 4. What has another made others hold off? 4th flow: 1. What have you made yourself outflow? 2. What have you made yourself withhold? 3. What have you made yourself inflow? 4 What have you made yourself hold off? On the next process you do a fresh discussion of each of the dynamics if you are not yet aware of the dynamics that the pc is hung up on. Run the largest reading ones first, the others by descending order of read, through the following four processes, which have two commands per flow that are run alternately to EP. You can take either a terminal which represents the dynamic or the dynamic itself. Hubbard prefers to use a terminal, I prefer to use the dynamic itself. 1st flow: Think of something has done to you, and Think of something has withheld from you. 2nd flow: Think of something you have done to _______ . and Think of something you have withheld from ________ . 3rd flow: Think of something has done to others. and Think of something has withheld from others. 4th flow: Think of something you have done to yourself because of _______. and Think of something you have withheld from yourself because of _______ . On the next process you run two commands alternately to EP. Recall a time when you thought something bad was unimportant. and Recall a time when someone else thought something bad was unimportant. Then, to top it, off you run a single flow process to EP of: Find something unimportant about this room. Hopefully, they will realize that everything is important and unimportantanceness is simply not-is-ness. On the next process, you run each command repetitively to EP: 1st flow: Tell me some things you think another should not have done to you. 2nd flow: Tell me some things you think you should not have done to another. 3rd flow: Tell me some things another thinks they should not have to others. 232 4th flow: Tell me some things you think you should not have done to yourself. The next one is also run each commands repetitively to EP, 1st flow: Tell me what another has done to you that got him/her into trouble. 2nd flow: Tell me what you've done to another that got you into trouble. 3rd flow: Tell me what another has done to others that got them into trouble. 4th flow: Tell me what you have done to yourself that got you into trouble. Then, you have some one-liner, single flow, processes which are run each repetitively to EP: Tell me some thing that you wouldn't do over again. Tell me some things that a person shouldn't say. Tell me some things that get a person into trouble. The next process is: 1st flow: Tell me some things that another has done to you that he/she regrets. 2nd flow: Tell me some things that you have done to another that you regret. 3rd flow: Tell me some things that another has done to others that they regret. 4th flow: Tell me somethings that you have done to yourself that you regret. The next process is: 1st flow: Tell me something that another has advised you to do. 2nd flow: Tell me something that you have advised another to do. 3rd flow: Tell me something that another has advised others to do. 4th flow: Tell me something you have advised yourself to do. On the next process, you assess: -Thetan', -Mind', -Body', and the -Physical Universe' with a real crisp TR-1. You normally get one large read. Fit whatever reads into the blank in the command. There are two commands per flow, run alternately to EP: 1st flow: Recall something has done to you. and Recall something has withheld from you. 2nd flow: Recall something you have done to _______ . and Recall something you have withheld from ________ . 3rd flow: Recall something has done to others. and Recall something has withheld from others. 233 4th flow: Recall something you have done to yourself because of ________ . and Recall something you have withheld from yourself because of ________ . The next 60 processes are run on the Know to Mystery Scale So, first of all, let me list it from top to bottom. Know Not Know Know About Look Plus Emotion Minus Emotion Effort Think Symbols Eat Sex Mystery Wait Unconscious Unknowable you start at the bottom and get a represent list for each of the positions: -Tell me some terminals that could represent Unknowable.' This is not listing and nulling. Then, you run the largest reading terminal off of each level through four flows of the following process, which has two commands per flow that are run alternately to EP: 1st flow: Recall something has done to you. and Recall something has withheld from you. 2nd flow: Recall something you have done to ______ . and Recall something you have withheld from ______ . 3rd flow: Recall something has done to others. and Recall something has withheld from others. 4th flow: Recall something you have done to yourself because of ______ . and Recall something you have withheld from yourself because of ______ . Then, you do the same as above on each line of the scale moving upward, in other words, your next action would be to get a list -Tell me some terminals that could represent -unconscious'. If the question doesn't read, and if none of the terminals read, skip it and move to the next level up. On the next process, you simply make a list of terminals which could represent the 6th dynamic, You normally get one big reading terminal and you run it on the following process, which has two commands per flow that are run alternately to EP: 234 1st flow: Tell me something has done to you. and Tell me something has withheld from you. 2nd flow: Tell me something you have done to ______ . and Tell me something you have withheld from ______ . 3rd flow: Tell me something has done to others. and Tell me something has withheld from others. 4th flow: Tell me something you have done to yourself because of ______ . and Tell me something you have withheld from yourself because of ______ . On the next process, you simply ask the pc -Are there any persons you have problem about or with?' If they say none, then you skip this set of processes. If they give you a person, and it reads on the meter, then you run the following four flows that have two commands per flow that are run alternately to EP: 1st flow: Tell me something has done to you. and Tell me something has withheld from you. 2nd flow: Tell me something you have done to and Tell me something has withheld from others. 4th flow: Tell me something you have done to yourself because of ______ . and Tell me something you have withheld from yourself because of ______ . The next process is a single flow, one-liner that is run repetitively to EP: -Tell me a part of your life that you have been responsible for.' On the next process you should try to locate an area where the pc has difficulty doing things, or has trouble. Then, find a terminal that represents the area. Then, run the next set of processes on the terminal or area. Each flow has two commands that are run alternately to EP: 1st flow: Tell me something has done to you. and Tell me something has withheld from you. 2nd flow: Tell me something you have done to and Tell me something has withheld from others. 4th flow: Tell me something you have done to yourself because of ______ . and Tell me something you have withheld from yourself because of ______ . Again, Hubbard prefers to run these particular processes on a terminal, which represents a pure significance, and I have found they run much 235 better on the pure signficance itself. So, I would advise you against getting a terminal. You should run it on the area. On the next process, you are working with withholds only. These are single line processes which are run repetitively to EP on each flow: 1st flow: Tell me something you could withhold from another. 2nd flow: Tell me something another could withhold from you. 3rd flow: Tell me something another could withhold from others 4th flow: Tell me something you could withhold from yourself. The next process has three commands, each run repetitlvely to EP: Look around here and find something you could be responsible for. Look around here and find something you don't have to be responsible for. Look around here and find something you would permit someone else to be responsible for. Now you are down to the main processes for the grade which are -open' processes on done and withhold, also known as -General O-W'. Each flow has two commands that are run alternately to EP: 1st flow: Tell me something another has done to you. and Tell me something another has withheld from you. 2nd flow: Tell me something you have done to another. and Tell me something you have withheld from another. 3rd flow: Tell me something another has done to others. and Tell me something another has withheld from others. 4th flow: Tell me something you have done to yourself. and Tell me something you have withheld from yourself. That concludes the Grade II processes and you wouldn't run havingness at the end. Have them read the EPs for the level which are, they have attained relief from the sufferings and hostilities of life, freedom from things others have done to them in the past, lost the need to protect another from actions of others for fear of doing them harm, freedom from withholding and doing things to oneself. In addition, they have gained the ability to be at cause without fear of hurting other people, they are willing for another to be at cause over them, they are willing for another to be at cause over others without feeling any need to intervene, and they are willing to be at cause over themselves Finally, they have attained the state of Relief Release and they have risen in awareness to where they are aware of Orientation, Understanding and Enlightenment. Before you would do Grade II on someone, I'd trust that you'd go over overts and withholds as a limited theory. The Church uses O-W to manipulate people. Other religions, with misdefinitions of Karma, use it quite a bit to manipulate people. Overts and withholds as Karma, in other words the idea of getting back on oneself what one did to another, is 236 auditable out as a mechanical phenomena. It erases. It does drop out as a governing law and a necessity in peoples lives. It is not a universal law. It is only a part of a scale. The theory that what you do to others will then happen to you is a punishment-control mechanism that is peculiar to this universe. It derives from a deteriorated willingness to duplicate. It is in the laws of physics of interaction that for every action there is an equal and contrary reaction. Overts and withholds or overts and motivators as a theory sets in when aberration sets in. It is not a high order of natural law. It is junior to the laws of communication, control and help. O-W can only occur when help has failed. Help is a joining up of different forces in life. When two beings who have joined forces fail to help each other, only then do overts, motivators and withholds come into existence. The forces of two beings cannot come come into dispute until they have first joined. This phenomena of people joining together and things not going well produces levels that people walk around in. The cycle of these levels is: Independent Beings Communication Mis-Communication Control Mis-Control Help Pailed Help Overts and Withholds Overts and Withholds By Transfer Worrying Others Worrying about Others Being critical Being Critical of Self A person can be anywhere on this scale. To assume a person is at - Overts and Withholds' is a hell of an evaluation, You have a 7 1/2% chance of being correct by doing so, and a 92% chance of being wrong. It is wrong to just go in and try to pull overts and withholds off anyone, because they can be anywhere on this scale, and they may not have even joined up with others. Overt-Withhold is an effort to regain the status of Independent Being without taking full responsibility or any responsibility for the intervening steps. The Overt and Withholds By Transfer occurs alot in people. In other words, when they kick George in the head, they get a headache themselves, thus they end up thinking that they are George. It is a very humanoid and low level of existence, You are not processing this because it is any great senior law in the universe. 237 When the help level of an individual comes up, the O-W mechanism drops out. You could run most of a case off with help. That is why you do run alot of help on Grade I. You run lots of overts and withholds on Grade II. Lower than Overts-and-Withholds-By-Transfer you have Worrying Others , and Criticism under that. The only way a person is going to move up this scale is to get them to talk about each one until they realize that it is not getting them anywhere, and then they will move up to the next bracket. You can turn critical people into worriers, just by talking, you can get worriers to get off their overts and withholds, and they will start talking about their failed help and help and mis-control. Then, they will start controlling things, straighten up their mis-communications, then they will start talking straight, and they will become an independent being. That is what you are trying to do with Grade II. You are not just trying to run off overts and withholds. So, just as worry is not a way of life, nor an answer to all of life, neither is overts and withholds an end all law. Most cases are not up to recognizing their own overts and harmful acts. They will have trouble recognizing their failures to help, however, they can recognize criticism and being worried and thinking unkind thoughts and they can recognize attacking things. That is why we run those particular processes in Grade II. Failed help exists on a harmonic level, junior to overts and withholds, not just senior to it. You will find out that alot of your preclears are in the worry part of the bracket of this scale. Worrying people almost becomes a way of life for some people and for juveniles. O-W becomes a way of life for criminals. People who feel childish, or act childish, are not only stuck in the violent motion of an engram in childhood, but they are also stuck in worrying others because children develop the profession of worrying their parents, and they get the engram that sticks it on them, thus as an adult they walk around worrying about things. They may be so much into worrying others that they will try to worry you, the auditor. Worry is probably the most easily dramatized part of the scale. This scale, whether it manifests itself as worry, being critical, or having unkind thoughts is always the result of a failure to help. This scale is the reason one ends up in anothers valence. It is one of the principal reasons people have somatics. It is not a high order law. You will not always have to be careful not to bump Joe, it would be pretty limited universe, if overt-withhold was a senior law, for then one could not actually accomplish much. The main thing I want to emplasize here, on Grade II, is that you need to get it all off to where the preclear has regained his status as a subjectively and objectively independent being, I don't care if you have to do the level five times. I did, That is how dumb I was, and many a preclear may be also. The guy has to come up to the subjective reality where he himself became involved with O-W. So, in pulling his dones off, he will find that he got involved in this at some particular time. If you do the level properly, and get all the dones off, he will finally give off his first overt, his first motivator, the first time he saw someone commit O-W on others, and the 238 first overt he committed on himself. That will just blow this whole thing all apart. If you have a very bright preclear, he is going to realize plenty and turn in his badge on committing overts, having withholds, and getting involved in this particular cycle. He won't play the game anymore. He'll come upon this by realizing that it is possible. He will realize that there is, not only possibly, but probably, only one overt and then, he will find that of course, it would be something on the order of not doing what he knows to be his next responsible step, as far as the growth of himself and the dynamics, for he has already committed himself to a certain lineup of things. To the degree he does anything but what is perfect survival for all the dynamics (which would be a perfect solution), then that would be an overt act. Your preclear should come up with something of this particular order. If your preclear is still running in the game of optimum solutions, instead of perfect solutions (he is coming up with solutions that are good for the 8 dynamics or 7 of them and he is not coming up with perfect solutions which provide perfect survival internally for all the dynamics, as far as his actions), you still have a preclear trapped in O-W. What you are getting is a release of the level at that point. If you have a very dull, dumb preclear, and you are doing these grades to get him up to his OT levels, they are going to have to be redone. This guy is not going to attain complete relief and come to complete cause on this level until he gives up the game of overts and withholds, He will never be able to give up that game as long as he actually believes in optimality, -that some sacrifices are necessary' and -there is a place for expediency' and all the other hogwash that is passed off as a substitute for truth Once he starts living a life of truth and doing things out of a basis of truth and all parties concerned, he turns in his badge of self-determinism, and becomes aware of pan-determinism. At that point, you have an O-W proof being, there is no way he could ever commit an overt or be involved with anyone that does, to any degree, He would just refuse to join, because he realizes the cost of such a repetitive trap. The being in running these particular processes becomes intimately aware that the treadmill to oblivion is made up of overts and withholds. A person becomes blinded in the area where he has done harmful acts, and that is the true cost of doing harmful acts. It is not that you will pull it in (a thousand times over or for eternity) as a motivator (the same harmful act) on yourself. In other words, if you kill someone once, then you will be murdered millions of times, until you finally confront the fact that you killed someone once. That is not the limiting factor of this, although it is certainly unpleasant, and is the mechanism of misery and suffering. The limiting factor of it is that he will then be blind in the area of killing. He may not even be able to go out and kill an animal and eat. He would just be blind in the area. There are no exceptions to this rule. A person can go in and steal a mop and then make a $25,000 error trading gold because he forget to pay for a mop. This happened less than a year ago to someone I know very well. $3.00 for $25,000, that is the true cost of O-W. It is an extremely expensive way to live, which has no positives. The results of engaging in this two-wrongs-make-a-right type of logic that people are wired with are not pretty. In Grade II you unwire them, and they rise above this, and see that two wrongs don't make a right. 239 So, that is what Grade II is. You should understand what I have explained about it here. Your preclear should understand what I covered under -O W a Limited Theory'. It is the most marvelous bulletin that Hubbard wrote on this subject. The balance of the bulletins that the wrote on this subject are in contradiction to that one. If you know that one bulletin well, which I have covered here, then there is no point in contaminating yourself with the other incorrect bulletins. The next thing you run on your preclear is some Integrity Processing, The reason you are doing this is that the preclear has overts on his past track that he doesn't know about, that may be affecting him and he has also committed overts where he had no idea that they were actually overts, So, that's the purpose of running these off and you run them off by dynamic. All you do is check the question on the meter, and of course, if it reads, you take it up, and get the Who, What, When and Where (get all the overt) and it should EP, in others words, F/N, VGIs, cog. If not you can take it earlier. I have never found that it had to be taken earlier. If there is no instant read on the question, and the question doesn't F/N, the needle doesn't float, then you can check -Suppress' on the question Of course, if the question was FNing, you wouldn't check -Suppress'. I suppose if someone was extremely dumb (and I don't think anyone is that dumb by the time you have done this much auditing on them), you could groove in the question (go over what it means) You are not using any time limiter. I see no point in grooving the question in, of course, Hubbard does. You should just call these things off and if they read, take them up and get all the overt off. That is all there is to it. The complete list for Integrity Processing is in the appendix. This produces a whole person, someone that has integrity, is not divided against themselves. They had these little track overts (that they had no idea were there) erased off now So, now they have integrity. You now take an attestation to that effect, after they read the definition of -integrity' in the dictionary. So, now we move onto Grade III. The first process has two commands per flow that are run alternately to EP: 1st flow: Tell me something another wants changed about you. and Tell me something another wants unchanged about you. 2nd flow: Tell me something you want changed about another. and Tell me something you want unchanged about another. 3rd flow: Tell me something another wants changed about others. and Tell me something another wants unchanged about others. 4th flow: Tell me something you want changed about yourself. and Tell me something you want unchanged about yourself. 240 On the next process, you get the preclear up out of the chair, so you are both standing. You have them: -Walk over to this spot.' -Now decide you have to appear there.' -Now change your mind and decide you have to disappear there.' -Now change your mind and decide you have to appear there.' You run these over and over to an EP. Of course, they will realize that they can appear and disappear. On the next process, you run each command repetitively to EP: Find something about yourself you can accept. Find something about yourself you can reject. Find something in this room you can accept. Find something in this room you can reject. Find something about this Universe you can accept. Find something about this Universe you can reject. With the next process you run each flow to an EP: 1st flow: Recall a time when you failed to change some energy in this Universe. 2nd flow: Recall a time when another failed to change some energy in this Universe. 3rd flow: Recall a time when others failed to change some energy in this Universe. 4th flow: Recall a time when you failed to change some energy of your own. With the next process you also run each flow to an EP: 1st flow: Recall a time when you failed to change some space of another. 2nd flow: Recall a time when another failed to change some space of yours. 3rd flow: Recall a time when another failed to change some space of others. 4th flow: Recall a time when you failed to change some space of your own. The next process: 1st flow: Recall a time when you failed to change another's body. 2nd flow: Recall a time when another failed to change your body. 3rd flow: Recall a time when another failed to change others' bodies. 4th flow: Recall a time when you failed to change your own body. The next process: 241 1st flow: Recall a time when another failed to change a memory of yours. 2nd flow: Recall a time when you failed to change a memory of another. 3rd flow: Recall a time when another failed to change memories of others. 4th flow: Recall a time when you failed to change a memory of your own. The next process: 1st flow: Recall a time when another successfully changed something of yours. 2nd flow: Recall a time when you successfully changed something of another's. 3rd flow: Recall a time when another successfully changed some things of others. 4th flow: Recall a time when you successfully changed something of your own. The next process has one command run repetitively to EP: Spot something incomprehensible. On the next process, you run two commands per flow alternately to EP. 1st flow: Get the idea of another changing you. and Get the idea of another not changing you. 2nd flow: Get the idea of you changing another. and Get the idea of you not changing another. 3rd flow: Get the idea of another changing others. and Get the idea of another not changing others. 4th flow: Get the idea of changing yourself. and Get the idea of not changing yourself. The next process has three commands which you run 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, etc to EP: 1. Recall a change. 2. Recall a no-change. 3. Recall a failed change. Next, you 2W/C -change', -failed change', and -no-change' to find out which is (1) most real . (2 ) Second most real, and (3) the least real, marking the reads. Then, you run the following three sets of processes, four flows each, in the appropriate order (starting with the one most real). Change : 1st flow: Tell me a change you have avoided. Tell me a change you have sought. 2nd flow: Tell me a change another has avoided. Tell me a change another has sought. 242 3rd flow: Tell me a change others have avoided. Tell me a change others have sought. 4th flow: Tell me a change of yourself you have avoided. Tell me a change of yourself you have sought. No- Change :1st flow: Tell me a no-change you have avoided. Tell me a no-change you have sought. 2nd flow: Tell me a no-change another has avoided. Tell me a no-change another has sought. 3rd flow: Tell me a no-change others have avoided. Tell me a no-change others have sought. 4th flow: Tell me a no-change of yourself you have avoided. Tell me a no-change of yourself you have sought. Failed Change :1st flow: Tell me a failed change you have avoided. Tell me a failed cahnge you have sought. 2nd flow: Tell me a failed change another has avoided. Tell me a failed change another has sought. 3rd flow: Tell me a failed change others have avoided. Tell me a failed change others have sought. 4th flow: Tell me a failure to change yourself you have avoided. Tell me a failure to change yourself you have sought. The next process is an 18 Way bracket that is run 1 through 18 repetitively to EP: 1. How have you changed somebody? 2. How has somebody tried to change you? 3. How has somebody changed another? 4. How has another changed somebody? 5. How has somebody changed himself? 6. How have you changed yourself? 7. Tell me something you have not changed. 8. Tell me something that has not changed you. 9. Tell me something that has not changed somebody. 10. Tell me something that has not changed. 11. Tell me something that has not changed itself. 12. Tell me something that you have not changed about yourself. 13. Tell me something you have failed to-change. 14. Tell me something that has failed to change you. 15. Tell me something someone has failed to change. 16. Tell me something that has failed to change somebody. 17. Tell me something that has failed to change itself. 18. Tell me something you have failed to change about yourself. The next thing you do is the final processes of Grade III. For the 1st flow, the first thing you do is an L & N on: -What change has another caused in your life? Have the pc list this down to a blow down, F/N item, and give them their item. You can get some the data of it, but I don't recommend it. I suggest 243 you immediately assess and clean up the ARC break. Of course, the way you do that is you say, -Is this a break in Affinity, Reality, Communication, Understanding?' Let them examine it briefly and then assess, -Known, Unknown, Curious About, Desired, Enforced, Inhibited, No, Refused.' Normally it will clean up. If it doesn't clean up, you would take the ARC break earlier similar. In the 2nd flow, the listing question is: -What change have you caused in another's life?' Of course, after you have gotten the blow down, F/N item there, you assess and made the indications and clean up that ARC break. On the 3rd flow, the listing question is: -What change has another caused in others' lives?' You clean up the ARC break there. On the 4th flow, the listing question is: -What change have you caused in your own life? You list that down to a blow down, F/N item and then, assess and clean up the ARC break Of course, if any of these ARC breaks won't clean up, you take them earlier similar (E/S). So, that would complete Grade III. You close your session off, then ask them if they have made that particular grade. The EP of this grade is: the person has become aware of Body, Adjustment and Energy. They have attained the state of being free from upsets of the pasts they no longer feel that they have to change people to make them more acceptable; they have lost the need to try to prevent change from occurring among others and they are no longer concerned about change with themselves. In addition, they have the ability to face the future; the ability to experience sudden changes without getting upset; they have gained the ability of allowing others the beingness to be the way they are and choose their own reality; they can also cause changes in another's life without ill effects; they are willing for change and interplay to occur between others without involving themselves and they are willing to allow themselves to change. It is a state called Freedom Release, Grade III Release. So, you take their attestation and get a Success Story. Now, on Grade IV which I was taiking about earlier in discussing Service Facsimiles (Ser Facs), there are some processes you run before you get to the Ser Facs. The first thing you run is R2-44, out of Creation of Human Ability . On each flow there are two commands that are run alternately to EP. 1st flow: Tell me some things another wouldn't want to have happen again to you. 244 and Tell me some things another would like to have happen again to you. 2nd flow: Tell me some things you wouldn't want to have happen again to another. and Tell me some things you would like to have happen again to another. 3rd flow: Tell me some things another wouldn't want to have happen again to others. and Tell me some things another would like to have happen again to others. 4th flow: Tell me some things you wouldn't want to have happen again. and Tell me some things you would like to have happen again. Next you run the Overt-Justification Process. On the 1st flow, you say: -In this lifetime what overt has another commited on you?' Have them answer it, then you bleed all the justifications off of it. You would say: -How has he justified it?' You run this over and over until there are no more justifications; If they say that there are no more justifications, you can check it on the meter: - Anymore justifications on this overt?' If it reads, go ahead and get the rest of them. If it doesn't EP there, then you find a new overt using the first command and then bleed all the justifications off of it. You run this to an EP where the pc is aware that justifications are after the fact, they are non-sequetur, they are illogical and make no sense because a person who justs commits overts more and more and all justifications are just crazy. There are a number of cognitions that they can get off this. You don't have to get them all on the 1st flow. Basically, a person needs to come up to realizing that an overt is a done and that there is really no such thing as a justification. To run the 2nd flow, you say: In this lifetime what overt have you committed on another or others? Then, you pull all their justifications off: How have you justified it? Do as many overts and as much bleeding of justifications on each one as is necessary for an EP on each flow. On the 3rd flow: 245 In this lifetime what overt has another committed on others? and How have they justified it? On 4th flow, In this lifetime what overt have you committed on yourself? and How have you justified it? Next, you do Rising Scale Processing. There are 12 different brackets and I'll explain the commands. The first bracket is Survive-Dead. Your first command is -Get the idea of Dead' Make sure they have the idea, then tell them to -Change that idea as nearly as you can to Survive,' They will indicate they they have and you acknowledge. You then say, -How close did you come?' They will normally give you a percentage or fraction and you acknowledge them. You keep doing this until they can do it 100% and maintain the upper scale idea and they have had an EP, F/N, VGIs and cogs. So, that is how you do Rising Scale Processing on the 1 through 12 brackets. These come from the Chart of Attitudes. 2. Owns All 7. Truth Owns Nothing Hallucination 3. Motion Source 8. Cause Stopped Effect 4. I Know 9. Fully Responsible I Know Not No Responsibility 5. Right 10. Always Wrong Never 6. Everyone 11. Faith Nobody Distrust 12. I Am I Am Not The next process has one command run repetitlvely to EP: -Point out some things which are causing things.' Now you are going to run out their Service Facsimiles. The way you get them is you clear the word -computation' in the dictionary as -2 ' 2 = 4'. Have them do some mathematical computations to where they understand that it is three commodities. Then, you clear the word -service facsimile', which I have gone into at great length earlier in this volume, or out of a dictionary. Your 1st flow list question is: -In this lifetime what does another use to make you wrong?' You have the pc list this down to a blow down, F/N item. (You may have to do some rewording sometimes.) You are looking for three commodities. You are not looking for a beingness, doingness or havingness. You are looking for a computation. 246 Hubbard's misunderstoods on this are so gross that I don't want to comment on them at this time. His -horses sleep in beds' example is not a service facsimile because it is a doingness, and yet that is what he uses as an example in a number of his bulletins. After you have the Ser Fac identified, watching for an erasure run it through the following brackets. You run each bracket until they have cognited: In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) make another right? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) make you wrong? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) help another escape domination? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) help another dominate you? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) aid another's survival? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) hinder your survival? It is over, whenever it erases, they say the damn thing doesn't work, that it's crazy, they get a pile of cogs and it disintergrates. It is very obvious to you as far as a sudden change in them, accompanied by a beautiful dial - wide floating needle. If it still hasn't erased, you should go ahead and PrepCheck it until it does erase. So, the EP is F/N, VGIs, cog, erasure, they know it doesn't work, and they see how it's really messed them up. On the 2nd flow, the listing question is: -In this lifetime what do you use to make others wrong?' Your six brackets you run their item through, each to a cognition are: In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fa c) make you right? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) make others wrong? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) help you escape domination? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) help you to dominate others? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) aid your survival? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) hinder the survival of others? On 3rd flow, your listing question is: -In this lifetime what does another use to make others wrong?' List this down to a blow down, F/N item. Of course, if the listing question doesn't read, you don't proceed with this, but check each flow. You don't ever list a list question, that doesn't read. You can put - Suppress' and -Inval' in on the list question. After you have gotten their Ser Fac on 3rd flow, the questions are: In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) make another right? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) make others wrong? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) help another escape domination? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) help another dominate others? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) aid another's survival? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) hinder the survival of others? Your 4th flow listing question is: 247 -In this lifetime what do you use to make yourself wrong?' Your six questions are: In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) make you right? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) make another wrong? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) help you escape domination? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) help you dominate others? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) aid your survival? In this lifetime how would ( Ser Fac ) hinder another's survival? So, now you have finished Grade IV. You may have to double back. You may have more than one Ser Fac that needs to be run on a flow. You may have two of them on the 1st flow or two of them on the 4th flow. If it is obvious to you, the auditor, that you don't have the core, the first on the case, you can go back and get the rest of the Ser Facs off. Normally the core one will fall out immediately. I gave you 30 pages of detailed information on Ser Facs earlier, You can use any of those techniques to get the balance of the Ser Facs off the case. You now take an attest here that they have attained the state of Ability Releases that they are aware of Production, Activity and Prediction, since they have now gotten rid of what was holding it back. They have moved out of fixed conditions, they have lost their make guilty mechanisms of self-invalidation and demand for sympathy they have attained Freedom from other peoples' fised ideas, justifications and make guilty on self. They are tolerant of the habits of others as far as they effect ones they have lost their resistance to another making others guilty, asserting themselves or justifying their own overts, and are no longer making themselves wrong, justifying to themselves, or over asserting anything to themselves. They have attained the ability to do new things, to face life without the need to justify ones own actions or defend oneself from others; they can be right or wrong, they can tolerate the fixed ideas and habits of others towards self; they do not feel the need to respond to others in like manner; they can tolerate fixed conditions among others and do not need to get involved with others' efforts or to justify or to dominate or to be defensive about their actions against others; and they have attained the ability to no longer dominate or justify or get into fixed conditions with themselves. That is a Grade IV Release and that completes the Expanded Grades. You are about 2/3 the way up the Grade Chart on a real Scientology Bridge (that people can go over that aren't made out of paper mache). If you are new to this subject, it probably isn't going to do much good to read about the rest of the Bridge here. I'll be covering the top 1/3 of the Bridge, which are confidential levels within the Church and much of them are incorrect. I'm not actually making any tremendous disclosures. The majority, if not all of the materials, have already been publicly disclosed, not only in men's' magazines, but in a book -Inside Scientology' by Robert Kaufmann. The point bears repeating: if you are new to this subject, you might want to skip the balance of this for two reasons. One, it can stir up some charge on you and upset you, just reading it, if you haven't had your lower 248 Bridge done correctly Two, it requires a high reality, in other words, you need your lower Bridge done correctly for this material to make any sense. So, if you are new to this subject, you might want to skip these next 30 some odd pages. The next level up is called Power Processing. The reason this is done, is the pc has one singular engram, one singular incident, which holds him as a being to the core of his Reactive Mind. When he received this engram he was in a much higher awareness state and it was a very long time ago. It is a personal, individual engram, it is different for each person. So, the pc can't particularly run the engram, and yet, you need the core of their Reactive Mind off the individual. So, the solution to this particular dilemma is to run Power Processes which are philosophical processes. They are designed to discharge the circuits within the engram to the degree that they engram will disintegrate, and the being will pop free from the core of the Reactive Mind and be in a state of temporary Clear. If the lower Bridge is done sloppily or improperly, which is, of course, the case within the churches, they use Power Processing to resolve this, thus it takes a long time. They sort of use it as a Roto-Rooter, to where a person will be able to make some progress on their OT levels. The churches, as far as the technical divisions, operate on a pass-the buck system to where no one is absolutely responsible or in any degree responsible. It is a bureaucracy (like a government); there is no one person responsible for the pc's making case gain or getting up the Bridge correctly. So, if the person comes in through a Center, or a field auditor, or a church and they make some errors, then by the time he goes to a Central Organization, they say, --Well, we will do the best we can do' Then, they pass the buck onto whoever does the Power Processing. They look at the previous work, which is uniformly pathetic, and so they run the hell out of Power Processing on the individual, and then they pass the buck to the Advanced Orgs. At the Advanced Organizations they teach the person how to Solo audit, and then a person kind of fakes it through the solo auditing, in most cases getting between 1% or 2% of the gain that he should of gotten out of his upper levels. That is the churchy order-of-the day. I have defined the purposes, and the unfortunate misapplications, of Power Processes. The story behind them is a bit of a tragedy because L. Ron Hubbard developed these privately and he ran them on himself, and left them unflat. He's got them backwards, and has been kind of crazy ever since 1965. Prior to that particular period in time, he seemed to be essentially rational. Since that period or time he has been essentially irrational. His error is actually on the first process, Due to the fact that he made this error, compounded by the fact that his following in the churches are on a monkey-see- monkey-do basis, physically, mentally, and spiritually with this man, they uniformly run the processes to the same unflat point that he did. The first process you run alternately, two commands, to EP. Tell me a source. and Tell me a not source 249 You could run it the other way: What is source. and what is not source. It is preferable to use -Tell me'. You can word clear these out of a dictionary that -source' is an origin point on something. The pc will rather quickly come up with himself as source and be grinning ear to ear over that, and have little to no understanding of not source. This is the point that L. Ron Hubbard stopped. This is the point that most church people stop on this particular process. Although, there is a floating needle, although there is a grin on the person's face, they still have no understanding of not source, so it is an unflat process. Of course, they have had an exactly-backwards end phenomena. You keep running the process until they get this thing straightened out, and realize that they are not source and that there are a lot of not sources out there. They start to understand the first and second axioms that they are a life static and they will cognite that they have been identified with particular viewpoints or a singular viewpoint in the physical universe, and had actually thought they were sources, and that is a very silly and absolutely ridiculous thing to do; to identify and be a point within a matter, energy, space, time continuum, much less this one. At that point the process is flat. If you are dealing with someone who has already been run on this, and it takes you more than two hours, and they are still not figuring it out, they are never going to figure it out. It is time to grab some dictionaries and clear the hell out of these words real well, demo kit -source' to where they understand what the hell that means Have them read the axioms. So, this particular tragic error which seems to be uniform in folders is the reason that most people who get Power Processing cave in after it and actually get worse. Your next process, also run alternately to EP, is What is? and What isn't? Of course, you word clear both of those. This normally runs quite clean to a big recognition. It will run off some crazy circuits, but it will normally run quite clean to the recognition that is-ness is the apparency defined as is-ness and they will cognite on what particular isn't that they have been stuck in (that they thought was an -is') and come forward to present time. If it bogs and you get nothing but philosophical circuits and this -Is- Isn't Process' won't run, you will have to come off this particular process (and I mean a hard bog, it's just not running, the TA is not moving, the pc is not getting any change out Or it and the pc is getting more solid and you have run for 20 - 30 minutes this way). Then, you need to simply suspend that process and flatten the following, two commands, run alternately to EP What philosophy have you encountered? and What solutions have you had to that? When you run this, it's extremely muzzled, very strict TR-0 thru 4, and after they have EPed on that then return and flatten -Is'- 250 Your final process is also two alternating commands, What condition have you encountered? and What solution have you had to that? This can be a long run. To the degree that the lower Bridge is in correctly, it is very short To the degree that the lower Bridge is done improperly, it is very long. You need to run this to where the person is senior to conditions. Without any question, they are going to end up eventually at the first condition that they encountered which would either be as-is-ness, truth, state of a life static, and what solution they had to that would be alter-is-ness or lying and they have been lying ever since. So, when you hit that particular type of EP, you get the hell out of it because it is the first condition they encountered and that is their first change. Then, they will understand that truth is power, etc. Now you have completed the Power Processing on the individual. To verify that they have made it, that it is complete, not only will they have changes and wins beyond their wildest dreams, but they will have a change in their peripheral perception and you should verify that. It should be significant. If that hasn't occurred, there is something extremely wrong, you didn't get it. Watch for those three particular EPs, that they are not a source, they are a life static, they had the wrong is ness going and they encountered truth or their own personal knowingness and the solution that they have had to that, that they have been stuck in ever since, which happens to be lying or involvement with the physical universe or whatever If you will watch for those three EPs, there is no question they will have a change in peripheral vision and feel quite fantastic. So, that is Power Processing properly done I have never seen it done properly in or by a church Grade VA, Power Plus, is next. You have a selection of a number of processes to use. It is very dangerous to run: -What terminals have you known?' or -What is your terminal?' It is not a good way to go. You can get into a lot of hot water, if you run: -What conditions have you encountered?' and -What event did that resolve?' Those are for very specialized cases (pretty screwed up ones). 99% of the time, what you should use is the following, What agreements have you made? If your preclear is pretty dumb, you can alter the command to: What agreements have you made that you regretted? If you don't know whether the pc is dumb or not, run what reads best. In either case, run the appropriate command to EP. The second process that you run to EP is: What cause did you become the effect of? You have to word clear this properly You aren't really shopping for Grade II type EPs, You are looking for an external force that they became the 251 effect of. In other words, they are a ship moving through life, and then a strong storm came along and blew them off course, and they have been off course ever since. You are looking for what outside cause they became the effect of. You flatten that to an EP, then they have attained the state, the end phenomena of Power Plus. These things are on the Grade Chart. On Grade V, Power Processing, they attain the awareness levels of purposes, clearing and realization. On Grade VA, Power Plus, they gain awareness of conditions. On Power Processing, they gain freedom from the inability to handle power and they gain the ability to handle power. On Power Plus, they gain freedom from the detested parts of the track and it stabilizes their ability to handle power The next thing you do with your preclear is train him as a solo auditor. You do all the E-meter drills with him which are covered in this book, and the TRs. You demonstrate the Comm Cycle out to where he understands it and teach him the fundamentals of session admin which are covered in -Dianetics Today'. In solo auditing, there is much less admin. He needs to know the worksheets, 8' X 14' paper on which is drawn a line across the top and a line down the middle with the pc's and auditor's names at the top, the number of the page, put the date on the right, put the time on the left, TA on the right, and if the needle floats, put F/N If they indicate something to themselves they write it.. If their needle is floating, then they do indicate it to themselves and they also write down their indicators. Abbreviations are BIs for bad indicators, GIs for good, VGIs for very good indicators, and VVGIs for very, very good indicators. If these things happen together, then they write down the time and TA and draw a circle around it. They write down their starts and ends of sessions. Anything they say as an auditor, they underline You teach them how to do rudiments and then, how to run a lock, secondary and engram, After they have all this down, you go ahead and do a 8010 session out loud for them where you fly all your rudiments and run out a lock, secondary and engram. They watch. Then, you have them go ahead and do a solo session in front of you where they fly all their rudiments and run out a lock, secondary and engram. When they are confident that they can Solo audit you graduate them off the Solo Course. The technology of flying rudiments is if the tone arm is high (above 3.5 on two cans or 4.2 solo) the order you would fly rudiments is- Problem, ARC Break, Withhold If the tone arm is lower, the order is ARC Break, Problem, Withhold. The most frequent C/S (which is the instruction for the next session) is either -Fly all ruds' (or -Fly 3') or -Fly a rud' or more commonly Fly a rud, if no F/N and VGIs'. In the unlikely event that a rudiment does not fly then you would go to the next rudiment, and in the unlikely event that it didn't fly, you go to the third rud, and if it didn't release, then you end the session, because the pc needs a Green Form. If a later rud does clean up and FNs, then you go back and fly the previous ruds which hadn't. By flying, we mean run quickly. An example would be ARC Break, no F/N, Problem, no F/N, 252 Withhold, it goes to an F/N, then you go back and clean up Problem, and then clean up ARC Break You shouldn't mix rudiments. An ARC Break is to clean up a break, an upset, with, in restoring someone's comm cycles, affinity cycles, reality cycles, or understanding cycles. It's cycles, you see, you are trying to restore something. A problem is an intention/counter-intention situation, two things in opposition. However, if your pc does flip from one rud to another, you better go along with him. If you start on an ARC Break and the pc brings up a problem, go ahead and clean up the problem then double back and clean up the ARC Break. To catch all the flows on one command, the ARC Break rudiment question is: Is there an ARC Break? If the answer is no and the needle is floating with good indicators, then you skip it. If the answer is no and the TA blows down .2 or more of a division, your pc lied, and you need to get an answer. If there is a read on the E-meter, or the pc says yes, then you have them locate it, spot it, and then you assess, Is it a break in Affinity, Reality, Communication, Understanding? Marking down the reads on your worksheet and all you need to mark is A R C U. You watch for the instant read. If there are two of the same size, it's usually the first read. You mark an X if there is no read. You mark an F if there is a fall which is a movement of the need to the right 1'. You mark SF if it is a short fall which is a 1/2' movement to the right; LF if it is a long fall, a needle movement to the right of 2' or more. You circle the item which reads. After find the item, you give it to the pc, and see if he agrees, give him time to examine it. You say, (if Understanding read) - I'd like to indicate a break in Understanding.' If this clears it up to F/N, VGIs and cog, then you can leave it there, that is rare If there is no F/N, VGIs and cog, then you further assess the break and you just mark on your worksheets next to the letters for the questions. You write down the letters representing the questions before you call them off, K = Is it a known understanding? U = Is it an unknown understanding? C = Is it a curious understanding? D = Is it desired understanding? E = Is it enforced understanding? I = Is it inhibited understanding? N = Is it no understanding? R = Is it refused understanding? If -curious understanding' read, then you make the indication, I'd like to indicate curious understanding was going on and broke off. The situation should pop into view on the pc and then let him talk it off. If it doesn't clean up, if the ARC Break doesn't resolve, there is no F/N, VGIs, you can ask, 253 Is there an earlier similar ARC Break? Normally they will say yes and it will read. So, you get the pc to spot the ARC Break, then you do a fresh A, R, C, U assessment and a fresh K, U, C, D, E, I, N, R assessment. If there is still no F/N, then you go earlier repeatedly until it does clean up If there is no earlier, then you would go to the Problem rudiment. Now if your pc says there is no ARC Break at the beginning when you ask and there is no F/N, your next question is, Is there a suppressed ARC Break? If they say no and there is no F/N, then you check for a false ARC Break. You say: Has anyone said you had an ARC Break when you didn't? Anything that comes up on false, you indicate the F/N. If it is a suppressed ARC Break, of course, you are going to have to assess it and clean it up. If they say no, then you would go to problems. Your question on problems, to cover all the flows, is: Is there a problem? Your pc will normally talk. If they are not giving you both sides, clear the word problem, to where they realize that they need to print the problem as two things that are opposing each other with indecision. If after talking it out, there is no F/N, you go earlier similar, in other words, you ask, Is there an earlier similar problem? If they say no, then check for suppressed or false problem as follows, Is there a suppressed problem? Has someone said there was a problem when there wasn't? (Page 1 of the -XGF' in Appendix has 4 magic Questions to as-is any problem. ) The way you clean up a withhold is to say, Is there a withhold ? This is trickiest because there are two kinds. There is the kind in the dictionary where the pc may be just holding something back or there is the Scientology kind where the pc has an undisclosed contra-survival act. If they say yes or if there is a read, then ask, What is the withhold? Get it answered, then check, 254 Is that all? Get the when and where on it quickly, then get, Who missed it? Then ask, What did that person do to make you think they knew? If it is still not FNing, then ask, Did anyone else miss it? Clean up all the people that missed it, and what each did that made the pc thing they knew until they F/N. If it doesn't F/N, go earlier similar until it does All they need to know about incident running on the Solo Course is basically the A, B, C, D steps, in other words, they need to know the following commands They just write the letters on their worksheets. A = Move to the beginning of that incident. B = Tell me when you are there. C = Move through to the end of that incident. D = Tell me what happened If the TA rises, they need to ask, Is it erasing or going more solid? They write E/S on the worksheets and circle their answer. If it is erasing, they go through the incident again. If it is going more solid, they ask, Is there an earlier similar incident? If the pc say no and it is still going more solid, then the auditor ask, Is there an earlier beginning? So, that is how he erases an incident. Of course, one goes earlier similar, if it goes more solid and there is no earlier beginning and the one he is running is not erasing. So, that is the Solo Course. It takes anywhere from 10 - 30 hours for a person to do the Solo Course. It averages around 20 hours. The reason that it sometimes takes 30 hours is that some people have been in the church as auditors, and you have to untrain their bad habits, straighten out their misunderstoods One auditor that had audited 5,000 hours in the church, just years and years, and had been auditing for 20 years, did not understand TR-4 and a number of other things I won-t mention here. But it can be pretty tragic. If someone has never done any auditing, they will find it quite new, quite exciting, and you don't have any contaminated ideas to clear out of the way. 255 Your next action on them, since they can solo audit is to do some word clearing. You word clear what a Goals-Problems-Mass is which is already defined in here. You clear GPM, as a Goals-Problems-Mass. A GPM is composed of mental masses and significance's which have an exact pattern unvarying person to person whose significance's dictate a certain type of behavior and whose masses when pulled in on the individual cause psychosomatic illnesses, pains or feelings of heaviness and tiredness. Then, you word clear -end word as the last word in a goal, the common denominator to the whole of the GPM, the final word of a goal. Then, you word clear -dramatization' as to repeat in action what has happened to one in experiences it is something that is being played out of another time and period and complete dramatization is complete identity, and that when dramatizing, the individual is like an actor playing his dictated part and going through a whole series of irrational actions. You clear up dramatizing as a person acting out a script. Then, you explain to the person that approximately 15% of the Reactive Mind is made up of pictures, 85% of it, the core, is made up of goals, huge masses and GPMs and that the 15%, those pictures, have been run off on their Dianetics, and a lot of material has been run off on the other auditing that they have received; however, what you are going to do is ungroup the GPMs that are bunched together on the individual in a manner like the Indians taking passes around the circled covered wagons. What you are going to do here is to just shave off the edges of the Reactive Mind and get another 5% of it erased simply by running off the end words. You clear up that a -lock end word' is a lock onto the end word. Basically explain to the pc at this point that -lousy' is probably not an end word, but if that comes up as an answer and the same type of idea comes to mind, reword it. If they come up with words ending with -ness, -ity, - ion, they are getting warm. -Lousy' would be a lock on possibly -futility' or -desperation', these would be actual end words and the meter will respond incredibly well when they get the one and the dramatization will erase. You then issue them the commands for Grade VI, which are run repetitively to EP on each flow. 1st flow: What is another causing you to dramatize? 2nd flow: What are you causing another to dramatize? 3rd flow: What is another causing others to dramatize? 4th flow: What are you causing yourself to dramatize? They should run enough of this to where they no longer dramatize and can see these dramatizations on the 3rd flow and don't cause others to dramatize and won't allow others to kick in dramatizations on them. You give them that particular reality factor and send them off to Solo audit the level. I suppose the ultimate in the level would be for them to get down to running dramatization as an end word. There would probably be nothing left to run after that. But what occurs by them running this level is they attain Grade VI Release which is Whole Track Release. Their whole track 256 will just pop off of them. They will attain freedom from dramatization as a state. They will get a return of power to act on their own determinism, they won't have to act out of bank anymore, and they will realize that that is what they have been doing until this level. It's quite quick, flashy and profound. I'd say 99% of all the previous philosophical thought in recorded history, whether it is Buddhism, Christianity, Mormon, the majority of religious philosophy gets up to this level, and just stumbles around. They never come out of it, it never occurred to any of them that it was an implanted bank. So, once your preclear is through this, he has risen above all of his predecessors in a social sense, never to return to just acting things out. The next level the preclear takes up is the Clearing Course (CC) What happened on this was back on September 3, 1965, L. Ron Hubbard picked 42 people to research these materials since he insisted that he was Clear and didn't have a Reactive Mind. His had just all blown apart one day and he couldn't find the significance of it. Of course, he had a stuck needle, had trouble getting in and out of bed, and so forth, but he didn't want to talk about any of these things. Anyway, he simply issued these materials to 42 people which was not really a broad mix of society. They were not really scientific people. They started researching out the content of the Reactive Mind. So, his remarks that he rose above the bank and never agreed to have a bank, that are listed in a number of his works and in the bulletin -Keeping Scientology Working', are completely fraudulent. The bank that they discovered, were plotting out, and working off in writing up their plots, was quite wrong. At the time I made four suggestions to one of the key researchers and those four suggestions were adopted. Other factors were going on at the time. I simply withdrew from the project, because the plot they were drawing was so incorrect. The end words were remarkably correct, but the rest of it was not. It was close enough to produce some positive case gain. So, that was the CC that was developed at St. Hill between September 3, 1965 and February 4, 1966. In doing a CC, you have to educate the hell out of your pc, and go over a lot of material with him. You would word clear a -GPM', again; a - Reliable Item' which is an item out of a GPM that the pc is stuck in; a - Crossover' as a middle of a GPM where a person ceases to be for the original goal and starts to be against it. You need to word clear - implant' and the best way to clear that is: as a painful and forceful means of overwhelming a being with artificial purposes or false concepts in a malicious attempt to control and suppress him. You need to clear an - implant GPM'. Another definition of implant is as an electronic means of overwhelming a thetan with a significance. A third definition of an implant is an unwilling and unknowing receipt of a thought and intentional installation of fixed ideas contra-survival to the thetan. So, then you clear an -implant GPM' as an implanted Goals-Problems-Mass. A definition of that is an electronic means of overwhelming a thetan with a significance using the mechanics of the actual pattern of living to entrap a thetan to enforce obedience to behavior patterns. Go over that real good so that your preclear really understands it. 257 Then, you go over -implant goals', and that is an implanted goal that the thetan himself has not decided upon, but which has been induced in him by overwhelming force or persuasion. Then, you clear that an incident is an experience related by same subject, location, perception, people; it takes place in a short or finite period of time, such as minutes, hours, or days Mental image pictures are of such experiences. So, you define that incidents are on a time track, then you can refer the pc to those pages 80 - 81 in Dianetics Today to where they would understand what timeless charge is, overwhelming charge, in other words, the primary Reactive Mind. Then, you would indicate that on the CC they will be erasing, not only incidental charge, but the timeless charge that resulted from that and the that GPMs float timelessly, these implanted ones. The next thing you need to do is clear up enough technical philosophy on them to where they will understand what they are dealing with. You clear up this philosophy with them, indicate that the auditor must realize that communication is essentially directed or received energy and is inhibited by the willingness or the unwillingness of the preclear to take responsibility for energy or forms of energy and where responsibility is low, perception is low and it is found on processing that a pc is in poor condition in direct ratio to the degree that he has accepted and agrees and complies with the MEST universe, and is in good and active condition in direct ratio to the degree that he can break his flow of agreement and establish his own flows and thus create his own universe. Also, that ones appreciation of the MEST universe is almost uniformly the energy which ones places on the MEST universe, in other words, his illusions and when he loses his hopes and dreams (his illusions) that is because he has lost his ability to emanate energy back at the MEST universe, and has become dependent upon the energy that the MEST universe thrusts at him. You should clear up that time is summed up as had, have and will have; that goals in the MEST universe are summed uniformly under the heading -will have' and that one engages in action in order -to have', that the entire problem of the future is the problem of goals; that the entire problem of goals is the problem of possession and that the entire problem of possession is the problem of time, and that time is impossible without the possession of objects. You should make it very clear that ones own personal universe is made up of matter, energy and space and that the physical universe is made up of matter, energy and space and that these two universes are entirely distinct; and it could be said that the principal confusion and aberration of the individual stems from him having confused these two universes with each other and where these two universes have crossed in the mind of the individual, we find a confusion of control and ownership for the reason that the two universes do not behave alike. Then, you need to go over that if a person is low on the Tone Scale and still exhibits responsibility, then his energy, that was active initially, must of been enormous for any segment of responsibility to still exist when he is low on the Tone Scale. 258 In studying the subject of Scientology and working on the bank, one is studying the lowest common denominators or agreement which bring about an acceptance of the MEST universe and prohibits the creation of ones own universe, which ability alone makes the possibility of perception of the MEST universe which is itself agreed upon illusion. In other words, if you can't perceive your own universe, then you are not going to be able to perceive the MEST universe. Originally, in a person's own universe, he used the mechanism of energy creation to make objects, while in the MEST universe, this ability has been reduced to the use of energy solely for recording data about the MEST universe, so that one can agree with that data. In so doing, lies death, not only for the body periodically, but death for the thetan, in that a thetan can die. No adventure in the MEST universe can exceed the adventure of making orderly anatomy from the chaos of co-mingled matter, energy, space and time which comprise planets, galaxies and island universes of this black beyond which waits to devour the universe self-constructed of any thetan or group of thetans. That the road to knowledge led through the anatomy of space and energy masses called the MEST universe and yet data does not lie in the MEST universe. That the track to knowledge has two directions, it is possible to take a better path, the essence of true knowledge is the essence of existing, so that one can create beingness and data to know, Possibly all other data is junior to this and one should have the knowledge of the composition of the MEST universe as a fox might have use of the knowledge of a trap. It is cruelty to make a theta clear without at the same time educating an individual so as to permit him to avoid these pitfalls which has brought him to where he is found: in a physical, animal, MEST body, on a planet named Earth, in this solar system, galaxy 13. Having covered this philosophy with them, you should go over the anatomy of the R6 bank that they are going to run out. You show them that there are 50 GPMs and 5 GPMs to a series, and demonstrate a - repeater technique'; and go over an example GPM where there is a terminal on the left and an opposition terminal on the right, there is a left side and a right side, there is a crossover, and that implanted GPMs have 9 lines or 18 items. If the first goal was -to catch catfish', - catch' would be the root word and the endword would be -catfish'. Example GPM On -Catfish' Terminal Opposition Terminal Left Side Right Side 1. To Catch Catfish To Not Catch Catfish (Root (Endword) word) 2. 3. 4. 5. To Buy Catfish To Sell Catfish 6. 7. 8. 9. (9 lines, 18 items) *Repeater Technique: Spotting repetitively until as-isness. 259 Clearing Course Events and Line Plot of Implanted GPMS Date(s) received are either: 2,112,987,634,415 years ago, or about 75 million years ago (74,947,612 plus or minus 312 years) or both. The date is not crucial, as there were many implanted dates placed on the implant in the implant. The incident starts with a light, center and to the right, video screen to the left. Then, -There is nothing more lowly or vile or undeserving to exist as you'. Then, about 10 more sentences of invalidation, closing with -Therefore we will educate you so you will never harm again...' Fear sensation. Rush toward central light (6-8 seconds), 3' in diameter, 18' tall, with ones space occupancy about 3/4' in a bubble down the light one goes. Awareness of hundreds before and behind. Not wanting to go or be there. Slamming sensation from light energy down to lower room. The incident and Clearing Course is summarized as follows, Opening light 1st GPM Light ahead and on one (50 ERG lights) 2nd GPM, etc. thru 5th GPM (A) Flood of pictures (11/second) for 8-10 seconds (B) Then, Objects (squares, cubes, triangles, circles, rectangles, U's, arrows) coming at high velocity for 5 seconds (C) Then, Aesthetic Waves for 4 seconds (D) Then, a light ahead (flash), but not on one. THIS IS A SERIES Then 2nd series of 6th thru 10th GPMS followed by ABCD, flood of pictures thru aesthetic waves and so forth for 10 series of * 5th series: Spirits, Gods, Universes/Non-Physical, Departures, Clear Analytical Minds 6th series: Reactive Minds, Goals, Problems, Mass, Matter 7th series: Energy, Space, Time(s), Pictures, Lifetimes 8th series: Games, Harm, Survival, Beauty, Sanity 9th series: Decency, Truth, Awareness, Individuality, Co-Existence 10th series: Magic, Confusion, Stable Data/Certainties, Death, Love A person runs as much of this as is necessary until the whole bank unmocks for them. They generally don't have to run all the items. I have never seen a preclear go beyond running the 26th GPM line 1A which is -To create prevent reactive minds'. The majority of the Scientology churches' activities is acting out line 5B of -clear analytical minds' which is the 25th GPM, the destroying counter clear analytical minds. So, after that whole bank erases you have a real Clear on your hands. They have attained the state of freedom from the inability to be at cause over mental matter, energy, space and time on the 1st dynamics and they have 260 attained the ability to be at cause over mental matter, energy, space and time on the 1st dynamic. They exist at this point, they have an awareness level of existence. It has been so long since they have been living without this damn R6 bank around. What you do next is send them out into the environment and get them back into communication with people and the physical universe. That is basically all that OT 1 is. So, you issue them those materials. They can do it in 1/2 an hour or more, 261 OT I The processes are simply to spot the following list of things, each repetitively to EP: Spot/Look at Matter Spot/Look at Energy Spot/Look at Space Spot/Look at Time Spot/Look at MEST combined Spot/Look at an animal Spot/Look at a person Spot/Look at an object Spot/Look at self Spot/Look at another's universe Spot/Look at what you are doing Spot/Look at what another is doing By doing these, they have attained the state of freedom from the inability to identify self in relation to others, and the physical universe. They have gained the ability to be extroverted, and attained the awareness of oneself as a thetan in relation to others and the physical universe. So, they attest to that and you go on to OT II. 262 OT II Incidents to be erased: (Run only as many as are necessary for EP of OT II) 1. Arrow shot through one in space. 2. Dancer (will either be around a campfire or in a palace). 3. Pole (will either be bounced back and forth between two poles or stuck on one trying to get off, or a barbershop pole going up and down), 4. Cave incidents. 5. Triangle implants with dummy, apparently live, with you flowing Clearing Course type goals at the dummy you think is a real person, Dummy is to the front of you, emitter of goals is behind you, and Implanter is to the left. It opens with -For 2/12 years I have lived with you...' These Clearing Course type goals you thought you implanted into another: The BB GPM , The above uniformly produce an OT II EP. If the EP is not attained, extend with running: 1. Bear Goals 8. Religious Implants 2. Cargo Implants 12,000 B.C. to E Level 3. Aircraft Door Implants 9. Bank Snatching Magic Track 4. Helatrobus Implants 10. 1st Picture Incident With 5. Gorilla Goals Earlier Beginning For Code 6. 9-Flow Implants of Honor Violation 7. Picture Implants 11. 1st Break of Code of Honor BB GPM Line Plot: To create To not create To experience To not experience To protect To not protect To have To not have To resist To not resist To invalidate To not invalidate To challenge To not challenge To suppress To not suppress To abandon To not abandon BB GPM Endwords The first 150 GPMs: Life, growth, needs, security, awareness, perception, ideas, awareness, consciousness, dreams, duplication, imagination, truth, love, substance, matter, survival, communication, , difficulties, destruction, evil, upsets, disconnection, habits, automaticity, reactions, causes, effects, powers, 263 sources, dramatization, clarity, orientation, confront, self-determinism, certainty, knowingness, selfs, personages, personality, others, universes, the physical universe, intentions, overts, motivators, flows, ridges, dispersal, emotions, misemotions, actions, withholding, pictures, memory, consciousness, morality, religions, Gods, Devils, beings, hierarchies, governments, workers, juniors, pets, seniors, games, entertainment, honor, identities, bodies, histories, symbols, players, pieces, demons, magicians, art, laws, education, service, help, exchange, money, sex, female bodies, male bodies, doll bodies, robot bodies, theta bodies, sex, marriage, children, love, homes, jobs, work, effort, conservatism, groups, insanity, purposes, sacrifice, worship, subjugation, limitation, will, mankind, humans, animals, environment, order, concurrence, definition, identification, illusion, materiality, spirituality, energy, spaces, viewpoints, time, past, present, future, urges, impulses, hate, popularity, integrity, things, people, ideas, thought, intelligence, admiration, perfection, decency, honesty, sincerity, obligations, alternatives, dichotomies, as-isness, willingness, articulation, repetition, death. Then, there is a series of explosions and pictures of thetan returning for a between lives implant and taking a new body.*** Then, the rest of the GPMs (172 more): Ownership, hospitals, babies, conquests, truth, awaking, identity, togetherness, sociality, brotherhood, rewards, punishment, existence, lifetime, strategy, opposition, co-existences, absence, ***, longevity, money, agreements, optimum solution, enemies, wars, entrapments, implantation, hypnotism, drugs, pains, sensation, significance's, mass, study, learning, endurance, operating thetans, thought control, hope, faith, humanity, caring, marriage, partners, partnerships, success, disturbance, inhibition, enforcement, desires, curiosity, stewardship, parents, children, invalidation, suppressions, other-determinism, sickness, disease, romance, rhythm, unconsciousness, virtue, spirals, cycles of action, oppression, objectification, mock ups, humor, interest, inequity, points, familiarity, substitution, waste, attack, abhorrence, domination, slavery, desertion, escape, actuality, apparency, microcosm, macrocosm, mock ups, rarefaction, traction, pressing, observation, massing up, departures, loss, objections, valences, vias, compulsions, obsessions, avoidance, ignorance, innocence, falsity, supposition, obedience, vanishments, alteration, responsibility, feelings, stops, starts, consumption, beingness, havingness, doingness, decisions, postulates, mysteries, pretenses, control, reason, logic, art, justice, co- operation, work, death as a body, sleep, exteriorization, feeling others, motion, serenity, self, motion, other beings, now, ability, confront, freedom, overself, motionlessness, perceptions, blackness, randomity, consideration, words, result, location, form, stupidity, friends, opponents, copy, my universe, others universes, our universe, destiny, fate, forgetfulness, rememberance, creations, charges, matrix, machinery, declination, blankness, never was, eternity, farewells, obscurity, oblivion. Running out the first 5 uniformly produces the OT II state: of the ability to confront the whole track. I have never had to extend (nor know of anyone who has had to extend running the other items), but as a matter 264 of record, I thought I would include them as other things that could be run. The person R3Rs out the first 4 incidents. They use the repeater technique on the 5th (as they did on the CC), just spotting the goal and getting all the charge off of this implanted bank. It is what society dramatizes. Probably 98% of what is going on in society is simply an act out of this particular bank. This whole bank will normally erase on the pc between the 16th and the 50th GPMs. If they have to go ahead and 372 of them, well fine, I have never seen a pc run beyond -concurrence'. Thus, they attain the state of OT II. So, then you take an attestation on that they have gained the ability to confront the whole track and they have gotten freedom from their inability to confront the whole track. Usually, they can see the whole thing. Your key way of knowing if this is properly done is that they will exteriorize with very excellent perception, never again play these games in society, and they will see that that is what society is totally into. Now, they go on to OT III. 265 OT III 1. Check for any BTs (E-meter, theta perceptics, intention, pressure areas, telepathy is HOW) on and in: a. Body surface (WHERE) b. Body inside c. In thetan's space (Approx. 40' X 60') d. On thetan 2. Run Incident 2, then Incident 1, until BT(s) have gone and are released. Then, check for additional Incidents 1's and 2's until dry (on the meter). 3. Return to Step 2, to find new ones to run. Use ruds while running if necessary. There is an effort to stop and hurry on Incident 1. 4. When complete, exact date and run both of the incidents on self. 5. If a bog, do Millazo Pack. Write down some -mutual associations'. Re each one on this list, FIND THE INCIDENT THAT MADE THEM ONE, and run that. Then, run OT III, Incident 2 and 1 after that cluster is broken up. Occasionally, BTs will have an incident that made them one other then Incident 2, thus this action. INCIDENT 2: Dates approx. 75 million years ago, earth years, location, Earth, named TEEGEEACK at that time (meaning planet of sorrow), involved 33 planets of this sector, each with populations of 80 - 200 BILLION PER PLANET. XENU, the ruler, and -Renegades' decided to solve overpopulation as follows, but was halted and XENU placed in a mountain trap after over 5 years of war. Incident 2 Patter: DETERMINE IF A LOYAL OFFICER, RESIDENT OF EARTH. or FROM ANOTHER PLANET. *If the latter two, start at their being picked up and shot and if from another planet, frozen in an ice cube, transported (flying saucer), taken to mountain, a volcano always, H BOMB EXPLOSION, TERRIFIC WINDS, EFFORT TO ORIENT, MAGNETIC STRIP UP FROM CENTER OF VOLCANO OR DOWN FROM AN AIRPLANE, EFFORT TO GET OFF AND FIND REST OF SELF, PROTEST, BEING PULLED ON STRIP, VISUAL DISPLAY OF INSTRUCTION BY A -GO TO THE PILOT', WHO SAYS -HE'S MOCKING IT UP'. There are 26 - 29 days of implanting (the CC and OT II, God and Devil material, reasons for this being done, helicopters, etc.) that need not be run. SOME WERE PACKAGED INTO CLUSTERS in the HAWAII and LOS PALMAS ISLANDS (8 to a cluster). If a loyal officer, the sequence is SURPRISE at being shot, placed at the volcano. Use meter to determine* and determine volcano. Watch for earlier beginning (pulled in for a tax audit), run only up to the -HE'S MOCKING IT UP' as BTs can go into -free fall', spin and get sick from the 29 days implanting, with pneumonia and death the implanted phenomena of free fall in addition to insomnia. Coltus, the Reigning planet, Hubbard a part of the -rescuing force that put an end to it'. Don't force or push them off, and answer the BTs questions. There were probably not any good or bad 266 guys in this incident, although Hubbard insists the sector to have been a cultural desert since. Very SP BTs can usually be brought around with adept 2WC, Charm, Ruds, but if not use Power Processing on the rare hard core. Incident 1: Dates 4 QUADRILLION YEARS AGO (which is 15 zeros or 4,000 trillion years ago). Incident 1 Patter: LOUD SNAP, WAVES OF LIGHT, HORSES DRAWING CHARIOT RIGHT TO LEFT, CHERUB COMES OUT, BLOWS HORN, COMES CLOSE, SHATTERING SERIES OF SNAPS, CHERUB FADES, RETREATS, BLACK MASS IS DUMPED ON THE THETAN. Volcano List HAWAII Pacific Ocean MT HOOD Pacific NW MT BAYER Pacific NW MT RAINIER Washington MT ETNA Mediterranean MT ST. HELENS Washington MT EREBUS Antarctica MT FUJI Japan MT EVEREST Himalayas - Nepal & Tibet MT KILIMANJARO Northeastern Africa LAS PALMAS Canary Islands off NE Africa MT SHASTA California MT VESUVIUS Italy MT KRAKATOA Indonesia MT PELEE Martinique MT MCKINLEY Alaska Volcanoes existed New Zealand at these locations Philippines then, but no Mexico longer South America North Dakota Vermont Scotland Iceland Note: These were the most common locations. 600 other volcanoes did and do exist, which I did not list. You clear up that a BT is a body thetan, The instructions are self explanatory, Basically, the reason they are doing this is to where they won't be confused with hundreds of different thoughts so that they can have some peace and quiet, and so they won't be other-determined. After they have run all these remnants of folks out by telepathic auditing on 267 them, they attain the state of freedom from overwhelm and a return of full self determinism. One cleans off those 4 areas in the order listed. It is generally underrun, it is rarely overrun, What you have been doing all the way up the Bridge is breaking these clusters apart. With Expanded Dianetics, Grades and all the previous auditing, you have been taking these off. About 1/2 of the BTs come off and leave and go live their own lives by doing the lower Bridge right, and the other 1/2 come off here by doing OT III correctly. So, if you don't do the lower Bridge correctly on someone and they do a real good job on OT III, they will get about 1/2 of it done. It is pretty wild material to run and the gains of it are beyond description. It is not a crazy idea at all. The irony of it is that it happened alot more than once. It is listed as an event that happened 75 million years ago. It probably happened to the preclear dozens of times. So, watch out for your dates. After that you do not do OT VII, and then put them on OT III again, like the churches do. You do OT IV which is included here. After they have done that they have attained the state of certainty of self as a being and freedom from uncertainty of self. On OT V they attain the state of freedom from fixated introversion into MEST and gain the ability to refamiliarize as a thetan exterior with the physical universe. 268 OT IV 1. Reissue CC and OT II materials as necessary and remock it up and unmock it until it is fun and cogs or until it is too ridiculous to ever mock up again under any circumstances. 2, Move the body and notice who is doing it. 3. Mock up a non-atomic light. 4. ARC Breaks, Problems and 'withholds of Long Duration on Matter, Energy, Space and Time (each separately). 5. ARC Breaks, Problems and Withholds of Long Duration on Self. 6. General O/W (What have you done? What have you withheld?) on track. 269 OT V 1. Locational and Not-Know Processes (Run in populated places ambulant.) a. Energy Sources: have pc spot acceptable energy sources, and run until pc can empower terminals. Command: Spot an acceptable energy source. b. Spot an object. c. Spot a person. d. Locate an object from which you are separate, (alternately with) Locate an object which is separate from you. e. Locate a person from which you are separate, (alternately with) Locate a person which is separate from you. f. Tell me something you wouldn't mind knowing about that person, (alternately with) Tell me something you wouldn't mind that person not - knowing about you. 2. Decisional Processing (Run in quiet auditing room,) a. Do you see that object? Think a thought in (on) it. Did the thought appear where it is? b. From (indicated) point make a choice between (2 indicated objects). c. Putting the decision on (object) make a decision about it. d. (Pc exterior of head and any type of bank) Decide Something. 3. a. Have pc be 3' behind head. Visit pleasant places, then slightly dangerous places, until can be in the sun, b. Have pc mock up his own body, until exterior, c. Close eyes had hold upper two corners of room, refusing to think of anything. 4. Have pc create an illusion (condition, energy, or object), then, conserve it, protect it, control it, hide it, change it, age it, make it go backwards on a cycle of action, perceive it with all perceptions, shift it in time at will, rearrange it, duplicate it, turn it upside down or on its side at will, make it disobey MEST laws, be it, not be it, destroy it. 5. Walk and notice the change in viewpoints, Each process is run to its own EP. The EP of this level is that it refamiliarizes a thetan Exterior with the physical universe. It also frees them from fixated introversion into MEST. 270 OT 6 You run each of these processes to EP: (First make sure OT 3 is flat, and if not, flatten it.) Exteriorize and send the pc to exact places in the room. Have the pc move around the room. Have the pc practice holding onto and letting go of objects. Have him exteriorize, then run each of these to EP: Ask him for things that are not giving him directions. Ask him for people that are not giving him directions. Ask him for things he is not giving directions to. Ask him for people he is not giving directions to. Ask him for things that are not giving orders to other things. Ask him for people that are not giving orders to other people. Ask him for directions he is not giving himself. Ask him for goals he does not have. Ask him for goals he does not have for another. Ask him for goals he does not have for others. Ask him for goals another does not have for him. Ask him for goals others do not have for him. Ask him for goals another does not have for others. Ask him for goals others do not have for others. Ask him for persons he is not. Ask him for places he is not. Ask him for bacteria he is not. Ask him for objects he is not. Have him find a place where there are no objects. Ask him to find a place where he is not thinking. Have him go to extremely dangerous places until he can be anywhere easily. (High voltage lines, under the wheels of a bus, generators, politician's heads, CIA rooms, whatever) Have him mock up and unmock bodies. Get the somethingness and nothingness of the body to EP. Have him find his own gold-ball -anchor points' and adjust any that are out of line. (Normally 14 feet out front and 14' back, about 9-15 feet across and 6-12 high rectangle) Have him re-interiorize and then notice the difference between 2 objects until he exteriorizes. This complete, whether working well or not, have him do the same drill of noticing 2 objects differences and making choices, which does uniformly exteriorize one. Then run -What do you expect from (object) ?' until he realizes his expectations are how he creates his own future. Then run -Leapfrog Exteriorization' to where he can do it easily and forever, and will not forget it: Have him mock up 3 points in his body, then 3 points in the room, then unmock the 3 in the body, and do this till he moves. That flat get him comfortable (by mocking up 3 points one place and unmocking them in another) in moving himself around the room. Then the house, the neighborhood, the city, state, nation, continent, planet. Have him travel around to Rio, London, Paris, Moscow, and so on until he is no longer traveling, or relying on the 3-point method, but is just appearing and disappearing. Run this to extraordinary certainty and ability, for it is this beings ability to be free from being trapped in any space for the rest of this eternity. 271 Have him exteriorize, make decisions and then change his mind. Teach him this havingness remedy of making two sets of 8 anchor points and collapsing them to make mass. Have him point out some things that are causing things. Have him tell you some things that are important/unimportant, alternately to EP. Have him decide to appear and disappear at auditor-indicated points. Have him list out, off the meter, the things he likes and the GE likes to a big complete EP of him having excellent reality on the two. He will also cognite where there things that both like, and what element of him likes what. Have him go to populated places and make bodies, and people, do things, to his satisfaction, and to the EP that he discovers them noticing it and an awareness of his own natural sense of ethics, thus discovering -pan determinism'. This completes OT 6, which I will be discussing momentarily. Let us look at OT 7. You have only 4 actions: (1) Verify that -Think a placed thought' is already flat, and if not, flatten it, (2) Tell me what an intention is to EP, (3) Place an intention in that object/person to EP, and (4) the Dual OT 7 R/D, which I will describe in the next few pages. Now on OT 6 the pc gains the freedom from the inability to operate exterior, gains the ability to operate fully as a thetan exterior in a pan determined fashion, and it also extends the influence of the thetan to the universe of others. If the pc has any trouble doing these things, it is wise to check for more - fleas', that is do more OT 3. I am using the historical terminology, -fleas', on this historical technology of OT3. Will Durant referenced Buddha getting all of the fleas off his body. Jesus went off to the desert for 40 days and nights to get all of the spirits out of the body in question. There have been other times and locations where the technology of getting rid of fleas has existed, The whole subject of exorcism is 50% clarified here, and the remaining 50% is clarified in a later chapter, - The Final Ditch'. Perhaps a profound reason that the churches have been held back so severely in their putting people up through OT 3 processing is that the releasing of these particular spirits, which have not been cleared by a properly-done lower bridge being put in on them, is just the action of putting more crazy people into the environment. That is an unethical thing to do, and an overt of magnitude if one believes in such things. The only ethical way to audit people is to do all of it, or none of it, for once a case is started it is going to run off. If they do not run it all off with you, they are going to run it off on their neighbors and everyone else in the environment until it is complete. So, alot of these people that got started on their cases, should not have, for they are going to complete it on the environment. The point I am making here is that to prematurely wake up crazy beings and release them into the environment in that state serves very little service to mankind. It may be freeing the individual, but it can ruin a group. Such activity is one of the many ways that society has gone crazy in the past, and thus you will note public reluctance on this line of activity. They instinctively abhor rotten technology in exorcism, as their engrams on it are not pretty. As an auditor you should note the composite phenomena, aspects, and character of individuals. 272 This OT 3 Incident was discovered by Hubbard in 1967, and by another individual in 1956. Neither recorded it under any copyright; both just ran it. Hubbard was informed of it in 1956, but dismissed it as -impossible', as most of the fools of planet earth do to this day. It is taking all the other determinism's out of one's space, and thus one gets a restoration of self determinism. ____________ I will now describe the Dual OT7 Rundown: You assess the complete Section of the Pre-Have Scale (in Appendix) on the individual. Mark the read and circle it. Assess the dynamics. From those 2 reads form up a listing question for the L&N. For instance, let's say -foiled' and -3rd Dynamic' read, then your listing question would be: -'What has caused you to be foiled on the 3rd dynamic?' List that down to the BD F/N item, give it to the pc, and that will produce the OT7 EP: it will free them from the inability to project intention, and rehabilitate their intention. This action gets off the life ruin of the thetan. Now that these 7 OT levels are complete, you should stabilize the pc's gains with OT Stabilization Drills, which are listed on page 720 in the Appendix. The next action is to take up the inability side of OT 8, which is freedom from the inability to be totally free and at total cause, which you can achieve with these 14 2-way comm processes: 1. What determines when you are in a good or bad mood? 2. What causes you to win/lose? 3. What leads to winning and losing? 4. What happens right before winning/losing? In each of these you are looking for the personal common denominator a person has on each, so it is really 8 processes instead of 4. You are also looking for personal mechanisms that are wired to successful and unsuccessful cause. You will notice that I am using -what' now which can produce L&N phenomena, but by now your preclear is not going to be bothered by this at all, for he is about a million times the size he was back when he was on the grades, and since then has discovered -truth as a way of life', for sure. The rest of the processes are: 5. Do you have a character flaw? (If so, get it and clean it up). If 2wc won't clear it, use L&N. 6. What do you do best? The rest are -instantaneous answer' processes, except for the last 2: 7. How do you act when things or the going gets rough? 8. Who do you act like when pressured into it? 9. What makes a person win? 10. What type of person survives all things? 1 11. What is your favorite archetype character on track? 12. What future are you preparing yourself against? 13. What is the origin of evil? 273 (This will be a very long 2wc. There will be a subjective answer for them. They need to know it, or they will not be prepared to live the rest of their lives, which happens to be a very long time.) 14. What is your greatest enemy? This completes the inability side of OT8 and you take an attest. Nest you are going after the ability side of OT8, and the rest of this book covers what most will have to do to achieve it. It's a tall order: -The ability to be at cause knowingly and at will over thought, life, form, matter, energy, space and time, subjective and objective'. It is rare, but it has been achieved. The next technical action is to run off the pc's Actual GPMs. You go through the folder and find the most prominent dozen or so significance's. Then you ask them to give you their actual goal on it. They Rocket read. Then get the identity for the goal. Then ask who or what would oppose this goal and identity. That being determined, you have the top two items. There are 3 more, and you get them the same way, and you write this down in plot form with arrows. The 5th one will smell like the first, and lead them back into the first item. They have spent their entire time track doing nothing but these, thousands of lifetimes per item, and recently have been trying to do all 5 at once and are thus confused. you hand the plot to the pc and have them spot each one of these and get the charge off. There is a lot of line charging, very rapid TA action (over 200 div/hour), and it is unbelievable for both of you until the thing erases. Then you take up the next one, and so forth until they are all done. There can be as few as 3, and as many as 12. At a higher level, perhaps there are a thousand, but you will find 99.999% of your pcs attesting -No more Actual GPMs after the 3-12 are discharged. It is always a 5 line and then circular layout. Hubbard thought they were 18 lines, but that is only true for implants. As an example I will print one of his: -FREEDOM' These overwhelming idiocies come apart with tremendous laughter. I hope he gets his 200 divs off on this disclosure. When you don't have any of these, they are more visible on the person than their body. It's all you heard about in doing the pc's bridge, his private little jail of 15 (3 x 5 x15) or 60 (12 X 5 x 60) significance's, with valences attached. When this is done you have the person out of these 15 or 60 traps that they have been doing and seeing through, instead of living, in the physical universe. The GPMS are what they have been doing it all through. This is the end of what most people think a case is, and you have a done deal now that is terrific. These Actual GPMs went on automatic trillenia of universes ago, and were his first -case' and thus 274 have been his last. What a clutch to his viewpoints it has been. If the pc does not get more out of this than all the previous work, you did not get them all. He has more. The average run will produce this average EP: -The Hubbard-Bridge done correctly we did made me comfortable with my actual GPMs at last, and removing them is not a comparison, it is personal Clear forever, for God's sake tell the man and the world that at last the 'Way' is found...' In other words, the pc did not know they were, there, and in having him review them, he discovers that he and a different world are here now. This action is more important than all the prior work. Do not do it on an enemy, or anyone you do not totally trust, if you like breathing. It produces ability beyond description. You do not owe it to anyone. It is not for sale. Do not deliver it to a case/person that has anything out lower on the chart. It will not run or fire on the individual if they have incidental track, are out of valence, have an incomplete bridge, or are involved in out-ethics. If you attempt it under any such condition, you will restimulate it and it will not destimulate for a longer time than either of you want (months). With the Actual GPMs out of the way, if you wish, you can verify that they made all of the EPs of the 'L's', which they should have made in your doing the bridge correctly. On L-10, you simply verify that they found their greatest overt on each of the 4 flows. On L-11, you make sure nothing has gone on too long on 9 flows (37R), and if it has, then do 37-R (you assess 9-flows in the Epilogue, take what blows up, rises, or sticks the needle, set up an L&N question on a -continue to do' basis, do the L&N, give them the item, reassess the 9 flows, and keep it up until the 9 flows are clean). This is called the new life rundown. You follow it with a 2wc on the nature of man. As far as dating and locating the intention to harm, you should not do that. It should have been R3R'd in the expanded dianetics. On L-12, you should not use -Who put the beams in your space', if the being has beams in his space. If he does, you do an expanded dianetics R/D, that I promised I would talk about earlier in this book: The Metalosis R/D. I mentioned that very few people would need it, and you would resort to it if you did not get an XDN EP after running the 4-flows of repeating overts and intentions underlying them. On verifying L-12 just ask if the pc has beams in their space and if they do, do this R/D. So you use this R/D in verifying the L-12 EP, and in completing the occasional XDN case. This R/D clears up the -Logical to Hypercritical' column on the right- side of the Personality graph on anyone. The L-12 approach of dating and locating, complete with who put them their is not a permanent handling. The Metalosis is. On the R/D, you ask if they have any beams or field distortions in their space. If yes, have them select one and identify its location. Then do an L&N for the purpose connected with it. Then R3R the purpose out. You keep this up until the pc's space is clean, thus he is no longer touchy, irritable, and hypercritical, thus he is comfortable enough to be logical. Although the world is full of people with this column out on them, it is rare that they can swallow enough pride to admit to needing the help that auditing is, and thus it is rare you will find them as pcs. This completes the verification of the -L's', and the normal line of processing that is published or implied in the publications of Scientology technology, as far as doing it correctly. The clearing course and OT2 plots are different in more than just the adjectives for the goals, as he and I have different memories of these. I have tested his and mine on others and found mine to be the more accurate of the two recollections, as have 275 dozens of other people. There is not too much one can say about -NED for OTs', except that the positive gains that hare come out of it are evidence of three areas of address (1) successful running of a secondary, (2) successful running of an overt, and (3) successful running of entities out of one's space. The latter area I prefer to run as described in the chapter -The Last Ditch'. I do not care for the NED for OTs approach to the running of entities for it is an incomplete address to a complex issue. Ned for OTs is deficient in raising the reality level of the pc so high that no entity could stand being around you, which The Final Ditch does. I developed much of The Final Ditch from memory, but the majority of it was from work that Hubbard entertained and did over 30 years ago, for in reviewing that work, my memory of it opened up. Ned for OTs seems appropriate for the people getting it, but I have been noted for having an acidic sense of humor. The determining factor on how well a pc will do is, more often than not, the case state of the auditor, for as-isness can occur from either side of the table. It is preferable that the preclear do his own as-isness. However, the better off you are, the better he will run. If the auditor is in suppressed agony he will get 5 divs of TA per hour; if he is a remarkable person he will get 30/hour; if he has' his own case run off he will get over 100/hour; if he is a god in disguise he can take 550-700 an hour off of any pc. These are not big fat claims, they are facts. If you have your own case run off, oddly enough, the pc will run between so and 120 divisions an hour on anything you run on him with 2 exceptions: the case cracker and the Introspection R/Ds, both of which address over-restimulation, and then the pc will run between 180-240 divs/hour. I would counsel you against playing the 'god-in-disguise' game of pulling 550-700 divs/hour off of other people, as it is unnecessary work on your part, and usually out-exchange with the beneficiary of that -miracle'. One's own state, that of the auditor, having such a tremendous effect on the pc's process, leads one to the conclusion that it is best to get your own case run off before you audit others. How that is done is in this book. Whether any of this is worth doing is an absurd question. The greatest men in history would give their eye teeth for one percent of it. They gave more than their eye teeth and got less than 1% of it. I abandoned considerable personal fortune (over a million a year in salary alone was offered to me in 1975) for this quest of kings, -the pleasures of philosophy', and I pleasure to this day in that decision. I suppose the MEST Universe and Theta -bid high' that their enslavement of all men may continue. Not high enough, though. I would like to quickly go over some odds and ends you should know. On the case that needs the Metalosis R/D he will get greater gain than on the Responsibility R/D. Dating and Locating something, finding the exact second and space the pc received something, is not to key out an engram. It is to recover the being from that space where he is stuck. If you need to do it you date it on the meter down to the second, and get the location from galaxy down to the exact inch. You do it when it is obvious to you the pc is not in the room with you, and he is talking out of another time, and the thing sitting in the room with you holding the cans is being run on remote. It could be a room in Austria in 1816, where they still are as a thetan, only they put out new dimension and view points, which are running the present body. Use this technique sparingly, and use judgment in taking such a drastic action on a pc. 276 Technically, this is going on naturally, when you run R3R. The pc is buttered all over the universe, and as the engram erases he comes out of the old Matter, Energy, Space, and Time Location. You are not just running engrams off a case in R3R. There is more of him there after each engram chain is erased, for you are picking up parts of him out of condominiums, spaceships, caves, and teepees all over this universe. R3R is not just running pictures, it is the pc collecting himself up from other locations. I had stated earlier that some of the axioms and factors were in error and I would correct the later in the book, so let us take that up: Axiom 10 states that the highest purpose in this universe is the creation of an effect. That is not true. The highest purpose in this universe is the highest purpose of a thetan in this universe. Even if Axiom 10 implied the highest purpose of this universe was that it is wrong. The highest purpose of this universe is to entrap a thetan into contributing his own energy and self to it. Axiom 15 is incorrect. It states creation is accomplished by the postulation of an as-isness. It can be, but this is extremely rare. It is usually accomplished by knowingness, control, and responsibility. Axiom 7 is incorrect. It states that time is basically a postulate that space and particles will persist. It should be that time is a consistency of viewpoint of the interaction and responsibility of and for dimension points. Axiom 28 would have the word -mechanical' qualifying its definition of communication, in defining the component parts and in its formula. It should be understood that all of these axioms only apply to the lower 6 dynamics, and their apparency. They are how things look within the game of the physical universe. They do not apply to the upper dynamics, or Life there. Logic 6 is in error that absolutes are unobtainable, for willingness (to name just one) is an obtainable absolute that people use in the physical universe constantly. The Axioms of Dianetics are adequate for the psychotherapy of Dianetics, and are profoundly more accurate than those of Scientology in describing the automation of theta. You will be hearing more about that in -The Human Loop' chapter and the closing chapters of this book. The Factors have been published many times throughout history. They are fine, except for #29 and #30, which are Hubbards additions to this Lao Tze information, or Hubbard information, or whoever your favorite wise - man was, thus is, thus will be. I would like to relay page 192 of -Creation of Human Ability': where the relationship between ones own, the physical, and others universes are illustrated and commented on. It states that when one of these is suppressed, hidden, or denied, the individual will then be unable to move beyond a certain point on the interlock of triangles. This is somewhat, but not absolutely, true. These three universes are interactive, in that by 277 raising a point in one, you raise all three, but only so far as it is restrained by an uncertainty in another triangle or point. The increase of one point increases the other points; the decrease of one point decreases the other points. The same data is as true of the 5 interlocking triangles of life in the Epilogue, except there an increase in one point increase 14 other triangle points. In auditing you are addressing and changing one's own universe, and thereby bringing about change in the physical and others universes. If a person is further interested in the Technology of Dianetics and Scientology they can read the following books: Technical Dictionary, Dianetics, Dianetics Today, 8-8008, 8-80, Creation of Human Ability, The Book of Scales 0-8, Fundamentals of Thought, Dianetics 55, The Evolution of a Science, Problems of Work, A History of Man, The Phoenix Lectures, Self-Analysis, Science of Survival, Handbook for Preclears, Advanced Procedures and Axioms, and the 12-volume -Technical Bulletins'. This should satisfy the curiosity and thirst that one may have. If it is still unquenched, which is so rare that it is unheard of, you may order about 400 reels of taped lectures, which is all of Hubbards lectures that are for sale to the public, but that is expensive, as they cost about the same as a small home in America's Breadbasket, or that of 2. new Mercedes at the top of their line, if you are of urban persuasion. As far as further background data, there are a few more odds and ends: One should understand the anatomy of the human mind. There was a course named this, that I taught year-after-year in the '60s, that named the 25 different things one should know about the mind. One can read up on each of the 25 parts, and then you would have the data. It is an overall, instead of technical view of these 25 phenomenon of the mind: mental image pictures, GPMs, Service Facsimiles, the reactive mind, the analytical mind, the somatic mind, secondaries, circuits, machinery, the body, the brain, the nervous system, havingness, the emotional tone scale, locks, engrams, secondaries, mockups, fields, valences, the time track, problems, confusion's and stable data, and restimulation and aberration. It is nice to know that there are about 20-25 different things you are dealing with when confronted with another individual, and what these things are. I have not covered word clearing or study data in any great depth at all. The rudimentary data of study I did outline, and if you want to produce the state of -Word Clear' on a pc, you do a -Method One', which is included in the Appendix. You should run your E-Meter at sensitivity 16 at all times except when you are doing OT levels, when you can turn it down to 6. Except for the auditing of OT levels, OT processes, The final Ditch, and The Human Loop, anything smaller than a fall is not a read. In the Appendix you will find all the forms, repair lists, scales, and so forth, that one would need to do this work correctly. If someone were to come your way that had been royally messed up by the church and had a lot of problems, a Model program would be 4 flows of rudiments, Interview Int-Lists-Ruds-Unflat Engrams-PTSness and fix, Interview on whether New Life Repair or Case Cracker and do in the order in accordance with their wish and reads, clear the Master List of 278 Words or have them do it (in Appendix), Do an open Word Clearing Correction List, then the rest of the bridge in standard order (Drug R/D, Exp Straightwire, Dianetics, Grades, OT Levels, Insp R/D, XDN, OT stabilization drills, Inability's of OT8, Actual GPMs, Final Ditch, Human Loop). Of course the Insp R/D and XDN would be done after the Drug R/D if over 100 reading purps came off in Dianetics. I think that concludes my presentation of the technology of Scientology, however there are some salient points that bear reviewing: Due to the practical limitations of covering what is most important and universally applicable, I have not been able to cover technology that has limited usefulness, that is, it is only applicable on some people in some instances. Some of it is quite interesting, but I have omitted it in that it was not universally applicable to all folks in all times and climes. These deletions include the administrative technology, ethics technology, executive technology, management technology, and the technology of special events that happened to some of us a long time ago (Train GPMs, Markab Implants, Helatrobus Implants, Heaven and Hell Implants, Be-Do Goals, Confusion GPMs, GPMs at 43 trillion years ago, and the processes that take these apart of R3N, R3N2, Actual Goals, the Nature and Formation of Goals-Problems-Masses). I have also omitted any in-depth discussion of the pre-havingness scale as only 96% of humanity is on it. Now that this material of the technology of Scientology is in digestible, workable, and correct form, about the worst error one could make is non-application. You should not be forcing it down anyone's throat, but on those that come to your doorstep begging, you should not turn too many away, which is a sin I commit regularly. It is probably a good idea to go ahead and deliver to those that want it. There are certainly enough people out there begging for it in one form or another. It is probably one of the grossest ironies around that this technology is not being properly applied, and in a widespread fashion. Perhaps that is due to it being published and practiced wrongly on a widespread basis. If that is so, now that it is in proper form, perhaps that excuse of out of the way, for people. If this area of this, galaxy is to deaberrate itself, at least they have been given a short handbook, which I would hope is succinct enough for digestion, What I have done is taken a research line of another individual and done my own research on it. The result of my own research was that a fraction of a percentage of Hubbard's research was of value, and I found this applicable in assisting individuals in their present spiritual, mental, and physical states on this planet, so I have made it apart of public record. I did this, not solely because of overwhelming requests, but more so because it was overdue. I simply wanted to write up -the job' or -hat', which is something one does when one moves along and wants others to be able to do the job, and carry that baton, also. Much of my wading through the maze of another was so that others could sit down and do this job. I only ended up doing the job out of default, in that nobody else would do it. I wanted the job done, but could find no one to do it. It was not a natural inclination. So I did that, and it is now history. I have not promoted a great degree of understanding in this chapter, because auditing is experience; and experience is being, doing, and 279 having. It is not understanding. Auditing is also a creation, which is knowing, controlling and being responsible for. Your own understanding of this material and these processes is not ever going to make you audit, much less audit well. Your own understanding of what a case is and what it is all about will come in having your own case run off. Van Cliburn only plays well the music of younger composers, whereas Rubenstein at 90 can duplicate and play well 100 times the music for he has been through the autumn and winter seasons of life. There have been tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people that understood this technology, and yet they do not audit. That is a contradiction, and I would suspect they did not understand at all. As far as experiencing it, if they had experienced any auditing at all, they would be auditing. As far as creating auditing, if they had any knowingness, control, and responsibility going, they would be creating it. Since they are lacking in experience and creation, they have followed their leader in substituting understanding for these two lacks. Hubbard and the organized religion of Scientology have made a career out of understanding and therefore they have done very little. In putting this material down in clean form I have not transmitted alot of background data on understanding information. I have no apologies to offer for this because I do not think that understanding serves one well as a substitute for experience. I will not cooperate with that form of nonperformance, self-destruction, and irresponsibility. You will get all the understanding you would ever want on this material simply by auditing a dozen people all the way up the bridge, even if you are thick-headed. If you have any brains at all, you have more understanding than you could ever use, more experience than you could ever use, and more creativity than you could ever use, but you will only discover this by being audited on it. Thus, listening to another talk of his understanding of this technology has extremely limited workability. This book is not to promote peoples' understanding. It is to bring to their attention that they know and others can know. People have been doing otherwise, due to misfortune and long forgotten ages of mischief, and life is no longer looked upon as the adventure it is, instead as something to be endured. People learn by knowing, doing, and looking, not by thinking. All the understanding in the world cannot compete with and never will exceed one single experience, or one single creation. But if you increase understanding, you increase experience and creation, as these three triangles interlock of ARC, Be, Do, Have, and Knowing, Controlling, and Responsibility. Thus understanding is addressed, and only for that reason, for the pursuit of it in itself is an endless path to nowhere. So, the technology of Scientology is arranged whereby increases are made in one's understanding which increases experience and creation proportionately. Thus after you have done a bridge you can look around corners, travel all you wish spiritually, knowingly pick your next meat body, and (if you wish) no longer be a part of the human condition in any negative sense. It does work to produce that, and that is what you get out of all of the work. I consider such change to be a bare minimal amount of freedom and insurance for personal survival in a world toying with 280 incineration of all concerned. The assurance that one will do just fine in all times and climes, with or without a fly to ride around on, is an undisturbable peace of mind, and that is why this technology is not a parlor game for the rich, but is an invention of the soul of all men.